aaa For all of you who dont care for the upgrade - Synths & synthesis forums
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Subject: For all of you who dont care for the upgrade

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Original Message 1/21             05-Nov-00  @  09:54 PM   -   For all of you who dont care for the upgrade

Sick and tired of little bitches


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Heres a spot for all of you fascists to post your rants about the people who are trying to get the OS released sooner than later, by speaking out as is our God given right.

You can rant off to yourselves and leave us to bitch about the delay, and when we get the OS, I hope you dont bother to download it cause you can make music without it right? and you dont need no stinking OS to help you cause your SOOO talented....

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Message 2/21             05-Nov-00  @  11:38 PM   -   RE: For all of you who dont care for the upgrade



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hee hee hee

This is getting out of hand - could go on like a house on fire....

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Message 3/21             06-Nov-00  @  08:49 PM   -   RE: For all of you who dont care for the upgrade



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maybe you'll get it someday.

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Message 4/21             06-Nov-00  @  11:42 PM   -   RE: For all of you who dont care for the upgrade



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yup, this is stupid. But you honestly think bitching about the delay all the time is going to get the os released "sooner rather than later"?

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Message 5/21             06-Nov-00  @  11:50 PM   -   RE: For all of you who dont care for the upgrade



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"people who are trying to get the OS released sooner than later"

I can see the scene now at Novation... i bet they are back at the office right now saying: "Look!...that guy's back complaining again, lets work harder !!" --- LOL!!! - ;)

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Message 6/21             07-Nov-00  @  12:45 AM   -   RE: For all of you who dont care for the upgrade



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id be curious to know how many people besides me bitch about the OS... by the way, if you think all these are by me, they're not. i like my own nick.
besides, im not bitching about it because I cant make music without it, im bitching because its been way too long and we were told we'd get it sooner. its just plain not good business. and im not saying that, anybody who pays attention to the webpage, not what us complainers keep saying, would notice that the latest OS for the SN has been a "beta" since 1999.

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Message 7/21             07-Nov-00  @  03:41 PM   -   RE: For all of you who dont care for the upgrade



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But honestly Scrotal you are starting to get on my nerves now.



argue and bitch as much as you like about late OS 'free' upgrades.. BUT DONT SPREAD RUMOURS THAT THIS SYNTH IS IN BETA STAGE O.S !!!!

if i find you spreading dis-information here again, you're banned !!.... period!!!... and i aint gonna argue about it either...

youve got your free speech, other sites would have booted you the fuck off the moment you arrived.... the trouble with people like you is you fucking whine about FREE SPEECH, but you have to have the intelligence to be trusted with it... if you twist things to suit your own ends & start to spread dis-information that is not fair....

i prefer to give you the chance to play fair...

take it or leave it.

moan all you's your right with free-speech, and you have the forum space to do just that if you want to...

BUT.. dont please spread dis-information any more on this site. - thankyou.

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Message 8/21             07-Nov-00  @  08:41 PM   -   RE: For all of you who dont care for the upgrade



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okay, fine i will shut up. i know i bitch a whole hell of a lot. if you're gonna ban me, just ban me from the novation forum cuz im reasonably well behaved in the others.

i will only say one thing about the OS being in beta form... If it pisses you off im sorry but Ive got to say it. This is a direct copy & paste from the Novation website:

Supernova Operating System & Sounds Version 3.1beta2.mid 305K as .zip file
for PC.(Includes new Sound Set)

People who arent in the know and who dont visit this forum, what would they think when they see that? If its a final OS, then they should just take the beta part out.

There, that's it, im going to shut up about it now. Sorry for pissing everybody off.

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Message 9/21             08-Nov-00  @  01:03 AM   -   RE: For all of you who dont care for the upgrade



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I usually back your ideas, man, but I think your reaction to our scrotal friend here was a bit overblown. I mean, people state things all the time that they *believe* to be true in the course of online discussions, but no one is an expert of all things. We all fuck up. I wouldn't chalk it up immediately to deliberate disinformation.

Scrotal, I'm not talking about you here, but some people in this world are just plain dumb... but they have every right to try and engage in an online discussion if they feel they have something to contribute or a legitimate issue or question to raise. If you make people afraid to speak their thoughts, you may find your message board grows rather silent.

Just some food for thought. It's your board, so do with it as you like... but just think about why you started this board is here in the first place. I doubt elitism was in the original draft...



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Message 10/21             08-Nov-00  @  03:31 AM   -   RE: For all of you who dont care for the upgrade



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really kilo???

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Message 11/21             08-Nov-00  @  03:58 AM   -   RE: For all of you who dont care for the upgrade



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oh please mate.. no offense, but i'm not in the mood for lectures about morality of purpose... i've spent 5 years fighting tooth and nail to try to keep this place alive... so what have you done to provide a forum & resources for musicians without ANY pay lately?...

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Message 12/21             08-Nov-00  @  04:05 AM   -   RE: For all of you who dont care for the upgrade



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well.. all i can say is, keep this up and one day you will logon and DT will be gone... i mean it.. i'm that close.

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Message 13/21             08-Nov-00  @  04:30 AM   -   RE: For all of you who dont care for the upgrade



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dude i'm not lecturing but i really think you should lay off that I know exactly where you are shit for 2's easy to divert your method of tracking by adding delay to a transmission and a false address.2. you're going to say that to the wrong person one day at the wrong time and you won't have to pull any plugs because someones going to pull yours.

just a helpful hint.I like the site and don't want you or it to disappear but that is not taken lightly in some parts of the world.And you said no one ever gets banned from DT yourself so just chill.Go play w/ your polo it's a fun car.this guy is damaging novation because he's an idiot who can't wait for a damn OS upgrade.He bought it and if he thinks he's owed something because a synth manufacturer promised it he knows nothing about the manufacturing business.So Fuck Him but stop saying that shit about what you know because you don't always know what you think you know.bye.

scrotal chill the fuck out.

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Message 14/21             09-Nov-00  @  12:49 AM   -   RE: For all of you who dont care for the upgrade



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listen H... you must be confusing me with someone who gives a shit.

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Message 15/21             09-Nov-00  @  01:47 AM   -   RE: For all of you who dont care for the upgrade



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I figured this started your little proofreading episode.

-:p I once played your moms ass but it was to acoustically dead to tune.I know You know exactly where i am yada yada yada,so swim on over and i'll laugh at you.Cut your hair

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Message 16/21             09-Nov-00  @  03:05 AM   -   RE: For all of you who dont care for the upgrade



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what proofreading?? what are you talking about??... Look H just cos you are paranoid about these issues dont turn it into something it is not.... i really mean it, i dont care...

I said: "all i can say is, keep this up and one day you will logon and DT will be gone... i mean it.. i'm that close"

what I MEANT by that is i've got to the point where i am so sick of this site i just dont care anymore, it depresses me now coming here.... i'm actually looking into selling it now cos the energy around here has changed so drasticaly in the last 3-4 months i've grown to despise it... so in that respect one day you'll login and it'll be gone, i mean it like that... not 'you will come and for you it will be gone'

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Message 17/21             09-Nov-00  @  05:42 AM   -   RE: For all of you who dont care for the upgrade



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we're having a communication problem,maybe you're being impersonated on the Music/Tech page.Check your mail.Sell it why?Stop getting depressed it's just a state of mind.You misunderstood what i was talking about.I was talkin about you getting rid of peeps in the part about the "exactly where you are" and i was playing on your words when i said someone will pull your plug talking about how that pretty much comes off as a physical threat to some peeps and they might decide a pre-emptive strike is in order.that's all.When you say i know where you sleep it comes off as a threat from where i'm sitting.maybe in england that means i'll send you some flowers but in america if you tell peeps you know where they sleep they pretty much take it as a threat.In case you haven't noticed in America we have the highest homicide rate in the world so it can easily be mistaken for a threat i wasn't trying to make anything out of it.I was just trying to point out that your language could easily be mistaken for a threat.Especially those of us who grew up in a ruff enviroment.I was trying to be a smartass and a help at the same time but we're from totally different cultures.So no hard feelings from me and i hope you understand me now.

You'll be log ins.We need identity protection from the impersonators and peeps who rant about the same issue for weeks at a time.

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Message 18/21             09-Nov-00  @  05:41 PM   -   RE: For all of you who dont care for the upgrade


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I agree with K. When nasty incidences occur, I was relieved to know that K can, if he wants to, see who is really creating the havoc. More importantly, he can find out who is not creating the havoc which removes the air of suspician from the innocent. And K has been unbelievably tolerant and magnanimous in allowing people to speak freely around here. But some people abuse the freedom by becoming disrespectful to others, and this makes no one happy, least of all K who's put the energy into keeping the high standard of this site.

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Message 19/21             09-Nov-00  @  09:01 PM   -   RE: For all of you who dont care for the upgrade



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K , Don't let one asshole piss you off. He's been talking shit from the very first post I saw with that "H" on it. This is not a social scene for the lonley, but a place I come to learn and find out what the magazines are afraid or incapable of printing. I have learned a lot here and on the net in general. this site is an asset to all of us, and people who come here just to talk smack and piss each other off are missing the point! H, you need to quit trying to be witty. No one is laughing, your obnoxious! I know , because I too was obnoxious when I was 10 years old. Grow up! The only communication problem here is that you post annoying and antagonistic threads incessantly!

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Message 20/21             09-Nov-00  @  09:38 PM   -   RE: For all of you who dont care for the upgrade



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this goes for scrotalsac as well, what a punk!

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Message 21/21             10-Nov-00  @  05:17 AM   -   RE: For all of you who dont care for the upgrade



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oh noooooo... more bloody slagging !!!!... please.. i need a month off from slagging IN ANY DIRECTION !! ... loook fer fooks sake i've already said people can discuss it and that i have already said they can have their poxy free speech, but on two conditions, keep it out from suddenly popping up in threads which are nothing to do with it.. cos then it gets like an annoying little woodpecker tap-tapping away and you just want to swat it... and... dont spread bollox like the synth is in beta just cos there is an OPTIONAL, 'TRY IT IF YOU LIKE' beta upgrade on the site... that doesnt mean the synth is in current beta or has any functions NOT functioning as per spec when sold/advertised... and that implication has been said enuff...

if these guys wanted THAT sort of continual s/w add-on's choice why the fuck didnt they buy Pulsar or something... have you guys in the 'we hate novation' camp considered Pulsar II ??.. i've been checking it out tonight.... it sounds more like what you need - check out the modular synth plug-in (all the loaded synths have virtualy 0 latency, playable from keyboard).... THEN come back crying about filter variations & types !!!   - i really think you 'fucked cos of the button' people should go and check it out... cos honestly it sounds more like what would satisfy your sort of criteria for lots of upgrades and add-ons to customise synths to what you want based on s/w residing on dsp chips....... sounds bloody good too... you are in effect getting similar dsp power like in a supernova (perhaps more) but YOU choose what synths you want to load and in what configuration, and i kid you not the variations for synthesis if that is your bag are fucking HUGE.... remember, you play it in realtime and it accepts full midi control.... it is multitimbrel and you can have up to 16 outs if you add racks or run it direct into vst/logic etc...

so think of it as a supernova sort of synth on a card that you load the synths into then select your saved presets & synth/fx creations... it also can integrate a SAMPLER plugin that loads and plays AKAI PROGRAMMES.. not just samples but the frikkin PROGRAMMES direct from CD-drive !!! with all the mappings, filter maps etc etc.. you can just put any akai cd into your drive & load a patch and play immeadiatly from your keyboard !!!! such as grand-piano disk (which is included with it) and it comes with a Best Service CDrom fo sound samples... you can even design your own synths !!!... and they got waldorf oscillators too..... i dunno, check it out... i was WELL impressed !!!! (link above)

if you really want that sort of flexibility/upgradeability/changeability ... you shouldn't be looking at outboard hardware items i dont think

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