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Original Message 1/31             22-Sep-98  @  07:08 PM   -   EVENT - BEWARE


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When asking about the ASIO drivers for the GINA, which Ive been waiting for over 4 months, event said that if people stopped bothering them theyd be out sooner. In June, they promised me the drivers in JULY or AUGUST.

Yet another story of promises of support that doesnt appear.

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Message 2/31             22-Sep-98  @  07:41 PM   -   RE: EVENT - BEWARE



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yup.... i reckon it's simply that vst is so fucked up they cant write them... wouldnt surprise me

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Message 3/31             22-Sep-98  @  09:20 PM   -   RE: EVENT - BEWARE


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yeah, I've heard that. Still, the newest drivers are down to a 557 ms latency.

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Message 4/31             23-Sep-98  @  12:07 AM   -   RE: EVENT - BEWARE



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no i never heard it... i figured it as logical !!!!!

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Message 5/31             23-Sep-98  @  05:23 PM   -   RE: EVENT - BEWARE



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Ahem. I donno if I am out of tune here but
I have cubase versions with drivers to GINA wich run like hell. Of course it`s cracked
But it works.
I have hooked up a fella with that cubase, and his Gina burn rubber now he says, the same goes for his uses in cakewalk, cool edit pro .etc.
punch in your mail ad. and we`ll talk if your interested.


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Message 6/31             23-Sep-98  @  11:13 PM   -   RE: EVENT - BEWARE



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"polse" means sausage =)


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Message 7/31             24-Sep-98  @  02:08 AM   -   RE: EVENT - BEWARE


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'gift' means poison.


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Message 8/31             24-Sep-98  @  02:09 AM   -   RE: EVENT - BEWARE


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or, in other words, i think...
'gift' means poison.


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Message 9/31             24-Sep-98  @  02:12 AM   -   RE: EVENT - BEWARE


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hey if you hit escape while your message is sending so you can add some more stuff, it posts 'em boths!

luvverly eh?

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Message 10/31             24-Sep-98  @  02:41 PM   -   RE: EVENT - BEWARE

pølse pølse pølse


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Well,I think it`S sweet to be an idiot anyhows

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Message 11/31             25-Sep-98  @  08:02 AM   -   RE: EVENT - BEWARE


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'gift' also means marriage

anyone figure why mac asio drivers seem to pop out like babies in the ghetto and the pc equivalents never even get developed?

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Message 12/31             25-Sep-98  @  08:29 AM   -   RE: EVENT - BEWARE



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Just recently, I installed the new drivers (3.0.8) for my Gina. Now normally I'm an extremely patient bloke, being a capricorn and all that, but Event's attitude to software makes me fucking boil. Wasting their time fucking around with the grotesque echo console. What about getting the fucking drivers bug-free and stable? Direct-Fucking-X, ha ha - pull the other one. ASIO?? Did I hear someone laugh? Nice hardware, though.

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Message 13/31             25-Sep-98  @  08:59 AM   -   RE: EVENT - BEWARE



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To all software freaks in the Santa Barbara area: Get your "butts" down to Event and make yourselves a few bucks on the side by showing them how to write software. Just a thought.

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Message 14/31             25-Sep-98  @  10:16 AM   -   RE: EVENT - BEWARE


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i'm in the santa barbara area...perhaps if i go in there with a bomb strapped to my back they'll listen to me while i dictate their 1's and 0's? hmm...perhaps i'll wait on that till i can afford to buy anything Event makes. but hell, if i'm going in there with a bomb on my back it should be pretty easy to get a free Gina, no?



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Message 15/31             26-Sep-98  @  11:49 PM   -   RE: EVENT - BEWARE



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I like the bomb idea, I dont think theyll listen but you life will be sacrified for the common good.

Maybe Event get their programmers the same place music shops get their salesmen. Id like to say that this is a generalisation, but, find me a music shop which isnt crap.
(ok, not world wide but within the M25.....)

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Message 16/31             27-Sep-98  @  12:59 AM   -   RE: EVENT - BEWARE



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well, after reflection (and i'm a non-owner.. if i'd bought it, i may be would be mad!!)... event gave you a decent 8 out & s/pdif card with nice solid connectors at a bargain price...... what are the options ?.. apart from the korg 12/12, and that still cost more for the rack analog multi-out unit/s... y just gotta live with it... er.... it works at least..... maybe vst looses the gina a few times per session and you have to re-start vst... but ...

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Message 17/31             27-Sep-98  @  11:01 AM   -   RE: EVENT - BEWARE



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That's the way I feel.. I paid my money for the Gina, I got my money's worth.. When they get off their asses and get the ASIO drivers right, it'll just be icing on the cake.. Even without, I think I got what I paid for, totally.....Of course, I don't use VST   (Notoriously buggy prog in the first place)

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Message 18/31             27-Sep-98  @  02:54 PM   -   RE: EVENT - BEWARE



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Dont sell what you havent got......Thats the reason why I didnt jump for the EWS64.

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Message 19/31             27-Sep-98  @  09:57 PM   -   RE: EVENT - BEWARE


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i've bought a Darla whose connectors were no good!
I gave it back and got an ARC88 that is working fine (german technology uber alles)
by Fiver from italy

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Message 20/31             28-Sep-98  @  08:55 AM   -   RE: EVENT - BEWARE


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Well, the echo console is excellent, the new easy trim control is better. The original drivers are more stable, though.

Anyway, kilo & sedusa are completely right. I bought my gina around the beginning of the year, and at that time there was nothing out there that could touch it. Now that new gadget labs card is coming, which should be the best value around, but even that only has asio drivers for the mac (a trait shared by many cards, any ideas why?).

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Message 21/31             28-Sep-98  @  09:53 AM   -   RE: EVENT - BEWARE



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As I said, the Event hardware is good, and the sound is outstanding for the price. My previous comments, were a bit verbose due to the fact that I had spent a very frustrating night with Gina, lots of crashes, lots of inspiration gone, hardly any sleep etc. I've chilled a bit now, after having reinstalled 3.0.5. Another worry still exists, however. One day, PC main boards will have a standard PCI bus freq. of 100MHz. I believe Gina, and the other Event cards can only cope with 66MHz. What happens when Event owners want to upgrade? (Is this the case with other sound cards?)

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Message 22/31             28-Sep-98  @  10:06 AM   -   RE: EVENT - BEWARE



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I'm running a 100mhz buss with a Gina, and it works perfectly fine.. No worries, mate  

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Message 23/31             28-Sep-98  @  10:28 AM   -   RE: EVENT - BEWARE



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well that is weird, cos they said it apparently....

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Message 24/31             28-Sep-98  @  10:41 AM   -   RE: EVENT - BEWARE



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Well, maybe shit's just workin out for me... And I'm a lucky bastard.. but it works fine on my system  

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Message 25/31             28-Sep-98  @  10:42 AM   -   RE: EVENT - BEWARE



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I've just mailed Event about the 100MHz query. When they reply I'll post the answer here. Hope your Gina doesn't burn up on re-entry, Sedusa.

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Message 26/31             28-Sep-98  @  05:00 PM   -   RE: EVENT - BEWARE

Swedish guy


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Actually, "gift" means "married", not "marriage".

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Message 27/31             29-Sep-98  @  12:08 PM   -   RE: EVENT - BEWARE



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Sedusa, I would like to know what type of mainboard you are using (manufacturer, chip set).

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Message 28/31             29-Sep-98  @  02:42 PM   -   RE: EVENT - BEWARE


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you lot - does gift mean 'married' or whatever in swedish, german, sanskrit or babylonian?

i just like to konw these things  

oh and hilevelt. i know i haven't been here long enough to know what was going on. still think my advice is pertinent. reacting personally to things which aren't hurts. good advice.


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Message 29/31             29-Sep-98  @  03:16 PM   -   RE: EVENT - BEWARE


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uh, xoxos, are you referring to the censorship thread? Thanks but no thanks on that advice; if my own family was having personal difficulties about which you understood only shallowly, I would not be receptive to any 'words of wisdom' you might have to offer.

This is not a personal thing, you seem like a great guy, but you took some of AC's comments too out of context, and I believe that some of what she had to say should be regarded seriously, despite the piles of crap you might have to dig through to get there. You and buggo seemed a little to eager to take sides, which is unfortunately what happened before: both AC AND Kilo each gathered troops on their sides, and they BOTH made a point to openly attack those that did not take their sides. Whatever, I don't come to DT for a soap opera, no hard feelings between us, o.k.?

BTW, gift is both swedish and norwegian, and probably danish as well. Most of us on this site speak some Tutonic derivative, but of them the scandinavian are the closest alike.

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Message 30/31             29-Sep-98  @  04:36 PM   -   RE: EVENT - BEWARE


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gift means poison in german  

anyway current PC boards run the PCI bus at 33 Mhz.
this has nothing to do with the PROCESSOR bus,
which runs usually at 66 or 100. they are supposed
to be separate busses. the PCI bus is only spec'd
to 66 mhz, it currently isn't planned to go any
higher....... you might have problems at something
other than 66 or 100 though....

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Message 31/31             30-Sep-98  @  02:04 AM   -   RE: EVENT - BEWARE


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fair enough. she just seemed a bit upset, and that's what i had to offer.

you lucky sods. why don't you swedes just invade and make us all lackeys so that one day we might benefit from your superior culture (proud nord user.)

yep. had a song about retribution where i had this faux language instructional phrase 'i have a present for you, ich habe einer gift fur dich.' well, i liked it. that's the extent of my german. just wanted to make sure this phrase didn't mean i wanted to get married...


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