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Subject: the power of amerian natives

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Original Message 1/36             15-Jul-98  @  01:37 AM   -   the power of amerian natives


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is thay have been able to make "techno" without

life rulz


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Message 2/36             15-Jul-98  @  01:38 AM   -   RE: the power of amerian natives

er... kilo


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really ??...... stay off the mescal mate....... heh heh

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Message 3/36             15-Jul-98  @  11:15 PM   -   RE: the power of amerian natives



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money does rule, and we have most of it.

(sorry kilo, I had to say something... I would if I were sittin at the bar with the mate!)

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Message 4/36             16-Jul-98  @  12:37 AM   -   RE: the power of amerian natives


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aha, Mr. hififreq has it all...

wow man, thatīs really impressive.. cool.. hey, youīre my
role model... i wanna be like u are.. rich, cool, skilled
and beautiful... oh yeah, thatīs it... damn,i love u man..
so.. please marrie and share your hitec lifestyle with me
I gonna go for a Surgery that makes me a beautiful girl,
just for you... tell me what you want to have.. big tits are no problem, really - whatever... your wish is my command...

have fun with all the money you hold and keep it going
on - whatever you do..
but, never think of drinking a beer with me...

i am outa now - wanna get some more Mescal to blow it
completely up,



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Message 5/36             16-Jul-98  @  12:50 AM   -   RE: the power of amerian natives



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that's right, I can't help it... I live in America and I have a brain. Sorry Holger, can we be friends now???? I didn't mean to offend you...

Big Kisssssssssssssss,


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Message 6/36             16-Jul-98  @  01:03 AM   -   RE: the power of amerian natives


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itīs okay....i am not offended

letīs harmonize all around the world and all be
friends toghether...


okay... see you later.. take my mescal-bath right now..


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Message 7/36             16-Jul-98  @  01:04 AM   -   RE: the power of amerian natives


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itīs okay....i am not offended

letīs harmonize all around the world and be
friends alltoghether...


see you later.. take my mescal-bath right now to
eraze simplay the last pieces of brain...


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Message 8/36             16-Jul-98  @  04:31 PM   -   RE: the power of amerian natives


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there might be more money in america but here are more drugs in england and the formulat seems to call for a lot of both.

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Message 9/36             16-Jul-98  @  07:44 PM   -   RE: the power of amerian natives



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Oh what a memory of times past here in the USA...I remember it was about 1989 and I took my first hit of
Ecstacy with my friends and we went down to the hottest
dance club at the time ...the beautiful electronic music that filled my body and soul and the bass that shook me to the bone was the beginning of a love affair with riddims and beats that has never left me....I have spent the last decade searching for that same feeling and have
only acheived it on a few occasions since....Can the real E still be found in the UK?....

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Message 10/36             16-Jul-98  @  07:45 PM   -   RE: the power of amerian natives



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your right, nameless... the cycle kinda goes like this for just about anywhere:

creativity = money (if your lame and boring you wont get paid for art...)
money = drugs (you need green to get the substance...)
drugs = creativity (mmmm... no need to explain)
more creativity = more money (makes sense)
more money = more gear (yup... gotta have the toys)
more gear = more creativity

well at least this is true for me. nnnnnnnnnnnnDrrrrrrrrrrrrrrop

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Message 11/36             16-Jul-98  @  08:04 PM   -   RE: the power of amerian natives



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I do not know where that stupid msg came from...Did I Really send that?...maybe I am slipping????>>>>$$$

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Message 12/36             16-Jul-98  @  10:13 PM   -   RE: the power of amerian natives



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Don't even trip PhatCat, Your right, the two kinda go hand in hand, well at least here in the states. Sharp point man, especially for a thread that holger started. Anyhoo, why do I see more threads started by grits, er, I mean brits that continually try to dis us AMERICANS? It must be the "small island complex" or something. I don't know, and frankly I cannot continue this pointless reply any more. Much applause and admiration (sic) to you holger for you endurance and stamina when it comes to typing so much and yet saying nothing. Oh ya, and us Americans have a little thing called sarcasm which cant fully be expressed with text.

Oh say can you see?


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Message 13/36             17-Jul-98  @  01:11 AM   -   RE: the power of amerian natives


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hey people - i just have been really drunken as i
started this damn thread....

kilo.. feel free to delete this...

sorry ... had a bad day

a very bad day...


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Message 14/36             18-Jul-98  @  11:20 AM   -   RE: the power of amerian natives


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No, Holger, don't tempt the Grandmaster Fascist!!! ;)

The worst part about all this, is you're starting to sound like a misguided Alec Empire rant. I've met and known many Germans in my life (including Alec) and have spent a good deal of time in your country, and honestly, you people have it very good. Better than the English. Why do you think it's the center of the ECC?

Here's a lesson for you: a good deal of my closest family are Thai, how do you think those people feel about Germans? After all, you rich people descend upon impoverished Thailand in droves like it's some kind playground, and are considered by the locals to be the main customers for child prostitution and narcotics. Lately, the German business man has more reason to be in Taiwan and Singapore than Thailand, and child prostitution in these areas has skyrocketed because of it. This is NOT my rationale at work; this is what the Taiwanese government has reported.

When I stayed in Munich, some guy tried to BUY me. He instantly thought, because I look Asian, that I was a prostitute. Holger, you know I'm MALE, right?

And yet, despite all this, I love Germans, I consider Berlin to be one of the greatest cities I've been to, and I'm trying hard to learn to speak it so I can one day live there! And I would KILL for a Microwave XT! Maybe even commit genocide for one!!! (hehehe)

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Message 15/36             18-Jul-98  @  07:26 PM   -   RE: the power of amerian natives


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first ...

here is a pic of my current "office"...
now you can see how rich i am... no desk and all this...
but, okay - i think some thai - folks have not such a
cool monitor like i have... sorry


i am not a guy how likes to have sex with children !


germany is not "my country"...if i could decide where i
grow up before i was actually born... it would be
more headed to asia, africa, south america, east-russia
or alaska than "in the heart of the ECC".. okey


i am no Fascist - Bastard


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Message 16/36             19-Jul-98  @  03:57 AM   -   RE: the power of amerian natives



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Hehe.... You should see a picture of my "studio" ... Kinda like your "office" only with synths, beer bottles and ashtrays.

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Message 17/36             19-Jul-98  @  06:00 AM   -   RE: the power of amerian natives


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You missed the point completely!!! I'm not dogging Germans or you at all, instead I'm stating that your attacking Americans like this is about as stupid as if I was to say that Germany caused WWI &II out of pent up homosexual guilt.

Maximum respect, man, I've never taken the time to explain myself like this to anyone over these stupid kinds of threads (especially not to any stupid Brits ;), but you're always doing so many positive things for the site that I feel I owe it to you. Let's end this thread positively so Kilo doesn't get the urge to delete it before we've settled the dispute.

xoxo Hugs & Kisses xoxo


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Message 18/36             20-Jul-98  @  01:32 AM   -   RE: the power of amerian natives


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Hey Hilevelt,

funny.... "I was to say that Germany caused WWI &II out of pent up homosexual guilt."

intresting...not too far away from reality i think...
...maybe the japanese folks have the same problem because of "da bomb" ? (who knows ?)
anyway - i like to have sex with a girl when i found one that really fits - i really
love it when a hot pussy surfs on my dick... okey ?!

my thread "american natives" was meant like:
nearly all white americans (instead of Michael Jackson ;-) are people who are related to
settlers from europe.
Now: The native population of america (the so called "indians") is nearly completely erazed
by these nasty people from europe...
Just because these white folks wanted to "get it all" and had some alcohol in stock... isnīt
this strange...?
okay... the american civil war was the only "good" war i know; it freed the african (black)
people from oppression and slavery...
this is/was really cool !!.. but besides that, it seems nearly all people have forgotten what
happened to the "red" american people..
but, not all white people are bad of course... but itīs hard to find the good ones out
of the masses of "bad" ones...

the most unbelievable thing to me (in "earlier past") was WW2 of course...

when u run around in germany and look at the people and think it all over and over this
seems to be so mad and stupid and everything... this is really no fun... in special when you
see some "nice business guys" or for example some "neo-nazis" running around here.
some of the "big business guys" are nothing more than "intelligent modern nazis"... just get
some money from your dad and pay some niggers who work for you and make you rich and powerful...
Sneak around taxes and fuck all the bitches you can get because of your nice big car...
destroy everyone who does not like this way ... (or make him/her work for you because they all need
to exist and have a household income...) hehehe !!!
the "stupid nazis" are the ones who have no hair (you all know them) and understand nothing...
they just show all people around that they are loosers... sad... really sad...
yes... itīs hard to find some "good" white people.. especially here... i know that
"itīs everywhere the same" but, i think itīs kind of extreme over here...(oh, what a nice History
we have)

damn.. youīre right.. sometimes i feel i have to be a really really really nice guy (as a german)
but i ainīt this at all... iīm "only human" and wanna do my things... but still some people may think
that iīm gay or a "softie" who does everything for the "big business" guys... but - this is not the
I can think for myself,too .. but i have no fun with this here anymore... you have to be kind
of an really asshole to have success and earn some money... or be a real genius (that i am not be -
i cannot program a software 303 or create a Microwave Synth for example - i am just a "normal worker")

i wish i could be jewish because then i would have no problems here, you know...
i would be a good and snooty one... being able to rant & savel around with all these bastards...
hey, i would have no responsibility to "my" past then...i could kick all their butts...

understand...? okey.. this thematic is much to complex to talk here and also it has
nothing to do with music (or am i wrong this point ?)

hey.. i dunno whatīs happening all around - i am not an "ulta interlectual", okey ! Just wanna
have some fun and grow up...
sometimes i wish i would be just a littlī bit taller, have a stupid but sexy girl - some more synths
so that all people see that i am a really phat and seroius musician ... and .... living on another
planetoid of course..


PS: Hey - i was drunk and fucked up as i started this thread... please kill it.. okay ?!

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Message 19/36             20-Jul-98  @  02:05 AM   -   RE: the power of amerian natives


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hehehe, why kill it? We've proven that it's better to let the thing run it's course, 'cause now everything's ended up kosher (hehe)...

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Message 20/36             20-Jul-98  @  01:55 PM   -   RE: the power of amerian natives

Tintin Openheimer


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I see the office has a little 'shareware' CD under the cabinet,hmmmmmmm

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Message 21/36             20-Jul-98  @  09:34 PM   -   RE: the power of amerian natives



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B-limey....... don't worry Holger.... we forgive you for starting ww2... heh hah heh.... get off the trip man.... Germans are cool.... Fasscism was everywhere in the 30's... dont y'know it co-incided with the introduction of coke to europe ?......s-n-u-r-f-f-f-f- !!.......

anyways..... tha native americans were killing each other too so it's all the's just a question of scale.........somewhere we're gonna get off this, "My genetic make up is better than yours" trip.... everyone does it from time....... whites were the first slaves.......ask any your history... know where we all coming from....... show me englishman... show me a german... show me an italian... show me a Finn... do they look the same ??...... nope...... do Libyans look like Ashanti ? ?.... nope... but they are all africans ?... c'nest pas ?.....

and germany is the center of europe cos they stood up to the Yanks back in time and started a run on the dollar along with the French forcing de-valuation...... yes !!!.... study your history..... nuff respect to the true believers...... one people - one God - many paths - one destination

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Message 22/36             20-Jul-98  @  09:57 PM   -   RE: the power of amerian natives


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yah yah...

just wanted to say that i give a fuck about all this
racism stuff... (back & white, nigger, yellow, red
whatever - all are human beings and our blood is red)

but also i think that everywhere, "litte and weak people"
(whatever this can mean) have not the same
possibilities as the "big ones" to get around the taxes
for example...

Fuck the World


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Message 23/36             20-Jul-98  @  09:59 PM   -   RE: the power of amerian natives


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... and why have some poor people in some crazy areas on
our planet nothing to eat and drink (i mean, the Landscape
is not fruity there... so they have no chance to be farmers and so on)

Fuck the World


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Message 24/36             20-Jul-98  @  10:42 PM   -   RE: the power of amerian natives



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hmmmm...... i know how you feel at times believe me.... dont worry

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Message 25/36             21-Jul-98  @  05:57 AM   -   RE: the power of amerian natives


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itīs just because i get toasted being jobless and
hanginī on the ground



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Message 26/36             21-Jul-98  @  07:32 AM   -   RE: the power of amerian natives


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I'm not educated enough to talk authoritatively on history, but in my part of town it's the crack fiends and heroin addicts that have it the worst. No, make that their kids who have it the worst. Unfortunately, a lot of these people I call friends.

Get this, the biggest drug traffickers are so deep in the system, from government scandal, witness protection, and even ties with the contras, that they're some of the most protected individuals in America. I'm completely hypocritical by saying this, but all drug consumption is inevitably a very evil part of our society; even with pot, you're eventually supporting somebody horrible.

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Message 27/36             21-Jul-98  @  08:13 AM   -   RE: the power of amerian natives



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Hilevelt..its true what you say about drugs but that is simply because they are Illegal, If some
asshole reinstated prohibition you'd be supporting those same nasty people every time you cracked
open a beer. Speakin of which, who is it that lives in Germany? I visited there about 4 yrs ago and
it just completely ruined me, can't even look at an American beer. Anyone willin to mail me a few cases of a good German Hefewiesen(spelling?) for cash would be super cool  Also whoever said that about the real Native Americans was right on the mark. It was a genocidal war, they just lacked the technology to really carry it out. But most that survived got absorbed into the white population.
Im part Native American, and so are almost all Americans whose family's been here for more than 5generations or so. Switchin the topic back to music, if you forgive us yanks for Hanson, we'll forgive you for the Spice Girls 

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Message 28/36             21-Jul-98  @  09:30 AM   -   RE: the power of amerian natives



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grow yer own...donate what you would have spent on funding rain forest villagers to find another way than slash'n'burn...oh and buy a suitcase bomb and wipeout any large city in the world...heheh...oh and dont buy Hanson records...however tempting...cos it'll keep those little shites on my telly screen...


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Message 29/36             21-Jul-98  @  09:38 AM   -   RE: the power of amerian natives



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oh yeah...and theres a lot of native american indian blood in some of the Scottish Islands...Islanders were 'cleared' off the land to make way for sheep...shipped to Canada/ Canada they inter married with the locals and some eventually moved back to Scotland...weird...and no doubt some of the Scots were murdering bastards when they were there also...uneducated and unprepared for what they found...get a bit of land and security etc etc can trace some of the 'cleared'/French down to the Cajun swampy bits to...hmm it gets worse and worse...gotta love that Zydeco tho...

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Message 30/36             21-Jul-98  @  12:09 PM   -   RE: the power of amerian natives



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5 generations ??..... Geronimo only surrendered in 1912 or something..... i suggest you read wounded knee for a full history.... the main thrust was around 1860-70... it all happened in a very short time.... although the lead up was several hundred years...... weird huh... the 'Indian wars' were still going on albeit mostly done, when my grandad was alive..... gulp !

however... what i think you shouldnt do is get on a trip..... check history mate... up to recent days.... from the Egyptians & before to Rwanda via Cambodia or Gengis Khan..... everyone does it.... it's human nature....regardless of race religion or creed......

like he says in Terminator2...... "It is in your nature to destroy yourselves".....

but..... if you believe...... that will not happen..... sadly people fail to realise it is in the hands of our own individual descisions & actions... cheer up mate....


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Message 31/36             21-Jul-98  @  01:46 PM   -   RE: the power of amerian natives



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um, the native american conflicts continue today - you just don't ever hear about it. the Mohawks were involved in a war with the Canadian government a few years back. dunno the status or resolution of it, because it never got televised.

every american should spend a few weeks in Europe and watch some TV there and see what gets put on the air that we wouldn't see over here. it's downright scary how filtered our view is over here...

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Message 32/36             21-Jul-98  @  04:03 PM   -   RE: the power of amerian natives



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yeah.... a mate of mine told me this last night... is it true??

the big mega-food companies in the states are trying to pump a bill thru congress so that all food, even that grown with pestacides, and chemical fertilisers and industrial sludge can be classed as Organic.... but more scarily... if a REAL organic food company tries to put on it's labels... "This food is grown with no fertilisers, pesticides etc" they can be sued and closed down by the large corporates... is it true ?? other words, it is ILLGAL to claim that your food is grown in a genuine organic way.... which i suppose by implication would mean the others are not.... apparently they dump industrial sludge onto crop land in the states... and it is legal... and un-noted on the packaging..... weird......

shit !!......I'm going on an organic brown rice diet.....

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Message 33/36             21-Jul-98  @  06:13 PM   -   RE: the power of amerian natives



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I dunno about that industrial sludge stuff... I live in the middle of farm country and have farmer friends and have never heard of that.... they of course pump pig and cow shit onto the fields for fertilizer... but that shouldnt be any surprise. why would they pump industrial sludge onto fields? I cant think of any good economic reason for a company to do that.... other than it being a cheap way to dispose of waste.... but why would any farmer allow that sludge on his fields? I guess phosphates (which are in alot fo sludge) make good fertilzer. where'd your friend here this? hmm... guess I'll look into it...

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Message 34/36             21-Jul-98  @  06:34 PM   -   OK, so whut i heered...



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susposedly, the idea behind the "Organic" thang is that they want to call stuff that has only been sprayed with pesticides, chemical fertilizers, and the like "Organic" cus it ain't been Genetically altered... load of bollocks, right?

i don't think then true organic crops would be illegal, but organic farmers would probably end up going out of business anyways, cus the sprayed-in-ten-different-kinds-of-carcinogens foods would warrant the same labelling scheme as the clean stuff. basically, a big clusterfuck, the likes of which are quite common in the states. the whole thing boils down to who has the money/power, and how can they get more of it...

i gotta stop now, cus i'm getting irritated...

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Message 35/36             21-Jul-98  @  09:10 PM   -   RE: the power of amerian natives



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Funny... Hitler actually had a portrait in his cell while he wrote "Mein Kampf" of Henry Ford.... Mr Ford was a noted facsist and antisemite.... Father of American Industry, force for capitalism and democracy?... huh. And the Civil war was definitely not any kind of just war to free blacks... Just like every other war, it was about MONEY.. The south decided that it didn't need central government breathing down it's back while they never did anything, and decided to bail out... The north didn't want to lose all the money that the south was raking in... So they took it back. Simple... I doubt that Abe Lincoln gave a shit about the plight of the african slaves... Like all politicians, he was probably trying to LOOK GOOD and COVER HIS ASS.

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Message 36/36             21-Jul-98  @  11:13 PM   -   RE: the power of amerian natives


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It's scary to imagine that so much backwards thinking was going on for so long, a lot of our parents saw Martin Luther King speak!

I'm actually enjoying this history lesson. How was the state of racism in Europe 40 years ago. And don't bullshit me about it being only about America, 'cause I found more racism last year in Norway, Austria, & Germany than I've ever seen anywhere else.

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