aaa SuperNova Or Nova, what's the different? - Synths & synthesis forums
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Subject: SuperNova Or Nova, what's the different?

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Original Message 1/2             31-Aug-99  @  05:13 PM   -   SuperNova Or Nova, what's the different?



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What's the big different between SuperNova and Nova?
As I know, SuperNova is only in rack-version isn't it?
And Nova in Desktop and rack version.

But, about the technical...?

Is it worth to buy the SuperNova instead to Nova?
(I have the money for Supernova)

How much does they cost and where should you buy it to pay less?
(England, Germany, somewhere in asia like japan)

Here in sweden, does it cost hell to much.

Do anybody have any web adresses of places to buy it, cheap?


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Message 2/2             31-Aug-99  @  06:54 PM   -   RE: SuperNova Or Nova, what's the different?



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Aside from the physical shape of the two units, the Nova is basically the same as the SN except it has 6-part multitimbrality instead of the SN's 8. The Nova also has 12 voices of polyphony instead of the SN's 20 or 44 (depending on if it's expanded or not). You also lose some knobs and buttons (like separate knobs for envelopes 2 and 3), but in my opinion, 20 knobs is plenty for quick tweaks. Otherwise, the synth engine is exactly the same in both units, and the Nova can read SN patches and vice versa.

Now, the reason I ordered a Nova a month ago (and am STILL waiting for it... arrives THIS week, though!) is what you gain: 2 Analog inputs (or 1 stereo) to the filters and effects. You also gain a vocoder in the effects section that I've heard kicks ass. Why they didn't put this on the Supernova is beyond my understanding. The fact that it's on the Nova, which is much cheaper, doesn't seem that smart of a marketing decision to me. For $3- or $400 less than a SN, all I'm giving up with the nova is 2 outputs and 8 notes of polyphony. While the polyphony would be nice, I can do without as I record most tracks to hard disk before mixing anyway.

Man, I sound like I work for Novation... except I'm gonna recommend the cheaper Nova based on what I said above. And the only reason I went into so much detail here is because I've had nothing to do for the past month except read specs and reviews of this thing. I hope you don't have to wait as long as I have for whatever you get. It's f'ing torture.

I believe has a good price for both the Nova and SN. I have no idea about their international shipping policies, though. Hardware is where my advice ends. Good luck... peace...


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