aaa got $150 want a guitar? - Music techology forums
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Subject: got $150 want a guitar?

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Original Message 1/6             04-Jun-03  @  03:26 AM   -   got $150 want a guitar?


Posts: 6231

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y'all know my situation - my gear credit bills will ensure that i never have any money ever. had some money on my musician's friend account and took a gamble.. mail order axe.. there were decent reviews (i figured all by washburn employees, but..)

washburn oscar schmidt 'delta' oe30b.. lists $450 on special $150. it's been a long itme itme itme since i played a real instrument.. used to have a hondo $99 strat ages ago; had a wonky epiphony (heh) for a while, played a fw fenders and squiers, but by no means more than a tinkerer, but as far as i can tell, this is an awesome deal! locking tuners (new to me.. ooh) two humbuckers actually go quiet when not playing.. (also new to me) nice action (to me that means frets don't buzz.. another first), hemi-hollow body just sings... electronics aren't disappointing either. we'll see how in-tune it is tomorrow..

i was half expecting a dud, y'know? anyway.. serendipitous if you're looking

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Message 2/6             10-Jun-03  @  09:23 AM   -   RE: got $150 want a guitar?



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i tell you one guitar I was really impressed with, for a dual humbucker rock sound, and that was/is those Peavey cheap eddie van halen models - the cheapest version of the one he plays. Locking tuners, and they play beautifuly, one of the nicest guitars I played considering how cheap they are. Bit of an odd shape tho, but not ugly.

Also the Epiphone Les Pauls are good, very good, the one I bought recently is nicer than the cheap Gibson one I used to own.

Neither of those guitars gives lots of tonal variety tho.

Trouble with guitars, and especialy cheap ones, is that you can try 20 of the same model and only one feels good... so buying mail order can be a bit of a lottery, even if you are really good at setups.

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Message 3/6             22-Jul-06  @  02:49 AM   -   RE: got $150 want a guitar?


Posts: 1345

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are those mexican strats any good ?

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Message 4/6             22-Jul-06  @  11:19 AM   -   RE: got $150 want a guitar?


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I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 5/6             22-Jul-06  @  11:21 AM   -   RE: got $150 want a guitar?


Posts: 12353

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yamaha pacifica's are generaly noted as a very good cheap guitar, you get the trad' humbucker and 2 single coil i think, i've been working on a song with a guy who uses one in the last few weeks, they seem ok. Epiphones are ok, for a les paul type guitar, on ebay they are 'dealer cheaper' than shops


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 6/6             25-Jul-06  @  02:33 AM     Edit: 25-Jul-06  |  02:15 PM   -   RE: got $150 want a guitar?


Posts: 1345

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will check those, althought i can't remember seeing one in a pawn shop.

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