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Subject: oh wise analogues sages......

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Original Message 1/23             12-Oct-00  @  11:57 PM   -   oh wise analogues sages......



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so tell me now, I was gonna plump for a nordlead of some description but as it stands the moneys not gonna be there for a while for it so help me out here.

Now I would like instead to pick up summing voltage controlled instead but I dont see much in the way of options for me that meet the criteria - not horrifically expensive, a decent interface, recently made and capable of a broad range on timbres. Monotimbrality is no big deal and if it can`t be newish, then as reliable as reliable can be. I have no need for a raucous, jabbering uncontrollable monster either as I can cover those bases. Oh, and I`ve had a pulse and bassstation so those are out of the frame too. And preferably *not* the old Roland stuff which are nice, but overcooked nowadays.

So whats it to be gents? Your suggestions please....

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Message 2/23             13-Oct-00  @  02:26 AM   -   RE: oh wise analogues sages......


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build an MOTM modular.

really, could be done. they're not really cheap, but they are recently made.. or unmade as of yet.... and they are nice. and modular.

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Message 3/23             13-Oct-00  @  10:32 AM   -   RE: oh wise analogues sages......



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I know I keep repeating myself but doepfer MS404.MS404MS404MS404 AUdio range lfo oh fuck it this website is pointless.

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Message 4/23             13-Oct-00  @  07:25 PM   -   RE: oh wise analogues sages......



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r-tek, don't really have a suggestion for you, but I 'd like to know what you mean by overcooked when mentioning old Roland. Beaten? Abused? or over employed? I have a Jupiter 6 in mind, so i'm curious. sorry to hijack your thread  

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Message 5/23             13-Oct-00  @  08:34 PM   -   RE: oh wise analogues sages......



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nah, not fucked, just I`ve heard that kinda stuff alot y`know? I`m not saying they dont sound great, cos they do and most of em are pretty darn reliable, but they`re just not for me.

MOTM would be cool, but I can see that getting rapidly out of hand..... the doepfer modular stuff is a lot cheaper too, I know its nothing like as good too, but hell, mebbe I should look more into that cos I cant see anyother options right now. analogue systems have a website? Lemme see.....

MS404? Nah mate, both the BS and the pulse poo on it IMO and I`ve been through them already.

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Message 6/23             13-Oct-00  @  09:39 PM   -   RE: oh wise analogues sages......



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thanks for the clarification. Can't wait to test drive it (it's in revision).

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Message 7/23             13-Oct-00  @  11:56 PM   -   RE: oh wise analogues sages......


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Normally I don't recomend Roland, but a novamodded 101 would probably sort you out nicely and for not too much if you've got the patience to wait for the mod to be done. just do a search for 'novamod' and go to a place calle 'the lab'. Good luck in thy quest, young sound warrior.


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Message 8/23             14-Oct-00  @  12:02 AM   -   RE: oh wise analogues sages......



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I`ve actually seen a 101 for sale with the input mod mad cheap and an sh-09 too for the same price but I`m kinda reluctant to go down that path to be honest. I~ll have a look around anyway, there really dont seem to be much out there for me. Mebbe it`ll be a joop after all.

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Message 9/23             14-Oct-00  @  12:41 AM   -   RE: oh wise analogues sages......


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is philip at the lab doing novamods again?

MOTM does not have to get out of hand. just stay off the MOTM mailing list, decide what modules would be the best to use.. or decide what you want.. a few filters, or a filter & a phaser.. and a VCA, 2 LFOs, a mult panel, a 2u ultra VCA, s noise generator/sample & hold module.. oh never mind

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Message 10/23             14-Oct-00  @  06:27 AM   -   RE: oh wise analogues sages......



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Doepfer is distributed in the us by Electron Navigator Port.Or you could call him Doug for short.It's his house so please call 9-56or7ish.He has Doepfer,Analogue Solutions,and Analogue systems modular synthesizers(your going to have to make your own 1/8" to 1/4" cables though Cause I bought my Analogue Solutions Mini Power System assembled and tested for $499 and the Doepfer MCV4 midi to cv gate convertor was some where in the 100-150 range.then you'll need to go to radio shack for a power supply because when you order an MCV4 THATS WHAT YOU GET, and it needs a power supply.

my 404 has crappy knobs(kinda loose but they hold up to excessive use so do the switches which feel loose also) but the Analogue solutions are the great.Doug says the knobs on the modular are better.

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Message 11/23             14-Oct-00  @  06:32 AM   -   RE: oh wise analogues sages......

I almost forgot -:)


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The Analogue Solutions sounds 50s SCI FIand my 404 sounds trashy sort of like the bastard child of a 101+303 hey 101+303= 404 You should get that.

Hey Maarten my clock shouldn't freak me out anymore I've got the bastard son of a 101+a 303.

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Message 12/23             14-Oct-00  @  04:16 PM   -   RE: oh wise analogues sages......


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damnit damnit sonofabitch!

to make a useful MOTM SYNTH, i'd need:

2 or 3 Oscillators


Noise Generator/Sample & Hold

2 to 4 Envelope Generators

2 or 3 filters

2 or 3 LFOs

Lag Processor (for portamento)

1 or 2 mult panels

grrrrrrrr... modules = BIG. the 2 LFOs, 2 Envelopes, Lag Processor & VCA/Ringmod would take up one row in my rack (which has 2 rows) then as i have 3 filters already, only room left for two OSCs. hmm. no room for upcoming super VCAs, Preamps, Phasers, Moog/Roland filters, etc etc etc..

so fuck you for suggesting it brain!

this MOTM rack will remain OSC free. hmm.. top row: 2x 420 filter, 440 filter, & 2 spaces kept free for now. bottom row: VCA/Ringmod, LFO, EG, LFO, EG, & 1 space kept free. all modules but EGs (1u) are 2u wide by the way. well this makes more sense in the future i'll probably make a 20-rack space MOTM monosynth with more modules that i'm comfortable with       not that anyone cares or anything.

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Message 13/23             14-Oct-00  @  07:39 PM   -   RE: oh wise analogues sages......



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It would be interesting to get some kind of idea as to how big the worlds combined Modular synth panels would be if all were brought together.
My guess is no bigger than a tennis court.
Mixers both Analogue and digital would probably consume several football pitches.
Sound Cards probably the size of the Isle of White.
Musical talent no more than a Squash court.

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Message 14/23             14-Oct-00  @  08:49 PM   -   RE: oh wise analogues sages......


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not to argue, or detract, ison. but:

in just over 2 years, over 1600 MOTM modules have shipped. my guess is that MOTM will outsell all other modulars. especially with some of the customers buying two of EVERYTHING, automatically. these guys have lots of modules.

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Message 15/23             14-Oct-00  @  10:44 PM   -   RE: oh wise analogues sages......


Posts: 2003

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Last I heard, Phil was still developing the Novamod 3 kits, but I'm sure if you nagged him hard enough, he's do a Novamod 2.

R-tek, check out the mod before you scoff. It's WWWAAAAAAYYYYYY more than just an input. My buddy has one that he got the kit from the lab, and did the work on himself, and the thing is just SICK, dude. Completely ill, not right at all. Stuff that would make His Highness R.D. James drool and shiver. Your call.


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Message 16/23             14-Oct-00  @  10:46 PM   -   RE: oh wise analogues sages......


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Last I heard, Phil was still developing the Novamod 3 kits, but I'm sure if you nagged him hard enough, he's do a Novamod 2.

R-tek, check out the mod before you scoff. It's WWWAAAAAAYYYYYY more than just an input. My buddy has one that he got the kit from the lab, and did the work on himself, and the thing is just SICK, dude. Completely ill, not right at all. Stuff that would make His Highness R.D. James drool and shiver. Your call.


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Message 17/23             14-Oct-00  @  10:50 PM   -   RE: oh wise analogues sages......



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My Doepfer has two of every thing.
Well almost.
30U and counting.
Although Analogue Systems and Analogue Solutions are beginning to take ahold.
If i lived Stateside i would have other choices such as Modcan,MOTM,Synthesiser.Com
But import duties prevent me from taking these alternatives seriously.
800 modules a year at reasonable prices is a worryingly small ammount of income.
Makes me wonder why anybody would bother.
Thankfully they do however.

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Message 18/23             15-Oct-00  @  12:21 AM   -   RE: oh wise analogues sages......



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ok, ta, I`ll look into it pongoid.

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Message 19/23             15-Oct-00  @  12:39 AM   -   RE: oh wise analogues sages......



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you were right, it is a whole lot more than an external input. I`ll havta mail him tho cos hes talking about novamod3 being ready in 99 on that site so mebbe he cant be arsed anymore.

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Message 20/23             15-Oct-00  @  01:30 AM   -   RE: oh wise analogues sages......



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In case you couldn't find it.Poo huh ok?I'll make sure to tell it the next time my 1 osc synth is using rez and lfo to sound like a 3 osc synth.Noisy yes cheap knobs yes.poo?I've bought 1 sold it for a stoopid price and just because I missed it and had to have it got another and it ain't goin nowhere.The next time I order something from Doug I'll make sure he throws in the toilet paper mod -;p

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Message 21/23             15-Oct-00  @  08:12 PM   -   RE: oh wise analogues sages......



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I said the pulse and the BS poo on it - try a pulse with its 3 proper oscillators (well 2 + a sub capable of its own tuning and waveform selection), raucous filter and flexible mod matrix and tell me the doepfer stands up to it.

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Message 22/23             16-Oct-00  @  08:37 AM   -   RE: oh wise analogues sages......



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There not the same synth.Pulse is cool 404 is sick and nasty.

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Message 23/23             17-Oct-00  @  04:37 PM   -   RE: oh wise analogues sages......


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The pulse can be pretty twisted too. You just need to whisper the right dirty words in its audio input, and touch its love buttons and knobbies the right way, and it'll...well, you know what I mean.


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