aaa newbie wanting to setup Cubase 5 to Nova - Synths & synthesis forums
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Subject: newbie wanting to setup Cubase 5 to Nova

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Original Message 1/18             30-Oct-00  @  01:37 PM   -   newbie wanting to setup Cubase 5 to Nova



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k_i've recently bought a Nova and a copy of Cubase V5, but i ain't got much of an idea of how to set them up to have C-5 triggering the sounds of the Nova. can someone please give me a helping hand on how to do it, 'cos i'm struggling badly as i'm only used to using all software and no hardware, this is my first step. hope you can help,.......l@ters.

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Message 2/18             30-Oct-00  @  08:03 PM   -   RE: newbie wanting to setup Cubase 5 to Nova



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well i never... First do you know how to use vst ?

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Message 3/18             30-Oct-00  @  08:39 PM   -   RE: newbie wanting to setup Cubase 5 to Nova



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a'up there m8,

well up untill now all i've used to make tunes with is mainly such prog's as Fruityloops, which was fine but it can no longer do what i want, k_on the beat side of thing it's sweet and the 404 is just dandy but using it to do whole tracks still leaves them empty sounding when your pitch shifting notes on your riffs with your samp's n' that, hence the Nova and Cubase 5.

i'll admit i don't know midi, i know the principle of it and i ain't shy when it comes to learning and pickin' it up, it's just that i could do with a wee few starting and setup points to get me my way.

what setting's do i have to make on Cubase and on the Nova to be able to trigger the sounds, i have tried but failed. as for VST well i'd be lying if i was to say i know it, of course i know of it but that don't help jack.

hope you can spare the time to point me in the right direction m8, it would be seriously appreciated.


The Jules.

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Message 4/18             31-Oct-00  @  02:32 AM   -   RE: newbie wanting to setup Cubase 5 to Nova



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well the nova series to work with is about as hard to work out as a bodum cafetier... setup vst, and wire the L/R out from the nova to the soundcard IN L/R.... open vst...

go to audio track_1, and sling in a loop and set the tempo to fit or the loop stretched to fit the tempo you want - (there is an articles on that looping 'fit tempo' stuff in ARTICLES section, search for VST) - anyways -

get a loop running, and set vst to CYCLE with the loop icon on the toolbar after setting L/R locators to make the sequencer cycle start-end points

ok.. we have loop going round & round... ... stop VST

go to nova.. press the PERFORMANCE button

select each PART button and for each one set it's midi channel using the midi button for each Nova Performance Part, 1-6 or 8 ascending tallying with the nova or supernova PARTS so PART_1 is on midi channel_1 etc....

so now you have 6 or 8 nova/supernova Performance Parts ... and each part is on a channel... Aslo as you set channel for each, also set each part as either MONOphonic (plays just one note at a time) or poly.. (chords etc).... er...
ok any of the 6/8 PART buttons reveals a patchname & it's bank/patch number when selected ... so.. back to VST

select midi track_1 - select the pencil tool and draw in a music_part in between the locators under the drum loop in the VST arrange area screen - - double click on it & to go into the piano_edit screen of vst - draw in a row of notes... close edit...

set the vst track midi OUT to the port on the pc wired to the Nova midi IN ... set the vst track Midi channel to ONE... the PART BUTTON_1 on the nova should be blinking with the notes riff being triggered... but there may be no sound yet .... dont sweat it!!...

if the drum loop is playing and you CAN hear that, then your audio output from the card etc is all wired up ok.. all we have to do now is get the Nova sounds to appear in the mix at the soundcard OUT...

so.... open the vst mixer.. Select & set audio track_3 as 'stereo' so it becomes VST OUT CHANNELS 3+4 - it is now a stereo VST channel....

assign the channels INPUT (top yellow/white button ) to INPUT 1 & 2 your soundcard In L/R... then depress the same top channel button so it 'lights'.. the nova sound should appear on the meters flashing away and the sound should appear at the speakers with the loop.... you can eq it etc if you have LOW latency audio asio card (like 1-11ms ish)

So... this way you can work in step-time, drawing in patterns and parts for nova on the vst arrange page...

to change Nova sound for the playing PART on the Nova just press the PART button and the use the arrow up/down buttons & bank buttons to select a preset... when you have the channels of NOVA setup, save it as a default start_up PERFORMANCE with a unique Performance_name so it is ready to load up and all the parts are ready assigned to consecutive channels ready for multi-track sequencing in VST

if you want to sperate out the Nova Parts that you have composed with MORE treatment than using just the Nova fx on each part, then you can mute all the Nova Parts you DONT want to record (or Mute their VST sequence tracks) then record the solo'd Nova 'Part' to a vst audio file/track.. it can then be as a recorded vst 'audio_file music_part' and have it's own VST channel on the mixer, it's own vst fx, insert's like compressors etc...

and of course you can further mixdown tthose recorded parts with fx etc...

lastluy, if you want to PLAY the nova module from a master keyboard & record the notes as you play.. that another page - try this first

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Message 5/18             31-Oct-00  @  03:02 PM   -   RE: newbie wanting to setup Cubase 5 to Nova



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nice_one m8, thanx for ya time, i'll try it and see how i get on,....thanx again,......................l@ters, The Jules.

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Message 6/18             31-Oct-00  @  09:01 PM   -   RE: newbie wanting to setup Cubase 5 to Nova



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'K' i've done all of what you said but i ain't geting a midi signal back to my Nova?? i know you maybe pissed wi' me already, but is there any chance of you emailing me so i can fully explain wha'sup & my soundcards setup..............hope ya can m8, ............l@ters............The Jules.

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Message 7/18             01-Nov-00  @  07:34 PM   -   RE: newbie wanting to setup Cubase 5 to Nova



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well, when the created music part in vst plays does the midi indicator flash on the toolbar?.. is the midi port set to your midi-device out?.. if yes, then set the Nova into PROGRAMME mode... set the GLOBAL midi channel to the same channel as the vst track/out - does it play now?... if not, then your midi lead is fucked.

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Message 8/18             01-Nov-00  @  08:45 PM   -   RE: newbie wanting to setup Cubase 5 to Nova



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k_i've tried the above, the indicators flashin' put i'm hearing the piano?? and the nova ain't receivin' jack. the midi cable is new.........i've a Vortex and a Yammi SW1000XG soundcard, i've the midi connected to the games/joystick port on the Vortex (is that right) another thing; the audio was playin' and the meter showed it playin' but i've a loss of sound there??
needless to say i'm a wee bit pissed, but i want to learn it and intend on doin' so, if you belive me to be a 'lost case' then i understand m8, it ain't no problem, i guess i'm gonna 'ave to lay my hand on some book's maybe and try and try again 'till i get it. big_thanx for all of what ya done tho' m8, nice_one........l@ters, The Jules.

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Message 9/18             02-Nov-00  @  04:59 AM   -   RE: newbie wanting to setup Cubase 5 to Nova



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Message 10/18             02-Nov-00  @  07:19 AM   -   RE: newbie wanting to setup Cubase 5 to Nova



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and you are hearing piano not supernova Ja !?

you have the XG selected at the track midi port... you must select the SW's midi OUT port for the track the notes are on... you are directing the notes to the SWXG synth...

... do you know how to reveal the side info-panel where you set the midi OUT and patch/bank etc for each track?.. there is a small red/blue/white button on the bottom left of the arrange window.. click it - a side-panel is revealed on the left of the screen -- select the track with the notes on so it is highlighted - set the midi OUT port to SW1000XG MIDI OUT..also set the midi channel for the track in that panel...

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Message 11/18             02-Nov-00  @  07:17 PM   -   RE: newbie wanting to setup Cubase 5 to Nova



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well m8, i've tried it all - but still no go, i to am begining to belive i may 'ave a dodgy midi_lead. so i'm gonna get a new'en t'morrow (fri).........i'll see how i get on wi' that, just hope that's what the prob' is.............thanx for ya time m8,.......nice_one............l@ters, - The Jules.

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Message 12/18             03-Nov-00  @  12:22 AM   -   RE: newbie wanting to setup Cubase 5 to Nova



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oh shit i didnt see that bit... you have the midi lead attached to the VORTEX !!... whoops !!... thats the midi-port you need to select, the vortex

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Message 13/18             03-Nov-00  @  09:08 PM   -   RE: newbie wanting to setup Cubase 5 to Nova



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Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh m8, soooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrteed!!!, nice_one, i assumed you didn't realise my midi was in via the Vortex and altered accordingly but there was still no joy. i got the new midi-cables today ran 'em from my Yammi SW1000XG and she work's a treat, nice_one m8, thanxs for all ya time you's 'ave give 'en..........BIG_UP to 'K'........he be a sorted geezza.........but i still 'ave a 'Q' for ya if ya can; why is it i still can't here any audio/wave on the appropriate track's???.........and also the Nova's now set wi' 6 parts yeah, 1=midi 1, 2= midi 2 and so on, i use a sound say on midi track 1 on cubase, part 1 on the Nova, and i'm happy wi' this sound say........i then goto track 2/ midi 2 on the Nova change the sound for this one but as i do it alters the sound of part 1/midi 1????? hope ya maybe able sort me once again m8, nice_one, k_out 'o here, l@ters.......The Jules

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Message 14/18             04-Nov-00  @  12:10 AM   -   RE: newbie wanting to setup Cubase 5 to Nova



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that is cos _

the tracks in sequencers act as midi THRU devices, filtering ANY incoming midi data

so, that is GOOD cos it means for example, you select a track, it is on midi channel 3, when you play the keyboard plugged IN to the pc/sequencer, because you have the track selected which is assigned to midi channel3, it re-chanelises the incoming midi data from the master keys to be on channel 3... REGARDLESS of which channel the master keyboard is set to out midi data on

now... you had a track selected in vst which was set to channel1

you left it selected and walked over to the nova and chaged programme on the nova PART_2

this sent a patch_change command down the midi cable, in to vst, thru the selected/highlighted track (set to midi-channel_1), re-chanelised the patch-change 'event' to midi channel_1, sent it THRU on the new channel back to the nova....

and the nova responds & changes patch sound on it's midi channel 1 (Part_1)...

get it !!

remove the cable FROM the nova, or set the vst to NOT allow bank/patch change command THU (there is a FILTER section in the menu to set what sort of data gets thu

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Message 15/18             05-Nov-00  @  09:16 PM   -   RE: newbie wanting to setup Cubase 5 to Nova



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yeah m8, ya sorted me once again..........nice_one.....................k_can you think of a reason why i'm still unable to here audio/wave on the audio channels?? & how exactly do i record, say a 4 bar midi riff from my nova which is on my midi track (cubase) then onto an audio channel/vst so i can then apply the vst effects.............if ya can't be doin' with the above Q's, then no problem m8, 'cos you've done enough already................once again big_up & thanx for ya time....................l@ters,..............The_Jules.

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Message 16/18             06-Nov-00  @  03:11 PM   -   RE: newbie wanting to setup Cubase 5 to Nova

The_Jules..........i've sorted the above, but.....


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k_m8, i've sorted my audio out and i've also got to grips with recordin' midi to audio (after a wee few trials and errors, but i'm sorted now)..........there was one other 'Q', am i limited to only 6_parts/6_midi channels playin' at the same time from my Nova??...................................l@ters m8,...........The Jules.

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Message 17/18             06-Nov-00  @  05:45 PM   -   RE: newbie wanting to setup Cubase 5 to Nova



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yes... 6 parts 6 channels (but they dont have to be different channels (layering!)

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Message 18/18             06-Nov-00  @  08:45 PM   -   RE: newbie wanting to setup Cubase 5 to Nova



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k_m8, nice_one, thanx again,.................................l@ters, - The_Jules.

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