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Subject: Hardware effects

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Original Message 1/30             13-Feb-04  @  03:29 AM   -   Hardware effects



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I am curious to know if any of you use hardware effects processors much. And for what?
I dont know if i should just stick to what i have within the s/w or get a multi-processor effects unit. Anyone who has one do you use it much in your tracks?

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Message 2/30             13-Feb-04  @  03:38 AM   -   RE: Hardware effects



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if i use external gear....i use hardware effects. be they compressors or signal processors such as delays or reverbs.
i've known some people who've recorded very cool stuff with no effects units and
yet i like to complicate things by having a range of options by which to shape a sound.

if your sounds are coming from software, though....stick with software processors.
that isn't a rule but a suggestion.
yet one which i'll often ignore myself.

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Message 3/30             13-Feb-04  @  07:42 AM   -   RE: Hardware effects


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if you're comfortable and happy with software effects, I would stick with them. Lots of power, and (depending on CPU power or patience with offline bouncing) unlimited instances of whatever you buy. Think about it...

The only time I would recommend hardware for processing is EQ or compression (more so compression), pre-A/D on the way into your computer, or in the case of reverb. 'verb takes so much processing (especially these new convolution jobbies), that it's almost worth it to have a dedicated box for it to free up the 'puter for other things.

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Message 4/30             13-Feb-04  @  09:28 AM   -   RE: Hardware effects


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keep in mind that in order to use a HW processor in a predominantly SW setup can create quite a few hassles for ya

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Message 5/30             13-Feb-04  @  09:41 AM   -   RE: Hardware effects



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yeah, I have a dual setup - my old hardware setup and my new digital setup - the can work in combi, however, once audio is in the digital domain, then s/w is the way I go cos it is convenient and quicker than passing the audio OUt of a soundcard, thru a processor and back IN to the pc system

however, some people like to use a hybrid system, midi controlling external synths and other hardware sound generators, which is mixed in with ON-board audio & any additional VSTi's or DXi Instruments.

when I use hardware FX & processors it's the usual... compressors, gating FX, reverb, delay, eq

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Message 6/30             13-Feb-04  @  02:06 PM   -   RE: Hardware effects


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I use hardware for distortion, and sometimes reverb. I also have dedicated boxes for filtering and vocoding (Electrix).


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Message 7/30             13-Feb-04  @  02:29 PM   -   RE: Hardware effects


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wanna buy some? :p

brings to mind a certain $99 wavestation at hilevelt's shop..

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Message 8/30             13-Feb-04  @  07:55 PM   -   RE: Hardware effects


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$99 for a wavestation!!!!!...bloody hell!


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 9/30             13-Feb-04  @  09:03 PM   -   RE: Hardware effects



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I'd recommend staying with software as the routing options are so much more flexible.

The only hardware FX outboard I use is hardwired to a rhodes electric piano. So I'd say hardware FX is cool to stick between a hardware tone generator and the computer... or for live performance or something... but otherwise stick with software, it's crazy what's been coming out...some of the FX plugins compare favourably with really high end hardware gear.
(so buying a budget hardware FX processor, will actually not get you the quality of some of the software plugins)

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Message 10/30             13-Feb-04  @  09:10 PM   -   RE: Hardware effects


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well a decent reverb unit still makes sense... although its a bit of a hastle to apply it to s/w sounds.

actually...hey, why not get somethingf like a tc powercore or UAD-1??? that'll give you good h/w quality fx in s/w enviroment.

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Message 11/30             13-Feb-04  @  09:51 PM   -   RE: Hardware effects


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some of the FX plugins compare favourably with really high end hardware gear.
(so buying a budget hardware FX processor, will actually not get you the quality of some of the software plugins)

You're almost always going to get a higher quality effect via software than hardware, when comparing solutions with equal price tags. There are exceptions though... Great reverb boxes aren't that super expensive used, and there're some newer ones that are good too. Compressors and gates are convenient to have in hardware if you're going to be doing sidechaining, which seems to always be a bit hokey in software. And if you're a hardware synth guy (like me) it makes more sense to get the vocal out of the PC into a vocoder box that you can run your synth into, rather than recording your synth into the PC to vocode with a vocal. What if you want to futz with the keyboard patch? Of course you could use input monitoring but there's yet another step.

A lot of it depends on how you work too.


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Message 12/30             14-Feb-04  @  01:19 AM   -   RE: Hardware effects


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prolly depends on what kinda plugs your on just now, and what your planning on spending on a hardware unit, and also like craig said on the way you plan to work.

if you are planning on buying a budget type fx box all rounder then i wouldnt bother, even the cheapest (and freebie) software plug-in effects just now will do you just as good as say an zoom rfx2000 (which i own btw)

I personally wouldnt put anything i did thru any of those beringher comps/limiters/exciter things either, especially when you think what you can buy for software equivalent money

eg- you can get Waves Renn Maxx Native 4.0 plugs for something like 300-400 squids giving you Renaissance DeEsser, Renaissance Bass, Renaissance Vox, Renaissance Compressor, Renaissance Equalizer, Renaissance Reverb and the absolutely blinding Renaissance Channel. That kinda money in hardware would buy you a couple of cheapo noisy boxes to ruin your recording with.

On the other hand, you maybe looking for something you can line up before you make the recording, so hardware unit would be handy there, depends on how ya plan to do it...


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Message 13/30             14-Feb-04  @  04:07 AM   -   RE: Hardware effects



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The reason im asking is because my friend has a Tc Elect. Fireworx v.2 he is going to sell me for $500. Which is a great price for that piece of gear. BUT, Do i need it is the question im asking myself, and how much would I use it. That processor is a beast.
Although as most of you have said a lot can be done in the virtual setting. Thanks on your help for the most part.

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Message 14/30             14-Feb-04  @  06:44 AM   -   RE: Hardware effects


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Oooooh... you didn't say Fireworx! That is a great price, and I would snatch that puppy right up. If you have a good soundcard with good drivers, it wouldn't be too hard to set that thing up on a track (albiet, one track at a time), and the processing matrix on that thing is the proverbial bomb.

Yes, you will use it. Get it. If I was wrong, sell it to me.

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Message 15/30             14-Feb-04  @  08:25 AM   -   RE: Hardware effects


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hehe... yeah, Fireworx is the shiznit... modular system, if you dont like effects make your own by assempling them from modules. and 500$ is a good price i think.

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Message 16/30             14-Feb-04  @  09:48 AM   -   RE: Hardware effects



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but can Fireworx do anything he cant acheive using plugs wired in series and utilising bus routing also?

albeit it might be harder to work out without alot of experience, and not exactly the same thing

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Message 17/30             14-Feb-04  @  06:38 PM   -   RE: Hardware effects


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Those Fireworx boxes are awesome.. Incredible flange and chorus like you'd expect from a TC box  

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Message 18/30             14-Feb-04  @  07:12 PM   -   RE: Hardware effects


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if you dont buy the fireworx hit me up at Ill buy it

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Message 19/30             15-Feb-04  @  06:05 PM   -   RE: Hardware effects



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Thank you again for the input. I picked it up from him. Im generally pretty new to this stuff, and wasnt sure if it would be prudent for me or not to even think of hardware but, you guys steered me correct. How would i go about hooking this up to my digi and pro-tools to get this to process correctly?

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Message 20/30             15-Feb-04  @  09:02 PM   -   RE: Hardware effects



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Message 21/30             15-Feb-04  @  10:53 PM   -   RE: Hardware effects


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Message 22/30             15-Feb-04  @  11:20 PM   -   RE: Hardware effects



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Message 23/30             16-Feb-04  @  03:02 AM   -   RE: Hardware effects


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Well, if the LE software works anything like the TDM version, you would hook up the spdif in/out of the t.c. to the spdif in/out of your digi interface. Then, if you read the manual, it will tell you how to insert an aux or insert send on a track. You may get a bit of latency (not sure about the latency figures on the 001... would be interested in hearing if you get it working), but at least you'll have a nice digital link between em with no signal loss.

Kinda like an outboard plugin chain that could be quite sick if the latency is useable.

Oh man, try the compressor on that thing at extreme settings. really fat sound for a digital compressor!

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Message 24/30             16-Feb-04  @  09:07 AM   -   RE: Hardware effects


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yeah... like psy said. just remember to arm the returns to record ready and set input monitoring to "input only" in order to hear the playback from the fireworx.

"latency figures on the 001"...-> i ran it with 128 samples latency on early G4 400 or something, so any modern mac/pc should eat it up no problem i think.

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Message 25/30             16-Feb-04  @  03:15 PM   -   RE: Hardware effects


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or he could just set up an aux return for the fx return. That way, no arming is necessary.

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Message 26/30             16-Feb-04  @  03:26 PM   -   RE: Hardware effects


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thats right... but he'll still need to create new tracks in order to record it. no?

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Message 27/30             16-Feb-04  @  05:36 PM   -   RE: Hardware effects



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Ok I will do what you guys have suggested. I appreciate your taking the time out to help me cut a few corners. Some of this stuff i dont understand, and you cleared up some things. Thanks again.

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Message 28/30             17-Feb-04  @  11:41 PM   -   RE: Hardware effects



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tc plug-in suite at e-bay quite cheap......

link is too long to include.

just look up tc bundle.

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Message 29/30             18-Feb-04  @  12:59 AM   -   RE: Hardware effects


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Ew... T.C.'s plugins aren't even in the same universe as their hardware. They really went with their name, but didn't supply the goods on that front. Terrible s/w reverb!

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Message 30/30             18-Feb-04  @  02:00 PM   -   RE: Hardware effects


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The compressor sucks too..

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