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Subject: bloody bass.................

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Original Message                 Date: 31-May-05  @  03:45 PM   -   bloody bass.................


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In my humble opinion, BASS is the single most difficult area of club music production to master. I've tried everything…………different VSTi's including ESM, ESP, ES1, ES2, TRILOGY, ALBINO, PRO-53, FM7, ALBINO, TRIANGLE, the list goes on. No, I haven't just scrolled through presets………I've tried rolling my own.

I've tried writing basslines on all the octaves in all keys……..I've tried different settings on software compression, hardware compression, software distortion, hardware distortion, software overdrive, hardware overdrive, hi and low pass filters, cutting 40-50hz from the bottom end, layering, just using one oscillator, just using 2 oscillators, blah, blah, bloody blah……

What are you chaps using for bass? How can I get that phat sounding bass I hear on pro underground electronic house tracks……….? PLEASE…………………….I can do every other element (drums, leads, gated pads, SFX, mixing, production, limiting to a 7.5 out of 10 standard). I just cannot do bloody there a secret VSTI?

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Message 31/47             10-Jun-05  @  06:29 PM   -   RE: bloody bass.................


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another suggestion:

monitor VERY quietely...almost inaudible. this has helped me a LOT, and I believe it would all but eliminate standing waves, reflections, etc

its a good way to train yourself to listen for the balance between tracks.

works for me

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Message 32/47             11-Jun-05  @  06:45 AM     Edit: 11-Jun-05  |  06:46 AM   -   RE: bloody bass.................


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That's a great suggestion. Anything you can do to minimize the limitations of your room (easily your worst enemy in a mix situation, especially where low end is concerned) would be beneficial.

A serious pair of headphones can also be an indispensable reference when mixing. I find I can judge the lowest octave quite nicely in a pair of Ultrasone HFI-700's.... they're the best I've found. They're slightly hyped in the bass department, but extremely tight. They should show you problems that would arise in a club situation. Highly recommended $250 purchase.

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Message 33/47             11-Jun-05  @  06:20 PM   -   RE: bloody bass.................


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in my experience, messing with EQ in headphones has been a bad idea...

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Message 34/47             11-Jun-05  @  06:51 PM   -   RE: bloody bass.................


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monitor VERY quietely...almost inaudible

that is a GREAT tip - it's true.... take a brteak, preferably overnight, then come back and as said, really low, tune in over time to the bass-end (well, it works for the whole mix too)


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 35/47             11-Jun-05  @  09:33 PM   -   RE: bloody bass.................


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in my experience, messing with EQ in headphones has been a bad idea...

Agreed, and I don't make most EQ choices this way. Doing levels in headphones is even worse usually. However, I feel choosing things like low rolloff points and slopes in a poorly-tuned room can be much more detrimental than doing it in a tight pair of headphones that you're very familiar with. When I'm mastering, I can either run back and forth between the sweetspot and the corners of the room or put on the Ultrasones when I'm choosing my bass cutoff. Guess which one I choose.

Yes, even professional studios have sonic issues that must be recognized and avoided.

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Message 36/47             12-Jun-05  @  05:34 AM   -   RE: bloody bass.................


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ever try to do a whole mix on em, psy?

my buddy was ravin about some phones...they were TOP DOLLAR tho...said he'd rather mix on those if he could...


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Message 37/47             12-Jun-05  @  10:54 AM   -   RE: bloody bass.................


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*butts in*

yeah, let me third the the idea about listening at barely audible levels. about the only way i can be sure about what i'm doing in my room.

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Message 38/47             12-Jun-05  @  12:55 PM   -   RE: bloody bass.................

Steve Roughley

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Even better, is to leave the room you are mixing in and listen from outside. I've found that this can really help to identify trouble spots in your mix. Things stand out that you hadn't noticed before.

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Message 39/47             12-Jun-05  @  04:06 PM   -   RE: bloody bass.................


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so to summarise, if i may:

listening at barely audible levels, listening in the corner, listening from another room, listening at different levels on as many sources as you can, taking breaks every few hours or whenever you are unsure about what you are doing, and comparing your work to a similar yet well produced track from another person are all essential to getting the mix right.

any other tips for "DT quick'n'dirty guide to listening"?  

another thing is to actually GO AND DO IT, not go "yeah yeah" and go back to what you were doing before!

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Message 40/47             12-Jun-05  @  05:52 PM   -   RE: bloody bass.................


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always check in mono. A-B is revealing too, but I rarely go through the trouble.

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