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Subject: Alpha Juno Filter

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Original Message                 Date: 27-Feb-00  @  09:06 AM   -   Alpha Juno Filter



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I've read that there are trimmers inside of the Alpha Juno 1/2 and a few of them are labeled as having something to do with the filter. It also seems no-one knows what they actually do. I was wondering if some brave soul has already tweaked these and found out what they do (maybe tweaking resonance into the self-resonance range?)

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Message 11/15             08-Apr-00  @  03:44 PM   -   RE: Alpha Juno Filter



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ya im still interested

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Message 12/15             08-Apr-00  @  05:56 PM   -   RE: Alpha Juno Filter



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opened it up yesterday - a little disappointing 2 b honest:

once I`d opened it up, I located 6 little orange trimmer pots in a row, Two of these seemed 2 b labelled "VCF" and a couple other "mix" or something. So after scratching my head and getting confused 4 a while I finally figured out that they were *all* trimmers 4 cutoff, affecting every sixth note (if that makes sense). All the trimmers r set at the factory roughly halfway, turn it 2 the right and the filter opend up a little, turn it 2 the left and the VCF closes some - thats about it, nothing drastic or unholy as I was hoping, infact I ended up just returning them back 2 their original setting. Was I stupid 2 even expect 2 find a trimmer 4 rez? I couldn`t see one anyway, oh well. Still a nice little board though.

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Message 13/15             08-Apr-00  @  08:03 PM   -   RE: Alpha Juno Filter



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i did a remix once with one of those.. heh - it was pretty damned good.. dont they get used in hardstyesl alot like gabba ?... anyways.. good track, it got played on ITV's Dance Energy

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Message 14/15             09-Apr-00  @  10:45 AM   -   RE: Alpha Juno Filter



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O well, guess no more res for me...

Another thing i've been thinking about with this board. Can the chord memory be transmitted via MIDI? If so, it would be interesting to send it 6 of the same notes and see if it worked. Using the keyboard to set the chord memory, you cannot use the same note more than once, so no true unison. I don't remember seeing it in any of the midi specs tho...

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Message 15/15             09-Apr-00  @  12:57 PM   -   RE: Alpha Juno Filter



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Yeah, apparently its the main gabba synth (according 2 the Dutch Dters). If one synth can claim 2 have been instrumental in the formation of the classic R+S (remember them? they were good once) early 90s sound, then this is it. One of these and a half-decent sampler can go a long way methinks, its pretty damn versatile.

Aenima - I`ve often wondered if it was possible 2 set the chord memeory 2 the same notes, I read elsewhere on the web someone talking abou that, calling it the Joey Beltram trick, but I could never figure out how the fuck 2 do it. Let me know if u figure it out eh?

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