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Subject: i'se got me a emax

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Original Message 1/29             07-Sep-98  @  05:58 AM   -   i'se got me a emax


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damn, i'm really spending more than i'm earning...but in addition to the 1604 and tx81z i've just ordered an emax se/HD for $350!

oh goody.

(don't ask why i posted this. why not i say? eh??)

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Message 2/29             07-Sep-98  @  07:00 AM   -   RE: i'se got me a emax



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You lucky bastard.. I just have the straight up Emax... Fuck, and I talked to this girl who's dad is one of the programmers at Emu, and she said that he said the manuals for the Emax's are $75!!!! Of course, she also offered to buy me anything I want at cost.. Hehehehehehe .. Maybe soon I'll have a review of an E4 ... HAHAHAHA

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Message 3/29             07-Sep-98  @  09:51 AM   -   RE: i'se got me a emax


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did you get the rack version? i wish i had the hd too - can't stand having all those floppies kicking around the place. and buggo, you're buying everything i want to get - and i'm working 9-5 for five days every week. bastard.

seduasa - you want manuals for the emax? they sell them at emu scotland for 20quid - dunno how much it'd cost to fly it to the states, but i imagine that that would be a tad cheaper. if you're interested then i can get you one...

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Message 4/29             07-Sep-98  @  10:29 AM   -   RE: i'se got me a emax



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here;s some emax essentials.....

grab a blank disk and format it.....

setting up a supermode map disk...... supermode map is the way emax assigns channels to presets...
go to sequencer setup-6.... set supermode to ON

go to setup-1 / track status...... set all the 16 tracks of the 'sequencer' to R (record)

hit the record button on the front panel... start the sequencer... stop it again immeadiatly.... you now have 16 tracks of blank empty sequence...

now go to sequencer setup-1 and set all the tracks to M (mute).... now the tracks are all primed to recieve midi channels incoming

go to preset management.... create preset as preset 00..... name it 'blank' or 'empty' or whatever

.go to sequencer setup-2 track-preset.... this is where you assign presets to midi channels.... it is a assign that blank empty preset to all the channels.....

ok... now go to preset all sequences and presets..... and save it.... now you have a blank template disk ready to work with .whenever you load up.....

you can load the disk at boot..... set the supermode to ON (check it whenever you boot it needs to be set)....... and are ready with a 16 channel template to work...

to load presets, simply do preset management-1 load preset,.... and assign it to a preset space (it defaults to the first empty space)..... to load a single sample, it's a tad more complexed, cos the eamx loads a preset only..... (which can be a single sample mapped or not)

load a preset containing the sample/s you want..... then go to preset def-1 copy voices......

run up the keyboard, and the root primary or secondary sample will be displayed as you go..... each key is displyed, it shows the sample on that key if any, and what was the root sample it originated from (primary secondary).... ok find the sample you want, or a key with a pitched derivative... and select........ now copy it to a new empty preset, and new key number... simple... copy more samples, then delete the preset from which you copied if you need no other single samples from it.....

you now have the new samples on a new preset..... now you can map them, assign them etc....

or you can sample fresh to a emty preset obviously.....

ok.... now that covers setting presets to channels, and all that..... now..... outputs is the only other arcane one......

choose a preset, that you want to send to a seperate out.... lets say a drum kit with 8 drums for an 8 mono out drum kit set-up..... ok... select preset......

now go to preset-def-2 edit a voice - choose your root sample (any samoples derived from the original will also be routed according to the settings made for the originakl sample root selected here...... sample (primary/secondary).... and hit enter... ok... now you can assign it to an output and you can select the key- range that will be assigned to that output with it.....

note: If the right side output is set to 3 say.... you cant assign the left side to higher.... so for setting a drum to out-8....set both CHNS to 8...... to set to out-3 set both to 3.........

Note: setting this does NOT remove the sounds from the master out.... for a sound to play at full 8 note poly at the master outs, you need to set it here to CHNS 1-8.... otherwise it drops notes.....

there are other sections, but that is the main ones as all theothers are pretty obvious laid out as a plan on the front panel.... analog processing for well... you get it i'm sure..... but these are the essentials to get you going.....

by the way..... i dunno if you know this,..... but in the master section /special... there is something called midi overfolw,,... now i'm pretty damned sure 9without dragging out the manuel), that this when switched IN allows 2 emaxes to be linked together to get 16 note poly.... i'll have to have alook at that......

anyways... that should keep you going

midi is in pereset def-7

by the way...check out the arpegiiator in preset def..... BIG, and it can clock to midi too.... very nice

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Message 5/29             07-Sep-98  @  01:47 PM   -   RE: i'se got me a emax


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yeah. i guess it doesn't. well actually it does pay well - just got bigger debts than i have incomings.....mainly due to buying things that i couldn't really afford on my credit card - like the emax in the first place...

just saw an akai s900 for £50 in loot. phoned up the guy straight away, heart punding at thought of a bargain - then he picks up the phone and goes - "the sampler's 350 right" in a really bored/pissed-off voice and hangs up. pity....

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Message 6/29             07-Sep-98  @  03:56 PM   -   RE: i'se got me a emax



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nota bad price for what it'll do tho... compared to alot of these new dj type or pocket samplers....

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Message 7/29             07-Sep-98  @  04:41 PM   -   RE: i'se got me a emax


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yeah. but i don't need it really at all - just thought that for 50quid i might as well buy it - there's other stuff i'd rathre spend 350 on right now though....

buggo - when you get all this shit shipped to you, is there any guarantee that it's in ggod working order - like can you get your money back if it doesn't turn up?

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Message 8/29             07-Sep-98  @  06:12 PM   -   RE: i'se got me a emax


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OK kilo- you must not've seen my other inquiry about the emax arpeggiator, so Ill ask you here. What I want to know wis if the arp can be used on a slave synth, while the emax sound engine is running another sound, like drums, without affecting the internal sounds?

So, buggo--did you get that one from the cat at the recycler?

Hey Sedusa-I asked them about a manual a coupla months ago, and they said $20...inflation or did someone f up? DIdnt quite make it to SC this weekend-My car overheated only 20 miles away from home  Just got it,and its definitely got some quirks. Good thing it was free! Ill get up there asap

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Message 9/29             07-Sep-98  @  06:15 PM   -   RE: i'se got me a emax



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dont think so mate..... i could try it, but i doubt it very much.....

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Message 10/29             07-Sep-98  @  07:42 PM   -   RE: i'se got me a emax


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influx: yeh, i got it from that guy. He was a well cool fellow!! we talked for about an hour last night, on his dime, and he told me he worked at a music store and as of last year they still had 4 BRAND NEW emax se/hd's on the warehouse floor. he got 2 of them at $250 apiece I think. I was going to talk him down but hell, i felt bad at $350...also he told me since he had the hookup to the store he could still get lots of stuff CHEAP so I could call him if I ever wanted anything and chances are he could find it! (he got a prophecy for $250!!)

and on the subject of money...I work 7-830 every night 5 nights a week...WAH...he he...but think about it, I don't have to support myself on that money, I can do whatever the fuck I like with every penny of it. that's $300 a month for gear. I sort of want to take advantage of that while i can, because i know it won't last forever. (I also haven't bought weed since last year which helps the financial situation!) And essentially this will be my last purchase for a while, while my bank account recuperates and I get a chance to work with all this gear. i have a big enough setup to cut some nice tunes without my computer now, which is really what i wanted...someday i'll buy more shit but not for a while. i need a new drum set first! and a car!!

and on the subject of receiving goods intact, I am paying all of these by COD...No guarantee that they'll work, because you can't look at 'em before you pay for 'em (i always have to pick them up at the post office because I'm never here when the delivery guy comes.) But I talk to people before I order gear from them, and at least for the most part that's a pretty good indicator...I have a pretty good sense of whether people are full of shit, and odds are, most of the people out to sell gear are just like us, just out trying to get more gear, or liquidate a studio, or whatever...not to screw people. Yeah, i know it does happen but I take precautions i feel are reasonable.

(oh, and yes, i got the rack version.)

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Message 11/29             07-Sep-98  @  09:08 PM   -   RE: i'se got me a emax


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what are you using for a sequencer now, bug? theres an MMT and a yamaha qx3 at auctionsoup. the MMT guy wants a hundy, but thats high--the QX is at $50 (it has a disk drive, too.) maybe?....
Kilo--I dont think so either, but if you found a way, Id be your friend! My disk drive is trippin, too, on the you know of a test to find if its the drive, and not a bunch of corrupted disks?

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Message 12/29             07-Sep-98  @  10:02 PM   -   RE: i'se got me a emax


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he he he...

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Message 13/29             08-Sep-98  @  02:36 AM   -   RE: i'se got me a emax



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he hehe..... we should set up a TGA group... tech-gear-anonymous.... and girlfreinds can come along too for support cos they suffer as much....

"well.... tell us a bit about yourself Buggo"

"well... it all started with an old MC303.... i thought i could keep it under control, but before i knew it, i found myself craving older analogs... then i moved onto the hard stuff.... a mixer.... sampler.... y'know?!!......... i just needed more..... "
.... etc etc.....

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Message 14/29             08-Sep-98  @  03:54 AM   -   RE: i'se got me a emax

recovering buggo


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"...and then it moved on to heavy things like ADATs and classic analogs...before i knew it i was losing my job, my money, my girlfriend, my house, my dignity, my motivation to do anything but wank knobs...sniff...but now I'm turning my life around...only secondhand casios for me this time, yes sir...i've been clean for a year now and even now, sometimes late at night, listening to my vl-tone's digital bleeps, i still feel the urge...*twitch*


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Message 15/29             09-Sep-98  @  04:20 PM   -   RE: i'se got me a emax


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Hey Buggo,

Dis you order that emax from Eric in San Francisco. If so, I saw the ad and met with the guy, hence he demoed the emax for me. It was definetely in good shape. Unfortunately he couldn't show me anything that interested me with it, so I opted not to buy it. I went to his house, which was 4 blocks from mine, expecting this thing to show me some retro interesting sounds, instead he played this beep and pitched it up and down. I wanted to see the SE synthesis capabilities, and instead I was shown this beep and told I can get the idea. He also couldn't find the manual. I was not impressed with the emax but he was an interesting fellow. I guess I'll just get the a3000 and blow all my cash on a proper sampler.


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Message 16/29             10-Sep-98  @  09:32 AM   -   RE: i'se got me a emax


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yeah. i realised that this was all getting beyond a joke when i bought a patchbay and a midi-merge box on tuesday. when you start spending money on things that don't even make sounds i think you're in trouble...

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Message 17/29             10-Sep-98  @  04:54 PM   -   RE: i'se got me a emax



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I'm at that point myself... I need a merge and patchbay and....

Maybe we should start that gear-fiend's anonymous group...


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Message 18/29             11-Sep-98  @  01:19 AM   -   RE: i'se got me a emax


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(hey influx...or anyone else....where can I get a manual?)

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Message 19/29             11-Sep-98  @  04:45 AM   -   RE: i'se got me a emax


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Wait, bug--is this the same guy? I thought the one I referred you to was in SoCal? Anyway-I hit up Emu once about a manual and they said 20 bones, so...

Also...for the sake of disk safety...I would suggest you take the extra time to find DSDD disks for that bitch cuz I just lost a heck of a lot of sounds and I think thats why...I dont think my drives bad after all...Emu specifies DSDDs so...HDs work (for mine) but they end up corrupted...fuckin bummer I tell ya!
What kind of library is this guy sendin ya? If you get a disk called 'electronic percussion' which I think is pretty much just 808 samples.. would you copy it for me? I have some shit thats based on that bank and my disk no longer loads, so...

I only have half the manual, but I could copy that for ya if necessary

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Message 20/29             11-Sep-98  @  05:49 PM   -   RE: i'se got me a emax



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If its eric from SF, the guy I posted I met with about it, he has notta thing to send w/ it. Not only does he not have a library, he told me he wiped the HD clean cause he didn't want to give his samples away. I wanted to check it out and see the capabilities of this mystical beast. He couldn't show me shite. Once again, he was a nice fellow though. Eager to show me all his other gear.

-Good Luck-

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Message 21/29             11-Sep-98  @  07:22 PM   -   RE: i'se got me a emax


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hey sweat on the library...theres all kinds of shit online...sound like that guys a little, uh, tight!!!! oh well, you still got youse a emax

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Message 22/29             11-Sep-98  @  07:24 PM   -   RE: i'se got me a emax


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Influx, bring your disks by my house, we'll try them out on my drive.

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Message 23/29             11-Sep-98  @  10:23 PM   -   RE: i'se got me a emax


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yeh...well i hope he decides to include little extras like, say, the EMAX in the box when he sends it....he he...

i just got my cr1604 today. i love this fucker!!

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Message 24/29             12-Sep-98  @  09:16 AM   -   RE: i'se got me a emax


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Well, bug....I think were gonna hafta jam some day...well, collaborate at least... i just got me a 100w yammy amp for dirt, and those monitors I told you about sound pretty damn good...not loud enough, but thats not the point sittin in my dad says they just fine!!!

Sounds like youre set!!! get some tunes out now...youve got talent my friend.. I look forward to hearin what you got!!!
evabuddy else...locals...keep it up...lotsa knowledge floatin bout some funk?!?

when I get somethin tight...then I can put up a demo so evabody can poke at me...Ill dig it!

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Message 25/29             12-Sep-98  @  02:42 PM   -   RE: i'se got me a emax


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hey stateside folks.. any recs on monitors? kinda stuck between event's 20/20s and polk's rt7s. either way, all i want are a pair of close fields, and it would be cool to pay less than the $340 i'm currently looking at...


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Message 26/29             12-Sep-98  @  03:44 PM   -   RE: i'se got me a emax


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yeah, we must jam my friend...all I need now is a sequencer...and I think that even with all my deficit spending I can manage to pull it off...

and as long as you're talking about funk, I've been remixing funk songs all weekend! (i taped the "old school hour" on the local rap station...) and I got some bad ass shit to play at that party (i found out it's like october 20-something...)

also, I managed to hook up with enough PA dad has some totally awesome 100W 12" speakers, they kick SOOO much ass...I was driving them off *4W* from my computer's soundcard and they rocked the goddamn I got a pair of 150W 15's (in one was a homemade bass amp) from a friend. I'm gonna use the EQ on the head as a crossover and only use it as a big subwoofer box, seeing as the midrange and uppers on them blow...but the bass bumps!!

So i'm stoked. That 1604 mixer is so excellent! plenty of ins, nice and quiet, you can monitor a tape or something on the phones w/o effecting house mix...basic stuff. There's a few things I don't like, like when you press solo it takes a split-second to kick in, so no dice with, say, just muting everything but the bass synth for a breakdown one bar...but oh well. Great mixer. And today, if i can manage, I'm going to pick up the emax.

(BTW sedusa: you said the emax was super-heavy? this guy shipped it 3-day groud freight, insured, for $20, so it can't weigh that much...)

Andthe guy who's shipping me the tx81z said it came to fucking $50!!! I can see NO earthly way it should come to this much $$$...fuck fuck least he's splitting shipping with me...

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Message 27/29             12-Sep-98  @  06:51 PM   -   RE: i'se got me a emax


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Dude--my TX cost $10 to ship...that guys fuckin trippin!!! tell him you want to see a receipt for the shipping charges before you pay him anything!!!! that is pure bullshit man...dont let yourself get scammed. Ive heard of people doing that..."embellishing' the shipping so they can get more dough for their kit...fucking criminal I say...dont pay it bug! that would be, what, $150 for a TX? Fuck patient and youll find one for $100 guaranteed! I think you otta refuse that one and find another! $50 my big white pimply asss!!!!

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Message 28/29             13-Sep-98  @  04:27 AM   -   RE: i'se got me a emax


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yeah, i have a feeling he's fuckin with me....if it gets to me and I decide I don't want it, for whatever reason, what do i do? just not pick it up at the p.o.?

i only ask because I could seriously use the money for something more useful (right now) than the tx81z, like a rack, for example...all my shit is just lying around all cluttered up!!

(my emax is here, i gotta go get it...he he yeah...)

anyway I've finally got all the stuff I need to gig with except for that rack and the q-80 (i've decided I want that rather than the mmt for a variety of reasons...) and that'll come to around $300...I'm trying to sell some shit of mine to cover it all, but dunno if it'll work...

i need some advice: if they tell me at my job that the only way I'm going to get paid for lookin after the crack babies is to take up a collection afterwards from all the moms, should I have quit? i can still work there, as they totally need someone to do it...and i may just do it until i pay off my emax...but I'm not sure whether to do it or, someone??

but the most pressing consideration is what to do when the tx gets here if the shipping is outrageous, as i know it will be...what should I do???

one more thing...the emax, with its 8 note polyphony, will be ok for drums, but does that 8 note polyphony include the SE synthesis portion of it? if not, i'm set for a bass synth for a while...otherwise maybe anyone?

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Message 29/29             13-Sep-98  @  07:58 AM   -   RE: i'se got me a emax



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OK-as far as the TX goes, what you wanna do is ask the postman to tell you exactly how much shipping was (Im sure they can) then deduct that from the total cost which should not be more than the $125 you agreed on!!!! YOu are under no real obligation to buy that thing anymore, bug, cuz that fool is fuckin rippin you off!!! $50 is straight bullshit...I shipped a fucking MONOPOLY, which is pretty fuckin large...for $35 w/insurance, COD...everything!!!!

Regardless of all this...if you dont want it, go to the PO and tell them you want to refuse the package...Theyll send it back to the shipper and hes OUT!!! I wouldnt ordinarily suggest this cuz by agreeing to buy the thing (IMO) you are under obligation to come through on your end when the shit arrives...but this guy is obviously tryin to jerk ya!!!! FUCK IM!!! So just refuse the package...that way the PO wont keep buggin you to come get it.
If you think you want it tho, do what I said before...
besides, those babies are NOT hard to come by at all...I keep seein em all over!

as for the job...if you can still get what its worth to you...then do it, cuz youre helping those less fortunate...maybe you could even volunteer(?) and get a different job that pays? Its up to you, son!

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