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Subject: Nova's vocoder

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Original Message 1/15             01-Dec-99  @  09:29 AM   -   Nova's vocoder



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I'm realling thinking about buying the Nova but I need some more info about its vocoder.
Actually I'm wondering if you can "modulate" your vocoded voice thanks to the keyboard(??).Okok,keep cool,here's what I mean.
For instance,if I sing a note(C)through the vocoder,can I change the pitch of my voice by playing notes on my master keyboard(like with samplers:you record a sample,map it on the keyboard,and play it at different pitches)and get a G for example?
Sorry if my question sounds stupid,but I saw a guy doing that in a gig recently("dax riders" if you've heard of them):he was talking in a mic plugged into his synth,and he could change his voice pitch by playing notes on the keyboard.

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Message 2/15             01-Dec-99  @  11:58 AM   -   RE: Nova's vocoder



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Yes, he probably have a vocoder, and there is absolutely nothing silly concerning asking about vocoders, although i might have appeard silly when i tested the Nova in a shop, shouting "kraftwerk" in a mic for fifteen minutes with headphones on might appear silly to some people ;)

Technically, the vocoder splits the modulator signal in a number of bands(40 on the Nova) and reads the amplitude of those. Then it splits the carrier signal too, and then applies the amplitude of the modulator to the bands of the carrier signal and then puts together the whole chunk(carrier) again, and itīs the carrier thats heard.. This means that the resulting sound will get the pitch and a little timbre from the carrier, but the amplitude and the some of the timbre will be decided by the modulator..

Depending on the carrier signal, the vocoder can sound anything from robotic(like Kraftwerk) to angelic(like AIR) but can also be used more subtly like on Believe with cher.

You donīt have to limit yourself to vocals either, you can vocode drumbeats, guitars and hell, you could even vocode apefarts just as long as it sound good =)

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Message 3/15             06-Dec-99  @  04:23 AM   -   RE: Nova's vocoder


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not to be a stickler, but just for general information  ,

everything juno-sith said is valid except that the effect in Believe by Cher was done using Anteres Autotune and not a vocoder, although the effect is similar 


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Message 4/15             06-Dec-99  @  08:25 AM   -   RE: Nova's vocoder



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Actually the effect was made using a Digitech Talker, which is a more vocoder-like effect, although I agree that the effect on Believe sounds exactly like too much autotune, and if I didnīt know that it wasnīt, i would sure think so too..

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Message 5/15             06-Dec-99  @  11:59 AM   -   RE: Nova's vocoder



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I also seen from many sources that the effect was made using Autotune so we donīt really know. It does sound like it could be autotune, but then again ive heard people saying that the Digitech Talker is capable of sounding very autotune. The producer has said that it was made with Talker, and of course they donīt want it to come out that cher has been anywhere near an autotune.  

Just donīt get to the conlucion that itīs made with autotune because it has the obvious pitch quantisation effect, because as we all know the vocoder can do that as well depending on the carrier signal..

Well this is now kinda off-topic now.....

Peace! =)

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Message 6/15             12-Dec-99  @  03:10 AM   -   RE: Nova's vocoder



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yes digitalker, 100% correct per SOS article with the author  



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Message 7/15             12-Dec-99  @  11:03 AM   -   RE: Nova's vocoder



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It was Anteres autotune with 100% pitch correction. A single note as the carrier does not really have enough harmonic spectrum to make any diction clear...

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Message 8/15             12-Dec-99  @  11:04 AM   -   RE: Nova's vocoder



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on a Vocoder that is...

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Message 9/15             12-Dec-99  @  02:06 PM   -   RE: Nova's vocoder



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You can read the article at the adress given above, and make up your own opinion..

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Message 10/15             12-Dec-99  @  11:47 PM   -   RE: Nova's vocoder



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now Phil, I'm disapointed in you, you know very well that you should have plugged the Nova's vocoder  


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