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Subject: Yamaha DX21

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Original Message 1/76             19-Jul-98  @  11:48 AM   -   Yamaha DX21



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Sorry, I think thats what its called or the 27?
Anyway, u knowz anything about this synth? I dont! Whats it good for?

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Message 2/76             19-Jul-98  @  01:16 PM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21



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same as theTX81Z.....CLASSIC SOUNDS..... but not multi-timbrel.... but, you get a master keyboard....

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Message 3/76             19-Jul-98  @  08:16 PM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21

The Pimp


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My friend used to have a DX21 and left it at my house for quite a while. I loved it. It was the first synth I ever got to play with and really get into. I still have the manuals here and compared to most manuals they are pretty big. Anyways I love the sounds and once you figure it out the programing isn't to bad. You can cheat and make it have 2 voices at once by splitting them across the keyboard. Anyways if you can get one on the cheap then do it cuz it's a cool pie e of kit.


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Message 4/76             29-Jul-98  @  04:06 PM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21



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DX21 is a 4 operator FM synth - the same sounds as on
cheap PC soundcards. I'd say crappy by todays standards.
Only thing they might be good for are stonking bass
sounds, but they would need beefing up by a decent FX
unit to sound anything.

Pay no more than £130-150.

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Message 5/76             29-Jul-98  @  05:06 PM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21

The Pimp


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I now have my friends DX21 and the bass sounds you can make are uunbelievable. Pain to program at first but once you get used to it it's not so bad.

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Message 6/76             29-Jul-98  @  05:22 PM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21



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i have to say it.... Replica you're talking absolute unadulterated rot... cheap soundcards have a 2 op fm synth, and if you think 4 op fm is crap then i suggest you take up golf, cos 70% of the sounds you groove to in a club (if you ever go to a club) come from those synths......

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Message 7/76             29-Jul-98  @  06:22 PM   -   fuck yes!



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started playing around with the FM synthesis section in Sound Forge last night (which is a 4op jobby) and the sounds you can make are absolutely fucking mental! wish i had realized it was there earlier... much thanks to whoever mentioned it in that Tx81Z thread a while back.

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Message 8/76             30-Jul-98  @  02:51 PM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21



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Kilo - so you are the worlds authority on FM synths eh !.

What clubs do you go too, 80's revivalist one no doubt.
Bet you still have the Phil Oakey haircut as well.

Listen sunshine, the DX21 is an out of date pile of crap.
The sounds you can get from it are 99% crap, apart
from the odd bass sound that everyone has used anyhow.

I've owned at various stages : Yamaha's DX100,V50,TX81Z,
DX7,TX7 - so I think I know what FM synthesis is about.
2 op FM soundcards - yes they are better cos generally
you get some form of built in effects to add to the sound.
Oh, don't you know about the 4-Op soundcards ?.

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Message 9/76             30-Jul-98  @  05:37 PM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21


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HA HA VERY SOUR. ..... it's got nothing to do with being an authority, tho maybe you're stuck in that intellectual synth mode.... ergo : if i cant bang on about it's amazing synthesis powers and the hugely complexed sounds it can achieve it's a pile of shite....

fact is mate and i say it again... you talk rot... still... keep buying the 'LATEST' 90's synths... i'm sure you'll manage to tweak the classic sounds still used today in 80% of garage & house, and about 60-70% of jungle, ragga, dancehall, drum & bass etc etc etc...... by spending huge amounts of money on expensive new synths trying to sound like the old FM units...

maybe you equate 'Dance' with the Prodigy, Chemical Brothers etc........ fact is mate.... all the modern synths may get used .... but i can tell you that FM is one of THE most used sound in Dance today, across all styles.....Techno, Trance & the commercial big-beat styles are about the only styles that dont use FM as a mainstay....

only an idiot would claim they are 80's... and hence out of date..... next you'll be telling me a U87 is shite, cos it;s been around since the 70's..... !!.. or that an old pair of Tannoy Golds are shite too as monitors , or an old Harrison desk, or old Valve compressors are crap for the same reason.....

You came blasting in making an totally incorrect a claim about cheap OPL synth chips... and also an incorrect claim about FM synths in general being crap & out of date.....

how you can claim that FM is 80's and hence out of date as a dance tool... when AS A FACT.... it is used in a huge amount of tracks in various styles ???.. FACT !........So you are wrong on all counts........ maybe you dont listen to House, garage or the other styles as I said... maybe you have never heard speed garage??...... by the same logic, you'll be next trying to tell me that juno's , 101's and the like are shite, cos they are from the 70's and 80's too.... fact is mate... THE MAINSTAY of ALL dance is old synths.... PERIOD... the new stuff outside of samplers, simply seeks to REPRODUCE those sounds in the majority of cases.... hence analog modelling, and new analog.... the Waldorfs, Nova's, Virus's, AN1-X's, Prophesy's of this world etc etc etc

NOW...... i suggest you get your facts right before you start rent-a-gobbing it and coming on insulting me on a personal bitchy level, just cos your wildly innacurate claims are squashed flat......

lastly I'll say,... Maybe you think FM is just capable of a few simple dance basses, and other simple dance stuff , and it isnt capable of anything deeper ??.... well.....

if you have the brains and perseverence to learn the HUGE complexity that is FM synthesis... (which hardly anyone has even scratched the surface of in most cases, because it is simply so complexed as a form of synthesis most people just give up).. maybe... just maybe... you'll be able to turn out lush and weird & amazing sounds and ambient textures such as Brian Eno did throughout his most prolific period of synth albums... and it may surprise you to know that his main synth used to do ALL those amazing albums.. was a DX7.... here's some stuff from an interview with Eno from SoS in 1990....

"I dont have alot of instruments. I have a DX7 which is my main instrument, I still keep discovering great new things about it...... I've got two others as well... I've got a Prophet VS and an M1... I'm not really interested in them because I keep going back to the DX7...... Yes, Some of the drum sounds on the album are DX ....."

SOS. For someone who is considered a great electronic musician, a guru of the synthesiser or treated sound, you dont seem to have the kind of equipment that Vangelis or Klaus Schulze have?..

"I must say in my whole career I've only really had 3 synths, which is amazing really. Klaus Schulze, he's got truckloads of them I think. Well, it's another way of working. I don't really work as a keyboard player, with given sounds. Because sound is so much the subject of what I do, it's much more interesting to me than what my fingers are doing at a particular time. It's the actual timbre of the whole thing which I'm finally interested in, I really cant take a given sound or a given melody, I have to make it myself and that means getting very familiar with an instrument. So really, my only 3 synths have been the old AMS, the minimoog, which I used for a few years, and the DX..."

I'm sorry if FM is over your head... either as a common tool you simply can't identify in tracks cos you only think in terms of latest product , or as one of the most powerful types of synthesis EVER created....... "

Still, maybe you will just say Eno is an out of date wanker who knows shit..... or that UK dance is out of date crap too??


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Message 10/76             31-Jul-98  @  03:10 PM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21



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Kilo :

I suggest you go fiddle with your DX7 and leave the
technology alone - cos its obvious you don't keep up with
the times.

No I dont listen to House or Garage - I'm not a spotty
teenager anymore.

FM synthesis is nearly 20 years old - if you like it
good, I personally think its past its sell by date, and be be better emulated on modern synths OK.

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Message 11/76             31-Jul-98  @  03:56 PM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21


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this argument has basically persuaded me to buy a dx (well, tx, but then they're pretty much the same aren't they) synth today. because i want one for the weekend. now if that's not a vote of confidence in kilo's ability to influence people in their choices i don't know what is. and the influence comes not from any divine power, or being a spotty teenager, or being behind the times but because invariably kilo's advice saves time and money and tedious mistakes over and over again. and its delivered in an honest blunt but above all WELL-INFORMED way....

and let's just get this straight - kilo to the best of my knowledge has NEVER said that new technology was shit, never tried to hark back to the past, never claimed that analog was the be-all-and-end-all (though he came pretty close when he opened his mouth about how old-school norman cook would never use digital....but hey, we all make mistakes..). the point he always makes is that there's very little point in buying a bus when all you need is a bike (ok, that's a weak metaphor, but you know what i mean). that the hype can be bigger than the product. you only have to read how excited he gets over new softwares to realise that this is a man who embraces the future technology.

it just annoys me when someone does so much to help others, with so much patience for endless newcomers coming for advice, just for people to shoot him down.


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Message 12/76             31-Jul-98  @  08:08 PM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21



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Sorrrreeeee - if I've offended you Mr Kilo - I thought this was a discussion page - y'know different opinions.

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Message 13/76             31-Jul-98  @  11:50 PM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21



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why do I bother.......all I can say is Replica.... EVERY SINGLE post you make here in this chat area is negative, purile and critical of some aspect of the industry.... maybe you need a holiday... perhaps you'd feel more at home over at Sonic States chat rooms where there are plenty of threads like... KORG ARE SHIT... or ...... KURZWEIL SUCK..... or.... JUNGLE IS CRAP... etc

so what is the latest 'Up with the times' music then??....... and what synths do they use??... c'mon... name it ??..... I think you'll find that it's all old synths over 15 years old...... come to that... what gear do you use??..... what music do you make??..... etc

see... i have no objection to arguement & debate... IF.... JUST IF... the other person comes up with some qualification to their arguement, and doesnt stick to simply slagging & insulting, moaning and complaining... so come up with some logic to your reasoning so we can all see why exactly WHY you feel that technology unless it is recent is worthless....??..... and WHY... you are so immature that your only recourse to those who disagree with you, is to basically hide behind insults rather than put forward reasonable arguement or discussion....

you can't seriously come to a dance music makers chat area blasting that people who like house or garage are out of date spotty teenagers... that is simply crass...... still... i would guess your hero's are the Prodigy ... am I wrong??..... maybe you just dont like dance music??

i would welcome a reasonable debate as to why it is better to go with NEW technology, and scrap old ones..... so ...... what IS EXACTLY the premise of your position on this matter....??... prey enlighten me??.....

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Message 14/76             01-Aug-98  @  10:01 AM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21



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So Kilo, if everyone is buying and playing 15 year old
synths, what future is there for companies like Korg,
Roland Yamaha etc. If you are right they'll all be out of
business, pretty soon.

FYI I don't have hero's, thats for kids (by the way how
old are you ?).

You've taken my original argument out of all proportion
sunshine - I have'nt slagged off all old synths - only
FM synthesis - can you honestly say that you would
rather own a DX7 or a CS80, - a V50 or a Minomoog ?.

If you answer the former then I rest my case !.

FM synthesis is horrible - it virtually killed analogue
in the early eighties - its only in the nineties that
people rediscovered analogue and realised what FM did
for music - very little ask most people with an FM
synth what they keep it for - it aint for the strings,
or the choirs, or the drum sounds, - they keep hold of them for the odd bass sound - unless you like bells !!.

New technology should always be embraced - next you'll
be telling us that Atari's are better for music than
PC's, which clearly is not the case these days.

Take a fairly new company like Quasimidi - the Quasar
was,in my opinion, one of the most exciting synth of the
nineties so far - it blasts almost every eighties synth into oblivion - but I guess you would'nt know a lot
about this rack and the type of synthesis it uses would
you ?.

Nowhere have I said that technology, unless recent, is useless - stop misquoting me - obviously you are more
interested in justifying yourself to other readers
of these messages than me.

So you want to know what kit I use, how bloody childish,
I suppose you want to swap konkers as well.

Its been very enjoyable winding you up - you bite well !.

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Message 15/76             01-Aug-98  @  11:06 AM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21


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Replica, which soundcards have used 4 op fm synth? (not a challenge, I really wanna know)

what's the deal w/ the fb01? Why is fm so noisy? I remember on the DX you could set up just 4 operators, right? (been years, thank god) has there ever been an fm/analog hybrid? additive's been explored even less, does that everybody here should get into that bitch (no, she's mine, mine, mine)? My friend's got an atari tattoo, but she's 25, does that mean there's a spotty teenager deep inside her psyche threatening to tear loose?

How the hell did this shit convince that guy to buy a yammy?

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Message 16/76             01-Aug-98  @  11:46 AM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21


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Hillevet - any or most OPL3 chops based cards
First, OPL3 has in fact thirty-six (36) operators
which can be combined in several ways:
* 18 FM channels (36 operators), or
* 15 FM channels (30 ops) and 5 percussion instruments (6 ops), giving
us 20 channels altogether, or
* up to 6 four-operator FM channels (max 24 ops),
the rest again being divided into two-operator FM
channels and drums.

Hope this explains a bit.

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Message 17/76             01-Aug-98  @  11:50 AM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21



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They then said 'fuck off' to FM and introduced the
OPL3-SA and OPL4

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Message 18/76             01-Aug-98  @  01:06 PM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21



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well, the only criteria you offered that made FM lousey for you, was that it was 15 years out of date... or from the 80's...... in answer to your question, YES... I would NEVER EVER consider or recommend a dance set-up without an FM 4 OP yamaha synth.... because as i say again, it is one of the most used synths in dance, from the 80's to today..... and is still dominant... when the newbies come here, they want to know WHAT.... is making the sounds they hear in clubs.... and that is why i say... FM... becuase it IS alot of what they are hearing....

Atari's ARE the best most solid midi sequencing platform outside of hardware units... end of story.... and i would challenge you to find me more than a minority of major dance artists who did not use the Atari as their primary sequencing platform unless they used hardware units.... simply becuse it is the most solid and reliable timing wise...... outside of hardware sequencers.... Cakewalk is good.... but no-where near like an atari.... like the older 12 bit samplers.... it is great older technology

As for the Quasar... are you seriously saying it blasts all synths from the 80's??... it is a sample synth.... what's the big deal... sure it is a GREAT budget synth... i recommend it on these pages if you actually LOOK...... but there are a few 80's units that are great too, and some that are essential depending on style.....

Actually, it is a fact that the bottom IS falling out of the synth market right now... with sales at an all time low as far as I'm being told by the industry.... sure alot of people still buy synths, but dance has influenced mainstream electronic music to such a massive degree... originating styles BEFORE .. NOTE THAT.... BEFORE the analog imitators arrived on the scene, that people ARE buying older kit from Juno's and 101's to FM.... or getting into guitar based songs music that has re-emerged as a chart style again in recent years......

now lastly... I'm asking you nicely.....dont come it with this sunshine stuff and other sarcasm, leave the insults ok..... argue by all means... but i dont want to see one more of your snidey remarks...... i mean it... Leave the insults... there is no need for personal insults accompanying each post you make....

by the way... who is this Steve Gregory person??.... or ??.....

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Message 19/76             01-Aug-98  @  01:08 PM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21

The Pimp


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What's the point in slagging off a synth. Some people like the sound of FM synths some don't. One thing I can say is after only having it for a week, I can get my DX21 to make alot of cools sounds, not all of which are basses. Everybody has their own tastes. It would be much more productive to say "I don't like this type of synthesis because" and explain yourself then just say this is a pile of crap don't buy it, using no more explanation then it's crap. If you think it's crap explain why it's crap, don't just make a blanket statement. Moving ahead with the technology is fine and dandy but if you want a synth and you don't have much money used gear is the only option. Besides, what this decade has been such a great advance synthwise from the 80's. The late 90's most popular synths all recreate the very stuff you claim out dated. That doesn't matter though. classics never die, look at the guitar it's only 6note polyphony and no multitimbrality and it's been love by almost all for 50 years now (mainstream at least). When it boils down to it, it's what you do with the kit, not what the kit is.

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Message 20/76             01-Aug-98  @  01:13 PM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21



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Tell me!

What does "Phat" mean? (in ref to synths)

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Message 21/76             01-Aug-98  @  02:16 PM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21



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Kilo - there you go misquoting me again.
I said the Quasar blasts almost every 80's synth into
oblivion - my opinion, I'm entitled to it OK, or do you
want to take away that right as well ?.

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Message 22/76             01-Aug-98  @  10:11 PM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21


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yes.... that is what i said....:

"....As for the Quasar... are you seriously saying it blasts all synths from the 80's??"

read up mate......or is it a misquote or mis representation...... cos i left out the word 'Oblivion'.... it's a great unit as a polyphonic multi-timbrel unit to get you into those sounds cheaply...... but I couldnt agree that it blast almost every 80's synth into oblivion.... there were some great 80's synths.... especially the early 80's when they were analog & midi or DCO & VCF units with midi.... some of the stuff like the Ensoniq stuff were great , and what about the PPG ?... phew !!

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Message 23/76             04-Aug-98  @  07:10 PM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21



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Am I invisible

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Message 24/76             04-Aug-98  @  07:41 PM   -   not invisible...



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Browngirl, methinks the problem is that this thread turned a little slaggy, so yer question went unnoticed.

'phat' is typically used to mean 'cool'. in reference to synths and sounds - well, it could just be cool, but more likely refers to a quality of "huge"ness, as in a "big" sound (like fat). usually lots of bass will give the average person the impression (illusion?) of 'phatness'.

personally i hate the term, as i hate most marketing catch-phrases. (notice the prevalence of the term in advertisements geared toward hip-hop and dance kit).

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Message 25/76             04-Aug-98  @  08:21 PM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21



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In response to a prior post about additive synthesis, does anyone in here use an additive box? I've heard some cool stuff done with Kawai's K5000s synth, and some people rave about the older K5... What other additive boxes are out there?


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Message 26/76             04-Aug-98  @  09:35 PM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21


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Yeah, k5000's are "the bomb." k5's are similarly "phat" but "can't drop" on dat 5000 interface. I'm thinking about getting a "dope-ass" k3m, which is supposedly analog meets additive, but am afraid it'll be too "bougie" for my "jacked-up" little studio.

Music be goin' "wicked good, yo," but the guy wants my tx81z for the k3m. Am I ready for the "change up?" Another "rewind" in my kit list? "Mista Selecta, give 'em anoda one," piece of advice that is, should I ditch my stupid little tx81z?

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Message 27/76             05-Aug-98  @  02:23 AM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21



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it's er... Phunky !!..... Phat... and Phuturistic !!... the new Roland VD-600000 with auto toaster-expresso-maker & spliff-roller... etc...

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Message 28/76             05-Aug-98  @  03:02 AM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21


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Hilevelt-if your studio is phucking "Jakked Up" then Im Phucked!
Kilo-in all honesty, you seem a little quick on the draw since that little AC thing. Dont get me wrong, Im still grateful for your willingness to share info, but you seemed a little quick going after whatever that fools name was...oh yeah, replica.
Gotta admit, tis funny watching yall brawl like that---Is it hot everywhere!! Must Be!
"PIMP": Good point about the old guitar

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Message 29/76             06-Aug-98  @  09:53 PM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21



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Huh the PPG (short for perfectly plain garbage), no I've
never rated the PPG personally Mr Kilo. No if someone
was to give me a GX1 then maybe,just maybe I might get interested in FM again !.
The PPG for me always sounded thin and could'nt inject
any 'life' into a mix. I sooner have a POLYMOOG - yes
thats right a Polymoog !!.

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Message 30/76             07-Aug-98  @  06:16 PM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21


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the gx1 isn't an analog synth - it's two CS80's
in a box. oh yeah, and FM isn't just confined to
yamaha....many analog synths can do it, just look
at the matrix 6 for one. there are a few others
(obxa is one i've used. also i think the ax60
and the odyssey can do it). i personally haven't
got much use out of it, but i've spent maybe half
an hour with my tx81z since i got it two years ago.
it's not as much FUN to play with like my other stuff  
still, eventually i'll get around to it and I know
there are some unique sounds in there...even better
I'll find someone willing to trade it for a casio
vz10m and get really killer FM sounds  

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Message 31/76             07-Aug-98  @  09:14 PM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21



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uh - the GX1 isnt an analog synth - its two CS80's in a box - sorry mate but I thought the CS80 was an analog synth.Still my fault for saying the GX1 was FM (or is it) I s'pose !!!,I was meaning the first FM beastie, they only made a limited number - anyone recall the name/number ?

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Message 32/76             07-Aug-98  @  09:52 PM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21



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You mean this......DX1

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Message 33/76             07-Aug-98  @  09:52 PM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21



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You mean this......DX1

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Message 34/76             08-Aug-98  @  12:40 AM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21


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yep sorry meant to say it wasn't an FM synth...
well i must the dx1 looks cool though   heard stories
but this is the first picture i've seen...

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Message 35/76             08-Aug-98  @  01:46 AM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21


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It becomes more and more obvious how little you actually know about generating sounds with synthesizers. You may think you're pretty booksmart cuz yo read a few adverts, and know some tech talk, but that ain't shit. As soon as you opened your mouth in trying to slag fm synthesis, anybody who ever played with an fm synth for more than fifteen seconds knew just how full of shit you really are. FM synthesis is so incredibly complex, using an extremely flexible and powerful archetecture, that people will still traveling uncharted sonic territories for the next twenty years. If you think it sounds shite, then I pity you for having poor ears. As for trying to slag PPG, you are so in the dark it's beyond pathetic. PPG created some of the most powerful and beautiful sounding synthesis engines in all of recorded history. This is not a topic for debate. It is known fact, be it their modular systems, or wavetable synth engines. Your credibility was just pissed out the window. I'm sorry. It's time for you to crawl back under your rock of ignorance now, and actually play with some of these pieces you are so quick to criticize. You do not belong here, making posts. You have too much yet to learn. Good luck, young grasshopper.

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Message 36/76             08-Aug-98  @  06:39 AM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21


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Damn-the MAN speaks--Kilo, fuck im up! You got backup now!!!
Now, wait up, pongoid, just cuz someone doesnt have a shit load of knowledge does not mean they cant post here--you mustve mis-stated what you meant, right?
maybe Know It Alls who dont really know shit otta stay out, but...
And things were so peaceful while he was gone! 

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Message 37/76             10-Aug-98  @  09:46 PM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21



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Kilo - thanks for solving the puzzle - can I call you mate now !!.

Pongoid - go and take your face for a shit -you need it !.
My opinion on FM synths has not changed a bit - I don't
like them, never have done - probably never will.
As for PPG's ask yourself this - where are the company
now ?. The original PPG cost about the same as a small
house - no fucker apart from your rich pop star could afford the overrated bastards.

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Message 38/76             10-Aug-98  @  09:46 PM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21



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Kilo - thanks for solving the puzzle - can I call you mate now !!.

Pongoid - go and take your face for a shit -you need it !.
My opinion on FM synths has not changed a bit - I don't
like them, never have done - probably never will.
As for PPG's ask yourself this - where are the company
now ?. The original PPG cost about the same as a small
house - no fucker apart from your rich pop star could afford the overrated bastards.

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Message 39/76             11-Aug-98  @  01:00 AM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21


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well i certainly wouldn't use that as a measuring
stick...after all, where is moog? arp? oberheim?
sequential circuits?
granted I've never even had the pleasure of playing
with many of the greats (memorymoog, arp 2600, etc)
but my polaris gives me a taste and it still makes
me sick when I think about when I sold my ob-xa.
and my prophet 3000 shows signs of greatness...wish
they'd finished the OS....

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Message 40/76             11-Aug-98  @  01:06 AM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21



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And with Waldorf making updated clones of the PPG I wouldn't say it's dead... and lots of people seem to like the Microwave 2. Not to mention the Wave..

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Message 41/76             11-Aug-98  @  03:16 PM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21



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well sorry guys but I just don't like the PPG or FM synths
generally - a Yammy SY85 can emulate both to such an extent that your average punter could'nt tell the diff,
and a whole lot more besides !.

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Message 42/76             11-Aug-98  @  07:43 PM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21


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umm...isn't the sy85 an FM synth? or am i mistaken
again? i know it can do PCM stuff too, but i thought
it was FM at the core as well...

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Message 43/76             11-Aug-98  @  11:33 PM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21



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no not the SY85, you are thinking of the SY77 or SY99,
they both had FM and S+S

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Message 44/76             12-Aug-98  @  09:42 AM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21



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I get the feeling that Replica has that holier than thou analog purist additude.. Now, it doesn't really matter if he is or not, he's still got that additude.. Which I don't like.. however, a lot of anaolg freaks seem to love the esoteric digital... As I do.. I simply love my DX7IIFD (Haha with a floppy so fuck you kilo, I've got massive storage space!!) .. I have never regretted a synth decision.. The Dx is capable of all kinds of sounds.. And not just fucking basses and bells.. Actually, the shitty FM bells are the only thing I don't like... Makes beautiful pads, wonderful textures ooze out of it.. I just love it to death.. Hehe, I was gonna invest in a K5, but I spent all my money on women and E... God, I want a K5000 tho, no low signal level problem, that cool ass interface, and IT LOOKS SO DAMN COOL! Altho /FM had it's day of marketing glory, additive was pretty much passed over.. Kawai, in my opinion, are actually doing a cool thing, and moving ahead with synth technology, as opposed to being psuedo retro.. See, if I want FM, I'll buy an old Yamaha... If I want analog, I'll buy a fucking real analog... But the K5000 seems like the goods for the price, bang for the buck, for additive... you suck Replica, cuz you don't use FM, and I rule cuz I do.... So there. (And we'll see if you have a decent sense of humor, sweetheart)

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Message 45/76             12-Aug-98  @  12:14 PM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21



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I thought FM stood for Frantic Masturbation. How silly do I feel now.

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Message 46/76             12-Aug-98  @  04:16 PM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21



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Ok Sedusa - I'll make another bold statement - apart
from the initial impact of the DX7, which okay was groundbreaking - FM as a form of synthesis, in my
opinion,is the at the bottom of the pile for overall
sound generation and emulation capability - god I even prefer Casio's attempt with phase distortion !

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Message 47/76             12-Aug-98  @  07:08 PM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21



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One thing is sure: FM is a LOT better for emulating
(some) "real" instrument sounds - like epianos, some basses and (argh) bells. Well, you can do some of this with a analogue synth, but this is often by using cross modulation, which is FM...

I think FM got a bad reputation by the combination of hard programming and bad presets (if you're any type of music that's analogue-obsessed...). But check out the presets on any preset-analogue-synth and you'll see why presets aren't that important..

And I guess the TB-303 must be the worst bass-emulating synth of all time... (check out the presets for it! Acoustic bass?!)

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Message 48/76             12-Aug-98  @  07:19 PM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21



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What do you think of the DX100? IS this the budget of the range?
I'm getting into these FM sounds now!

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Message 49/76             13-Aug-98  @  12:15 AM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21



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the dx100 is super shaggadelic.... cos it's got 250 presets..... and alot of the classic sounds that evevolved outa chicago house etc are there as welll as all the garage keyboard sounds..... it's very easy to edit a patch and save it.... 4 banks.....

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Message 50/76             13-Aug-98  @  07:52 PM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21



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what about the dx9? Is this the superior DX7?
So which is the best of the DX's? Why so many?

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Message 51/76             13-Aug-98  @  08:36 PM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21



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nope....dx9 was 4 operator.... dx7....six... dx9 is hefty metal cased unit.... not sure, but think it's the upper version of the cheaper 4 OP units... maybe velocity keys??...anyone??.... the dx21 & 4 op... again not sure... maybe split key-able, dunno fer sure....... all were mono-timbrel as far as i know, (unless you find a dx7 with a Grey-Matter board fitted...)

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Message 52/76             13-Aug-98  @  10:32 PM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21



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I hate to have to say this but if it was DX100 or DX9 what would it be?

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Message 53/76             14-Aug-98  @  11:04 PM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21



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I think the DX100 is the better choice. But if you don't need the miniature keyboard the TX81z is better.

The best of the DX-series is probably a DX7-IIFD with E!, but the best FM Yamaha ever made was the SY-99 - 16 waveforms, resonant filters, possibility to FM samples, endless feedback loops and so on. Sick.

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Message 54/76             15-Aug-98  @  12:57 AM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21



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yup... of the two, despite the small keys....dx-100 wins it.... cos you get loadsa classic presets/... ok... you can make em too.... but it's nice....

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Message 55/76             15-Aug-98  @  04:13 PM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21



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I've already got that TX81Z, but shall I invest in the DX100 - is it easier to learn/use? How many keys does it have?

Kilo, got a pic?

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Message 56/76             16-Aug-98  @  01:52 AM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21



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well stick with that then......i would

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Message 57/76             16-Aug-98  @  03:40 AM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21


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I've heard you lot say FM is good for a lot more than just basses, like it can do pads and bells and stuff.....but does anyone feel like making an RA file featuring some FM synth and posting it somewhere so the masses can hear it? I for one would be quite interested to hear some stuff from an FM unit, as my only experience thus far was with a $20 soundblaster sound card with a 2op FM synth built in...

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Message 58/76             16-Aug-98  @  01:38 PM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21



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so my TX81Z has got everything that the 100 has got plus more? I still can't use the damn thing!

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Message 59/76             16-Aug-98  @  10:53 PM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21



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Try this:

1) Set up a operator pair that looks something like this:

| 2 |-| (feedback)
---- |
| 1 |

2) then set the frequency of 1 and 2 to 1.00. Feedback 7

3) Max the volume of 1, set volume of 2 to something around 60-70. Now you should have a sawtooth. Set the frequency of 2 to 2.00 and you have a square. Set it to 3.00 and you get ?. Anything with odd ratios (1.00/1.33) gives a lot of strange frequencies, and that's good for bells and metallic sounds.

There's a small guide to FM programming on the DX100 (I think) somewhere on the net. I'm thinking of making a web site with some small tips for FM programming and other stuff (and I want a FM synth with knobs... Nord Modular?)

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Message 60/76             17-Aug-98  @  03:49 AM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21


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Browngirl-what do you mean you cant use it? I hope this doesnt sound like an insult, but you relize that you need a controller to trigger it, right? If thats not it, then why are you having a hard time? Are you talking about programming it-is that the trouble? It is, uh, involved, but Im getting along, and getting some decent sounds outta mine, including ultra lows, and grindy distorted basses.
Buggo-the bells and all that shit are found as presets on the TX (some are cool, some are, well, hokey) but the fun is mangling those sounds.
Hey Brownie-email me at and Ill help as much as possible.

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Message 61/76             17-Aug-98  @  01:20 PM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21



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If you desperately want a DX-100 you can have mine for a price, although the rubber buttons are all shagged and the jack sockets on the back are also fucked from when I used to use it as a shoulder keyboard and end up tread on the bloody leads all the time.

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Message 62/76             17-Aug-98  @  07:08 PM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21


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Jock-why dont you crap on it as well, to top it all off, then advertise it at sonicstate for $4000 cuz its vintage!!!

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Message 63/76             17-Aug-98  @  07:34 PM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21



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Of course I can use it but only limited because I don't know what all the functions do.... Yes, I've got a controller keyboard.

Its just a bit complicated at the moment!

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Message 64/76             17-Aug-98  @  07:36 PM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21



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stick with it browngirl... like isaid... get a pen and paper... and draw out all the menu's, and how you get into them... then look at the resulting plan... and go into sections trying adjusting each thing to see ....

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Message 65/76             17-Aug-98  @  09:47 PM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21


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Looks like fm doesn't suck so bad after all. Sorry, all. Been out on tour, taking my face for shit, or well,....erm,...rather close there,....almost ended up in it from a slip of the tongue. (Ahem!!) I was a bit curious about the dx1. Kilo, could you fill me in on it? I remember seeing promo for it when it first came out, but then it just sort of disappeared. I thought it was supposed to be the grand-daddy of all fm synths, til the sy series came along.

Another cool piece is the dx27. My friend, OST uses one. If you want to hear the cutting edge in experimental electronic music, involving fm synthesis, check his stuff out. Not that it really matters all that much how you get the sounds at all. The fact that the sounds get out, and work to convey the expression is all that really matters. FM just happens to be an effective tool to accomplish that, and one person's dislike, or lack of respect for it cannot diminish the fact. Modular, granular, fm, subtractive, additive, scanning wavetable, v.a.s.t., whatever: it's not the tools, it's all in the operator (no pun intended).

Urban Gorilla

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Message 66/76             17-Aug-98  @  10:23 PM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21



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hmmm... my figure didn't make much sense I guess..
the point is having a operator with feedback modulating another operator. Check the operator diagrams on the pull-out thingie and you'll understand I think.

Hey, Browngirl - just ask some more specific questions and see if people can help you. Most people think that FM synths are the hardest to program, so you'll handle anything when you've mastered the TX.

pongoid - good point about the fact that it's the sounds that matter, not how you make them. Some analogfetischists seem to have forgotten that...

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Message 67/76             18-Aug-98  @  02:06 PM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21



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Forget about FM - I have !

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Message 68/76             20-Aug-98  @  05:40 AM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21


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i asked before....any ra files with lotsa FM out there?

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Message 69/76             20-Aug-98  @  07:17 AM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21



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Buggo: Ever heard Derrick May? (Father of Detroit Techno, yadda yadda yadda) .. Listen to any of his stuff.. It's like FM heaven (Or hell, depending on how you see it) ... Lots and lots and lots of FM// good music, too

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Message 70/76             20-Aug-98  @  09:44 AM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21

go bug go go go


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heard of him but never heard his shit, i'll check it out when i get time + $ + inclination and othe good things, maybe fm is good maybe not but i still dont understand the mechanism of the creation of the sound i must read and research and educate myself and become a world traveler thanks for the tip sedusa i will carry on

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Message 71/76             20-Aug-98  @  10:02 AM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21



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Get the double CD "Innovator" .. Great, two beautiful Detroit albums.. And you get "Strings Of Life".. Surely you've heard that song?

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Message 72/76             20-Aug-98  @  10:25 PM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21



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dont mean to be annoying but do the numbers after the DX represent anything? ie rank , quality ???

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Message 73/76             20-Aug-98  @  11:08 PM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21



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Maybe, maybe not.. Who knows with those weird Japanese? I mean, have you ever seen "Legend of The Overfiend"?! And rumour has it that the SH in SH 2, SH 101, SH 09, etc.. Stands for Synt Hesizer

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Message 74/76             21-Aug-98  @  08:00 AM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21


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I'm not sure exactly what yamaha had in mind with the numbers in the dx series, but it would seem that as the numbers get larger, the architecture becomes less complex and flexible, but often it's that lack of flexibility that makes it easier to use and more conducive to force innovation in your programming.

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Message 75/76             26-Aug-98  @  09:19 PM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21



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forget about FM

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Message 76/76             27-Aug-98  @  04:13 AM   -   RE: Yamaha DX21

sweet life


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me and my mates used to do shows feeding bicycle pumps thru used guitar effects pedals (thus i was quite intrigued by the aphex twin track title.) fact is, it doesn't matter what you use to make music, or how much it cost, or when it was built, it's what you DO with it.

you can go on about saying that using modern tech is the forefront of evolution and that that is the whole point of electro music, but my bike pump sez you have never heard this before, and you will be amazed.

'for emulation has a thousand voices..'

now go play.

sweet life (xoxos)

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