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Subject: self-oscillating filters

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Original Message 1/3             29-Aug-99  @  08:54 PM   -   self-oscillating filters



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I posted this to the Analog Korner discussion group (for those that read the forums on but perhaps someone from this forum could help me out (you listening, Phil?):

I've been waiting a month for my new Nova and I've had nothing to do while waiting except research analog synthesis. I know what self-oscillating filters sound like, but I'd really like to know the physical properties of them. i.e. what makes them oscillate? I know on the Nova, it comes from boosting the resonance full blast (and I assume this is the same on true analog filters), but how does a massive presence boost at the cutoff frequency set it into oscillation?

I have a strong background in electronics and audio theory, so if anyone knows the nuts and bolts, lay it on me. Be as technical as you can. Thanks in advance...


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Message 2/3             31-Aug-99  @  04:22 PM   -   RE: self-oscillating filters


Posts: 2

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In analogue curcuits there is a
residual noise level. If the filter
is set to resonate, postive feedback,
then something has to give it a
trigger...Noise in a
digital system you have to give it a
kick cos there is no noise...but the
result is the same.


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Message 3/3             31-Aug-99  @  07:06 PM   -   RE: self-oscillating filters



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Thanks for the quick reply, Phill.

It's interesting... I didn't know that there was feedback involved with resonance in a filter. I always thought it was just an amplitude boost near the filter cutoff frequency, with the Q being the width of the boost. But I suppose the word "resonate" assumes there is some kind of oscillation in the circuit. Just shows how much I have to learn...

Does anyone know any websites that may help fill in the gaps for me? All I can seem to find are general overviews. Thanks for the help. Peace...


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