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Subject: bloody bass.................

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Original Message                 Date: 31-May-05  @  03:45 PM   -   bloody bass.................


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In my humble opinion, BASS is the single most difficult area of club music production to master. I've tried everything…………different VSTi's including ESM, ESP, ES1, ES2, TRILOGY, ALBINO, PRO-53, FM7, ALBINO, TRIANGLE, the list goes on. No, I haven't just scrolled through presets………I've tried rolling my own.

I've tried writing basslines on all the octaves in all keys……..I've tried different settings on software compression, hardware compression, software distortion, hardware distortion, software overdrive, hardware overdrive, hi and low pass filters, cutting 40-50hz from the bottom end, layering, just using one oscillator, just using 2 oscillators, blah, blah, bloody blah……

What are you chaps using for bass? How can I get that phat sounding bass I hear on pro underground electronic house tracks……….? PLEASE…………………….I can do every other element (drums, leads, gated pads, SFX, mixing, production, limiting to a 7.5 out of 10 standard). I just cannot do bloody there a secret VSTI?

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Message 21/47             03-Jun-05  @  09:41 PM   -   RE: bloody bass.................


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dont you mix rock mostly? or rather, "real instrument" music?

"not that much usable info"? with breaks and jungle and shit?


40hz on a big system? SHIIIIT.

that area shouldnt be overly active, obviously, but to cut it out almost entirely...I dunno...the pros I know, with tons of releases under their belts would scoff at such a thing

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Message 22/47             04-Jun-05  @  04:31 PM   -   RE: bloody bass.................


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sixty? it's more like fourty one point two but you hear the note at the higher multiples. stick a five string with a low B and guess what ya get.

you're hitting +3 on a mackie and you've used up all the headroom. common trick with mixers with low headroom summing is to mix well below 0 on your meters and pump it with a device that's got better headroom, like your mixmaster.


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Message 23/47             06-Jun-05  @  09:35 AM   -   RE: bloody bass.................


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hi-pass and lo-cut are the same type of filter. There is no dB gain parameter, simply a cutoff point and a slope, and it can never be a boost, only a cut. A "gentle" hi-pass/lo-cut would be 6dB/octave. A "hard" one would be 24dB or more per octave.


so there are different slopes- 6/db/oct to 24/db/oct- thats what i was looking for cos i was thinking the low cutting i was doing with a 12db/oct sl;ope was too much- seems i was doing the right thing- cool


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Message 24/47             06-Jun-05  @  05:01 PM     Edit: 06-Jun-05  |  05:03 PM   -   RE: bloody bass.................

Steve Roughley

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In response to the problems expressed here about getting a heavy, punchy kick to sit nicely with a heavy fat bass and not blow the track's headroom: Obviously you are trying to apply EQ as the solution, which is an essential move... initially. Too much EQ can kill the sounds that you are trying to mix, so try applying a compressor to the bass, using the kick as a sidechain. Basically, all it does, is duck the bass during the kick. Sometimes you need to hammer the bass here. I often have the reduction meter showing up to 12+ db of reduction. I do this with all of my bass-heavy tracks and it works so damned well to clean up the bottom end and really helps in getting a nice tight, punchy relationship between the Kick and the bass.


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Message 25/47             07-Jun-05  @  08:31 AM   -   RE: bloody bass.................


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nice one steve- ive never been as extreme as -12db on ducking but there are no rules- look forward to having a go...


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Message 26/47             09-Jun-05  @  09:42 AM   -   RE: bloody bass.................


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Ok any tips for trying to get the bass right for a club system when you dont have a club system to hand, or even a sub for that matter.....there must be at least a coupld of rules for bass in club systems or at least a couple of things you guys stick to when trying to make a club release...esepecially as most of you guys probably dont have a club they can just nip down to.....

im not looking for any magic settings, advice or other esoteric notions that probabbly dont exist but at least so pointers as i feel with what Blu and others have said if i keep mixing my bass the way i do on my monitors its gonna sound shite in a club!!


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Message 27/47             10-Jun-05  @  06:40 AM   -   RE: bloody bass.................


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how's your car stereo? I would say that's the best poor-man's approximation. Then again, I never really go out to clubs so I have no idear really.

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Message 28/47             10-Jun-05  @  09:05 AM   -   RE: bloody bass.................


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car stereo is shite- dont really wanna get an amp and sub just for a/bing-

guess its just a case of send it off and hope...


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Message 29/47             10-Jun-05  @  02:10 PM     Edit: 10-Jun-05  |  02:14 PM   -   RE: bloody bass.................

Steve Roughley

Posts: 1178

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What kind of monitors are you using? If you get a decent set of monitors (we use the Alesis MKII Actives which are dirt cheap but sound awesome) that have a good, clear low end response, you will be able to make sure that the bass sounds tight enough to release. I'm kind of lucky in that my best friend and production partner has residencies at several large clubs, so we can road test the tracks. However, I have noticed that, in general, it is not the bass that we need to tweak, rather the more earsplitting filtered sounds and drums from around 600 to 3000 (we always overdo the EQing on snares for some reason). It would seem that you can get the bass, at least, right on a half decent set of monitors.

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Message 30/47             10-Jun-05  @  02:33 PM   -   RE: bloody bass.................


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snap- i have a pair of those....i am gonna post a pic of myt new bedroom space at the weekend to try get some advice on best place to put everything- ive until now had one mounted on my kictehn side and the other on the computer desk- i really noticed the difference when i put them on the floor- completely different sound!!

i was speaking to an amercian guy who got taught to mix from some seminal house producer to have the kicks around -6 so you don't rob topo much headroom (rely on mastering to take near to the 0 mark) so am using that as a test ref at the mo- guess its time to go buy myself a nightclub


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