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Subject: MPC 2000

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Original Message 1/3             29-Apr-98  @  06:22 PM   -   MPC 2000



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I own a AKAI MPC 2000 for almost 1 Year now, an I must say: I LOVE IT.
But there are few things that disturb my love......

I think The Machine has many more possibilitys. The actual operating-system is NOT
These are the things i am struggling whith:

1. I canīt use sounds from more than one program within one sequence.
So what is the use of having 32 MB Sound in my MPC when I canīt really unsīem

2. When you put one tone to "16 levels" you canīt record really polyphonic. Whith
other samplers this is standard.
So if you want to play a chord whith one sample, this doesnīt work.

About one Month ago I called Akai and asked, whether there will be any new
operating-systems coming out.
And they answered "No"

Should all MPC-USERS Bomb Akai whith Mail?

Tell me what you think, or what troubles you have....
..I will collect this

I am looking forward to your MAIL

Florian Senfter

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Message 2/3             29-Apr-98  @  06:33 PM   -   RE: MPC 2000



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Yeah, I totally agree with you on that. I have the MPC 2000 and basically have the same complaints. Its so annoying b/c there really aren't that many pads/sounds to be stored in one program when u r really using it as a SAMPLING DRUM MACHINE/your main sampler. I mean how many drum machines do u know with 64 sounds available to sequence? Well maybe that is a lot (I don't know much about drum machines) but it pisses me off.
Akai seem like assholes. It takes them 4 days for tech support to email me b/c I don't wanna have to call long distance. They are probably too busy with their new samplers, the s-5000 and s-60000!!! They really should make a new O/S. I would also not mind having 1/64 timing instead of having to turn it off and scroll through the timing.


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Message 3/3             30-Apr-98  @  09:53 PM   -   RE: MPC 2000



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well it's a sequencer drum box isn't it really.... akai S-200's are so cheap secondhand now, it'd probably be cheaper to pick one up, and add it to the mpc, that going for upgrade hardware chip swaps or whatever... I've seen 'em for as low as 450 (UK) secondhand.....

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