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Subject: Alpha Juno Filter

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Original Message 1/15             27-Feb-00  @  09:06 AM   -   Alpha Juno Filter



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I've read that there are trimmers inside of the Alpha Juno 1/2 and a few of them are labeled as having something to do with the filter. It also seems no-one knows what they actually do. I was wondering if some brave soul has already tweaked these and found out what they do (maybe tweaking resonance into the self-resonance range?)

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Message 2/15             28-Feb-00  @  06:39 AM   -   RE: Alpha Juno Filter



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well, i've opened up some others, and yes, if you can identify them, they usually all have a freq & res tweaker... just be careful, be methodic... maybe mark the original clock position with a fine marker... so you can return it to original position

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Message 3/15             02-Mar-00  @  03:56 AM   -   RE: Alpha Juno Filter


Posts: 9

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This may be off this topic but I've recently bought an Alpha Juno 1 and am wondering how to back up all of the sounds before I start editing the presets. The manual tells me to back them up to tape - this sounds a bit pre-historic to me! Is there a way to back up to MIDI via my sequencer??

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Message 4/15             02-Mar-00  @  02:08 PM   -   RE: Alpha Juno Filter



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try the "data transfer" button. Hold it down and press "1" (above where its says bulk dump) and it should dump all the sysex 2 your sequencer.

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Message 5/15             28-Mar-00  @  04:26 AM   -   RE: Alpha Juno Filter



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How does it compare to the 106?

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Message 6/15             28-Mar-00  @  05:23 AM   -   RE: Alpha Juno Filter



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How does it compare to the 106?

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Message 7/15             28-Mar-00  @  10:20 AM   -   RE: Alpha Juno Filter



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not as warm-sounding, but it has a nice character all 2 its own......only monotimbral, mind. U get some great bass out of it, wicked strings and all manner of wierd efx and drones - kinda techy sounding methinks. Its a nice additional synth - I paid 150 english 4 mine and I feel it was worth every penny - I`ve seen a few around £300 4 sale recently - don`t touch em, they aint worth that and u can get em much cheaper if u look around. Ummm........what else? Crap programming interface, though not hard 2 program by any means........fairly decent midi spec, only one envelope though. I dont think its a replacement 4 a 106, but its a nice board in its own right.

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Message 8/15             05-Apr-00  @  04:28 AM   -   RE: Alpha Juno Filter



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holy crap, are there realy trim pots in the aj's? if so that probobly meants there in the mks-50 as well... but i dont wanna hurt my mks! anybody actualy go in and change them, if there even there?

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Message 9/15             06-Apr-00  @  08:34 AM   -   RE: Alpha Juno Filter



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Well, when the Alphadial site was still running, the webmaster wrote a little article on the subject and I cant remmeber the exact details, but the end result was that tweaking the pots didn`t do much at all and he ended up putting them back in their original position. Maybe his was a bit of a duffer, I dunno.......still, think I might open the little fella this WE 2 see what happens.

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Message 10/15             06-Apr-00  @  08:36 AM   -   RE: Alpha Juno Filter



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......and oh, I`ll report back Sundayish on what happened if anyone is still interested  

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