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Subject: MIDI that's the way uh hu- uh uh...

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Original Message                 Date: 19-Dec-02  @  01:52 PM   -   MIDI that's the way uh hu- uh uh...

Makin' $$ from my music!!!


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Who's this guy talking about MIDI is done? Ahhh c'mon buddy (90's Child)! Hmmm, let's just go through a small list of innovators who used and still uses MIDI:

ORB, Prodigy, Crystal Method, Chemical Brothers, Mr Scruff, Goldie, OD 404, DJ Shadow, FSOL, Leftfield, LTJ Bukem, Moby, Beastie Boys, Daft Punk, Basement Jaxx, Dr Dre, etc. That's just to name a few.

Guess what they all used old analogue gear too with MIDI! What's that about comin' to software where it's better? The most important thing in this message that I wanted to get accross to the 90's Child, is that all those producers that I just listed are making BIG BUCKS off their music. What about you and your software? Have you even done a live show? Thank you and good night.

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Message 31/99             20-Dec-02  @  11:25 AM   -   RE: MIDI that's the way uh hu- uh uh...

90's Child


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Milan, you are usually cleverer than this. Read the whole thread.

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Message 32/99             20-Dec-02  @  02:17 PM   -   RE: MIDI that's the way uh hu- uh uh...


Posts: 9

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Die MIDI!!! Die Die Die!!!
Hello MIDI v2!

When are software companies going to start writing their sequencers as dedicated OS's for PC's??

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Message 33/99             20-Dec-02  @  02:33 PM   -   RE: MIDI that's the way uh hu- uh uh...


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90s Child should actually spend some time in a studio...


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Message 34/99             20-Dec-02  @  02:43 PM   -   RE: MIDI that's the way uh hu- uh uh...

90's Child


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Hmmmmm. Very difficult whilst I'm at work Craig.

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Message 35/99             20-Dec-02  @  03:06 PM   -   RE: MIDI that's the way uh hu- uh uh...

Steve Roughley

Posts: 1178

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Well I was kind of taken out of context there, so in my defense, I must say that MIDI is damned useful. I would like it to be tighter, but as it isn't, I have found ways of dealing with its inaccuracies as and when it is required (usually only with percussive sounds). MIDI is not all that bad, in fact I do like what it can do.



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Message 36/99             20-Dec-02  @  03:49 PM   -   RE: MIDI that's the way uh hu- uh uh...


Posts: 5701

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90s Child, i'm too busy setting up a PT rig to read the whole thread :p ;)  

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Message 37/99             20-Dec-02  @  03:50 PM   -   RE: MIDI that's the way uh hu- uh uh...

90's Child


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LOL @ Milan. Excellent! :-)

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Message 38/99             20-Dec-02  @  05:18 PM   -   RE: MIDI that's the way uh hu- uh uh...



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protools is a fine tool for finishing a track - but not so great for composing. that's why alot of people use it with logic.

there are a couple of points i want to echo on this midi debate: 1. the midi timing lags are barely noticable...if you have spent a lot of time trying to decide for are a geek...just make some music in your's not the tech it's the emotion. 2. mpcs are midi if you use an mpc to sequence you are using midi. 3. softsynths are softsamplers are generally arranged in virtual midi (i know, it's the cords you don't like...which seems silly...but i guess you think they are archaic...and they are...usefull, unbeatable, and the mmt8. which brings me to my favorite point...4. midi rocks live. i don't want to see another pathetic laptop stop and start live set with a guy dorking out with a mouse.

of course there's also 5...midi is fun. it so easy to get a song moving by sequencing my virus with midi over some beats i wrote with battery (using virtual midi).

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Message 39/99             20-Dec-02  @  05:48 PM   -   RE: MIDI that's the way uh hu- uh uh...



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Everybody's sayin' it, I will too. Pro-tools is a tool! It's not the beginning and end of a track! It's a (virtual) studio. Meaning you can multi track record, edit, arrange, master blah blah blah! Somebody somewhere still had to play the music! And if it's electronic music it was probably originaly arranged as MIDI!!! Few producers I know actually hit the key right on the whole note to create 4 on the floor kick drum... and if they did they'd be off a bit! And they'd have to quantize the kick using... MIDI!!!

And All of the MPC producers listed in one of these threads were using MIDI!!! right down the line. I think in the end WE ALL USE SW for arrangement and post production! It's called multi-tracking your Audio and musicians have been doing it for 50 years!!!!

Where do you get your sound sources 90's child? Not to be a prick, but it sounds like you might use a lot of sample CD's... Me? I LOVE SYNTHS, I love programing sounds and tweaking them... and you can't really do that without MIDI!!!

see, I promised myself I wouldn't jump into this dumb assed thread!!! Bastards...  


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Message 40/99             20-Dec-02  @  10:23 PM   -   RE: MIDI that's the way uh hu- uh uh...



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this 90s person obviously wants attention

all i have to say is Im fortunate to have realized
the meaning of what time was back when I
was 6 in that the quality of music was
so much better back in the 80s than today.
Anybody who loves dance music with
synthesizers and wants to create good quality
dance music and grew up in the 90s should
go back in time. If you have to smoke a little
kind bud and listen to Kraftwerk you will
KNOW what Im talking about and I sincerely
hope you get inspired. We need you.

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