aaa What is the matter with my SN [Arp]? - Synths & synthesis forums
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Subject: What is the matter with my SN [Arp]?

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Original Message                 Date: 24-Nov-99  @  04:25 AM   -   What is the matter with my SN [Arp]?


Posts: 9

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Hey, i was wondering if someone could help me out... Im trying to get my sequencer to record arp note data... Ive gone through the manual and everything is set the way it should... the sequencer is set to record on the same channel that the arp notes are being transmitted on...even my midi interface sees that the data is being transmitted, but the sequencer doesnt seem to see that it is sending data! The only time that the computer (a powermac 8600 running Vision, btw) sees the data is if I set up a SysEx receive, and then it sees it! I thought the arp was supposed to transmit note data?! Can anybody help?


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Message 21/22             05-Dec-99  @  04:28 PM   -   RE: What is the matter with my SN [Arp]?



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Thanks for your honest answer. Regarding those special buttons... we got much laughter from people (aah... version 3.1 and yet not accessable ? placeholder for nothing or wat ?)... while in most cases I'm ignoring these people, the point is very interesting. Can you give any (rough as can be) timeline and/or facts about what they will reveal ?



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Message 22/22             08-Jan-00  @  12:43 AM   -   RE: What is the matter with my SN [Arp]?



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The alternate arp output channel/s option you recomend would be a godsend for the nova... without it I find the ARP function to be almost useless... i loath the idea of recording arp info twice... I have always used arps for inspirational purposes and then edit the data in sequencer, but the nova makes this process to difficult, and I don't have a desire to stop the inpirational process in order to simply capture an arp pattern... Please please please urge for an alternate output channel for each part's arp.

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