aaa Free librarian for Nova - Synths & synthesis forums
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Subject: Free librarian for Nova

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Original Message 1/2             13-Jul-01  @  06:10 PM   -   Free librarian for Nova


Posts: 2

Link?: Link

File?:  No file

Hi Everyone

I just add librarian support for the Nova (OS4) in JSynthLib. JSynthLib is a free Java editor librarian so it should run on Mac, Windows, Linux. It already have support for those synth : TX81Z, K5000s, DX100, and more. The source code of JSynthLib and all the drivers is available so anyone with Java/C++ experience could add support for other synth as well.

My driver support single patch dump and bank A or B dump. It also support single performance dump. The Bank support allow you to extract individual patch without loading the full bank on the Nova. One interesting twist I add is the possibility to send a patch to the program edit buffer or the performance edit buffer (you can choose which part to send). So, if you are using a performance and want to audition change in one of the part, you can do so from your PC without having to save the patch in the Nova memory.

I guess my driver should also work with SuperNova (mk1) to some extent. If someone wants to add support for SuperNova or SuperNova 2, he could simply copy and rename my entire Nova drivers file and do the necessary modification (should be quite simple).

Note: My driver doesn't support Performance Bank dump because the individual patch are not part of the dump (only a reference to the patch number is made), so you need to synchronize the patch with the performance on the unit. However, single performance dump actually contains all the part patches so it is much better (i.e.: self contain).

I don't know if I will add an editor for the Nova. That could be nice but it's not a necessity since the synth itself is easy to program. Anyway, if someone is interested to do it, just contact me.

The latest JSynthLib is available at :
There is information and link about the java runtime version you need to install as well.

At my page, I have put a library in JSynthLib format (click on downloads). This lib contain factory Bank A and B and all performance (in single dump format).

Have Fun!


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Message 2/2             19-Jul-01  @  04:53 PM   -   RE: Free librarian for Nova


Posts: 1309

Link?: Link

File?:  No file

Ill give it a go, once I'm back home again...(2 weeks from now) thanks in advance...


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