aaa MIDI that's the way uh hu- uh uh... - Music techology forums
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Subject: MIDI that's the way uh hu- uh uh...

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Original Message                 Date: 19-Dec-02  @  01:52 PM   -   MIDI that's the way uh hu- uh uh...

Makin' $$ from my music!!!


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Who's this guy talking about MIDI is done? Ahhh c'mon buddy (90's Child)! Hmmm, let's just go through a small list of innovators who used and still uses MIDI:

ORB, Prodigy, Crystal Method, Chemical Brothers, Mr Scruff, Goldie, OD 404, DJ Shadow, FSOL, Leftfield, LTJ Bukem, Moby, Beastie Boys, Daft Punk, Basement Jaxx, Dr Dre, etc. That's just to name a few.

Guess what they all used old analogue gear too with MIDI! What's that about comin' to software where it's better? The most important thing in this message that I wanted to get accross to the 90's Child, is that all those producers that I just listed are making BIG BUCKS off their music. What about you and your software? Have you even done a live show? Thank you and good night.

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Message 41/99             21-Dec-02  @  12:34 AM   -   RE: MIDI that's the way uh hu- uh uh...


Posts: 5701

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guys, just a reminder from a midi user. mpc's dont use midi for internal sequencing. so anything programmed within an mpc doesnt actually rely on midi.

but still... *yawn* at this thread. been there, done that...

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Message 42/99             21-Dec-02  @  12:38 AM   -   RE: MIDI that's the way uh hu- uh uh...


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ProTools does neat shit. So what? I've used it too. So what? I'm going to get a small protools rig one of these days. So what? I use fruity loops. So what? I use a Microwave. So what? I use a 909, a 606, and an Xbase. So what? I use all of it. So WHAT?

I'll tell you what. 90's child, you are a booksmart fucking idiot who just wants attention, and has never actually been out there and done it, and by limiting yourself, and bragging about it, you just prove to others that have proven repeatedly that they are intelligent and respectful human beings, that you are not either, beyond your ability to dig for facts to argue with.

This isn't debate class. You can read specs to me all day. Guess what? YOUR timing isn't that good, so what are you worried about a machine's timing being perfect for? You like perfection in timeing? I sure as shit don't. I think it sucks. I WANT a little bit of a looser feel. I WANT to introduce a tiny little bit of chaos into my sound. If you don't, and you just want dry as fuck clinically perfect timing, and digital sound, by all fuckin menas, you go for it, but don't try to think you're all that and know so much more than the rest, trying to down everyone else cuz somebody shat in your cornflakes. Not our fuckin problem kid. Not even very entertaining at this point.

You're trying to argue specs against reality. Guess what? It's bullshit. You're a special olympian here. Whether you win or lose this heat, you're still a retard. Stop acting like a fuckin retard, and just listen to what people tell you cuz you don't know it all.

It may be a hard thing to accept, but it's reality, and if you try to fight it, you'll just be pissing into the wind while you're drinking a warm beer, so have fun if that's your thing.


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Message 43/99             21-Dec-02  @  01:30 AM   -   RE: MIDI that's the way uh hu- uh uh...



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BT - Is this that geezer that does a knock off of Robert Miles "Children" and bases his career on it - what a waste of a waveform that dude is.

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Message 44/99             22-Dec-02  @  07:52 PM   -   RE: MIDI that's the way uh hu- uh uh...



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Hey Milan,

I don't use an MPC, How the HELL does it sequence notes that trigger it's samples if not through MIDI? Seriously... did Akai design a proprietary system for note on/off and controller events? Seems rediculous, but what do I know?


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Message 45/99             22-Dec-02  @  08:27 PM   -   RE: MIDI that's the way uh hu- uh uh...


Posts: 4573

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seems a bit off to me, too. I mean, you can drive an MPC with an external sequencer. You telling me it switches back and forth between sequencing "engines"?


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Message 46/99             22-Dec-02  @  08:34 PM   -   RE: MIDI that's the way uh hu- uh uh...


Posts: 5701

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psy you tell me, i imagine you have the manual somewhere. i just remember hearing several times that MPC doesnt use midi internally, dont ask me how it works. maybe someone else knows about this?

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Message 47/99             22-Dec-02  @  09:22 PM   -   RE: MIDI that's the way uh hu- uh uh...


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i don't own one

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Message 48/99             22-Dec-02  @  09:42 PM   -   RE: MIDI that's the way uh hu- uh uh...


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sorry then. still, i'm pretty sure i heard that mentioned somewhere. of course, i might be wrong too...

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Message 49/99             22-Dec-02  @  10:43 PM   -   RE: MIDI that's the way uh hu- uh uh...



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nah, milan's right - the don't use midi internally.

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Message 50/99             22-Dec-02  @  11:08 PM   -   RE: MIDI that's the way uh hu- uh uh...


Posts: 4573

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