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Subject: House Pads?

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Original Message 1/13             15-Nov-99  @  10:13 PM   -   House Pads?



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Anyone now what current keyboards makes some of those "Therome"(sp) Ritchie Hawtin or Everything But The Girl (new album) or David Morales gated house pads?

You know the ones, that just cut through the mix and are so luscious and silky and smooth, but get that choppy gated sound to them? What the fuck, I have no clue what modules can do this? Is it the JP8080 or the SuperNova, what the hell makes those pads that make me melt? i'm soo curous..

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Message 2/13             16-Nov-99  @  03:47 AM   -   RE: House Pads?



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it's all in the final mixdown, mostly. To warm up the sound of you set, use compressors/gates/small amounts of reverb, you'll learn how to get the soft sound. And analog will help. Richie basically only uses analog drums/synths. No digital. just your 808/909 setup. with usually 3-4 303's. good luck, hope that helps.

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Message 3/13             17-Nov-99  @  04:08 PM   -   RE: House Pads?



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I played w/ one of those at daddy's house!! it went neeeyop neeyop beep bope bop skibbledee sqwak sqwak sqwanky tollonka. I also like men.

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Message 4/13             17-Nov-99  @  07:13 PM   -   RE: House Pads?



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Thanks for contributing fucko.

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Message 5/13             18-Nov-99  @  12:42 PM   -   RE: House Pads?



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That's a good question but I don't think there would be any clear answer. I started out doing a lot of new agey (blah) stuff but it tought me a lot about making pads. No question about it, the analogs and virtual analogs outperformed everything for warmth and movement. Just as long as you stay away from Roland sample playback and the like you should be able to come up with good stuff. Personally I use the Nord2 and Access Virus the most for teky house stuff. I've heard the Supernova and it is similar I think to the Virus (which has been called by many "the best pad synth").

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Message 6/13             18-Nov-99  @  07:41 PM   -   RE: House Pads?



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how weird, I never thought the Virus would have pads. Maybe I wasn't speific enough, but I'm talking this "fast attack drone pads" that just slice and seem to lock up to the track. Anyone now what I am talking here?

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Message 7/13             19-Nov-99  @  07:16 PM   -   RE: House Pads?



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Man you gotta get some more synths. If you didn't think that the Virus could do a simple thing like that then what have you been using??? Do you only have 303's???

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Message 8/13             20-Nov-99  @  02:35 AM   -   RE: House Pads?



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yeah, that's it.  

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Message 9/13             20-Nov-99  @  02:36 AM   -   RE: House Pads?



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Message 10/13             20-Nov-99  @  08:46 AM   -   RE: House Pads?



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This chat room has no interaction whatsoever. Totally unlike all the others. What a waste of time. bye.

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