aaa stop me from buying event 20/20 directfields - Music techology forums
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Subject: stop me from buying event 20/20 directfields

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Original Message 1/29             18-Sep-98  @  03:20 AM   -   stop me from buying event 20/20 directfields


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15 hours and counting...


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Message 2/29             18-Sep-98  @  05:38 AM   -   RE: stop me from buying event 20/20 directfields


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Powered or no?
I wanted those things so bad, but my wallet said, "Get something cheap you stupid fuck" so I got some sony bookshelfs at Circuit City for $60 for the pair and they sound DAMN GOOD for the price...think about it
I was gonna pay $300 for the pair of Events...that leaves me $240 that I a)wish I had, and b)could spend on some effects if I did!

tell us if you get them so I can be jealous! (but then again I will still be able to buy my own guiness bout you after you buy those fuckers?)

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Message 3/29             18-Sep-98  @  06:11 AM   -   RE: stop me from buying event 20/20 directfields


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Consider the Triad. I have the 20/20's and love 'em, & used to have the powered ones, but the Triad a) extends down better for lows and b) fits very nicely on a desktop around your monitor. 20/20's are BIG!

The best is normal 20/20's w/ a sub (my kit).

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Message 4/29             18-Sep-98  @  07:47 AM   -   RE: stop me from buying event 20/20 directfields


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Yeah, and ol hillys shit sounds BIG!!!!! BIG!!!!! BIIIGGGGGG!!!!
But then again-good speakers would sound, uh, crappy with a crappy amp, too, right?....bottomless fucking pit this!

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Message 5/29             18-Sep-98  @  04:11 PM   -   RE: stop me from buying event 20/20 directfields


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well i will then. it's the unpowered, although just in case i decide to wait on it, here's my other consideration because $300 (i hope that sounds right with the salesguy..) is a fair amount for me. i also considered the polkaudio rt7 home bookshelf speakers, which sound nice in the store, and have about the same price range. they give me 35Hz-26k as the overall and 49Hz-25k as the -3db, but my level of education works much better with a pretty freq. response curve, which they don't furnish. in fact they got mad at me for telling them they suck because of it. fancy that. who's got time for guiness?


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Message 6/29             18-Sep-98  @  06:19 PM   -   RE: stop me from buying event 20/20 directfields


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When you get those, I will be jealous.
what ya gonna drive em with?

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Message 7/29             18-Sep-98  @  09:46 PM   -   RE: stop me from buying event 20/20 directfields


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with frustration! sold out. well forget the polks. what a hassle to get decent specs.

looking at either the 20/20p (powered) 20/20 directs (unpowered) or the tria 3-piece thingy, since i'll have at least a week more to save in. i want to see if the powereds sound better and might begrudgingly engineer the space for the floor unit on the tria if it's worth it. otherwise i have a sony home stereo de325 ($200) amp which isn't anything special in case anyone has an opinion.

i really am just going to have to wait until they've got all three in so i can compare side by side. if the directs aren't so bad, thats a few hundred i have for cocoa pebbles (guinness my style.)

still haven't heard a single event system, but i checked out the freq. curves at if anyone else is looking and i have to say those things are FLAT! so i am basically sold, if they ever GET ANY. however, the directs looked flat down to 40Hz whereas the p's rolled off at 50. but the ps respond to 40 whereas the directs do not..

hilevelt: i take it you currently use the directs and used to use the powereds (the p's not the 'biamplified,' which are another $100) and a non-event subwoofer? well i'm just mucking about. i'll post my selection when i get them, hopefully next week. and hopefully emagic will have shipped micrologic by then before i microlose it...

finally got the nord lead 2 in tucson. the ring modulation/fm deal makes me want to cry.. sweet mother of pearl.


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Message 8/29             19-Sep-98  @  01:24 AM   -   RE: stop me from buying event 20/20 directfields


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nope, they were the biamplified's, & I sold them for only $500. Mint condition and they sounded BEAUTIFUL, but my studio has such bad acoustics that I just didn't see the point in owning them.

Flat as 20/20's are, my room just ruins it.

I've also got some jbl bookshelf types; I use them as mounts for the events =).

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Message 9/29             19-Sep-98  @  09:56 AM   -   RE: stop me from buying event 20/20 directfields

Purple Haze


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I don't know what it is in the uk, but imho guiness is totally absolutely undrinkable. Every time I go to london (at least once a year) I try a guiness, and every time again I regret having ordered it and I only get it down my throat because there's alcohol in there that was paid for...

Bought 2nd hand absolute 2's from a friend of mine who had to sell all his gear (and I bought it all hehehehe), but just sometimes switch to them as a reference. I had been using old, maybe crappy speakers before that were custom built for a famous belgian new beat producer about 10 years ago, and I had quite a clear picture in my mind of the sound I needed to get out of them to make my music sound more or less ok in different places and on different systems.
When I started switching between them and the absolute 2's, after a couple of days my mind got so confused that it seemed I had totally forgotten how the stuff I make should sound, and I succeeded in making something basically ok sound crap on everything I tried it on. Switched back to those old speakers and things sound ok again now.

Maybe I'm wrong, but seeing what those absolute 2's cost new, I don't think I would pay that kind of money for them.

just my 2 francs worth...

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Message 10/29             19-Sep-98  @  02:06 PM   -   RE: stop me from buying event 20/20 directfields


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umm.. is this a matter of you being thrown off by unfamiliarity with them, or your opinion that they suck? it's hard to tell  


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Message 11/29             19-Sep-98  @  02:16 PM   -   RE: stop me from buying event 20/20 directfields



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Okay guys I don't know what that weird drink guiness is that you're all going on about.

Guinness however is the main drink we're exporting to you, maybe the name gets messed up along the way or something? ;)


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Message 12/29             19-Sep-98  @  10:31 PM   -   RE: stop me from buying event 20/20 directfields


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guiness is terrible stuff. but you can't SAY it's terrible stuff because if you do you are a wimp.

(bunch of fucking wimps)

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Message 13/29             20-Sep-98  @  03:00 AM   -   RE: stop me from buying event 20/20 directfields

Purple Haze


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Well, if that's the case I'm a wimp then. Picked up a bottle of 'Black Bush' in the tax free on the seacat last month though, excellent stuff... and I normally don't even like whiskey...

About the absolute 2's... well, I feel it's easier working with those crappy old monitors I've got... They've got crispier top end and better defined bass. To give an example, when tuning to a noisy radio station, I might barely notice it on my 'normal' speakers (crappy sony's) and the absolute 2's, but on those old things it becomes allmost unlistenable. When playing bass sounds through them, I can hear more variation/texture/timbre in the bass sound on the old speakers compared to the absolute 2's. If this actually makes the absolute 2's better, then let me know, I'm no sound engineer or anything.

Come to think of it, that might be better, because if you can get it to sound good on those, it will hopefully sound better on other setups ?

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Message 14/29             20-Sep-98  @  03:40 AM   -   RE: stop me from buying event 20/20 directfields


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"Guinnnnnneeeesssssss" I suck at spelling, huh?!!?

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Message 15/29             20-Sep-98  @  09:51 PM   -   RE: stop me from buying event 20/20 directfields


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Guinness is for limey dirtbag pussies! Drink tequila w/ a little mescal, no chaser, then you're almost a man. Eat the worm, THEN YOU'RE A MAN!

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Message 16/29             20-Sep-98  @  10:21 PM   -   RE: stop me from buying event 20/20 directfields



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WOW-you helped me come out, Hil...Im a Limey Dirtbag Pussy!!! Yippeeee! Tequilas nice, too, but as for the worm...all for you, none for me thanks!
Hey...if you read this again, do you have the "electronic percussion" disk for Emax? I never thought to ask you that before. Thought you were going to santa cruz?

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Message 17/29             21-Sep-98  @  04:45 AM   -   RE: stop me from buying event 20/20 directfields



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yes they suck.... they were in the paper yesteday sucking something.... so it must be true.!!... what are you on about??..... do they suck?.... well, i guess it all depends wehter your audience are listening on the same speakers... but then thats the same for all of them.... y'see what i want to know is this.... if all these studio speakers don't discolour the sound... are clear ...and transparent.... with xxx bass response... smooth and truely presicion accurate sound.... etc etc... how come they all sound bloody different?.... :-)

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Message 18/29             21-Sep-98  @  05:33 AM   -   RE: stop me from buying event 20/20 directfields


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me pops has a super-nice set of 100W electrovoice speakers...much louder and clearer than my friend's pair of 500W crate cabinets...he he...i suppose they're actually PA speakers, but they are excellent monitors, with better frequency response than just about any i've heard...but then they're big...12" woofers, which means in any event you'll get more bass than from smaller jobs...but is that bad? remember, appeal to the lowest common denominator!!

but anyway, the point is that i've just learned that a lot of my mixes sound shite (don't say it!) when i listen to them on decent speakers, as evidentally my little 30W hifi system colors the hell out of the sound...because everything sounded too thin and I was adding way too much bass...MIX ON GOOD SPEAKERS!! (or at least not on panasonic hi-fi's!)

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Message 19/29             21-Sep-98  @  05:34 AM   -   RE: stop me from buying event 20/20 directfields


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no no, i meant to say "but is that good"...'cause most people don't have big fuckin monitor systems to listen to music on and therefore a lot of the signal is lost anyhow!

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Message 20/29             21-Sep-98  @  06:16 AM   -   RE: stop me from buying event 20/20 directfields


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this is all very confusing... but i think i'm going to have to go with hilevelt's choice (though i've still more than likely got a week or two to vacillate in..) simply because his stuff sounds well balanced on these crappy pc speakers..
so hilevelt... you gotta tell me.. what kinda events did you mix that DAT recorded stuff on.. you say you currently use the 'normals' does this mean the direct field unpowereds? your subwoofer is other manuf., so you don't use the triads, and you're not referring to them as 'normal..' but it sure would be nice if anything around here was worthy of being referred to as such..

my favourite monitors are a pair i built myself using revere cones.. hardly flat.. big and heavy with the beautiful lustre of hdf oh lala but they make such good endtables and i'd kinda like something someone else built so i could feel a little less aloof..

they're just speakers.. but i need them! i need them!


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Message 21/29             21-Sep-98  @  11:45 PM   -   RE: stop me from buying event 20/20 directfields


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I guess it should be understood that diff. monitors are needed for diff. applications. I used to own $2000 krk 9000b's, which are excellent for mixing sound fx for video but my audio mixes all came out shit. $40 Aurotone's are absolutely THE best for mixing for television. ns10's are a MUST if you ever intend to become a serious audio engineer, because they're going to be in every studio you'll ever work in.

Personally, I chose my 20/20's because they sounded great on a FULL frequency range and still translate well to other speakers. They're nice to listen to, to jam w/, to mix w/, & to look at; they're the most used speakers in my house and my ears hardly ever get fatigued. I guess after my experience w/ the krk's I was afraid to use my bas's much, that doesn't mean you'll feel the same. A sub-woofer is necessary, but I use some cheap off-brand thing. It's hardly ever on, but I'll use it to check my bass & it's really saved my ass on some occasions.

I'm getting a little hesitant on making recommendations, but let it be said that I ENJOY using the 20/20's more than any other speaker, and I've used a lot. The only other speaker I wish I could own are Paradigm Mini Mark III's, which cost about $275 and have been compared favorably to high-end genelec's.

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Message 22/29             24-Sep-98  @  03:24 PM   -   RE: stop me from buying event 20/20 directfields



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Just buy the bloody Events and make some fucking music. I shopped around for 6 months to find the optimum setup. Yorkville YSM-10's. I'n my crap-ass sounding room they sound good enough to get mixes that make my car system pound. Consider the alternative. Have no speakers and make no chunes.

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Message 23/29             24-Sep-98  @  06:00 PM   -   RE: stop me from buying event 20/20 directfields



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Trying to figure out what the opinions are here on the Absolute 2's from a few of the comments. I've read so much good press on these monitors in the UK mags (FM, SOS, etc), but nothing over here stateside. They're very hard to find in the states, too....probably 'cause they're British gear....we just don't get to see much of your gear over here. Anyway, I found a pair in a small shop not too far from me, and they've had them for a one really seems to know much about them, but I recognized them right away from the reviews/ads/etc. They will take $300 US for the pair (BTW, they are still "new", just been sitting around on the shelf for a while). I currently use KRK KRok's at home, and some Tannoy's (can't remember the model right now) in our project studio. From the spec sheets I've seen, the Absolute 2's have a wider freq response range (especially on the low side) compared to my KRok's. Seem like they might be better for some of the dance trax we're doing (mainly House/Electro/etc stuff), but maybe not as good for the other stuff (pop/latin/ballads/etc). What'dya think about the Absolute 2's, and how do you think they compare to the KRok's (if you are familiar with them)?

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Message 24/29             24-Sep-98  @  11:34 PM   -   RE: stop me from buying event 20/20 directfields



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sorry about my comment.....bad day

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Message 25/29             25-Sep-98  @  02:43 AM   -   RE: stop me from buying event 20/20 directfields


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i feel the same way.. but it looks like they FINALLY got some 20/20s in, so i will, with any luck, have 'em tomorrow. probably still umm and ahh and poke around while i'm in the shop. if anyone else is looking in the states, is selling the direct field 20/20s for $299 + $20 s+h, which is cheaper than the last quote i got from my local store.

thanks for the tips and all,

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Message 26/29             25-Sep-98  @  06:33 PM   -   RE: stop me from buying event 20/20 directfields



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Hhhmmnnnnn......who would've thunk it? Right after I ask the KRok/Absolute2 question, I pick up the new issue of FM and they have a review of the KRok's......weird. Although I must say it seems a little bit late after their release to finally review them (although it worked out good for my question timing)....they've been out in the States for a few years, at least....what's up?...did they just come out in the UK? The only visual difference in the photo in FM is the actual KRK nameplate on the fron of the monitors....just looks a little bit different than my US pair.

Anyway, they (FM) seem to dig the KRok's...gave 'em an 88% rating...almost Platinum, eh? They mention "stunning bottom end, ideal for any dance studio" and "the bass is awesome; it's hard, tight and punchy and, with the help of the two ports on the front, goes deep" as well as "an ideal gift for the incurable bass head."

Now that's all good and well, but I wish they would've compared them to the Absolute 2's (which they mention in the "Alternatively" box in the review. They only mention that the Absoltue 2's are mention of sonic comparison, though. Just a bit confused on the "low-end" thang. The KRok's only have a freq response listed as low as 57Hz, whereas the Absolute 2's (if I remember correctly) was closer to 45Hz on the low side.....although I may be wrong on that spec....just going from memory here. Either way, I know the Absolute 2's were listed with a "lower" low-end for freq response. Oh well, guess I'll just keep the KRok's for now....they do sound great, but just a little curious as to an A/B comparison to the Absolute 2's.....maybe the store would let me try them out for a day....doubt it....they're kinda iff'y on that when it comes to speakers, eh? Anybody?

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Message 27/29             25-Sep-98  @  06:44 PM   -   RE: stop me from buying event 20/20 directfields


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Well, $300 is a good price for absolute 2's. If they're that dusty, maybe you can pull it. Better yet, why don't you buy 'em and sell 'em to xoxos if you don't like 'em.

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Message 28/29             26-Sep-98  @  05:13 AM   -   RE: stop me from buying event 20/20 directfields


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yes and then i can use them as stands for my events... finally got the buggers. paid $300, which is too much, since that's the most expensive price i've seen around.. not that i've looked. and i like 'em. yes, i do. FYI the event unpowered do 50Hz, the powereds 38, and hilevelt i didn't listen to any of 'em, so can't review the trias for you. the bass venting nicely supplements my air conditioning.


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Message 29/29             27-Sep-98  @  03:15 PM   -   RE: stop me from buying event 20/20 directfields



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hilevelt - Fuck You! Guinness is some of the best shit ever invented...... Ya fjord lovin bastard ... Anyways.. I'd love to have a set of proper monitors, and if I had the money, i'd go for the hated, disgustingly uncoloured NS-10Ms... Everyone uses 'em anyway, and they're pretty cheap, really... But my mixes sound fine to me (AND TO EVERYONE BUT YOU HILEVELT!!! I DON'T CARE IF YOU THINK MY DRUMS SHOULD BE LOUDER!!!! MAYBE IT WAS YOUR CAR SPEAKERS!! WHORE!!) Hehe, actually, the drums coulda done with a little boost in the mix, but we'll not get into that, will we, Hilevelt? I mix on General Electric $25 thrift store (Straight up Goodwill and shit!) speakers.. and they tend to translate pretty well to all kinds of systems... who knows tho? Maybe it's just my mixing skills, and my familiarity with the speakers.... My mixes sounded great on everything when I was mixing on $15 Yorx thrift store speakers (Yes, I'm skint and forced to shop for shit at thrift stores), but when I went over to a friend's house and mixed on 20/20s, (BAS) my mixes sounded decidedly not-rad on other speakers... Dunno.. Maybe there's something to be said for mixing on crap speakers.. I definitely recommend having a pair of crap, every-bloke's-home-system speakers to reference with, as you realize that shitty speakers can only take so much bass and you have to be gentle with 'em so they don't blow (Which I've had happen to SO many of my speakers, sob, sob)

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