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Subject: hammerhead soon to release via steinberg

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Original Message                 Date: 23-Mar-98  @  04:29 PM   -   hammerhead soon to release via steinberg



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ok it'll be out in a month apparently.........

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Message 21/33             01-Apr-98  @  01:20 PM   -   RE: hammerhead soon to release via steinberg



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Music software needs to have a high
fun factor to tickle your creativity...

B.BoX looks like what you would want to have
on your desk to play with all night (and sounds
like it too).

Making Waves looks like the paper you get when
you're doing your math-exams...

Figure the difference ?


Bram Bos

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Message 22/33             01-Apr-98  @  02:05 PM   -   RE: hammerhead soon to release via steinberg



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now c'mon Bram mate....... I remember you slagging Steinberg too !!!....... making waves is a fine s/w mate........also I'd add that what I would like on my desktop to play with all night isn't currently available from steinberg, yourself, or any s/w house...... heh heh......

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Message 23/33             01-Apr-98  @  02:25 PM   -   RE: hammerhead soon to release via steinberg



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Hey Bram my man. I ahve to agree with you. I got into hammerhead because it worked like a gadget not like a multiple choice form. Having said that you did slag off Propellerhead and Steinberg. And having said that you deserve to make some money for your efforts.

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Message 24/33             01-Apr-98  @  05:20 PM   -   RE: hammerhead soon to release via steinberg



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Message 25/33             02-Apr-98  @  09:01 PM   -   RE: hammerhead soon to release via steinberg



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I for one really appreciate a music program that behaves like a musical instument, and I'll back that up with a check as soon as BBox ships.

Hammerhead and Seq-303 rule! If I want all the features of making waves, I'd just use cakewalk anyway.

I don't mean to slag making waves, it's just that I couldn't make heads or tails out of it (and I'm not an idiot). It took me 15 seconds to start kicking out cool beats on hammerhead.

It's very clear who gets MY money.

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Message 26/33             04-Apr-98  @  11:29 PM   -   RE: hammerhead soon to release via steinberg



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Bram -
32nd Notes????
Have you improved the makebank?
Is there an option for cancellation of smaples when triggering connected samples, like the Breqs and the High Hats in Hammerhead???
Having said that, tho.. I think that Hammerhead sounds clearer and less muddy than Making Waves (Tho that might just be because when faced with all those slots for instruments, I always go overboard and put too much in at once)

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Message 27/33             04-Apr-98  @  11:41 PM   -   RE: hammerhead soon to release via steinberg



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I was just thinking...... Rebirth and Hammerhead have never chunked out streamed-to-disk loops that were the same length, in the same tempo...... Now, I assume Cubase has the same values for tempo as Rebirth, and something was said on one of the pages Bram mentioned about it using the same tempo values of Cubase.... So, which one is "wrong"? And if Rebirth is "wrong", is BBox gonna be wrong in the same way, and thus semi-incompatible with Hammerhead?

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Message 28/33             08-Apr-98  @  01:52 PM   -   RE: hammerhead soon to release via steinberg

Bram Bos (bram


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I don't know anything about timings being incorrect in
ReBirth, but I know that at 140 BPM there are exactly
140 beats in a minute... I think that is pretty simple.

I used the same timing calculation in B.BoX as in
HammerHead (only the B.BoX one was rewritten in
assembler to improve performance).

About the rest:

The Userbank editor is fully integrated, imports up to 20
samples (WAVs) per bank. And with note dynamics and
velocity and panning and reversing settings PER NOTE
I think the ReBirth drumcomputer(s) simply can't be
compared to B.BoX...

All the samples are bought (or sampled) directly from the
big guys: Roland, Korg, Oberheim, Linn, Yamaha, ...
Can't get no better sound for this money. And the
distortion effect in B.BoX is sharp as hell. I rewrote
the algorithm to make it more agressive, dirtier than
any other distortion effect I found so far.

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Message 29/33             08-Apr-98  @  10:21 PM   -   RE: hammerhead soon to release via steinberg


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I've mucked around with Hammerhead and Rebirth. The option of loading your own samples and the shuffle function are great but still no delay I think - Is that because Steinberg still want to be able to shift copies of Rebirth after B. Box comes out?


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Message 30/33             09-Apr-98  @  02:09 PM   -   RE: hammerhead soon to release via steinberg



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I've just found, that if I program a minute long acid twiddling session in Rebirth, and then try to match it to looped HH samples in SAW, that at about 30 seconds Rebirth drifts drastically off tempo... Maybe I've got the settings knackered or something, tho

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