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Subject: The mc505, worth buying???

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Original Message 1/28             12-May-98  @  07:01 PM   -   The mc505, worth buying???

YaX (gi31713


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Well, I was thinking of buying this baby BUT I'm not really sure. For that amounth you can have some other secondhand gear. The MC-505 is maybe to
easy. I mean everything you make will sound almost
the same. Where is the originality man!! On the
other hand you get all the basics you need for making some dance/techno shit.
OK folks what do you think about it, buy or no-buy?

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Message 2/28             12-May-98  @  10:01 PM   -   RE: The mc505, worth buying???


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Sounds like another penniless dreamer to me. Wacking off
on the internet. Yes I'm thinking of the Lamborgini but
I'm worried about the gas milage. Pathetic.

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Message 3/28             12-May-98  @  11:12 PM   -   RE: The mc505, worth buying???


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I`m worried about hiring a postitute for the day to perform outrageous sexual acts, but i`m scared of all the sexually transmitted desiziss i might get, Oh sorry wrong chat room

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Message 4/28             13-May-98  @  02:59 AM   -   RE: The mc505, worth buying???

a bit out in the blue but I had to say it ! HW


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senior Phathetic you realy got a point there ...but...
I hope you do understand the problemos ...
Companies like Roland are init for the money
so ofcourse they try to make there products confuse
people .Its a intelligent move making the type of qestions
made by the penniles wanderer. Roland isnt like well
Steinway (grand pianos) The construction of the grand
realyhasent change that much in 100 years ...I mean
talking bout a concept that is working and working..
and Mr Pathetic gas consumption of sport cars where
a real problem in early 70ties caused by rising oil prices
Alot of US cars in late 70ties turnd soft. Remember the
the Mustang turned into the Pony...
If you have money to by more by some fancy 505 stuff
and get started but with limited budget think twice you will out grow any preefabīgear.

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Message 5/28             13-May-98  @  05:11 AM   -   RE: The mc505, worth buying???



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No but, for all of the reasons that you yourself brought up.

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Message 6/28             13-May-98  @  03:57 PM   -   RE: The mc505, worth buying???



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well, obviously none of the people before me even bothered to give the machine more that a couple of hours AT MOST. You all need to check yourselves and take a real good look at what the mc-505 can do.

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Message 7/28             13-May-98  @  07:08 PM   -   RE: The mc505, worth buying???



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Hi, brothers...
I have MC303 from Roland, and that....
At first (on start of my musical activity) I was shocked with a cool of this piece, but then has understood and has forgiven to itself the errors... I set a problem(!on), whether will be as and with MC505???

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Message 8/28             14-May-98  @  09:49 PM   -   RE: The mc505, worth buying???



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I've just bought one. I do believe it's a great unit if
you already have a "reasonable" set-up. Maybe
this is strange, talking of a all-in-one box...
But it's actually incredibly good, when used with
the other stuff ( mostly samplers ). And it's great for
Live too... But I wouldn't have bought if I hadn't had
already the other stuff ( 03rw s550, s3000XL, Cs1x,
Ws, ... ). For the price, you should buy some old units,
just because I think you need different colors in your
music... Bye.

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Message 9/28             20-May-98  @  06:08 PM   -   RE: The mc505, worth buying???


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My MC-505 runs an A3000 and a Nord Lead 2. How's that for
color? And no pc in site.

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Message 10/28             22-May-98  @  04:11 AM   -   RE: The mc505, worth buying???



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the 505 is al least the 303 909 and 808 in 1.. .
g ? is that for me .... do i want to continue my lame ass
beats... my girlfriends dumm enough not to realize.. . .
quit choking your chickn< and get it .. . and while your there.. get the sp-808.. .
butt berglar...................................................................

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Message 11/28             26-May-98  @  08:45 PM   -   RE: The mc505, worth buying???


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Their shit is way overpriced for what it can do. If you want to buy into the propaganda bullshit, do it. See all of those pretty mags, and ads they put out? All of the crazy endorsement ads that they put in every mag? That's money that they are not spending on putting quality into the instruments. Roland could do way better, but instead, years ago, they decided to put out the mini studio component classics that you all know and love: sh 101, mc 202, tb 303, tr 505, tr 606, tr 707, tr 808, and of course the tr 909. These were meant to be items for people that couldn't really play all that well, and weren't all that knowledgeable, but could still have fun. Then they did things like the d-50, which was coll, and the jd's 800 & 990. Very cool, but since then, they haven't done much for creating sound creation devices. The jv series sucked ass. Slight manipulation of factory presets. Big fuckin deal.... Nice sounds, but they were somebody elses. And now what? The JP 8000? What a fuckin joke. Eight voice polyphony. Digital soundind mockups of the old pieces, and ONE ,count them: ONE new wave form. For the same price, you can get an original used Microwave, a hand-built gem, and an Access midi-controller for it, which makes it a hundred thousand times the synth that the JP8000 is. Roland is about money, not quality. If you want to have your one stop cheese shop, get the mc505. Or, save your pennies, get a used r8 mkii (a roland piece that actually is good, but they don't advertise...hmm...funny that), a decent sampler like an esi-32, or an asr-10 rack, a 1202, some effects, a controller keyboard, and go from there. That setup will go fro less than $2000US, and will allow you to play a live set for as long as you want. Autechre came to my town a few years ago and did a show with an eps16+ rack, a quadraverb, an r8, a mixer, and a box of disks, that was it, and they took heads. Good luck. More questions? email me. Peace.

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Message 12/28             28-May-98  @  10:48 PM   -   RE: The mc505, worth buying???


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box of disks? gee, they really fooled some heads.

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Message 13/28             29-May-98  @  05:32 PM   -   RE: The mc505, worth buying???


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Dear _,
It doesn't take a wizard to figgure out that Autechre has a studio full of gear now, but when I talked to them, most of the stuff on those disks were sounds that came off of some pretty lame gear. Old casiotones ditorted out to fuck, a dx-100, and a juno-106. All lame stuff. I guess you missed the point, Einstein, that the mc505 is a piece of shit, and you'll get much better results with a modular type of approach using a drum machine, a sampler, a simple sequencer, some effects, and a mixer, rather than this all in one piece of shit approach that Rolandfuckingshithole Corp is trying to sell the masses on. Just to set the record straight, Jonah Sharp (Spacetime Continuum) played the same night as the aforementioned Autechre show, and what did he play with? two sequencers (mmt8'sone for rythms/drum machine and the other for melodies/harmonies/wierd noises), one synth (a Microwave), and a sampler. I don't have to tell you how good Jonah Sharp's live sets are.
The bottom line is: if you want to fuck around with toys, you get your mc505. If you wnat to play like grown-ups do, you get one of the previously recommended setups. Good luck.

Monkey Power!!!

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Message 14/28             01-Jun-98  @  10:29 PM   -   RE: The mc505, worth buying???



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A bit worried. I'm small scale with a bit of gear (SE-70, mackie mixer), and now a quasimidi 309. I could not decide between that and the MC-505. Played on them both for about 4 hours. THe quasi was pretty fun right away, the 505 took a bit to get what i wanted. Am i going to bottom out the 309?? It may be a bit tight in scope. THe 505 has more goodies, but seems more crunchy to get it all together. Writing stuff on the 309 is easy and quick. I'm not pro, and most of my stuff never leaves home, but i'm still wondering if i did the right thing. I can still take it back to get the 505 (or something else entirely). I just can't spend any more money, its all gone on P.A. gear.

Anyone have a helping word of wisdom for a green guy who wants a solid versitile box that can do a whole bunch?



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Message 15/28             03-Jun-98  @  03:01 AM   -   RE: The mc505, worth buying???


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Relax, people, I am no tech wizard, but I was in a retail store the other day (to buy a Yammy A3k) and the sales rep had programmed some stuff into the 505, so I walked over to see what the story was.

I had never paid any mind to the 505 before, but this box was unreal. It has all of the preset 808s, 909s, but it also has acoustic piano, etc., and other sounds as well.

I'll say this, if I knew I would face the aggravation I have had over the last year and a half with Cubase, I would definitely have looked at an all in one set-up like a 505.

No crashes, conflicts; just turn it on and it works. Like alot of other gear out there, who cares whats in it--just what you do with it.

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Message 16/28             04-Jun-98  @  01:06 AM   -   RE: The mc505, worth buying???


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Dear A,
The 309 is an extremelt cool box. It's one of these things that just makes sense to have if you're on a budget, and need a cool groove machine, as well as being an excellnt midi controller, for when you get loads more kit, and want to do cool things with it. In other chat topics, I've slagged lots of things, but I wouldn't slag the 309. It doesn't have the biggesty balls in the land, but it certainly has character, which is more than can be said for other units of similar function in a similar price range. Amittedly, I'm not a huge fan of wavesample based synthesis, but for a quick fix, the 309 will do the job. For a totally digital groove machine, there are few other boxes I would recommend for the price.

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Message 17/28             04-Jun-98  @  10:40 PM   -   RE: The mc505, worth buying???



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You can use the 309 as a controller? How good of a controller is it?

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Message 18/28             16-Jun-98  @  05:20 PM   -   RE: The mc505, worth buying???


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pongoid: pull your head outta your ass ...

to those thinking of buying a 505: check it yourself and ignore pongoids hatred of the thing ... if you check it yourself that's the ONLY way to be sure you want it ...

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Message 19/28             15-Jul-98  @  06:43 AM   -   RE: The mc505, worth buying???



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pongoid: pull your head outta your ass ...

did you recently get fired from roland or something? this thread is not called "what do you think about roland"

no one cares if you think buying several pieces of gear is the best way to make music. you are talking about music-making TECHNIQUE, not the mc-505.

start another thread if you want to bash roland.

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Message 20/28             15-Jul-98  @  06:52 PM   -   RE: The mc505, worth buying???



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well, although i wouldnt express it quite the same way.... Pongoid is actually correct in most of what he says.... (although i dont in any way subscribe to the evil Roland idea).........there's this popular misconception about so called great new synths.... and it is a FACT...that with a little mixer.... a sampler or cheap pc a few pedals and a wanky old nasty casio or other toy synth, you can and will get excellent sounds..... IT seems people loose track of what a sampler is about..... and what the fuck is a Z1 or Trinity got to do with it ?... the keys are so weighted it's bolldy impossible to play dance lines without rupturing your fingers..... ultra lite crappy plastic keys rule... people gawp in amazement over sounds produced by their hero's... and assume it's the latest gear.... but most of the time, it's a sample of them farting into a bucket thru a distortion pedal or something...... i cant think of any current cutting edge dance that utilises latest kit to get the sounds..... the MC505 is a good all in one... but it's actually the sequencer that is the most useful bit, as a live tool for shows... if ONLY someone would bring out a decent stand alone sequencer with built in cv and gate outs for all the ld clock rates.......

i'll say it agin.... a sampler... and one synth is enuff ....FM or analog, or one of each... add some ingenuity, and a sequencer, maybe a drum box as well... something to mix it thru and a cheap fx unit or 2 (even pedals)... and you're there......

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Message 21/28             16-Jul-98  @  02:18 AM   -   RE: The mc505, worth buying???



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Wow Kilo, you just described my rig....

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Message 22/28             16-Jul-98  @  11:44 AM   -   RE: The mc505, worth buying???



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Mc-505?!?!??! Bleah...
If u're looking for something that produce a low-quality
very unoriginal techno sound with useless stuff built
inside, so buy the mc-505.
Beleave me... and try to compare the timbre of any king of
sound of the 505 with other synth like Waldorf mw2 or pulse or Kawai k5000.

The only thing that the mc-505 has, in my opinion, is
the built in sequencer... and it is very easy to compose
anything... but only compose!! (The 505 timbre sucks!!!)

Think bout it!!


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Message 23/28             16-Jul-98  @  02:28 PM   -   RE: The mc505, worth buying???

Old Qwaxz


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From Keyboard Mag.July 98 issue. William Orbit
producer and co writer of Madonna Frozen album
and I quote: ...." Much of the album was done on a
Juno-106. You can get so much out of that synth."...
Just a quote ( ofcourse Orbit mentioned more stuff
yes he said JP8K the infamous one ) And you may think
Orbit should go in orbit somewhere but well , a lot of
you out there are realy wanting big comercial succes
and its not the kit list that do it . Remember all the
pioneers of electronic music making strange sounds
just by taping and cutting tape and making small loops
and samples.....

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Message 24/28             16-Jul-98  @  04:03 PM   -   RE: The mc505, worth buying???



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yeah... and most of Eno's albums were done exclusivley with a DX7

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Message 25/28             17-Jul-98  @  04:43 AM   -   RE: The mc_303_, worth buying for Cheap???



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Lissen there's been a trend recently and I wonder if other's have taken note of this -- I personally am not really impressed by the MC505 but that's probably due mostly to the frickin outRAGEous price -- for that kinda' dough you could get some REAL gear. HOWEVER, even most other people who hate the 505 will admit that it's at least quite useful as a simple live sequencer and possibly a decent drum box as well . . . you hear this alot about the "grooveboxes".

. . . which brings me to this -- I picked-up an old MC-303 used but in mint condition for -- get this -- $360 (!!) a couple weeks ago and I'm telling you -- step back a second and reconsider this device now that it's "big brother" has come-out and they're dropping like flies -- for under $400 you get an all-metal case, somewhat tweakable drumbox with sequencer that can act as a clock master too! Screw the voices they're all canned -- instead, use ALL EIGHT tracks for drums and only drums -- I use this sucker eXclusively as a drum machine and if you simply don't ask for more (you won't get it) , you'll be plenty satisfied -- flatly, I can't find a METAL drum machine in this price range with more than 4 kits -- and certainly not one that will allow me to run seperate drums through filters and such and DEFINITELY not one with a handy super-bassey-low-boost feature. Oh yeah, and did I mention it's METAL? I've already dropped mine (in the backpack, that is) from at least 4 feet more than once -- it still works and it only rattles a little bit! 8-)

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Message 26/28             17-Jul-98  @  11:40 AM   -   RE: The mc505, worth buying???



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Bloody hell mate! You're just a bit more than clumbsy are you not?

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Message 27/28             18-Jul-98  @  06:15 PM   -   RE: The mc505, worth buying???


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Hmm, I can't really understand the rant about the price
of the 505 in here....could you just write a short list
of 4/5 items that would match the 505 in abilities and would still be
cheaper in a bundle?
I'm a guitarist and I got interested in these annalogue
synth sounds.
but I couldn't find an alternative to the 505 that would
cost les, give the same abilities
(drums/synth/FX/filters/sequencer) and NOT use a
PC for sequencing.
And I don't want to argue about differences between
vintage/virtual/wave-table based synths and their qualities,
I know what a Juno106/Virus/TB303 is, sounds like
and why people prefer
them over an all-in-one a box, but I still think the
505 is a groovy thing to play with and you DO get
quite a bit for the money.
Ok, now tear me apart

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Message 28/28             19-Jul-98  @  01:04 AM   -   RE: The mc505, worth buying???



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I would get something like this: ESI32 (or another sampler) coupled to a MC303 for sequencing and drums and miscellanous sounds. This should roughly be the same amount of money, and perhaps you can find this even cheaper, in that case get a cheap FM-synth or an old analogue. Doesn't even got to have MIDI, since you can sample it anyway. Don't know how good this would work though- I would go crazy without my computer...

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