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Subject: Updating to ver3 beta 10

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Original Message 1/13             14-Aug-99  @  09:35 PM   -   Updating to ver3 beta 10



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Hi all. Im tring to update my Supernova to ver3 beta 10 and I did the os, the programs, the patterns but for some reason, I cant update the performances. Im using cakewalk 8.04 w/Motu MTP AV. The SN just sits there not stating if it recieving sysex or not.... Any clues or Im I doing something wrong. Thanks

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Message 2/13             15-Aug-99  @  02:01 AM   -   RE: Updating to ver3 beta 10

jesus swallows


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I can't remember the details, I think it's because the performances are a bank D dump, so, in the global of the sn select receive sysex and force the performance dump to a particluar bank (eg B). You didn't do anything wrongm it's just that it's loaded up differently than the rest. All you need to know is in the readme but nobody ever reads that ;-)

jesus gags

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Message 3/13             28-Aug-99  @  10:56 AM   -   RE: Updating to ver3 beta 10



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Just purchased a Supernova. I love it! Now I want to upgrade it to Ver3Beta10. I have been told that I cannot do this using Cakewalk because Cakewalk does not read MIDI Format0. I have EMagic SoundDiver and wonder if I can use that. Also I read somewhere that RealMedia can be used? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. This Sysex stuff is all pretty new to me.

And if that isn't enough, does anyone know where I can find an instrument definition for Cakewalk Pro Audio 8?

I love this sight and forum and wish everyone who has this amazing Synth a great time.


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Message 4/13             28-Aug-99  @  12:35 PM   -   RE: Updating to ver3 beta 10



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On the contrary, I used Cakewalk 8.04 to do the upgrade for my SuperNova...
Worked like a charm.

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Message 5/13             28-Aug-99  @  03:04 PM   -   RE: Updating to ver3 beta 10



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Once you've loaded the .mid file into Cakewalk, up on the menu bar at the top of the screen, choose View and then from the drop-down menu, Sysx, and then use Send All to initiate the upload of the OS to the Supernova. Works like a charm.

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Message 6/13             28-Aug-99  @  05:26 PM   -   RE: Updating to ver3 beta 10



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trini and hewhoknow,

Thanks a whole bunch! This is great news. I send my appreciation to you both for replying - and so quickly.

I'll probably be able to perform the surgery early next week and will post the results. A wonderful place this. I'm very excited about what is coming out of my Supernova already. I love Cakewalk as well. Kinda wish that it had another name that made it sound a little more like the serious down and dirty program that it is. Oh well. That's just me.

Hope we can all chat soon. What kind of music are each of you into? I'm very influenced by Mozart, Beethoven, Coltrane, Miles, Ustad Vilayat Khan, Joni Mitchell, and Orbital, to name a few. What a world.

Thanks again for your encouragement!

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Message 7/13             28-Aug-99  @  09:35 PM   -   RE: Updating to ver3 beta 10



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Dance music in general....

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Message 8/13             29-Aug-99  @  07:25 AM   -   RE: Updating to ver3 beta 10



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Yea me too. It's great when people dance. I hope that you really give people some great stuff to dance to, if you haven't already. My guess is that alive today, Mozart would have been in heaven with a Supernova at his fingertips - using a clavichord as his master keyboard of course.

I read in my Cakewalk user's manual last night that Cakewalk does handle MIDI Format0. Thanks again.

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Message 9/13             29-Aug-99  @  03:07 PM   -   RE: Updating to ver3 beta 10



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Fave music:
lessee, Bach, Mahler, Shostakovitch, Vaughan Williams;Muddy Waters, Howlin' Wolf, B. B. King; Buddy Miller, The Tractors, Bonnie Raitt; John Abercrombie, Don Cherry, Chico Freeman, Cecil Taylor, Miles, Coltrane/Sanders, Herbie Hancock (all the 'way round, electric or acoustic), John McLaughlin (the Paganini of electric guitar); Grandmaster Flash and Parliament (I kinda got out of sync with rap early on...sorry!); Ry Cooder, Tom Waits, Bruce Springsteen, Bob Mould; Sheryl Crow, Paula Cole, Cibo Matto, Tori Amos; John Adams, Charles Dodge, Gyorgy Ligeti; KMFDM, Juno Reactor, Orbital, Autechre, Add N to (X); etc.

It's a start at least. I feel old.  


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Message 10/13             29-Aug-99  @  04:17 PM   -   RE: Updating to ver3 beta 10



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You topped me there.

You probably forgot Ornette Coleman. Don't feel old. Just richer, and I don't mean that in the monetary sense. I'm checking out as much synth music as I can. I am going to check out the last few groups you mentioned.

Thanks again. Wish me luck on the upgrade. You and trini make it sound so easy. Hope I don't make liars out of you.


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Message 11/13             04-Sep-99  @  06:33 AM   -   RE: Updating to ver3 beta 10



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Hello Trini and Hewhoknows

Mission accomplished. I uploaded the new version. I couldn't get Cakewalk to do it. I wound up using SoundDiver. Whatever gets you through the night. Now I have to figure out a couple of things in the new version and see what I have.

Thanks again for your help.

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Message 12/13             04-Sep-99  @  10:28 AM   -   RE: Updating to ver3 beta 10



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Couldn't get Cakewalk to do it, even using the Send All via Sysex View mode? Hmmm... I'm very sorry that wasn't as fool-proof as I'd thought -- worked exactly like that for me (PC version 8.04). Yet another lesson in the fact that no two PC's are ever alike (sigh).



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Message 13/13             04-Sep-99  @  03:39 PM   -   RE: Updating to ver3 beta 10



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Quite alright. Once I told you guys I was going to do it, I had to get it done somehow. Didn't want to come back to this thread with my tail between my legs. So you were a great help!

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