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Subject: Roland sucks

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Original Message                 Date: 30-Oct-99  @  03:27 PM   -   Roland sucks


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not saying i believe this totally, but maybe it will bring some attention to this forum..but maybe roland does truly suck ass compared to

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Message 11/42             19-Nov-99  @  01:23 AM   -   RE: Roland sucks


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Sounds good to me

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Message 12/42             19-Nov-99  @  08:53 AM   -   RE: Roland sucks



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On a Religiose theme the word could be "Cthonians".

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Message 13/42             25-Nov-99  @  02:11 PM   -   RE: Roland sucks



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Now hold on--I've got one of those "toys" you keep referring to, the mc-505, and I've made some really goddamn cool music with that and my Kurzweil. I'm not saying it's any better than anything else, but I've done hellified things with this baby.

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Message 14/42             25-Nov-99  @  02:40 PM   -   RE: Roland sucks


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Great, you bought some toy that tries feebly to emulate some of the great tools that roland used to manufacture when they weren't sitting, er dying on their laurels, along with a cheezy gadget or two thrown in and with a shit interface. Congradulations, you just encouraged Roland to keep doing the same old shit instead of giving the consumer some real modern sound sculpting tools. Nice one. Proud of yourself?
Look, for what they could be investing in R+D, they put into advertising, and cheap labor for mass distribution of product. They are pulling in a massive amount of profit from every sale, and giving us shit products for the money. For what you pay for comperable units form other manufacturers you get TONS more in quality, flexibility, ease of use, whatever. Roland has slacked, and fucked too many people over. You like supporting assholes, go ahead, be one with them. Or wake up and force this company into submission and repent. Boycott their product, and encourage eveyone you know to do the same. "Yeah sure, it's just business." Bullshit! Companies, especially large ones need to be held accountable for unethical actions. Otherwise, they just keep fuckin you and gettin stronger, while you have absolutely no power whatsoever to do anything but bend over and say "please don't take too long, my (signifacant other, whatever....) will be home soon". Keep supporting Roland!!


no I don't like Roland corp a bit. Do like some of their old stuff, though.

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Message 15/42             26-Nov-99  @  10:36 AM   -   RE: Roland sucks


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yeah...i was even going to buy one of their controllers, but they seem to feel the need to combine pitchbend&modwheel in one horribly unusable bendy deal. hmm...nice feeling semi-weighted keys, but that's it. fuckers

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Message 16/42             27-Nov-99  @  11:33 PM   -   RE: Roland sucks


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My buddy obis got one and now regrets it.


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Message 17/42             28-Nov-99  @  05:47 AM   -   RE: Roland sucks



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they charge a fortune 4 that 505 thing though dont they? I cant believe people r still buying it......u could get an MPC2000 4 that money and start making proper music........

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Message 18/42             22-Dec-99  @  08:23 AM   -   RE: Roland sucks



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True i hate roland, they used to be the shit, but we can still enjoy theyr old gear that they have no control over, and also think no one wants. The mc-303's and 505's i see as appealing to the people who cant make real music, so let em buy those useless shitboxes. That means people with real equipment can sift thru the crap and see the real talent. I myself and diggin waldorf, access of course, and yamaha even, the rm1x and a3000 are ths shit, seems yamaha has the time to make tv's motorbikes, and killer music gear, and roland cant even do one of those.


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Message 19/42             22-Dec-99  @  11:30 AM   -   RE: Roland sucks



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You know what its all in the matter of opinion. You have no proof that Roland sucks or not. Alls your going by is ads and what you got out of it. Have you ever hear one mans garbage another mans Gold. Its all opinions I see no Hard proof. So your all talkin crap get over it and buy what you like dont piss and wine cus Roland did this or that leave them alone and get a real life. Roland bashing or any bashing is for the ignorant. And no I dont work at Roland I am just a person with a more reasonable realistic view at life and things.


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Message 20/42             22-Dec-99  @  11:38 AM   -   RE: Roland sucks


Posts: 2003

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you're so full of shit, dude. I've tried their shit. Fuck the ads try some of their gear next to waldorf gear at the same price. Bzzt, sorry, wrong answer, you eat shit, so does roland. Youtthink I'd say this without trying their stuff out? Cummon, dude, wake up. they are fuckers, plain and simple. Any company that spends that much on advertising can't afford to put that much into product in the first place. Duhhh!!! Bashing is not ignorant. A head in the sand and just plain tunnel vision 'oh, it's not politically correct to offend anybody, eeven if thet are exploitative, greedy, and corrupt, it's bad Karma' don't cut it. It's bad Karma to sit by and watch the masses be fucked royally and do nothing about it. Open your eyes, kid.


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