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Subject: Hello?

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Original Message 1/10             25-Mar-00  @  03:59 PM   -   Hello?


Posts: 3

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What's with everyone... this board seems very quiet lately. Maybe everyone is bored with insulting each other, or something.

By the way, I am hopefully getting a TB303 from someone in Japan. He tells me that the pitch mode is faulty, but it is still possible to write patterns. I can repair any fault no problem, but I am just curious.... exactly *how* would you write patterns without the pitchmode? Is it possible? I've not used a real 303 before so I would not know.

Cheers for now,


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Message 2/10             25-Mar-00  @  05:01 PM   -   RE: Hello?



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Presumably he means that you can change the timing but not the pitch, eg rewrite the time mode thus giving a new pattern?

The fault is probably the pitch mode button not working due to dust, this can be cured by ordering a new one from Roland, part# 13129715 I think they are about 24p each. While you've got it open you may aswell replace the lot and make a dustguard, as these Alps switches are notorious for failing. Hope this helps.

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Message 3/10             25-Mar-00  @  05:02 PM   -   RE: Hello?



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pitch mode is to tap out pattern in realtime if i remember right.. as opposed to step sequencing the pattern - sorry, sold mine over 7 years ago - bit hazy on that...

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Message 4/10             26-Mar-00  @  07:35 AM   -   RE: Hello?


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Yeah, I want to make an order from Roland soon to get some parts for my new TR909 clone I am building. I could order those buttons in the meantime. I do understand that it has been battered around a bit; it is going to need a bit of work done to it. Faulty buttons are very likely, yes. I might well replace the whole lot.

When I play around with Rebirth, it is possible to enter patterns when not in pitchmode... but I know that Rebirth is very different (well, the sequencer is).

Still.... he's sent it, so hopefully in a week's time I'll be a proud owner of a 303 at last ... :-)


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Message 5/10             26-Mar-00  @  11:57 AM   -   RE: Hello?



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K, yes you do remember correctly but also pitch mode is used to enter notes while the sequencer is stopped, when you press pitch mode in pattern write while the seq is running it is like the tap mode that you remember.

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Message 6/10             27-Mar-00  @  05:10 AM   -   RE: Hello?


Posts: 2082

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Hey! watta ya know! "normal" talk, thought it would never happen again  
Congrats Trev!


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Message 7/10             27-Mar-00  @  11:35 AM   -   RE: Hello?

funky house


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Your love is my guiding light, that sees me right, and don'tchou know!

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Message 8/10             28-Mar-00  @  04:34 AM   -   RE: Hello?


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Heh heh.. sssshh...! See how long it lasts for :-)

Ohmygod the days are passing by too slowly... how long does a parcel take to come from Japan??!


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Message 9/10             28-Mar-00  @  05:17 AM   -   RE: Hello?


Posts: 2082

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Depends...I beleive Einstein had this theory for "bending" the universe in order to overlap great distances in a small step.... But don't bet on it.


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Message 10/10             29-Mar-00  @  04:06 PM   -   RE: Hello?



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The only thing Parcel Force ever bend are my bloody parcels...

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