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Subject: Free Software Sampler

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Original Message 1/35             06-Jun-98  @  05:20 AM   -   Shameless Plug



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Shameless plug...but at least it's not for me. Check at the Software Sampler at, FREE BETA. I am already using this thing every day in production. It's a detailed copy of the Akai S1000. 16 part multi, DirectX 5 sound, multiple output support, full Midi received, Midi Time Code / SMPTE stream support, and a shit load of other features. And the author Luca is as cool as hell (say hello to him).

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Message 2/35             06-Jun-98  @  04:17 PM   -   Software Crazed



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I have been a professional musician in the past for many
years. I have owned all types of gear but never any
software. Mainly because I did not have a fuckig
computer!...Anyway, I now have a 200mhz PC and
can now enjoy making the dance music I have always
loved but never could get rock bands to play..go
figure! Here is what I Have All Demos at this time):
Ensoniq Audio PCI Soundcard/Voyetra Audiostation
w/wave editor/Cakewalk Pro 6.0/Making Waves/
Rubberdiuck. My question is: Do I need all this crap?
I dont have time to fuck w/Midi and Dont have any
external controllers so is there anything wrong with
just having hanmerhead, making waves, rebirth and
my sound editor? I think it sounds great!

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Message 3/35             06-Jun-98  @  04:40 PM   -   RE: Free Software Sampler



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Nah... not at all. Hammerhead, Making Waves and Rebirth sounds like a great combination. I think there's alot to be said for simplicity and sticking to a few good programs and learning to use them well. For awhile I used nothing but Stomper and Making Waves. It sounded great and the simplicity let me concentrate more on making good tunes and less on screwing around with complicated gear and/or software.

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Message 4/35             06-Jun-98  @  05:07 PM   -   RE: Free Software Sampler



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It's just the nature of technology...but good comments, as the best dance music has ALWAYS been made out of neccesity, and utilizing simple gear and concentrating on good tunes...several Detroit techno artists still won't leave their hardware each his own.

The Signum software sampler is VERY can top and tail individual samples from within, set them up in keygroups, span across the keyboard, trigger different samples based on velocity, etc. I have a complex (Too) midi setup and this is a great solution for me.

Besides the beta was free...

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Message 5/35             08-Jun-98  @  05:31 PM   -   RE: Free Software Sampler



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What a mad concept, doing a software version of a hardware sampler. I downloaded it, and it seems pretty good... Only problem being, is that I've never been able to work out how to use them Akai S1000/S1100 samplers, and friends I've know who have have owned them never knew how to use them either. It's too bad they couldn't do an E4 or a K2500.. Burt then I suppose that would just use up too much CPU.

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Message 6/35             08-Jun-98  @  11:54 PM   -   RE: Free Software Sampler


Posts: 178

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They need a software S-950 if they're going to do one that's user friendly. I've tried the software 1100 and it's not bad but like you said, you've got to be a rocket scientest to get into it.


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Message 7/35             09-Jun-98  @  12:57 AM   -   RE: Free Software Sampler



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Ok...think abstract for a second and then you will just start to see the possibilities of this thing...remember, it's a beta and not everything is working yet. When you really get into this program it's like a lightbulb goes on...It really is no toy and is very complicated, but TRUST me , your efforts will be rewarded. (Download the Akai S3200 manual, it helps as it explains a lot of the terms like keygroup, keyspan, etc.).

You get 16 MIDI-triggerable velocity sensitive channels, and by using keygroups and keyspans, you can assign a different sample to every possible Midi note number (think key on a keyboard) available (create an entire 909/808 kit). It also supports multiple outs for several different soundcards which is nice for mixing, fx, etc. Keyspanning is also great for multi-samples like piano and synths. Crossfade these and you can span the entire keyboard without sounding funny. (I have a lot of these 3-4 octave multi-samples, e-mail me for them)

Use a virtual MIDI routing device like Hubi's Loopback this as one of your MIDI output ports in your sequencer (current track) and as MIDI input on the S1100...then pass the Midi on to say ReBirth. Use file/new/program and load your sample (eg. drumloop etc.). Highlite TESTPROGRAM and select DEL, assign the newly loaded sample to a Midi channel, selected the output device, send it Midi note data and you'll hear the sample trigger. (Hint, a lot of field values are easily changed using the r-mouse button or arrow up-dwn keys). I do most of my work on the close-up Display screen.

Also, the sample editing facilities are quite complete, allowing you to top, tail and loop your samples (non-destructivly, the sample is never changed on disk). Nice for setting up programs to trigger different parts of the same vocal sample, drum loop, etc.

I have been helping to beta test this program for a few months now and if you have any questions e-mail me at, I'll try to help.

It's really not for everybody, but if you're into MIDI and want to incorporate MIDI and Digital-Audio this is a great option. DirectX sound is the wave of the future...

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Message 8/35             09-Jun-98  @  04:37 PM   -   RE: Free Software Sampler



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does it work now then ?... i couldnt figure it out at all... and there was no help files at all when it first was announced....

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Message 9/35             09-Jun-98  @  04:52 PM   -   RE: Free Software Sampler



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Cool, thanks Greenman, you sound as if you've fully embraced this new software. I did realise that it could access multiple soundcards.. I just wish I had one of those multiple output ones. I'll grab that manual now, if I can. I tried the mailing list thing, but it didn't work.

I'd still like to see other gear emulated in software.. like a Prophet 10, Memorymoog, or even an MPC60/3000/2000?

Better still.. wouldn't an SP1200 or a Studio 440 be awesome, as long as they had the 12bit sampling. I'm sure they could do it.

Also, Waldorf have a D Pole filter plug-in for VST.. So, I mean, why don't they do a software Pulse also? I realise it wouldn't sound as fat, but it would still be nice.

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Message 10/35             09-Jun-98  @  10:06 PM   -   RE: Free Software Sampler



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A few tidbits to help with the frustration...

Work will be easier in the close-up DISPLAY mode (use page-up/dwn to toggle). The only thing I use the SAMPLER Display mode for is setting volumes...

Most knobs are turned to the left w/L-mouse btn and right w/ the R-mouse button. Or enter into a field and use arrow up/down keys, you can even speed dial by setting the cusor to the 100th, 10th or single decimal position (EX. |000, 0|00, 00|0,). The keypad is not functioning yet, but let the mouse set for a second over any button and a explaination will pop-up. Use Tab to learn all of the currently functioning fields (remember to r-mouse click, as you'll learn a lot of shortcuts). Not everything is working yet, so have patientience...but the program is finally stable, so it rarely crashes if ever.

Main selection buttons are located at the lower right in DISPLAY mode (small square push buttons) and the SoftKeys are right under the screen {F1}, {F2}, etc.


SP - Select Program, this can be confusing but to get you started a PROGRAM can be a single sample or a group of samples, with different velocity and keyspan settings, (say multi-samples of a synth). Use this mode to load a program from the file menu. Select (File/New Program...) and load yerself your fave wave. Also use SP mode to set MIDI channel [MIDI] and [MIX] for level and pan. I use this screen to delete the test program AFTER I have loaded up my sample. Highlite TESTPROGRAM and select [DEL], [PROG] and confirm OK. Now these 1-cycle test waves (PULSE, SAW, SQR, SINE) won't trigger.

ES - Edit Sample - Once a sample is loaded this is where you can view the wave form [ED.1] and set start and end points (let the mouse rest over the L & R ends of the waveform box until it turns into a double headed arrow, then drag to start and stop points respectfully, you can also arrow key up/dwn in the assoc. fields to set points...). Zoom in and out to place the markers more precisely. Note [REC] in not functioning, this months' beta only plays back triggered samples...)

EP - Edit program, this is where you can, (1) assign multi-samples to different keys [KGRP], [SPAN] (Low and High fields are for MIDI note numbers) - (2) change the freq, and resonance of a sample!!! [KGRP], [FILT] - and (3) set the ADSR of a sample or samples [KGRP], [ENV1].

This should be a good start, more later...

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Message 11/35             09-Jun-98  @  11:39 PM   -   RE: Free Software Sampler



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My problem with it is when I try to enter the original
pitch for any sample but the first in a program it won't goto the c4 type display it just goes to 60 then blank then 256 (this is when I click the parm button to toggle the different types of display). So really I can only have one sample/keygroup for a program 'cause I can't get it to play a high or low keygroup/sample properly.

Any suggestions?

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Message 12/35             10-Jun-98  @  04:59 AM   -   RE: Free Software Sampler



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Where are you trying to enter this original pitch infomation?? What screen...and subscreen are you on.

Try this...


GO to the [KGRP], then [SMP1], this is the screen to display and change velocity zones (Triggering samples based on how hard you hit the keys), among other things.

You should see your sample loaded in the first field. Tab through the fields until you get to the PITCH field. R-Mouse click, and make sure you have TRACK selected. This, as opposed to CONST, will track your sample pitchwise up and down the keyboard. CONST means constant (original) pitch, regardless of assigned midi note number. These two settings are very important aspects of setting-up multi samples.

Next, the span (lo and high range) of MIDI notes numbers (keys) that will effectively trigger your loaded sample can be set from this screen or by selecting [KGRP], [SPAN].

(1) From this screen [SMP1], keep hitting tab until the first midi note-number field, in the upper-left most corner of the screen, is selected. Now change this value (use arrow keys up/dwn) until it is set at the lowest MIDI note number you wish to use, say #60 or C_3. Hit tab once and use the arrow keys again to set the highest, again in this case #60 or C_3. Now your sample will only trigger on this pitch of C_3 (note number 60). Load up a different sample {PROGRAM) by going to File/New Program..., set it to the same MIDI channel. Go through the above process, but just use a different Midi note number (say #61)...Eh??? The start of a 909 KIT.

(2) From the [KGRP], [SPAN] screen. This is cool as the vertical line in the box on the left will change with your settings giving instant feedback showing overlaps, etc. Hit tab until you are in the LOW field. Arrow up/down to change (watch the vert line move!!) to tab once and arrow up/down to set your HIGH pitch. Continue as above to load-up the next sample. The fields in this screen display note numbers, and they should be displaying Pitch letters as in the above screen [SMP1]. I have a note in to the author on this and many other little cosmetic changes.

Hope this helps...

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Message 13/35             10-Jun-98  @  05:06 AM   -   RE: Free Software Sampler



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BTW...This was all done from the DISPLAY mode (Close-up), no need to toggle back and forth...I can't be bothered to be switching back and forth, just to set field values with the CURSOR and DATA knobs. They are cool as shit looking and are fun to play with, but for serious data entry, stay in the close-up DISPLAY mode and use R-Mouse button and the arrow keys...

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Message 14/35             11-Jun-98  @  02:42 PM   -   RE: Free Software Sampler



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I have no problem doing the program setup like you have mentioned above. My problem is in the edit sample setup.
I have a program with 3 key spans 1 = 24 - 57,2 = 58 - 95, 3 = 96 - 128. Ok now I assign 3 samples to these sample A to kgrp 1, B to Kgrp 2, C to Kgrp 3. Now if I play these B will sound ok because it was sampled at c4 and when transposed a little it still sounds ok. BUT A & C have both been transposed so much that they are unusable. So I goto the Edit Sample page (ES). From here I goto [ED.2] I right click and choose sample C or A. Now I press tab once and am in the Original Pitch field. The values here can be displayed in two ways note #'s or the c-4,c-3 way. These options are changed by pressing F5 or clicking the [parm]
button. When I first get to this field it says 256 (which I don't know what it stands for since there are only 128 keys as specified in the [KGRP],[SPAN] pages. So I press F5 or click [parm] and they feild goes blank? I click again and it goes back to 256. I want the display to goto the c-4 type but it never comes up. I've even tried going to [slct] change samples and then back to [ED.2] but nope. I'm using the Free Beta May 98 Release. I don't remember the old beta having this prob.   So if you could help that would be great.

Also how well does This program stay in sync? Fruitloops doesn't seem to do it well but rebirth isn't too bad.

BTW: do you like skinny puppy.  


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Message 15/35             11-Jun-98  @  03:28 PM   -   RE: Free Software Sampler



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Ahhhh...This is a BUG...

Do this...highlite the number 256 in the original pitch field with your mouse cursor...and using the number keypad on your keyboard, RETYPE the midi note numbers. Also, selecting different types of playback (LOOP IN RELEASE, PLAY SAMPLE TILL END)can fuck up this original pitch field, by placing different values (256, 95, etc.) into it...Just highlite the values and retype the correct numbers...You can also display the note pitch (C_1, C_#1, etc.) by clicking on [PARM] as you have discovered...I have just send your note to the're right this wasn't a problem with the last version...I think this work-around will help.

Timing seems to be dead on...I have used the S1100dx Sampler in several recordings, and haven't had a problem with drift. But it's always better to retrigger a sample (say drum loop) every 4 beats than to let 'em run 8 measures or so...the SMPTE option on the S1000dx will ensure that sync remains PERFECT...just set your sequencer to sent Midi Time Code (MTC, 25 frames is the standard for music).

What sequencing program are you using?

Who's Skinny Puppy? A SKA band, right? Send me somewhere on the Net to hear a demo of them...And I'll get back to you on that... 

Thanks for reporting your problems...let us know if this doesn't work.

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Message 16/35             19-Jun-98  @  02:49 PM   -   RE: Free Software Sampler

jason craig


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Hey Greenman

Yeah the suggestions worked, but the new version has it fixed. BUT I have a new small problem. My sequencer is Cakewalk and I have two sound cards. A Gravis Ultrasound ace (512k mem :0 ) and a Yamaha OPLSA-3 |P. So when I start Signum's sampler I would like it to use the Direct X Oplsa3 and let cakewalk use the wave out of the Ace to run multiple wave tracks & it's wavetable. But when i start up the sampler it initializes the Ace and won't let go of it. I'll load a program that doesn't use it and I don't have it as the record source. Also I don't have it selected in the Win95 multimedia sources (wave 'n midi). Any suggestions?

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Message 17/35             20-Jun-98  @  02:32 AM   -   RE: Free Software Sampler



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I have a note into Luca addressing just this. As per the current Beta, I don't think releasing soundcards for other programs is yet available...But it should be soon...Thanks again for all of your input...

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Message 18/35             25-Jun-98  @  10:55 PM   -   RE: Free Software Sampler



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I'm bringing this thread to the top as so many inquires to my e-mail have been requesting information...with this program and your PC, you'll never need another sampler...

be the Manual from AKAI's web site and learn a little every day'll be amazed at the capabilities of this program...

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Message 19/35             27-Jun-98  @  05:12 PM   -   RE: Free Software Sampler



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Now, I use Reality, which I think is pretty awesome, still. It has filters, different types of synthesis, aswell as great sample mapping abilities. Giga sampler has also been released recently which lets you load S1000/3000 CD Roms from the CD Rom in your PC.

Greenman, what are the S1100x's main advantages over these 2, apart from having separate outputs?

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Message 20/35             29-Jun-98  @  07:14 PM   -   RE: Free Software Sampler


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Message 21/35             29-Jun-98  @  10:50 PM   -   RE: Free Software Sampler



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My biggest like for the software sampler is if you've already learned how to use the Akai S1100 thru S3200XL (used to pretty much be the staple for dance music), then you already know how to use the Signum Sampler...It even looks exactly like the real thing...

I am trying to learn more about the GigaSampler to compare...first off it costs around $800 dollars...When the final Beta of the Signum is finished it'll probs be released as ShareWare at a fraction of this price...

The midi implemention of the program is can do so much with multi-samples of say, a piano, and even trigger different samples based on how hard the key is struck (vel) addition to being able to recreate acoustic instruments very well with this method, you can also come up with some really bizarre shit...

I also don't know a whole lot about Reality sounds like a software version of the Korg DSS-1 sampler/synth...based on the reviews I've read, it sounds very cool...

The idea of making exact software copies of gear is just a plain great idea...manufacturers/software programmers should jump on this...think a software SH-101, Juno 6, JD-800, fuck, the possiblities...we've all come to love ReBirth...

I think the beta being released without help files makes the program seem tough...but download the akai S3200 manual, and treat the program like it was a real hardware sampler out of the'd still have to open the manual and read how the machine works...

Give it a try, you've got nothing to lose...

I'm a real software junkie anyway...

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Message 22/35             30-Jun-98  @  03:25 PM   -   RE: Free Software Sampler



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Yeah, I've tried it for a couple of minutes, not enough I know. I do realise that S1000/11000's can be pretty difficult to use. I guy once came of to my studio to record a track with his S1000. He'd never assigned samples to separate outputs before, and he and the rest of us could not figure out how to do it as it just didn't seem to work. We ended up having to make a long distance phone call to someone who had one, in order to find out.

Gigasampler loads Akia samples, programs banks etc from Akai cd roms. It would be great if this did it also. I don't know how easy it works though on Giga.

Also, Reality 1.5 will be out in August and should be pretty special. It supports Direct sound, loads sound fonts, has more algorithms, more polyphony and lots more.

I'll still have a go at the Signum though, as it seems pretty promising also. I just need to find the time to sit down and learn it all. The FX thingy in there, is that working yet? If so, will there be more of them?

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Message 23/35             01-Jul-98  @  12:02 AM   -   RE: Free Software Sampler

Purple Haze


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Is there anyone out there (or in here) who has a 'real' hardware sampler and who konws or has used these software samplers like reality, gigasampler, signum or whatever else is out there and who can compare the two ?

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Message 24/35             01-Jul-98  @  02:51 AM   -   RE: Free Software Sampler



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No FX are working yet, but when implemented will allow use of DirectX reatime any plug-in for soundforge, VST, etc, will work...I posted your message to the author and it's sounds very promising that the Signum S1100dx will be able to read all Akai disks made...

I hope a manual/help files become available soon, as I understand a lot of peoples frustration...

MindSpawn...have you played with it enough to compare it to your $2000.00 Yamaha A3000?...I'd be interested to hear your comments...

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Message 25/35             01-Jul-98  @  04:02 AM   -   RE: Free Software Sampler


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Just started muckin' about with it this eve, and thanks to a 'green' hand, I've been well pleased with
the result. When she's fully implemented, I figger it may give me A3k a run for the money (especially for the money). The interface and the way you do stuff is all very similar to a hardware sampler, for instance, the menus and parameter adjustments are very close. Having a graphical display of the waveform and other bits gives it a one up over me A3k. The interface won't take very little to get used to if you've ever used a hardware sampler. I'd say once 'tis fully coded, yer lookin' at a piece of software that gets as close to perfectly emulating a hardware sampler as possible, plus some extra bits that will make setups easier and more manageable.

I like the beast. Even in beta, the ware is very useful, programs, or keyboard assignment looks to be simpler and more straight forward, and that sort of sample mapping alone makes it a worthwhile piece to own. She's still a bit buggy, but honestly, the stuff that is implemented looks good, the stuff to ba added looks to make it near perfect. Could be the ultimate budget sampler (providing you already own a computer - hell since prices for PCs have dropped dramatically, even buying a computer to use this ware on may be as cheap as a budget hardware sampler).

Peace all.

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Message 26/35             02-Jul-98  @  07:58 AM   -   RE: Free Software Sampler



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DX plug ins huh? Wow, if it had that, I'd definitely use it. Thanks for posting my comments also. I'm on the mailing list, so I'm sure I'll be informed of any updates. How long away do you think the final will be? Have you spoken to the author about this?

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Message 27/35             02-Jul-98  @  09:20 AM   -   RE: Free Software Sampler



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i cant get a note out of it !...... also, i cant see hlf the screen dislpay all the time... havent a clue how to work it..... any pointers as to how to get a basic loop to trigger ?.... or anything in fact..... er... weirdly, it plays midid out and keeps triggering my db50, but i cannot get a midid signal in, at least the midi signal in never registers anything, and no sound...... maybe i need to spend more time with it, but i cannot see any of the display, half of it is off the screen....any pointers ?.... or shall i just download the manual /... they have the manual for download at the Signum site now... or is it the old alpha version i have that is no good.. i noticed the new version downlaod at the site is 1.2mb... the one i have is 800k...?

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Message 28/35             02-Jul-98  @  10:09 AM   -   RE: Free Software Sampler



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I got it to work using the midi out of my mpc, but I haven't tried it with a pc sequencer yet. Kilo, surely you off all people should be able to get it working.

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Message 29/35             02-Jul-98  @  03:29 PM   -   RE: Free Software Sampler



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Kilo...get the manual, I'll the meantime, I'm putting together a small tutorial for you...give me few days...

Do you mean that you can't get the program centered on your PC screen or that you can see the screen on the software sampler?...please clarify...I good sign is that you're able to send MIDI note data...

Also, get the lastest beta release...and earlier in this thread are some steps to get you started...

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Message 30/35             02-Jul-98  @  09:04 PM   -   RE: Free Software Sampler



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I re-read your post and forgot to mention that as long as you are using a DirectX soundcard driver(not emulated), you can use the s1100dx at the same time as other DirectX compliant software (VST, ReBirth)...

You don't need a multi-out soundcard or anything special...

It shares use of the soundcard DirectX driver...and it has a MIDI out that acts as a MIDI thru (Pass MIDI on to ReBirth or whatever)...

So you really don't need a separate/dedicated PC for running the software sampler...but it sure would be nice to have dedicated PC's for each program...

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Message 31/35             04-Jul-98  @  05:54 PM   -   RE: Free Software Sampler

Lettus Be

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Another great feature would be some way to make this program usable with Akai's program/sample editor Mesa.
When I run Mesa it says it can't find my sampler and scsi drive. The scsi fake shouldn't be too hard. There is a program out called fakecd that makes programs thing that a directory on your harddrive is a cd rom drive. But anyway Mesa looks like a great way to edit Akai sampler programs, since it's all visual and has some built in fx (timestretch).

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Message 32/35             29-Jul-98  @  05:12 PM   -   RE: Free Software Sampler



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To The Great Green Helper
re: signum
Just a few questions 4 ya, I am using the beta dated 14/6/98 and it will only show emulated tahiti in the drop panel, I have a directx driver installed from turtle beach and it works fine in things like re-birth etc. any suggestions? Also when I try to sync with the mtc button I get an invalid page fault error and signum closes, help? And finally I heard you mention something about multiple outs in an earlier thread can you explain a little more. I've been using it 4 a while now and think it's the mutts nuts, apart from these little probs. It still seems to sync fairly well but I'm sure it could be better. I use a K6-233 running cakewalk, 96mb ram, tahiti & Ess soundcards.
Thanx, U da Man,
Regards Aphasia

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Message 33/35             29-Jul-98  @  05:35 PM   -   RE: Free Software Sampler



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Aphasia (phat name)...get the new beta...

This should solve the MTC Sync page fault...

You will know if your using the directX driver if you can run rebirth AND the signum at the same time and hear the output from both...the S1100dx may be incorrectly reporting an emulated driver when in fact your DX driver is indeed loaded...Wait till this baby supports DX plug-in's...

As for multiple outs...

In the SELECT PROGRAM (SP) Mode, Press [SLCT], then [MIX]...

Tab forward until you're under the column labeled O/P (Output)...

Right click...and make your Output selection...if you have Multiple Soundcards or Multiple outs they will be listed here...

Hmmmm...are you experiencing Sync problems at all with your current set-up? You have about double the requirements...

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Message 34/35             16-Aug-98  @  06:37 PM   -   RE: Free Software Sampler



Link?:  No link

File?:  No file

I am just reloading this thead by request...

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Message 35/35             17-Aug-98  @  09:36 PM   -   RE: Free Software Sampler

Dan S.


Link?:  No link

File?:  No file

First: This is the kind of program I've been waiting for, a realtime software sampler. Ireally don't understand why it has taken so long before one appeared.
But: I can't see why one woulld use an exact copy of a hardware sampler's user-interface. Isn't this really a waste, when you have a 800*600 screen (not uncommon to have more) not to use this to make the UI a LOT easier?

Just wonderin'...

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