aaa MIDI that's the way uh hu- uh uh... - Music techology forums
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Subject: MIDI that's the way uh hu- uh uh...

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Original Message                 Date: 19-Dec-02  @  01:52 PM   -   MIDI that's the way uh hu- uh uh...

Makin' $$ from my music!!!


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Who's this guy talking about MIDI is done? Ahhh c'mon buddy (90's Child)! Hmmm, let's just go through a small list of innovators who used and still uses MIDI:

ORB, Prodigy, Crystal Method, Chemical Brothers, Mr Scruff, Goldie, OD 404, DJ Shadow, FSOL, Leftfield, LTJ Bukem, Moby, Beastie Boys, Daft Punk, Basement Jaxx, Dr Dre, etc. That's just to name a few.

Guess what they all used old analogue gear too with MIDI! What's that about comin' to software where it's better? The most important thing in this message that I wanted to get accross to the 90's Child, is that all those producers that I just listed are making BIG BUCKS off their music. What about you and your software? Have you even done a live show? Thank you and good night.

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Message 71/99             27-Dec-02  @  05:24 PM   -   RE: MIDI that's the way uh hu- uh uh...


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yup, they sure do. but you know what, i'll bet they are a bunch of trainspotters who came to check out ape's rig  

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Message 72/99             27-Dec-02  @  06:51 PM   -   RE: MIDI that's the way uh hu- uh uh...


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I was at this show...the reason why the crowd doesn't appear to be moving is because they had never seen anyone play techno live on V-Drums and some dude playing bass along with the Techno...

this was at the begining of the the middle of the set this place was fucking jumping!


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Message 73/99             27-Dec-02  @  08:23 PM   -   RE: MIDI that's the way uh hu- uh uh...


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heh check the gurner in the black and white striped shirt in the first pic

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Message 74/99             27-Dec-02  @  08:37 PM   -   RE: MIDI that's the way uh hu- uh uh...



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gotta love those dual reflex bass bins... ;-)

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Message 75/99             28-Dec-02  @  02:04 AM   -   RE: MIDI that's the way uh hu- uh uh...


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y'all are too kind. thanks for the props. I'm just tryin to do right, however it comes about, and with whatever tools I can utilize to express something that doesn't come across correctly with words in any language.


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Message 76/99             29-Dec-02  @  06:02 PM   -   RE: MIDI that's the way uh hu- uh uh...


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I hope some day I can move to your part of the world so I'll get a chance to hear you live.


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Message 77/99             29-Dec-02  @  10:03 PM   -   RE: MIDI that's the way uh hu- uh uh...


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I haven't been around here in a while, but I have to respond to just one thing.

"My view is valued. I'm working on my fourth release. My third record/effort on 20/20 Vision sold 1600 copies. I think that's kinda OKish/respectable for a 24 year old producer who is 3 and a half years into making tracks."

What the hell is that supposed to mean? Just because you have a deal and sold some records makes your arguments more valid than someone else's? There are a lot of people who sell massive amounts of albums who write absolute shit. I'm not saying you're one of them, but don't try to lecture people here about your elitist ways of production. I think you see where it will get you. People here know what they're talking about. They've been producing music far longer than you have.

Try being a little more open with your opinions. And if you come off like an arrogant bastard, you'll get treated like one. Best of luck with your fourth release.


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Message 78/99             29-Dec-02  @  10:53 PM   -   RE: MIDI that's the way uh hu- uh uh...


Posts: 342

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you can hear a couple of pongoid's live sets at our site.

and also at..

happy listening


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Message 79/99             30-Dec-02  @  03:43 AM   -   RE: MIDI that's the way uh hu- uh uh...


Posts: 7627

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Hey Justin! whats up man!

I like seein names from the past  now we need Sitar back..and Nobody

and Frostbyte 

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Message 80/99             30-Dec-02  @  04:28 AM   -   RE: MIDI that's the way uh hu- uh uh...


Posts: 184

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Thanks, dissonance.

Yeah, I miss Sitar. Hope he's doing okay.


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