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Subject: Monitor speakers

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Original Message 1/41             04-Sep-03  @  06:51 PM   -   Monitor speakers


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Hello, i need to get some monitor speakers as at the mo im just using standard hifi speakers which have ok bass but im pretty sure they don't have the same frequency range and clarity that monitors do.
Im wondering what to get though. Im prolly thinking of spending like £300 or somink like that. Is it good to go for actives rather than passive. I do have an amp already (technics SU V 500) but the o/p are in the block binder form where u inser bare wire, would this be a problem at all if using proper monitors and also the amp would it be good enough to by pass active's.
My mind keeps wandering over to those new sky blue monitors but well, they are £999.
Im using them mainly to produce dance music and rnb style if that helps at all.
Also i think i'll get some stands too so i can arrange them so that im in that typical equalateral triangle position.
What do u think.

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Message 2/41             04-Sep-03  @  06:56 PM   -   RE: Monitor speakers


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i think you should use that search thing on the left there. type in monitors and press [search forums]

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Message 3/41             04-Sep-03  @  11:39 PM   -   RE: Monitor speakers


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for sub 300 squid actives there can be only one - AlesisM1 mk2's  


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Message 4/41             05-Sep-03  @  02:55 PM   -   RE: Monitor speakers


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I have just been checking out those alesis monitors mk2's u mentioned and they are priced at £230 mark. I noticed some others though more expensive at about £320 called Alesis ProLinear 720DSP (each) £330.00 inc VAT
Professional Studio monitors and was wondering if theses would be better. Im willing to go to that price range for the monitors.

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Message 5/41             05-Sep-03  @  03:29 PM   -   RE: Monitor speakers


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F**k F**K F**K, damn the price was for each speaker, so the grand total of the speakers would come to a total ov £660.
Quite expensive, and now im really into wantng to get em

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Message 6/41             05-Sep-03  @  03:37 PM   -   RE: Monitor speakers


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oh i dunno... they seem a bit gimmicky what with the LCD and the digital control. better get a basic but well made pair of speakers.

you know what... i'f you're looking for good speakers on the cheap, why not check out B&W. at the very bottom of their range they have one or two pairs which are affordable. dont know the names, but sound very good. mate of mine got em and he's turning out more than well sounding mixes.

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Message 7/41             05-Sep-03  @  10:00 PM   -   RE: Monitor speakers


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those alesis look just too tricky. why bother?

dunno bout over there but have a look at the Event TR8s.

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Message 8/41             05-Sep-03  @  11:05 PM   -   RE: Monitor speakers

dj solstice


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I checkedout the events and they got a slightly higher rating one one site than the alesis mk1's.
BTW what do u think about tannoy's monitors.
U know, those red active ones.

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Message 9/41             05-Sep-03  @  11:22 PM   -   RE: Monitor speakers


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reveal actives.

never used them. Tannoy has a damn fine rep tho so I dont think theyd put out a crap speaker even at their lower range.

Samson has the "Resolv" series now, too, but...they are a bit too cheap. Funny how that works...

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Message 10/41             06-Sep-03  @  05:38 AM   -   RE: Monitor speakers



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^^^Please note that the crossover freq referenced in this review has been addressed in the MKII.

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Message 11/41             06-Sep-03  @  11:30 PM   -   RE: Monitor speakers

Defector z


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The only criticism I've heard of the Tannoys is that they don't have a particularly strong low end. Otherwise, very crisp and clear.

Please note - the stated freq response range from the manufacturer tends be a little misleading. The best thing to do is take your favorite cd (that you know the sound of) to a store and listen to them.

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Message 12/41             07-Sep-03  @  12:03 AM   -   RE: Monitor speakers


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The Mix now gives away practically all of its content for free via its website?? thank you for bringing that to my attention. that rag is seriously expensive over here.

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Message 13/41             07-Sep-03  @  12:43 AM   -   RE: Monitor speakers



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"The Mix" and "Mix Magazine" are two different publications.

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Message 14/41             07-Sep-03  @  01:34 AM   -   monitor speakers

Dj Solstice (can't b arsed signing in)


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Right, i have been thinking. U know that there are two reveal tannoy ones, one about £175 passive and the other about twice this as active.
Do u think that these speakers are exactly the same as far as electroics are concerned. My amp is a technics one standard which powers my hifi as well as my pc sound to some hi-fi speakers.
The amp is never excelled into the high region anyways for high sound. Do u think that the would be a noticable difference upon using the amp on the passive ones as opposed to the active ones.

My minds wandering back over to those alesis ones now m1 mk2's. Hmm i really am stck for choice.

I wonder what would happen if i slipped and spent £850 instead.

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Message 15/41             07-Sep-03  @  02:03 PM     Edit: 07-Sep-03  |  02:07 PM   -   RE: Monitor speakers


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im not massively qualified to answer this but, although ive never a/b'ed amped passives and actives ive always read that actives with the manafacturs amped set-up will always sound better than mixed amped passives.

it makes sense when you think about it, but mebbe someone better qualified will throw something in after this.

if you had the money id just go the safe option of actives, but im kinda lazy like that.


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Message 16/41             07-Sep-03  @  06:56 PM   -   RE: Monitor speakers


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well...the logic is that the amps are matched to the speakers, but I dont buy that...not in "low end" systems at least

BUT..having an internal amp reduces cabling, mechanics, etc.

I like biamped

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Message 17/41             08-Sep-03  @  05:24 AM   -   RE: Monitor speakers



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best low-end: MAudio BX5s. If you A/B these with Alesis M1 MKIIs then you would prefer them for sure. Don't get the BX8s though.

In the upper end go KRK V8s man. Or V6s for less money. THese are more accurate than you could imagine. I was once in a training session w/ a room full V8s, 20/20s, and HR824s, five of each w/ matching subs for surround. V8s took the cake. Stay away from the Mackie titanium tweeter stuff unless your a fan of ear fatigue.

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Message 18/41             08-Sep-03  @  08:46 AM   -   RE: Monitor speakers



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whats wrong with the bx8's then

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Message 19/41             08-Sep-03  @  09:00 AM   -   RE: Monitor speakers


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mackies and ear fatigue? damn, been listaning on them each day every day for the past few years and havent noticed any. do you think my ears will be fucked now :/

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Message 20/41             08-Sep-03  @  09:14 AM   -   RE: Monitor speakers


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listening too

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Message 21/41             08-Sep-03  @  05:48 PM   -   RE: Monitor speakers


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Message 22/41             08-Sep-03  @  05:56 PM   -   RE: Monitor speakers

Defector z


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Ear fatigue with the Mackies? NEVER heard that complaint before. And I have a pair, as well as know others who do, and I've NEVER heard anyone say that before.

And I've listened to these for HOURS on end.

My 20/20's, I had fatigue problems with those.

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Message 23/41             08-Sep-03  @  08:37 PM   -   RE: Monitor speakers



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Dynaudio acoustics BM6A'S
Superb active monitors ive been using them
for about 6 months now and iam well pleased
with them, mixes translate nicely, good freq
Ear Fatigue only if you hang each monitor off
each ear.

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Message 24/41             08-Sep-03  @  09:39 PM   -   RE: Monitor speakers


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theres ALWAYS some fcker who comes in a thread where someone asks about a certain price range, and offers GENELEC or DYNAUDIO

malk..the key was AFFORDABLE. Dynaudio does not fall into that range

lets just shoot for Meyer HD-1s maybe?

or some big ol PMCs with Bryston amps!

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Message 25/41             08-Sep-03  @  10:05 PM   -   RE: Monitor speakers

Defector z


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Come on Dave, what are you, poor?! Dynaudio is ABSOLUTELY affordable. If you treat them like s/w...

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Message 26/41             08-Sep-03  @  11:35 PM   -   RE: Monitor speakers



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Well i've got a set of Behringer Truths, and i think for the money you cant get much better. There biamped (amp on top and low speakers), built like bricks (solid), have a very (and i mean very) deep bass to them, the top end is crystal clear and they go extremely loud without distorting, and if they do distort they have indicators to tell you to turn it down! and you can tailor there sound by using hi and low cut switches (+ many more) on the back pannel.

Another reason i would recomend them is because ive had them nearly 2 years now and they still sound like new! i also like to sit in my studio most nights either producing tunes or having a mix on my decks with friends (usually at quite high volumes). Im sure the nighbours wish they would blow up, but it dont look like its ever gonna hapeen.

To sum up well built speakers, reliable, with a big sound, everone who come into my studio (muso's and friends) always comment on how good they sound.

And i never get fatigue/headaches which is very common with many a monitor.

Dont get me wrong the other speakers you talked about are good, i quite like the alesis m1 passives, although i havent heard the newer actives. Anyway i to like the biamped sound, its much cleaner and detailed than that of passives.

My advice to you would be to do what many have already said, listen to a few pairs first and dont get suckered in by a sales man or some sound on sound review, no one can tell you what YOU like.


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Message 27/41             09-Sep-03  @  12:31 AM   -   RE: Monitor speakers


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Hey Bug,

I have the truths too, but I've not got much in the way of bass out of them...


They are parallel to a wall, on stands and the bass seems a little lightweight to me.

Maybe I need to boost it up a bit with the switches at the back...

Would messing with the treble? Maybe it's too high causing the sound to be 'toppy'? Perhaps lowering the treble might make the bass seem a little stronger?

I'm finding it real hard judging bass levels with the truths - I've got to be doing something wrong!

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Message 28/41             09-Sep-03  @  07:30 AM     Edit: 09-Sep-03  |  07:45 AM   -   RE: Monitor speakers


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try moving them closer to the wall Boo. while it is not the acoustically correct thing to do sometimes it helps. i've also had problems in the past judging bass where the speakers were standing in the open space. its possible that the sound coming from the front and the back of the speakers is causing partial cancellation or something (just a guess tho).

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Message 29/41             09-Sep-03  @  12:14 PM   -   RE: Monitor speakers



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Hi Boo,

Ive just got mine on ear/eye level (along with my pc monitors). They are about a foot from the wall behind them and about half a foot from each wall to the sides. I have to agree that it could be something to do with the placement coz mine are lovley on the bottom end, thats one of the best points for me.

I to tryed having a mess around with the switches on the back, but funnily enough because the bass was to heavy, i tryed turning up the trebble only to find my mixes sounding to toppy, i turned em back down and moved em (as said above) a foot from the wall and now they sound great. Ive also recenty moved house and in the studio room in my old house they used to sound ficking awefull, and i mean awefull. Sometimes a room just isnt suited for monitoring. If thats the case try buying big pieces of foam and cover the wall oppsoite the speakers, it might help, i dunno, er...........!?%$£"



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Message 30/41             09-Sep-03  @  12:19 PM   -   RE: Monitor speakers

DJ solstice


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After so many decisions to make i have decide more towards the Alesis m1 mk2's. Anything could change. I think u are right about going to a shop and testing some out before i get a pair. Fortunately there is a digital village on my road in cambridge so im going to look there as i saw the price for alesis actives are about £260 or somink. Although i actually saw other sites selling them for as much as about £560 can u beliee it.
Thanx for the help anyways. As fot the monitors that have been mentioned of over £1000, how am i supposed to get those.

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Message 31/41             09-Sep-03  @  12:28 PM   -   RE: Monitor speakers



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Steal them!

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Message 32/41             09-Sep-03  @  05:39 PM   -   RE: Monitor speakers


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Thanks, Bug!

I clicked the bass up a notch last night and played a few CDs through them - sounds much better.

I'll have to dig out the manuals again and try messing with the room compensation switches, too. Mine are much closer to the wall than yours - Perhaps it's time to pull my desk back...

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Message 33/41             10-Sep-03  @  01:03 AM   -   RE: Monitor speakers


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Actually, it wasn't that I clicked the bass up a notch, I just clicked it back to zero. Looks like I'd set it to cut bass at some point.

What a pillock I am sometimes.

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Message 34/41             10-Sep-03  @  02:36 AM   -   RE: Monitor speakers

Defector z


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I did that earlier this year. Couldn't understand why my Evolver wasn't getting any good low end out of it...

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Message 35/41             15-Sep-03  @  08:39 PM   -   RE: Monitor speakers



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Tell ya what tho, i recently saw a pair of behringer truths in a bbc production studio, if there good enough for them there good enough for me.

Since i last posted here ive been doing a lot of listening to my tracks on other peoples stereo's, big and small. Let me tell you my tracks sound well produced even if i do say so myself, so they cant be a bad set of monitors, i had my doubts at first too i think its just a matter of getting used to them!

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Message 36/41             16-Sep-03  @  12:09 AM   -   RE: Monitor speakers


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Heh, thanks bug! I'm really happy now the switches aren't cutting the bass off. What a idiot I am. Too many switches to check! I've been running CDs through them to get used to the sound and I can actually hear some bottom end. They almost sound 'nice' without being sweet. I guess I won't need that Sub anymore.

I just wrote an almost complete track on Saturday, ran it through the PSP vintage warmer (FOOKING AWESOME PLUGIN) and burnt it to CD - it's been the best mix I've ever made. I've listened in 3 cars and two stereos - Rock solid bass, without being overpowering - At last!

I'm really happy I can finally hear what's going on in my music. I honestly thought monitors were supposed to be pretty bassless and thought that you needed some kind of voodoo ears (Or a monster sub) to know what was really going on.

And, yeah, if the BBC use them...   I got a pair of Senheiser 414s when I noticed them in use at a lot of BBC facilities. THey need new foam covers. It got old and fell off them.

Dead chuffed!

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Message 37/41             16-Sep-03  @  12:50 AM   -   RE: Monitor speakers

Defector z


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Yeah, but weren't there also a set of Yammy's that EVERY studio had but actually sounded like arse? They're fairly standard, just can't remember the name...

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Message 38/41             16-Sep-03  @  12:54 AM   -   RE: Monitor speakers


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Message 39/41             16-Sep-03  @  12:58 AM   -   RE: Monitor speakers


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W ell, the story goes that if you can make a pair of NS10's sound good, then your mix is really good. However, I'm sure nobody monitored on those exclusively.

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Message 40/41             17-Sep-03  @  02:09 PM   -   RE: Monitor speakers


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I don't know how they became the standard (perhaps in a day when bass wasn't so prevalent), but the reason every major studio has NS-10 is for frame of reference. Engineers just know what they sound like, no question.

And yes, a lot of cats use them exclusively.

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Message 41/41             17-Sep-03  @  07:51 PM   -   RE: Monitor speakers



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NS10's hurt my ears, i used to use them when i was in college and every track i put through them sounded cack, in the end the lecturers put toilet roll over the tweeters to knock down the top end, they still sounded cack, i dont know how anyone could monitor through them, and for dance music (or anything which requires bass) there just a no no. I think they became industry standard because of the same reasons most gear does, advertising and the name. As with most things that are supposed to be good (according to magazines) there actually rubbish. How silly.

Oh btw im not saying the truths are the best monitors in the world coz i know there not, it really does depend on many factors, mainly placement and listening. Once i had a track singned to a local compilation cd (for a council funded thing, no supprises it got no where). The track was taken to a big studio for cleaning/mastering, the monitors they used where the really expensive genelec ones (forget the name) and the big sub to match. Well the outcome was a track which sounded very bass light and lacking top end sparkle - explain that one!! - i could of done better at home myself.


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