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Subject: The JP 8080 Vs. The Virus

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Original Message                 Date: 29-Oct-98  @  10:17 AM   -   The JP 8080 Vs. The Virus



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Hello I was wondering if you can help me on a little problem? I want your opinions on the JP 8080 and the Virus.

I cant compare them my self as I am not living were they excist but can be ordered.

I like both of them as each one has its own strenghts. Its like comparing apples to oranges when it comes to specs.

Like The virus has more poly and multi-timbral but the the Jp 8080 can save way more sounds and has a Volcal proccessor.Or The Virus is better at certain sounds but the Jp 8080 is the same way towards the Virus. And it goes on and on.

So what do you think about the two.

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Message 31/51             13-Nov-98  @  11:21 AM   -   RE: The JP 8080 Vs. The Virus



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No, no, no. That fart bug has been cured in the new Virus OS.

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Message 32/51             13-Nov-98  @  09:44 PM   -   RE: The JP 8080 Vs. The Virus


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Young weedhoppers, let not the name of new synthesizer scare or turn you away. Spectral synthesis is just name for special combination of synthesis'. Picture a vco or most dco's. Most only produce your standard sawtooth, sine, triangle, or variable pulse width (square) waveforms. Your oscillator produces this annoying little buzzy tone, so you filter it, taking away some of the fundamental tones, and enhancing others with the use of a RESONANT FILTER (dcf/vcf), then yoiu shape the overall volume ,and movements of things like pulsewidth, and cutoff frequencies, and there you have what most people misname "analog" synthesis. It's actually called Subtractive Synthesis. Now picture a dco, that instead of just using these typical waveforms also uses other wave forms. Imagine this dco being able to switch between a bunch of different waveforms, and then, doing the same filtering, and envelope shaping that normal subtractive synthesis does. This is a super brief overview of spectral synthesis. It does all of the typical stuff that your retro analog digital wannabe synths do, plus a shitload more. If you pick up an original Microwave, you even get real voltage controlled filters, giving you analog thickness that these all digital pussy-synths only dream of. Don't be afraid of the name young weedhoppers. Waldorf will give you all the analog noises you crave, plus a million times more. I'm not trying to be a salesman here. I just think that you all should know what you are missing out on by buying this overpriced Roland fucking garbage ripoff shitbox equipment you all seem to rave over. Don't be afraid of innovation; embrace it. If you are in Northern Cali, go to Guitar Center SF. They have all of that shit there, but call first cuz it moves fast. I know cuz I used to work there. Check it out and see for yourself. Fuck what I or anyone else advises you to do.

If I had a few more days, I could really give you the full rundown on Dynamic Spectral Wavetable Synthesis. Let it suffice to say that it is the new standard that most synthesiszers (Not All!!!) are movung toward. Do some research. Find out. Peace.

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Message 33/51             14-Nov-98  @  05:46 AM   -   RE: The JP 8080 Vs. The Virus



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It sounds cool but it isnt real analog and its not a Virtual analog using modelling technology so it cant be as smooth sounding as the JP 8080/Virus/Supernova etc. Because those synths uses a new kind of Technology that makes digital sound more like analog. Are you saying that the Microwave/ XT can sound as smooth and good as the Modelling synths even though it does not use that kind of technology. I mean let me get this straight. Youre telling me that I wont here the difference between a Modelling synth from a wavetable synth for that the way how the Microwave sounds can sound as good if not better than the modelling synths thats out today plus beable to do synthesis in many other ways that only the Modelling synths can dream of.

If thats the case then were can I pick up a good deal on a Microwave XT. I live in north Califonia so if you know a good synth place tell me.

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Message 34/51             14-Nov-98  @  07:57 PM   -   RE: The JP 8080 Vs. The Virus


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best place to buy stuff is from
they have "rare" crap like waldorfs and accesss (because no one where i live carries that stuff) and they'll beat any price by 50 dollars. no i don't work for them. it is mail order though

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Message 35/51             15-Nov-98  @  12:12 AM   -   RE: The JP 8080 Vs. The Virus


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well, I just went into the shop and tried both of them. The 8080 sounded much better (IMO).

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Message 36/51             15-Nov-98  @  12:50 AM   -   RE: The JP 8080 Vs. The Virus



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It so far looks like the JP 8080 is the winner for me. And though I'll have enough for the Virus after buying the JP 8080. I think owning two Analog modelling synths will kinda be overkill so I think I'll save up for the Microwave XT as my second synth. I have read reviews on it and read what the synth is capable of doing. So the Microwave XT will be an excelent machine for exploring new sound scapes never heard on any other synth like the JP 8080 but unlike the JP 8080 it is a synth based on Wavetable synthesis and so it is capable of making sounds that only the Virtual analogs can only dream of. and Vice versa. The Microwave XT is a totally different synth compared to the Modelling synths so there for it should do somthing different.

Your probably thinking why buy the JP 8080 when the Microwave XT will supply your analogish needs? I think the JP 8080 is a different synth compared to the Microwave XT and that the JP 8080 is capable of doing thing that the XT can dream of and Vice versa. I am not neccesarly buying a JP 8080 to play all those wanna be analog sounds I am buying it to produce new and unique sounds like with the XT. If I went and bought the Virus then I would have bought more of the same because the Virus is like an apple and the JP 8080 is the orange so there isnt really much to compare them buy except buy there features. As for the features I like the JP 8080's taste better. Besides I want to own a synth that is different from another. I have FM synthesis Yamaha DX7s I have Sample Playback synthesis Alesis QS8 and will soon get the Analog Modelling synthesis Jp 8080 and the Wavetable synthesis Microwave XT. Now that is a great selection of synth styles right there.

I know that even though the Virus is a modelling synth it does has Spectral synthesis built in too and I was wondering if its the same as the Microwaves XT wavetable engine just named differently. Thanks for your advises and sugestions. later

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Message 37/51             16-Nov-98  @  04:07 AM   -   RE: The JP 8080 Vs. The Virus


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To my knowledge the virus uses sample playback , whereas the microwave series uses scanning wavetable synthesis. The jp 8080, and the jp 8000 aren't real analog synths either. The original microwave is what is known as a hybrid synth. technically it is real analog because it uses real vcf's. with the exception of some of the input features, and effects, the microwave has all of the adjustable parameters that the jp's do, plus more. You say you want a synth that'll do "this", and the microwave will do it.,plus more later when you're ready. Actually I thoroughly disagree with your statement about the jp808 being an orange, and the virus being an apple. They are both essentially digital subtractive synths. I don't know. If you want the jp, get it. I wouldn't. Also, microwaves are not that hard to get a hold of, but you'll want the access controller if you get and original. Just check Good luck.

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Message 38/51             16-Nov-98  @  12:41 PM   -   RE: The JP 8080 Vs. The Virus



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I was in "Music-Store" in Cologne on Friday evening and a load of Microwave II s had just been delivered. I tell ya, the tower of Microwaves was at least 1m80 high (that's about 6 feet). I was sorely tempted to reduce the height of that tower by one MWII. Had a twiddle of a XT, too. Very tasty. I heard SynthesizerStudio in Bonn are getting Waldorf to do a limited edition (99) BLACK Microwave XT.

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Message 39/51             16-Nov-98  @  04:12 PM   -   RE: The JP 8080 Vs. The Virus


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Jason Wrote:
I think the JP 8080 is a different synth compared to the Microwave XT and that the JP 8080
is capable of doing thing that the XT can dream of ...

Now I would really like to know what kind of things...I really do not know the JP8080 but I do know the JP8000, and I find it interesting but...lets not compare it with a MicroWave, the MW if FAR more potent and has everything the JP has in terms of smothness and much more in Power and much, much more in evolving/organic textures on your sounds, what it lacks is that "GREAT" coarse and steped knob response that is specially great in filters with high resonance ; )

About the is not with a sample that you are going to evaluate this synth (maybe not with one hour or two in a dealer)...try a good, but a real good PA (you will not belive the quality and depth of the sound stage). Also, its enormously attractive realtime response and the easily acessible harsh and deep sonorities are should decide, I know people that love their JP8000 (I still do not understand them....).
On the virus side, I have to tell you that it took me a little to really start to "get infected" but today I can only tell that I love the virus and would really not trade it for anyother VA or anyother synth that I personaly know...but I would trade it by some that I do not know...say a Waldorf Wave...anyone interested????

Paulo Abreu

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Message 40/51             16-Nov-98  @  05:20 PM   -   RE: The JP 8080 Vs. The Virus


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the "analog modelling" stuff is just marketing....
basically, "analog modelling" is this:

1) start with an oscillator. if it's going to "model
analog", it's got to have a sawtooth and square at
a minimum. some might have pwm. this could be samples,
a mathematical model (what model? the square is just
1/0 and the sawtooth is almost as simple...), an analog
circuit (well obviously not here), etc. it doesn't matter.
the mathematical model may try to simulate some of
the "drifting" of an analog, but drift = detune,
and you can program this into just about anything.
it really only matters in a real analog in
"unison" mode, when each voice isn't quite tuned to
each other anymore...but even virtual analogues
can't do this! afaik.... so the virtual analogues
really aren't doing anything special here.

for the record, i've used samples of sawtooth (perfect,
generated in cooledit, so it wasn't quite the same) and
squares on my prophet 3000 and did some quite convincing
analog stuff. its envelopes are weird so it's difficult
but possible.

for the record, this is the main difference between the
jp8080 and the mwIIxt, as far as what you are talking
about: the oscillator section. You can generate a
sawtooth and square just as well, on the mwIIxt, and do
"analog" waveforms. but you can do a lot more too...
and it can probably do rough PWM with its wavetable least it should be possible...

2) a filter. afaik both the jp8080 and the mwII/XT
have filters. they are both digital. supposedly
the mwII/xt's filter blows away the jp8080, but i have no
experience with either. digital filters have historically
been pretty weak compared to analog filters, but this
is getting better.

3) an amplifier. otherwise known as "vca" - just
a gain stage, prob. the simplest part of the
instrument. obviously both have this.

4) modulations. from what i've heard the mwII/xt
is much more capable in this area, but again i haven't
played with either.

the other stuff is just gravy (audio inputs (on both),
vocoder (on the jp8080 only), effects (again on
jp8080 only i think...does the MwIIxt have them? probably
doesn't need them  

real analog is better and usually cheaper...unfortunately
you also don't get as much polyphony/multitimbrality,
this is the main advantage of digital in that to get
more voices all you really have to do is upgrade
the DSP (there's more involved, but basically you
just write software, not build X more circuits).
but you could get 3-4 real analogs for the price
of a jp8080......

never mind, everybody get rid of your analogs
and buy the jp8080 so i can buy your analogs cheap
analog sucks....heh  

just want to dispel the myth of "virtual analog"...

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