aaa MIDI that's the way uh hu- uh uh... - Music techology forums
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Subject: MIDI that's the way uh hu- uh uh...

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Original Message                 Date: 19-Dec-02  @  01:52 PM   -   MIDI that's the way uh hu- uh uh...

Makin' $$ from my music!!!


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Who's this guy talking about MIDI is done? Ahhh c'mon buddy (90's Child)! Hmmm, let's just go through a small list of innovators who used and still uses MIDI:

ORB, Prodigy, Crystal Method, Chemical Brothers, Mr Scruff, Goldie, OD 404, DJ Shadow, FSOL, Leftfield, LTJ Bukem, Moby, Beastie Boys, Daft Punk, Basement Jaxx, Dr Dre, etc. That's just to name a few.

Guess what they all used old analogue gear too with MIDI! What's that about comin' to software where it's better? The most important thing in this message that I wanted to get accross to the 90's Child, is that all those producers that I just listed are making BIG BUCKS off their music. What about you and your software? Have you even done a live show? Thank you and good night.

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Message 21/99             20-Dec-02  @  09:21 AM   -   RE: MIDI that's the way uh hu- uh uh...


Posts: 4573

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Let's get two things clear.

1. 90's kid, you're an ass. Plain and simple.

2. It's not the arrow it's the indian.

How much have you used Pro-Tools? In the way you describe? Then shut the fuck up, you don't know anything. Reading about this shit does not make it so.

Oh one more.

3. You think better timing will make your music marketable? Or just better? You're naive, and completely missing the point.


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Message 22/99             20-Dec-02  @  09:26 AM   -   RE: MIDI that's the way uh hu- uh uh...


Posts: 4573

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btw, just who in the hell do you listen to enjoy?

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Message 23/99             20-Dec-02  @  09:35 AM   -   RE: MIDI that's the way uh hu- uh uh...

Makin' money...


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Hey there 90's Child- it's cool "mate". If you have a chip on your shoulder then be it, but why spread your filth of an opinion upon a bunch of people who could give a "shite" about what you and your latency having, mouse clicking, computer crashing, plug-in hell, cut and pasting,
b u l l s h i t music software are doing?

Let me ask you, do you use any music theory in your tracks? Do you really "play" an instrument on your music or do you just place thing where they sound nice with the mouse? Or do you click on a nice little software "help" menu to tell you what the relative minor is so that you can bag out a chart busting software tune?

So, what you're doing isn't really playing an instrument at all is it? You're just cut and pasting things aren't you? That's right, just you, your eyes, and your mouse mouse making music, right? Or is it making music at all? Click away my freind because you can't deal with the defect of MIDI 

How do you get your synth leads, your bass lines, your harmony, and your melodies? In a 16 step software sequencer? Or do you use a *MIDI* keyboard with a little latency to do that? I'm just wondering. You see, when you start to put down what is standard in this type music production a few questions came to my mind. Thanks for answering them. Thanks!

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Message 24/99             20-Dec-02  @  09:38 AM   -   RE: MIDI that's the way uh hu- uh uh...

90's Child


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LOL! I enjoy: Massive Attack

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Message 25/99             20-Dec-02  @  10:39 AM   -   RE: MIDI that's the way uh hu- uh uh...

90's Child


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"Well, I can tell you know that my combination of the Emagic MT4 and Windows XP does NOT give me any major yo-yo effects (and... yes... I do know what you mean. It is like the MIDI timing doesn't lag but sounds completely random in its inaccuracies). All I have to do to get near spot-on timing is set the MIDI dely to -25 and I can barely tell the difference. And if you are using a USB MIDI device, then there is a damned good chance that XP will really help with your timing problem, as the USB drivers in XP have shown no faults to me yet. """""Unfortunately, though, there will be no true fix for the allmighty shiteness that is MIDI timing, but WinXP might just be what you are looking for.""""""

Goddamn! I sound like a MS sales rep!!! ;-/



All copied and pasted form the top thread over in the PC forum. I knew I was right.

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Message 26/99             20-Dec-02  @  10:51 AM   -   RE: MIDI that's the way uh hu- uh uh...


Posts: 4573

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yeah, you and steve should get together, because you're the only two on this board that seem to really be bothered with MIDI timing. Enough to make a stink about it, ya know?


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Message 27/99             20-Dec-02  @  10:54 AM   -   RE: MIDI that's the way uh hu- uh uh...


Posts: 5701

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hm... last time i heard of massive attack they were using quite a bit of analog and midi gear. hm hm...

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Message 28/99             20-Dec-02  @  11:04 AM   -   RE: MIDI that's the way uh hu- uh uh...

Steve Webster


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No you are wrong Milan. If you look at the sleeve notes for the third album, you will see the name of the pro tools engineer.

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Message 29/99             20-Dec-02  @  11:10 AM   -   RE: MIDI that's the way uh hu- uh uh...

90's Child


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That's 2 Steve's I have to thank. Thanks.

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Message 30/99             20-Dec-02  @  11:19 AM   -   RE: MIDI that's the way uh hu- uh uh...


Posts: 5701

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ah, i see. all the sounds were synthesized inside protools using all tdm softsynths and samplers and bass guitar was done with samples and ampfarm plugin? damn, you learn something new every day...

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