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Subject: The never never.....

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Original Message 1/32             03-Jan-04  @  04:44 PM   -   The never never.....


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how many of you guys are ticked to the eyeballs then?

just been looking at G5's running 002R's and can take one home with a years interest free buy now pay next year thang.......

never took anything on credit studio wise but shit , this is tempting i shouldnt even have went to look - my poor g4 400/001 sitting here still trying to look all shiny.


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Message 2/32             03-Jan-04  @  05:00 PM   -   RE: The never never.....



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if your g4 400 is only trying to look shiny ....what are ya standing there for?
get going!

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Message 3/32             03-Jan-04  @  05:02 PM   -   RE: The never never.....

Optofonik - AKA, mick, rhyze, etc.

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This is how it starts. Its a dark road you look toward. I highly recommend saving you money and by the time you have enough it will have gone down in price or there will be something more powerful for the same. You current setup is serving you well, let it continue to do so.

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Message 4/32             03-Jan-04  @  07:49 PM   -   RE: The never never.....


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Yep. By the time you pay it back there will be something even more shinier. Dont take the easy path, that leads to the dark side

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Message 5/32             03-Jan-04  @  08:34 PM   -   RE: The never never.....



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everything the wise men say is true.
there's no 2 ways about it.

but there'll always be something shinier.
you have a 400mhz machine and if you're looking for something along the lines of
2 ghz .....there's really no comparison.

if 400 is doing it for you then sure.....stay.
if not.....'s money......whatchya gon do with it? if not buy stuff
to make tunes with??
problem with the g5 is you're gonna have to be ready to upgrade on more than the hardware front unless you're already fully-osX compatible.....
.......sequencer, plug-ins etc.
and therein lies the potential black-hole of spend spend spend.

question becomes: what's darkness but a place to shine a little light upon?
i guess it COULD consume you and swallow you> but i thought we were just talking about
whether to buy a new computer or not?

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Message 6/32             03-Jan-04  @  10:51 PM   -   RE: The never never.....


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that last post clay, fuckin spot on innit -

theres always gonna be something shinier within a month or two of purchasing a computer, but im ready to spend now, and with that everything the upgrade may entail.

in saying that, not much to talk about really the only real sore point is no Metric halo 'ChannelStrip' for OsX - thats about the only plug i actually cane across every audio track - will be nice being able to have more than 2 or 3 reverbs on the go without having to print the fuckers mind you.

Upgraded convertors on the interface and upgraded software are somthing to look forward to but its a kinda boring upgrade (the best most trouble free kind normally fingers crossed)

Toyed with ther idea of logic and something sexy from the motu range but just gonna stick with waht i know. (know pretty well i reckon)

Also toyed with getting a g4 dual 1.42/1.25 and keeping the same version of PT and 001 (pci slots) but almost the same price as a G5 so seems like not such a good deal

Macworld this week too which peeps reckons gonna unveil new cpu's to put the dual 2.0's at the bottom of the ladder, but by time of production, shipping and troubleshooting.... bah sometimes you just have to say fuck it and dive in.

But yeah anyhow- gonna tick me something shiny this week coming, bring the darkness right the fuck on- i got a fuckin big candle ready ~~~~~~~~~~


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Message 7/32             03-Jan-04  @  11:15 PM   -   RE: The never never.....



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good luck.
let me know if you end up with any os 9 plugs you're interested in selling.

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Message 8/32             03-Jan-04  @  11:30 PM     Edit: 03-Jan-04  |  11:31 PM   -   RE: The never never.....


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only ever used a few plugs anyhow- mostly all freebies with PT apart from i think 2 that were demos but never ran out (?), and all RTAS, mostly just digidesign suite eq shelfs/compressors n basic shitz, but all superduper ya know.

OsX + PT6 , theres a proper VST translator coming the next month or two, gonna be some proper fucked up beats coming from the Blu household with some of that freebie vst gear floating about - that shit could get right outta hand


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Message 9/32             03-Jan-04  @  11:33 PM   -   RE: The never never.....

Optofonik - AKA, mick, rhyze, etc.

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The only sentence in you post that ends in a question mark is, "how many of you guys are ticked to the eyeballs then?"

The computer isn't what you asked about. Debt is what you asked about. Don't confused the two. Computers are loverly shiny things from the panthoen of Gods and the angels in heaven. Debt is an evil corporate scourge upon mankind meant to keep the masses focused on their socio-economic illusions.

If you got the cash I say, "Head on down to the Apple Store!." If you ain't got the dough, don't go. Do this. Add up the interest. Determine how much it adds up to. How much does a Virus cost? How much does Absynth cost? Whatever other piece of kit you've been looking at, how much does it cost?

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Message 10/32             04-Jan-04  @  01:01 AM   -   RE: The never never.....



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i only owe the taxman  

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Message 11/32             04-Jan-04  @  01:13 AM   -   RE: The never never.....



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you've seen pictures of blu's studio...right mick?
apparently the man likes to have some stuff to make his productions with......
and he's currently driving a 400 mhz computer which is probably not gonna pull this year.

it's credit on a 2500 dollar expenditure if the creditor okays it....which i'm guessing he will.
so he pays the 19%. it means he gets to bring her home and start hittin it immediately.

c'mon...ya ain't ever been horny like that?
it's not like they could end up with a child and be tied to it all their lives.
it's a piece of gear. would be better but some people like establishing credit so they don't have to live like you and i....i.e. no credit.
i don't know anyone who owns a home that paid cash for it.
ya gotta start somewhere. it's dark.
i thought you liked vampire stories?

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Message 12/32             04-Jan-04  @  03:25 AM   -   RE: The never never.....


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Bollocks to deferred gratification is all I can say.Debt is a noose around your neck for set period of time as long as you don't fall off the stool during that time you'll be ok but it all depends on your balance.If you're shoogly don't put your neck in the noose.

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Message 13/32             04-Jan-04  @  03:51 AM   -   RE: The never never.....



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well....3 wise men say no....3 morons say yes.....



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Message 14/32             04-Jan-04  @  04:17 AM   -   RE: The never never.....

Optofonik - AKA, mick, rhyze, etc.

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Six wisemen offering six opinions.

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Message 15/32             04-Jan-04  @  06:47 PM   -   RE: The never never.....


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Just ask yourself "is this going to help me make better music?" ;)

I've been drooling after a G5, but my little Powerbook is doing a good job thus far, so
what will the G5 do for me other than allow a lot more plugins and over a zillion audio
tracks with a Platinum verb inserted on every channel? Oh heck, that's done it...  

I think getting in debt is daft, unless you're starting a business or something - Instant
gratification is all it is, ya know.   If you really want something, save up for it. By the
time you've saved the cash, the current crop of G5s will be faster and quite possibly
cheaper. It's always the way. Plus, if you've already paid, you can enjoy it without that
creeping feeling of being owned that comes with debt.

Also, it's always good to wait on any Apple purchase until after the Keynote, innit?

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Message 16/32             04-Jan-04  @  07:09 PM   -   RE: The never never.....



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okay....well....NOW we can say 6 wise-men.

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Message 17/32             04-Jan-04  @  10:54 PM   -   RE: The never never.....


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pay $5,000 for a $3,500 priced thing over 2 years and by that time its worth $1,000.

I know you gotta have it - I write the copy. Just buy this on HP and that on that store card and max the credit card and consolidate your debts to one easy payment and sell your home to pay it.

I used to play Monopoly and near the end of the game the winner would always make some bid to buy the bank.

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Message 18/32             04-Jan-04  @  11:00 PM   -   RE: The never never.....


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nah 'tis interest free purchase



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Message 19/32             04-Jan-04  @  11:10 PM   -   RE: The never never.....



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sell your home to buy a new mac!>!?!?!>!?!>!? GEEEZ!!!!!

STOP blu>!!!!>!>!>!>!>! NOW!

don't DO IT MAAAAAAAN!!!!!!
NOT YOUR HOME!!!!!!!!!!

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Message 20/32             05-Jan-04  @  04:46 PM   -   RE: The never never.....


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weeeeeeeeeeee, G5 dual 2 gig monster + 002 to be picked up on Friday

im drinkin plenty water meanwhile encase i got to sell a kidney ya know


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Message 21/32             05-Jan-04  @  06:00 PM   -   RE: The never never.....


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Congrats, guy!  

'Keynote' is the big announcement that comes every year from Apple. It's pretty much the center of the Mac-obsessed people's world - This is a big stage show where Jobs and co unveil and demonstrate a bunch of new software/hardware to the public and it's usually pretty amazing stuff.

The next one is (Looks at website), shite, it actually starts today!!! How did I forget that? Maybe they're going to unveil the G5 powerbooks or something??

(Or the new G6 that costs only $500) ;)

I woulda waited if I was you.


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Message 22/32             06-Jan-04  @  12:16 AM   -   RE: The never never.....



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come out and say hi once in awhile between calling tech support and getting her configured.

i have an m-audio 8x8 which is has it's top off and screws neatly aside which i'm ready to toss out the window as the replacement chips they sent me....which seemed strangely-ready for shipment btw>>> haven't done a thing to fix my midisport. now none of the lights do hardly anything whereas last week they just all went flashing like mad. i mean at least give me my silly lights.

well.....keep that big candle ready blu>and have fun!

you're gonna save the g4 for rice-recipes...yes?

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Message 23/32             06-Jan-04  @  12:37 AM     Edit: 06-Jan-04  |  12:38 AM   -   RE: The never never.....


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yeh will be watchin that keynote thang but still a happy man here

dunno what ill do with the G4 yet clay~

was gonna sell it and put the 001 in the PC, but in all honesty Its a crime to split this G4/001 set-up, honestly~ its been as close to 3yrs worth of perfect computer recording/seq as i could have hoped for

mebbe ill keep it 'encase' but in all probability it will prolly be in supermart ad's paper within a few weeks as a bundle for some lucky punter looking to get into this malarky!


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Message 24/32             06-Jan-04  @  05:22 AM   -   RE: The never never.....

Optofonik - AKA, mick, rhyze, etc.

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Clay, what chip? I've been using two 8x8 interfaces for some time now. Is there something on the horizon getting ready rear its ugly head without warning?

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Message 25/32             06-Jan-04  @  06:10 AM   -   RE: The never never.....



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mick....if no ugliness has reared it's head yet... you're clear.
mine was giving me troubles from day-one> after using my opcode 128x trouble-free for nearly ten years. god bless em & rip.
this has bummed me as it's left me without a viable midi-studio for goiung on 2 weeks now......though i'm not without means to make music.
i could reasonably say that i am now a true reason fanatic.

we're discussing whether m-audio sends me a new unit or does audiomidi.
honestly...and they both know this....i want the one with the new face-plate.
the one lying here is butt-ugly....especially since it don't work.

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Message 26/32             06-Jan-04  @  03:37 PM   -   RE: The never never.....

Optofonik - AKA, mick, rhyze, etc.

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Truly sorry to hear that. The 8x8 has been much less trouble for me than my old MOTU 6x6. If you can get it sorted and get the bad taste out I think you'll end up a happy camper with it.

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Message 27/32             06-Jan-04  @  05:20 PM   -   RE: The never never.....



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thanks for the encouragement mick.
one way or another....i intend to be happy!

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Message 28/32             06-Jan-04  @  05:54 PM   -   RE: The never never.....


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Blu... are you getting a 002 or 002R in the end? i envy you if its the former, you biach

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Message 29/32             06-Jan-04  @  07:31 PM   -   RE: The never never.....


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Opted for the 002 rack in the end mate- was very close to the 002 control, actually very very close, but reckon the rack will do me nice for what im up to at the mo, gonna have me a coupla gig of RAM thrown into the G5 and some purty Waves native Rtas Plugs instead


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Message 30/32             06-Jan-04  @  09:42 PM   -   RE: The never never.....


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Never buy a computer on an extended credit arrangement - say more than 1 year. You're virtually guaranteeing that you'll still have to pay for it after it goes out of date.


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Message 31/32             06-Jan-04  @  09:47 PM   -   RE: The never never.....


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good timing, craig.

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Message 32/32             08-Jan-04  @  08:46 AM   -   RE: The never never.....



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blu: have you used the "Blue Tubes" rtas plugin? absolutely amazing stuff...the tape
echo/delay is awesome. try it out at worth the download.

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