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Subject: help hookin-up midi

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Original Message 1/34             22-Mar-04  @  12:17 AM   -   help hookin-up midi



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I just bought a lap-top from my friend for cheap, ive always wanted to use one as a dedicated stand alone for synths, sampler etc.
I bought a firewire 410 for it, and now id like to sequence with it as well as with my other units. My problems is im not very good at midi. Here is a run down of my gear, id like to sequence with my mc-505 as the host "clock send" and have the rest just clock up, but not be receiving note signals. Using my s/w sequencer as a realtime recorder.
What should i set these to and how should i hook this up so it all works correctly?


mc-505 (host clock)

firewire410 / laptop (synths+ sampler)

Q-rack Triggered by(pcr-30)



digi001(pro-tools le)

midiman 4x4

psy and helped me a lot on my last issue just wanted to thank you.

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Message 2/34             23-Mar-04  @  02:01 AM   -   RE: help hookin-up midi



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Message 3/34             25-Mar-04  @  01:52 AM   -   RE: help hookin-up midi



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what i fail to understand here is how you're going to get that virus c going via clock with no midi note-on signals?
does it have a sequencer built in?

what i love too is when a guy comes up with a big thanks once he's needing a new favor.
that's always works.

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Message 4/34             25-Mar-04  @  05:21 AM   -   RE: help hookin-up midi

* compulsary


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cubase = options => midi setup == filtering

mcc : mc505 midi clock ==> (filter)sequencer ==> virus

i don't see the point tho'. if your pc is not up to the job midi wise, feeding it clock from the 505 ain't gonna magically improve it's performance.

what's a pcr-30 ?

wait a second. y ou bought a super nova 2 and can't figure simple midi connections ?



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Message 5/34             25-Mar-04  @  06:35 AM   -   RE: help hookin-up midi

Optofonik - AKA, mick, rhyze, etc.

Posts: 1444

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Get Cubase or some other sequencer. Forget the 505 as a master.

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Message 6/34             25-Mar-04  @  10:49 AM   -   RE: help hookin-up midi



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mebbe he wants to use previously created MC songs, and likes working with it and wants the lappy just as a sync'd audio multi-track


sounds reasonable

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Message 7/34             25-Mar-04  @  06:21 PM   -   RE: help hookin-up midi

cydonia cell


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The reason you're not getting an answer is a LOT depends on what the 505 is capable of, midi-wise... and it's going to take someone with a 505 to answer... I had one for a couple of months a few years ago... as I recall you can go into tthe MIDI menu and tell each channel NOT to transmit MIDI. And then tell the global MIDI menu to send clock out. I don't know how to do that anymore, but that's what you'll be doing. That way your 505 won't be "playing" the other gear. Then in each bit of your kit you'll have to find how to tell it to sync to external MIDI... gear manufacturers don't get together on this stuff so the process is different on each bit of gear, but the result is the same... and in each manual there should be something on "sync to external MIDI"!!! But you HAVE TO tell the 505 not to send on a specific channel or it will send notes, and I can't recall a piece of gear that can but won't respond to note on info, that's pretty fundamental... so you have to do it at the 505! And I'm pretty sure that you have to do it oon a performance by performance basis, it's not a global parameter.

I won't even go into whether this is a good idea or not... you've got your reasons I'm sure, and I can think of a few good ones. Just because one fool likes cubase doesn't mean all the other fools do... stick to what works for you, unless you like something better.


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Message 8/34             25-Mar-04  @  07:53 PM   -   RE: help hookin-up midi



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mcc, i thanked them before also when the initially helped me.

I appreciate there patience, im kinda new to this and feel stupid at times. It takes a diff. kind of person to be helpful without being negative or throwing out remarks.

Im just trying to learn thats all.

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Message 9/34             25-Mar-04  @  08:03 PM   -   RE: help hookin-up midi



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I dont see why everyones getting on me. YES i bought a supernova2 because(which is really not your business) but because I LIKE IT! and I CAN!

because i ask a midi question procludes me from buying one...i dont see the rationality there. how old are you?

K, i dont see the big deal either.

K, Cydonia Thanks.

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Message 10/34             25-Mar-04  @  10:13 PM   -   RE: help hookin-up midi



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so is ANYTHING going to be triggered by the MC505 apart from clock?

or will you simply clock the pc lappy to the 505 and sequence everything from the lappy?

if so, that's not hard, but an odd methodology

however, you want EVERYTHING to clock to midi?... not just the lappy with cubase, but ALL the hardware items too?

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Message 11/34             26-Mar-04  @  03:46 AM   -   RE: help hookin-up midi



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I dont have cubase k i have pro tools.. =) nah i am using the lappy as a drum machine with reason,absynth2,kontakt. Firewire410 connecting to it, audio from that going stereo into PT. Takin some demand off the cpu. Im guessing it would be best if i used digi as a host sequencer, and forget the 505 for now. Id like to host PT, and sync up the laptop, as well as the synths with PT. That may be best what do you think?

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Message 12/34             26-Mar-04  @  07:25 AM   -   RE: help hookin-up midi



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computer sequencers are preferable because you can access most menus and parameters much more effortlessly than hardware sequencers due to their limited graphical interface.
if cpu demand is a major issue maybe you can acquire a cheaper pc to send clock to and thusly able to sync both machines with fewer limitations as to what you can run with them.
as for how old we are....well....we're old enough to know you can't buy a milion things like computers and hardware sequencers AND viruses supernovas AND kontakt AND absynth AND pro-tools and whatever you can shake a stick and expect people to come tell you how you hook it altogether....because you're new at it.
i mean you can but......definitely expect the odd snicker now and then.

my suggestion would be to figure out which sequencer you're going to use and learn how to hook up one piece of gear at a time.

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Message 13/34             26-Mar-04  @  08:00 AM     Edit: 26-Mar-04  |  08:05 AM   -   RE: help hookin-up midi


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jesus christ, clay, shut up. Not every post requires a life lesson.

Razz, I'm a bit unclear as to what you use the 505 for at all, if only host clock? If that's the case then yeah, you'd be much better off using PT as your master clock. If you prefer sequencing with the 505, then there is a way you can use it in conjunction with PT, getting clock from PT, but still sequencing with your 505.

Won't go into it if this isn't your intention, so let me know.

And clay, i still love ya man... but shut up

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Message 14/34             26-Mar-04  @  05:16 PM   -   RE: help hookin-up midi



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psy i would like to host from PT, and have everything sync together. Forget the 505 for now as im gonna use reason(laptop) mostly as my drum machine. My main question really was do you guys sync everything up before recording audio in PT or do you edit it later to make it sync together. My asking this stems from my liking to record live sometimes. i'll run all machines together...bang out some well as some really tight mixes, but before i didnt have the means to record them. They just got thrown out the window so to speak. understand? I like the flow of mixing live...gets me into it more..
and going back later, erasing the junk and piecing together the good stuff now with the use of PT. Am i the only one who likes to do this?

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Message 15/34             26-Mar-04  @  06:39 PM   -   RE: help hookin-up midi

cydonia cell


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Wow, that's a much easier question

yes, I sync everything when I'm recording... because some clocks are better than others... and it's a big ASSED pain when you find that some "synced" delays are not quite in sync!

and I always edit a loop in sound forge to be sure there's no silence at the beginning of it, that way all of my loops are tight and in time with one another.

does that help at all?


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Message 16/34             26-Mar-04  @  10:29 PM   -   RE: help hookin-up midi



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nice..ok so im not crazy. Thanx cydonia. Now as for syncing up this stuff, i would run PT (out) into( in) of the midman 4x4 then (out) from M-man to each one of my pieces.
firewire410,virus and nova? is that right?

could i just cut and splice the audio, and change it to 1 fit correctly or is that not as accurate a method?

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Message 17/34             26-Mar-04  @  11:25 PM   -   RE: help hookin-up midi

cydonia cell


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you got it for the MIDI...

you could cut and splice, but you'd want to be careful.

there's a bit of technique that goes into knowing where to cut and all of that. it comes with time. that's why theres a market for sample cd's that are pre edited for loops... it's not always easy. but you've got the right idea.


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Message 18/34             26-Mar-04  @  11:35 PM   -   RE: help hookin-up midi

Optofonik - AKA, mick, rhyze, etc.

Posts: 1444

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Laptop's USB to 4x4

SN in/out on MIDI port 1

MC505 in/out on MIDI port 2

Indigo in/out on MIDI port 3

Q in/out on MIDI port 4

With each piece having a dedicated MIDI port you can use your hardware live as long as PT allows you to sequence multiple tracks simultaneously. By routing within PT you will also be able to use any particular piece as a controller for the others. The "Q" being a rack mount unit is of course the only exception to any of this.

If you prefer to start a track on the MC505 then all you need to do is sync it up with PT using either as the master although it would seem to make more sense to use PT as you clock source after you have the MC505's portion of the track sequenced. At this point it wouldn't be a bad idea to record the MC505's sequence into PT's sequencer - it would work as a backup and allow you to use PT's MIDI editing capabilities. Again, for live work all you need to do is set up PT to multi-record and go crazy.

For the audio side of things, get a 4-buss mixer with as many channels as you have outputs on your synths plus another few channels for future expansion. You can choose to use the mic preamps on the 410 and run stereo out of the mixer into the 410's line inputs or use the mixer's preamps and use all four busses on the mixer to run out to the 410. A patchbay would be a very good inexpensive investment.

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Message 19/34             26-Mar-04  @  11:36 PM   -   RE: help hookin-up midi



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I see the light...thanx guys.

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Message 20/34             27-Mar-04  @  12:05 AM   -   RE: help hookin-up midi

* compulsary


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"because I LIKE IT! and I CAN!"

implacable logic

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Message 21/34             27-Mar-04  @  02:11 AM   -   RE: help hookin-up midi



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=) right o ..have a nice day.

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Message 22/34             27-Mar-04  @  04:13 AM   -   RE: help hookin-up midi



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my system came with PT 5.3.2. This has wavedriver as an audio drive, i upgraded to asio driver and it says midi functions have been disabled. now what.

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Message 23/34             27-Mar-04  @  07:24 AM   -   RE: help hookin-up midi



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okay psy..razzboy...i shut up for about ten now i will say this:
razz posted his personal problem on the 22nd.
no one responded.
on the 23rd no one reponded.
on the 24th no one responded.
so i apologize for not letting this guy's little situation just die the way it was going
when on the 25th....i rescued his question by responding how i did.
now i love (?) you too psy~man...but you telling me to shut up?
if you're here to rescue guys...rescue them...don't just sit there for days in chat while our hero floats in an ocean of hopeless confusion yelling for help....and then come down on me (?)
for expecting guys to learn how to swim on their own somehow.

and oh yeah...btw....forget the 505 for now....gonna use reason as the drum machine.

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Message 24/34             27-Mar-04  @  07:33 AM     Edit: 27-Mar-04  |  07:40 AM   -   RE: help hookin-up midi

Optofonik - AKA, mick, rhyze, etc.

Posts: 1444

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Check your PT preferences and choose the 4x4 as your midi device. Now check in windows control panel, under multimedia, to insure that the 4x4 is active and prefered. While in the mutimedia devices menu, disable the laptop's onboard sound and MIDI. After you disable the lappy's onboard sound card and MIDI capabilities go into control panel's system devices and remove the onboard sound card's driver - removing the onboard soundcard from within both areas insures that P&P will not find the onboard sound card when you boot.

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Message 25/34             27-Mar-04  @  06:11 PM   -   RE: help hookin-up midi



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Im sorry your parents were mean to you clay. I am almost done with my phd in psych and I know the signs. I can recommend someone for you, if your would like. =)
I do enjoy your metaphor though. Me yelling from a boat, maybe its reflective of yourself, I dont know why these nice people helping me bothers you so much. I recall you said they were doing me a favor....Thats an odd way to look at it since this is a forum where people..*ehem* each other. no? I guess you were born knowing everything with no questions, and noone to help you from your boat. Big man.. you know so much about this stuff I dont doubt that, your of no help here. So wheres your knowledge..your constructive input?
You are a little to obsessed with the dates and times of my goings on. Its amusing frankly. =) on the 23rd he took a sh*t, on the 24th he yelled from his boat....are you serious?! Im glad you had your tantrum but I don't see what I did to warrant you to...hold your breath for ten minutes and explode....on the 27th.
***For all of you that have helped me im sorry if i am asking tedious questions. I do appreciate the help though. *** Thanks

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Message 26/34             28-Mar-04  @  12:33 AM   -   RE: help hookin-up midi



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a head doctor?
i'm a fan of jung's nevertheless.

as for dates and times...just statin the facts doc.
call it however you see it....just don't try to bill me.

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Message 27/34             28-Mar-04  @  03:43 AM   -   RE: help hookin-up midi

Optofonik - AKA, mick, rhyze, etc.

Posts: 1444

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Easy tiger, its all fun and games till someone puts an eye out. Instead of taking a dig at someone you might have taken the time respond to what I suggested. Did it work or no?

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Message 28/34             28-Mar-04  @  08:18 AM   -   RE: help hookin-up midi


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Hey, I been working a lot lately, so sue me for latent samaritanism.

And yeah, clay, I do love you. I try to love everyone but you're easy to love cause you try so hard. And you seem like a right cool guy to hang out with. But yeah, sometimes I want to tell you to shut up. This time it came out... oops [shrug]

So yeah, razz.... did you get things sorted yet?

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Message 29/34             28-Mar-04  @  05:43 PM   -   RE: help hookin-up midi



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thanks psy and i do understand.
my mom's been telling me to shut up for decades now.
and i actually do sometimes in 10 minute to 4 hour spurts.
but after that....forget it.
help! help!

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Message 30/34             28-Mar-04  @  06:01 PM   -   RE: help hookin-up midi



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Yes digs aside you guys helped me big time! I have most stuff worked out now, thanks again for the help.

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Message 31/34             28-Mar-04  @  09:55 PM   -   RE: help hookin-up midi



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can we hear some tunes then?

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Message 32/34             29-Mar-04  @  06:55 PM   -   RE: help hookin-up midi



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k... trust me im itching to start bangin some tracks out. In a few weeks time, i'll send you something ; ) as of right now between class and work, its tough on me.
Thanks for inquiring ...few weeks..promise

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Message 33/34             04-Apr-04  @  06:41 AM   -   RE: help hookin-up midi


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Tell us how you got things sorted.

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Message 34/34             04-Apr-04  @  04:19 PM   -   RE: help hookin-up midi



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I re-routed the midi through the usb as you suggested. Its working good.
I have the out from the midi-man going to all the ins of the SN,Q,Indigo-c,and lappy where reason and some s/w synths are.
I have them all on auto..receiving clock. I am using one of my electribes as a sequencer to help me get my tracks rock solid when i use the synths.(i havent figured out how to work midi within PT yet, as well as my update voids the use of midi (asio-for 5.3.2) until i get 6.1). For the most part it is working good. I am still learning the workings of the comp. sequencer. Some tracks begin to train wreck when they arent aligned properly but thats all part of the learning curve. I have been reading a few PTs book i picked up from barnes and nobles. Its been helping me understand how to cut the tracks and snap em together so everything sounds right. I have been using the shuffle feature which snaps them together right at the seams. When i ajdust the tempo to whole notes..understand that i have no idea what that is other then im experimenting. But it splits the "grid" in grid feature up into a whole bunch of segments. I like this because I can align my tracks easier...but when I press play on the sequencer all my midi equipment blinks at 1000 beats a minute.. i dunno. As for you help.. Its been what ive been using. I thank all of you guys. Midis working great, im having fun, just need to learn a little bit more..and I can send out some tracks finally. Thanks for your concerns.

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