aaa MIDI that's the way uh hu- uh uh... - Music techology forums
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Subject: MIDI that's the way uh hu- uh uh...

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Original Message                 Date: 19-Dec-02  @  01:52 PM   -   MIDI that's the way uh hu- uh uh...

Makin' $$ from my music!!!


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Who's this guy talking about MIDI is done? Ahhh c'mon buddy (90's Child)! Hmmm, let's just go through a small list of innovators who used and still uses MIDI:

ORB, Prodigy, Crystal Method, Chemical Brothers, Mr Scruff, Goldie, OD 404, DJ Shadow, FSOL, Leftfield, LTJ Bukem, Moby, Beastie Boys, Daft Punk, Basement Jaxx, Dr Dre, etc. That's just to name a few.

Guess what they all used old analogue gear too with MIDI! What's that about comin' to software where it's better? The most important thing in this message that I wanted to get accross to the 90's Child, is that all those producers that I just listed are making BIG BUCKS off their music. What about you and your software? Have you even done a live show? Thank you and good night.

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Message 51/99             23-Dec-02  @  12:44 PM   -   RE: MIDI that's the way uh hu- uh uh...

90's Child


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Pongoid, Pongoid, Pongoid! What’s your problem? I’ll tell you. You take yourself much to seriously. Why you getting so personal? I threw something up for discussion. That’s it. Simple. I didn’t start slaggin YOU off did I? You wanna get personal do you?
You’re probably about 35 years old and make really hard acid techno. Yer, sure you play out but so does everyone. You carry on like your some f—kin pro but if your such an expert then where’s your record deal? Oh that’s right, nobody is interested.
You are aggressive and arrogant. You sound like you are bitter at the fact that you have never quite made it in the music industry. Or is that all the speed you’ve shoved down your neck?
F—k you and your bully boy tactics. I hate bullies and you are one. Anyway carry on making your shit hard acid techno and being aggressive to anyone you deem “not up to your music making standards.”
If only you knew about people.

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Message 52/99             23-Dec-02  @  01:41 PM   -   RE: MIDI that's the way uh hu- uh uh...


Posts: 12353

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I'm working on a rock project p/time with a singer/writer over the last 4 months using Logic platignum & BATTERY (sometimes with VB1 for bass sometimes with real bass, but VB1 is so much easier to get a bassline down quickly for rock where the bass is underneath the tune)... it's demo stuff, but apart from the Battery drums sounds 'real' (mebbe some inexperenced people might think the drums are 'real' tho, it's hard to tell with Battery mixed right)

Anyways the point is, after years working on tape multi-tracks, here I am, cutting and pasting guitar parts around to create the arrangement with the writer, and occaisionaly we cut out a chorus loop shortening the chorus repeats etc or cut out a solo etc etc... for arranging it is superb!

Anyways, PT works in the same way of course, mebbe it's better for some people to hand over all their hooks etc to be 'arranged' by someone with PT, so to me these s/w's are really arranging tools.

I must say tho, the speed to get an idea down to an acceptable 'record' sound is ludicrous - yesterday I started to play a riff, the writer/singer started singing some lyric's she had, it fitted. We fired up Logic and the song was down in 20 minutes with drums bass & vocals & two guitar parts, and it rocks! - sounds very 'Clash' around the Sandinista album time... it's so easy with computers   - It allows me to work on idea's without hinderance of setting up tape stuff. You just wack down some easy guitar stuff with the absolute minimum of setup care, then add a multiband compressor over the whole lot and it really sounds like a fucking record.

Actualy this project is really coming on, I'm getting a bit concerned cos it sounds to me 'sellable'..... which is worrying in some way cos I didnt figure on being a rock band guitarist  

Anyways, h/d cutups... love it!! - The CD's nearly done. Once the final tracks are all copywritten I'll post up the album.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 53/99             24-Dec-02  @  04:26 AM   -   RE: MIDI that's the way uh hu- uh uh...


Posts: 2003

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90's, I think I might have hurt your feelings. Gee, too fuckin bad, kid. Wanna give me an address to send you a copy of my latest record to let you listen to and sob over? Acid? That the best you can come up with? And as for playing out, everybody does? Do you? Where? When? And one more thing...I usually start with fairly empty floors. By the time my set is done they are packed and people are dancing their asses off, and screaming. I'm not trying to rub your face into this too hard, just enough to let you know that you are full of shit, and pissed off by the fact that you're being schooled, and it's hard for your young ego to handle, and I see it.

You have been slagging most people here and trying to intimidate them with your scant knowledge, other than some arguing tools, and I figure it's time that you stop, and get onto more useful areas of study, like MIDI, and how powerful it really is, even with the delay. You know there are programs and sequncers that can take that delay into account and adjust for it to make it completely negligable, if not non-existent.

Also, you may think that it's all about software, and I can agree in that you can do amazing things in software, but when's the last time you played a Minimoog, kid? I'm going to bet never cuz if you had, you be singing the paises of CV as well. Well, whatever. They are all tools, and it's your loss not to use all of them. Me too serious? I am serious, and it's sad that you assume otherwise. Perhaps you should listen to a couple of my tunes, and then decide how weak hardware and MIDI are. I'm not going to go touting myself as The One, but I'd be lying if I said that I can't represent.

Have a ball. Maybe best to listen to Into the Void first. All live, no edits.


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Message 54/99             24-Dec-02  @  06:34 AM   -   RE: MIDI that's the way uh hu- uh uh...



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90's child,

You've instigated a fight with a forum full of electronic musicians with sweeping, untrue, and demoralizing statements about hardware. Statements, not questions. That was your mistake. I don't blame myself or anyone for their responses; how can you expect someone to not fight back if you've punched them in the back of the head?

What is your motive? Are you a software evangelist, simply looking for a fight? Or do you really work for a software company, making a feeble attempt to attack hardware users to sway those that are in-between? Or are you a "war3z" pimp, bloating in your latest acquisitions of "free" hacked software?

Give us a break and stop it. You need to learn to not go blazing in picking fights... instead, ask questions. Questions will get you knowledge, and experience if you absorb what has been said.

Fighting tooth and nail does not get you anywhere in life.


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Message 55/99             24-Dec-02  @  09:01 AM   -   RE: MIDI that's the way uh hu- uh uh...


Posts: 12353

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I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 56/99             24-Dec-02  @  11:36 AM   -   RE: MIDI that's the way uh hu- uh uh...

90's Child


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My work here is done.

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Message 57/99             24-Dec-02  @  04:42 PM   -   RE: MIDI that's the way uh hu- uh uh...


Posts: 92

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Where is your fading/echoing evil laugh?

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Message 58/99             24-Dec-02  @  05:07 PM   -   RE: MIDI that's the way uh hu- uh uh...


Posts: 5701

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he needs analog tape echo for that probably ;)

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Message 59/99             26-Dec-02  @  06:49 PM   -   RE: MIDI that's the way uh hu- uh uh...



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I find it funny how 90's believe that big name artists exclusively use samplers without absolutley no MIDI. How clueless can one be?

MIDI is not the only way to make music, but how could one deny the amount of power it has given composers?


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Message 60/99             26-Dec-02  @  07:15 PM   -   RE: MIDI that's the way uh hu- uh uh...



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