aaa MFB Synth II no audio, just hiss - Synths & synthesis forums
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Subject: MFB Synth II no audio, just hiss

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Original Message 1/1             05-Nov-12  @  05:07 PM   -   RE: MFB Synth II no audio, just hiss


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I just got an MFB SynthII 2nd hand. When I turn it on I get power ok, but the only sound is lots of hiss. When I hit a key all i get is just very low clicks, with hiss. I can get a tone only when I modulate the filter cutoff by the vco, and then the oscillators work at very low vloume, but the mixer, cutoff, and adsr's don't do anything. 

After an hour or so, and attempting to use different leads and audio interfaces suddenly the Synth II will work absolutely perfectly and continue to work perfectly for the rest of the day. But when I try the synth the next day the same problem happens. I can hear no loose / dirty connections, and everything seems in excellent condition. 

I am using the german power supply but I live in Ireland.

Does anyone have any ideas what could be the problem?

Thanks a mill,


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