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Subject: bring out the webpages!!!!

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Original Message 1/56             06-Jul-98  @  07:04 PM   -   bring out the webpages!!!!


Posts: 8

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i suggest, in light of all the controversy here etc i think daniella's suggestion of pictures/music etc on webpages is a good idea. that way also we can get more music out w/o filling up kilo's demo area. so up with the personal sites! it helps to be talking to a face etc than to a bunch of nicknames...anyway here's mine...
(there's also a bunch of shit about my webdesign services, and some broken client links and all my music is old shit that i haven't updated recently and generally the whole thing needs an overhaul, but ANYWAY, it's there if anyone cares....)

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Message 2/56             06-Jul-98  @  07:13 PM   -   RE: bring out the webpages!!!!



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Cool...I really agree...I'll post mine as soon as it's finished...

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Message 3/56             06-Jul-98  @  07:48 PM   -   RE: bring out the webpages!!!!


Posts: 659

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Oi! Buggo!

Nice tracks! I 'specially liked yer Dunhuang, Aluminum Breaks, and the Mire, in no particular order. Liked the bit ye did with yer guitarist on Crazy Shareef's Mad Journey, too. Yer right he can't sing (on the track Irie Babies) but hey, neither can a lot of folks who get deals. The tunes are rockin' though. Most excellent. Specially liked your 'flutter' percussion on Aluminum Breaks. Way, way bad, dude. Mucho props!

Anyone wants to check me own tracks, got a few available at

More please!!!!

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Message 4/56             06-Jul-98  @  07:54 PM   -   RE: bring out the webpages!!!!



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Umm... I got one 4.6 meg mp3 posted on my site. Havent done anything to the site other than post the track though. And the track kinda sucks. So... I guess theres no real reason to visit it. But if anyone wants to humor me and give it a listen and give me some feedback it would be mucho appreciated.

Hopefully I'll get some artwork and some half decent RA tunes up there soon.


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Message 5/56             06-Jul-98  @  08:05 PM   -   RE: bring out the webpages!!!!



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I think you guys all need to stop slagging yourselves...

First of all, your tracks don't suck...

Second of all, you have big balls for posting your web sites and letting other people getting to know you and you're music...It takes a lot of guts and you all should be given big props...

I think that is the true spirit of what this chat room was set-up to do...

PEECE...(now I'm going to cry... 

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Message 6/56             06-Jul-98  @  09:18 PM   -   RE: bring out the webpages!!!!



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Wow... great stuff buggo! Very impressive. I ecspecially liked Dunhuang. Whats really amazing is you did most of it with free or cheap software. You've just inspired me to get back to work on some tunes as soon as I get home from work.....

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Message 7/56             06-Jul-98  @  09:46 PM   -   RE: bring out the webpages!!!!


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File?:  No file you guys, thanks for all the good feedback...i never really let anyone listen to them; my friends are all into death metal and such and think dance music is cheap...

by the way another good thing about the web site deal is people can show off music that is not really consistent with dancetech, like me for instance, my stuff isn't realy "dance", except for a few exceptions, but it IS techno which has a very different feel and doesn't really go too well at the club (well, depends on the club i suppose!!)

but anyway i am off to mindspawn's site, and by the way as of today i'm putting up a bunch more shit that i never got the chance to encode into RA...again, yess, greenman and all, put up demos, pics, bios, little dancing men, happy goats, whatever on yer pages and submit 'em!

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Message 8/56             06-Jul-98  @  11:08 PM   -   RE: bring out the webpages!!!!


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i put up som stuff as soon as possibl


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Message 9/56             06-Jul-98  @  11:22 PM   -   RE: bring out the webpages!!!!



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Hey Mindspawn

kewl site and good stuff

Hey Astroman

i only was able to get the first 10 sec. of
your track bec. connection fucked up....

try later again

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Message 10/56             06-Jul-98  @  11:28 PM   -   RE: bring out the webpages!!!!


Posts: 8

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hot damn mindspawn dude you got some fuckin badass tracks on your site!! just out of curiosity, what kind of kit do you have? you seem to be able to cover a lot of ground (musically) with it, if you know what i mean. i like the actual progression of your songs, which change during their course...most (including mine) consist of a series of loops that get real old, real fast. wowie. great tracks. great site. i'm impressed.

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Message 11/56             07-Jul-98  @  12:30 AM   -   RE: bring out the webpages!!!!



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well, maybe we ned to rename it.... Home-studio-tech... cos i do hardcore rock, reggaea, dub, and standard guitar songwriting too....... heh heh......

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Message 12/56             07-Jul-98  @  03:04 AM   -   RE: bring out the webpages!!!!


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Message 13/56             07-Jul-98  @  03:50 AM   -   RE: bring out the webpages!!!!

The Pimp


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If anyone is interested in my site it's
It's mainly for Awe32/64 users. I created all the soundfonts myself. There is a bio page with the shit I do but no audio tracks yet. Soon though, very soon.

Jeremy Arsenault

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Message 14/56             07-Jul-98  @  07:14 AM   -   RE: bring out the webpages!!!!


Posts: 659

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Yo and amen! Thanks to ye all for the kind words.

Astroman, I only got a bit more'n Holger, a minute or so before she wouldna let me have any more. However, what I did hear was very promising. love the crispness you're getting from the MP3s. Sehr nice!

About the kit I used on the tracks: Line up folks, cos even though I've added considerably to my kit over the last few months, MOST of what you hear was done with Making Waves, Hammerhead, Stomper, and a lot of twisting the samples ala Sound Forge. Most of 'em have been remixed through Cakewalk at this point, but essentially I just bust out seperate drum, ryhthm, etc., tracks from making waves, import the waves into Cakewalk (I usually end up with between, 6 and 8 audio tracks), and then send 'em through me Gina to the mixer and FX.

Now I'm most proud of me new bits O' gear (synths, sampler, and what-not), and I have been able to more quickly get new sounds having the gear around. Tis also nice to be able to do tunes without the computer and to have more realtime control over things. BUT, over half of those tunes were done with a modest aresenal of software. Many of the samples have been pulled straight from this site. It takes a little time, and you end up with a massive number of sample snippets, but in the end you get a lot of mileage from yer samples in this way.

Thanks again to everyone for the kind props! Tis most appreciated.

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Message 15/56             07-Jul-98  @  07:38 AM   -   RE: bring out the webpages!!!!

The Pimp


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To: Mindspawn Just thought I'd add to the growing list off people telling you your stuff is the bomb. It's great. Quite enjoyed it.

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Message 16/56             07-Jul-98  @  09:19 AM   -   RE: bring out the webpages!!!!


Posts: 659

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Y'all are gonna make me cry.... Thanks soooo Much, everyone really. There's a helluva lot of talent hangs out at this site, and I feel most privileged to be gettin' props from so many of you. This is hellishly inspiring. Hell I don't know what to say, so I'll just shaddup.

By the by Astroman, heard just past the three minute mark on yer MP3, more I hear the better it gets. Gonna try again in awhile and see if I can get the rest of this gem. Very slick, and tasty!

Peace all.

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Message 17/56             07-Jul-98  @  10:00 AM   -   RE: bring out the webpages!!!!



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Hey folks, just thought I'd drop my URL here:

...hope to have more tunes up soon, likely featuring my
freaky new JP8k!

Thanks, in advance! L8s!

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Message 18/56             07-Jul-98  @  10:20 AM   -   RE: bring out the webpages!!!!



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What a great idea, heres my own web site........

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Message 19/56             07-Jul-98  @  02:58 PM   -   RE: bring out the webpages!!!!



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Fucking geocities. Can anyone recomend a good web hosting site that actually works?

Mindspawn... thanks alot for the comments.... it really means alot that someone whos actually knowledgable and talented gave it a listen... let alone had good comments. You may be the first person other than my girlfriend to listen to it. : ) For what its worth, everything cept the kick drum was made with my db50xg daughtercard. The kick is straight from Stomper. My new stuff, which I'm actually half proud of, is coming more from my cs1x. I just need to mp3 encode it then toss it up on the site.

Hey... this is pretty cool. Cant wait till I have time to check out some of these other sites....

By the way mindspawn... love the artwork on your site....

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Message 20/56             07-Jul-98  @  03:21 PM   -   RE: bring out the webpages!!!!



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As some of you know JohnDo Ecosse is going through a metamorphosis, from one person to three and working towards some live shows.

The site is

Its only one basic page just now but in the next few weeks there'll be more tracks and images lyrics etc.

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Message 21/56             07-Jul-98  @  04:23 PM   -   RE: bring out the webpages!!!!



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Hi everyone,

I haven't got a lot of my own music YET on my site because I'm restricted to the 1 mb limit my provider is providing me. But soon I'll link to Geocities or some other free providers.
This is the URL:

Made this site with Frontpage Express and I've noticed that Netscape users can't hear my background midi's. But if you use Explorer you can hear them. In the Dance Hall segment of my site, there's a midi I've made.
I've also got some downloads for the MC-303 there.

Hope you enjoy it.



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Message 22/56             07-Jul-98  @  11:09 PM   -   RE: bring out the webpages!!!!


Posts: 659

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I'm actually enjoying gettin' the opportunity to hear all of ye tracks. Some very nice stuff indeed.

Metalshop - couldn't get yer MP file to pull down, I'll try and give it another shot later in the wee hours. Of the two Real Audio files, Firmware is me fave. Really interesting mix of stuff, reminded me a bit of Nurse With Wound (an that's a compliment in my case). Even with the nasty things that Real Audio did, I really dug the track.

Jock - yer server must be down. I kept gettin' sent to this sanitarium site fer twisted musos. &;^)

John Do - I've already said this was a cool tune more'n once. It's still a very cool tune. Kinda reminds me of Aphex Twin in a more reflective mood. Sweet stuff.

Geordy - I'm usually put off by straight MIDI. But Dude, yer MIDI file shows real promise. If ya kin do that well with just MIDI then your MP files should be worth taking a listen to.

Keep 'em comin' folks. Listening to y'alls trax is some highly motivational shit. Recommended prescription for anyone who is feelin' pissed at their kit, down because their kit seems too limited, stuck in a rut, or anyone who generally digs tunes. Some really nice stuff, all around.

Peace all

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Message 23/56             08-Jul-98  @  01:01 AM   -   RE: bring out the webpages!!!!



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Now this is why i started coming to follow..........

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Message 24/56             08-Jul-98  @  01:21 AM   -   RE: bring out the webpages!!!!



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Alright I haven't put any of my tunes up on it yet (I haven't actually *made* that many tunes yet)
but this is the webpage version of a freesheet called Sl@nted and Ench@nted that me and some friends do.

It covers the whole techno/ambient and sometimes guitar/indie scene in Dublin (yes, there is in fact a dance music scene in Ireland!!).

Email us with URL's/suggestions/music we should be listening to at


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Message 25/56             08-Jul-98  @  03:39 AM   -   RE: bring out the webpages!!!!


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my site will be here

itīs not ready now....


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Message 26/56             08-Jul-98  @  04:29 AM   -   RE: bring out the webpages!!!!



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Mine too!

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Message 27/56             08-Jul-98  @  06:05 AM   -   RE: bring out the webpages!!!!


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Message 28/56             08-Jul-98  @  07:03 AM   -   RE: bring out the webpages!!!!



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I checked all the choons out. I think every one shows
alot of promise, I AM IMPRESSED..I'm going to get some of
my stuff up on our clubs web site next week. I'll have
a link to DJ MEGAFUN where you can see my club and hear
me toons.

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Message 29/56             13-Jul-98  @  05:25 AM   -   RE: bring out the webpages!!!!



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Okay, Yet another webpage here.

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Message 30/56             17-Jul-98  @  01:00 PM   -   RE: bring out the webpages!!!!


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my Homepage is up at

(itīs just 1 Page...)

i set up the real audio files right now... post them tonight


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Message 31/56             18-Jul-98  @  12:20 AM   -   RE: bring out the webpages!!!!


Posts: 2

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Kilo, you're right about renaming the site because my main thing is guitar based rock stuff and I do the dance thing when I'm bored. The main reason I visit this site is for info and advice which I use for both rock and dance musique. Anyway, Nevermind The Bollocks, how do you go about doing your own web site/page???? because I want you lot to hear just how great my tunes are!!!

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Message 32/56             18-Jul-98  @  12:38 AM   -   RE: bring out the webpages!!!!



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My San Francisco based site is at

Tonight if anyone is in the SF area, check out my club night @ 2925 16th street. We spin what we term sophisticated house music every Friday.



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Message 33/56             18-Jul-98  @  01:26 AM   -   RE: bring out the webpages!!!!

happy bug


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probably nobody cares, but i just ordered my 2 first bits of kit...a S-550 and a MC-300 sequencer...oooh i'm the way if i ordered COD will they let me look at the gear before i pay? or if the guy decided to fuck me over and send me some dead gear, would i be fucked?

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Message 34/56             18-Jul-98  @  01:01 PM   -   RE: bring out the webpages!!!!


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Hey Dudes! I need to convert my wav. file into MP3 Format.
How? Its an EMERGENCY!

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Message 35/56             18-Jul-98  @  04:15 PM   -   RE: bring out the webpages!!!!



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...... Yawn ......... Sorry, what did you say?

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Message 36/56             19-Jul-98  @  04:06 AM   -   RE: bring out the webpages!!!!



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ok guys... My main server terminated my account... So I think that the bulk of my *.ram files are pointing towards nonexistant files... ARRRGH!! .. And my usual URL is dead... Fuck this man... I'm going to buy WWW.SEDUSA.COM in a few months and start running my whole goddamn show... Free web space pisses me off... BUT, for now, my (Crippled) website is ... Enjoy, and wait up fer!!

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Message 37/56             19-Jul-98  @  06:59 AM   -   RE: bring out the webpages!!!!


Posts: 8

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yeah, i can't wait to see "sh2-tech: Sedusa world", the definitive master's guide to the sh-2 and a beacon of hope for all th small nobbers out there...

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Message 38/56             19-Jul-98  @  09:45 AM   -   RE: bring out the webpages!!!!


Posts: 659

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Y'all need to check Holger's shite. If you can get to the RA files, he has some massively sweet stuff on his page! Many props to Herr Maestro, some seriously wicked tunes on his site! Heavy trance to funky beats, Holger has his head around it. Mucho yumminess!

Peace all.

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Message 39/56             19-Jul-98  @  05:29 PM   -   RE: bring out the webpages!!!!


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shit yes, i visited the site a while back and nothing was up...Major fuckin props to you holger! Only downloaded a few songs; one tip is to get those metafiles working (or whatever they're called...the things that tell a RA file to play rather than download...) Anyway kickass site, nice tunes, again nice to at least associate some tunes with a name, if not a face...

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Message 40/56             19-Jul-98  @  10:35 PM   -   RE: bring out the webpages!!!!


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The Greenmans tired, WAKE UP!
Anyone heard of Rage Against the Machine?

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Message 41/56             21-Jul-98  @  03:58 PM   -   RE: bring out the webpages!!!!



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Just a little note that the Mindspawn has been updated with some new information and a few more tracks... Just to let ye know.

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Message 42/56             22-Jul-98  @  07:15 AM   -   RE: bring out the webpages!!!!

The Pimp


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Kick ass shit, that's all I'm going to say about Holger's tunes on his web page. Ok one more thing. It's the bomb.

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Message 43/56             22-Jul-98  @  07:34 AM   -   RE: bring out the webpages!!!!


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is the pimp getting on anyone else's nerves?

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Message 44/56             22-Jul-98  @  08:46 AM   -   RE: bring out the webpages!!!!


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Message 45/56             22-Jul-98  @  09:30 AM   -   RE: bring out the webpages!!!!


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hey hey...

thanx for your comment about the
stuff on my site

**just wondering bec. i donīt think that this is good**

pS: if you have FruityLoops you can download

Real Dirt

or check the file "" at

these 2 are the latest things iīve done...
(all my music stuff is packed in cartons)

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Message 46/56             23-Jul-98  @  01:52 AM   -   RE: bring out the webpages!!!!


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for excellent stuff check out

i also got 2 RA Files with Music made
by Greenman (Banshee send me them)

Kewl Stuff - great breaks !


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Message 47/56             23-Jul-98  @  01:57 AM   -   RE: bring out the webpages!!!!



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Hi everyone,

Check my renewed site:

I would want to have some demo's of you guys/girls to put them on my little site. It's a good thing to use a medium such as internet to let everyone listen to your music.

Bring on the demo's!!! (follow the steps on my site)

C U,


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Message 48/56             23-Jul-98  @  02:04 AM   -   RE: bring out the webpages!!!!



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You are too kind...I thought no one liked 4 on the 4 floor anymore? I'm such a dying breed...old fart...

This thread really embraces the whole purpose behind such an ambitous site...the true meaning of fellowship...seeing everyone taking the time to visit around and make new friends...fuck, I have a lump in my throat...

eeekkk...oh, scratch hit of E got stuck on the way down...

xxoo - GreenThang

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Message 49/56             21-Aug-98  @  09:14 PM   -   RE: bring out the webpages!!!!


Posts: 8

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sorry to bring this shit back to the top, but i got a new site......i recently told a friend i was looking for a kawai q80, and also for a name other than my given one so i could direct all the flak for my shite tracks towards some guy that doesn't now i have a fuckin stupid name because of a moment of absolute shitheaded stupidity, but in spite of this i actually have a rather cool site....thought i'd post the url.

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Message 50/56             21-Aug-98  @  09:19 PM   -   RE: bring out the webpages!!!!


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No, it doesn't work!

404 URL not found

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Message 51/56             21-Aug-98  @  11:17 PM   -   RE: bring out the webpages!!!!


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well I forgot the http:// assumed it was on Kilo's server!! anyway here it is: Maybe the link works, maybe not...but that's the address above...

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Message 52/56             26-Aug-98  @  06:09 PM   -   RE: bring out the webpages!!!!



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For those of you into metal/industrial, or if you just need a break from the Dance scene, or want to see a pretty cool website, check out for the 99 Devils website. No tunes yet, but a lot of info on us and what we do and what we use to do it with...


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Message 53/56             27-Aug-98  @  01:44 PM   -   RE: bring out the webpages!!!!



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Apparently there may be some problems with the site I listed above (Rogue dropped me a line saying it wasn't working), but I'm seeing it fine with Navigator 4.51b1. I also know it works under Internet Explorer 4 and 5 beta1, all on PC. If you're surfing with a different browser/platform, please check it out and drop me a line if it's messed up...

Appreciate it...


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Message 54/56             07-Sep-98  @  04:07 AM   -   RE: bring out the webpages!!!!



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Well, I don't have a homepage at the moment, so here's my latest jungle track instead, RealAudio encoded (please excuse the crap sound quality).
A HREF=""> The Bboy That Never Was

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Message 55/56             07-Sep-98  @  04:10 AM   -   RE: bring out the webpages!!!!



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Aha. That didn't work, did it now. Okay, how about this :

The Bboy That Never Was

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Message 56/56             17-Sep-98  @  09:32 PM   -   RE: bring out the webpages!!!!

Dan S.


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