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Subject: Supernova for Trance

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Original Message                 Date: 03-Aug-99  @  06:16 PM   -   Supernova for Trance



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Is the Supernova a good choice for making epic trance (like Lange, Matt Darey, Future Breeze...). Today I have a Yamaha EX5R and would like to complete with something new.

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Message 21/47             17-Aug-99  @  09:33 AM   -   RE: Supernova for Trance


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Stuff I used to think was trance (going back a few years), was like, well... trancey.. You could have a bit of a smoke and really relax listening to some 10-15 min tracks that would evolve really slowly.. Great with acid and stuff.. real smokers tunes, you know what I mean ;)

I dunno about names maybe 'man with no name'?.. later stuff gets more hectic but still has that class programming that a lot of current trance doesn't have.. Like Halucinogens album, there's a track that starts of on 3/4 time and changes to 4/4 over 4 bars... fucking class.. I've never heard it done so smoothly on a sequencer.. and the guy basically set the standards for a lot of artists to rip off.

Then there was goa trance, TIP, Return to the Source (great times   )... good stuff.. a lot of the goa artists are doind acid techno now which is closer to original trance than Gatecrasher stuff is. IMO.

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Message 22/47             17-Aug-99  @  09:48 PM   -   RE: Supernova for Trance



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in a word... Mindfield... Tsuyoshi etc... im not too up on the trance thing as i used to be since i stopped taking acid (heh heh)... however, what i mean is the so-called 'Trance' that is going round the corporate clubs, the sorta thing they are toting at Ibiza this year as the 'new' sound... it just is NOT Trance, even remotely trance... to me it is more like a variation of hard-house.. i mean it is (what i've heard), like a house beat with some old rave sounds, and some analog over it...

real trance to me is like dying (commercially-club-wise) since breweries & deodorants and god fucking knows what else took over the club scene in the last 5 years... most trance nights got bumped, cos simple ... trance people dont fucking drink booze ..end of story.... so the clubs were not making money at the bar... i feel this 'New-trance' is like a creation 'buzzword' of the corporate clubs.... i think they rely very much on 'New' trendy buzzwords and all that, and they figured, shit... trance is the last un-exploited well known dance style... so they took the name, and that is it...

some of the good recent trance ive heard is so far removed from that toss, it's as dissimilar as house is to heavey metal !!...

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Message 23/47             18-Aug-99  @  03:45 AM   -   RE: Supernova for Trance



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I used to be massively into Trance in the early nineties....check out anything on the eye-q label ,especially their beyond the eye compilations. Also Rising high were a top label for trance and did seven volumes called "The secret life of Trance Vol...", these are well worth checking out as is anything by "Union Jack" or "Baby Doc". These are all quite old acts and therefore they might prove difficult to find, but its worth it.

Before I go Id like to say that the stuff pretending to be trance at the moment e.g: Veracoocha, System F, is may not be trance (which it isnt) but if you are in a packed nightclub in the early hours of the morning and one of these tunes comes on the place just goes crazy.


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Message 24/47             18-Aug-99  @  06:19 AM   -   RE: Supernova for Trance



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Gotta second you, Morbius, when it comes to Union Jack. Bought their "There Will Be No Armageddon" (?) a couple of years ago, and it's still one of my favourites...

Anyone knows if they've done anything else since then, perhaps under a different name?

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Message 25/47             18-Aug-99  @  09:54 AM   -   RE: Supernova for Trance



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maybe the place goes crazy simply cos it's a change from the evenings pattern - so what WOULD you call it?... if we all agree it aint trance ... what do you think is the nearest style you could associate it with ?....

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Message 26/47             18-Aug-99  @  10:17 AM   -   RE: Supernova for Trance


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morb999,excuse my correcting you on one little thing.Baby Doc isn't old,
I've heard his live set ,like, two weeks ago in Amsterdam .Fuck ,to this very day I find myself wake up from a wet dream ,tony isn't GOD but
Baby Doc is.

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Message 27/47             18-Aug-99  @  10:36 AM   -   RE: Supernova for Trance



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id also say, ok, yes... perhaps im overeacting in my abhorance, it isnt actually 'crap' music this new trance I admit (wether I like it or not personally)... but i think I'm reating to this because I see it as quite dangerous this whole issue.... suddenly we have the mainstream punters and clubbers told by the mainstream club-media, 'THIS is Trance'... and i fear for the REAL trance artists... they have been years in the genre, supporting it, creating the clubs, events, labels venues etc... if suddenly corporate club entities hi-jack the Genre-name that might be bad for the real trance scene... eventually, the majority of the club market see's this new style as 'Trance', then where does that leave artists who create 'Real' trance ??.... suddenly they have a music style/scene with no Genre anymore...

what should be happening, is that they should be now reaping the rewards of years of dedication & hard work.... rather like perhaps a group of people spend years developing a product, and a corp comes along and steals the name.... i guess that is where im coming from, sure, these 'new-trance' toons aren't aweful perse.... but... to me it smaks of drug-baron clashes... the corporate dance scene is fuelled by the alchohol barons.... it is a drug... and THAT cannot be argued against... i think that in the wierdest off-beat way, you might be seeing a genre-name hijacked, turning those punters on to boozing, which is heavily encouraged by the corporate club scene... and dont tell me it isnt, just witness the sad debacle that is Ibiza... so new young punters who might sway to real trance and *IT'S* prefered drugs/philosophy, are going to be encouraged towards an alternative drug...booze, and the whole attitude that goes with it

interestingly, and amusingly... i caught this TV show with Guests: Boy George, The guy from the Pet-Shop-Boys, & Tricky ....(a few months back).... they showed a clip of Ibiza footage, then asked them all "that must bring back memories for you all huh??"... none of them had been to Ibiza !!!.... they asked Tricky if he'd been to Ibiza... he said words to the effect of:..

"no.. and i WOULDN'T go there cos it scares me, all those pissed-up people roaming around are dangerous, and I would be scared of them beating me up"

alchoholism and the rise of lager-loutism is to me the saddest part of the degradation of the whole industry over the last few years... youve got clubs/corporations like Ministry, floating on the stock exchange, advising as part of the Government's official 'Youth advisory group' (which deals alot with drug issues too), who are actively promoting smart-alchohol drinks, and boozing in general via sponsorship.... really, unless youve been clubbing for *years* you wont see this, but the rise in alchoholism in the club scene over the last years is frightening.... the whole point of the club-scene a few years back was that it was EXACTLY the scene to go to to AVOID that whole group of dangerous pissed up football crowd, cos they would be over at the mainstream bollox local 'disco' listening to chart-pop-club sounds.... now, they have taken over the clubs proper... as the last years have passed, i've gradually reduced my clubbing bit-by-bit by bit, cos of this rise in dark-side vibes I keep encountering... I DON'T like to find myself surrounded by a gang of 10 shaven-headed football fans taking the piss out of my clothes or hair when I'm out on the dancefloor, tripping, having a good time.. and in the end, i got fed up having to work hard to contain 'bad-trips' due to these incidences....the REAL trance scene/clubs/venues is one of the few places you can go now where these people DON'T go..... so if that scene gets killed off.....??

i think you gotta look at the whole issue VERY broadly... cos the demise of the alternative cultures/styles also leads to the demise of a vibe... i know personaly of people who have moderated their whole philosophy of life and respect for other people simply by becoming absorbed into the alternative dance scene, it's drugs & philosophy.... and by doing that, coming into contact with alternative more peaceful attitudes to life and other people which has turned them from being a potentialy dangerous aggressive person who liked to kick the fuck out of someone after a night out on the piss to a person who respects others and their beliefs even tho they are alien to themselves... all that, simply by absorbing into a scene that promotes these values...

perhaps I'm nuts?... but.... maybe I'm not....

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Message 28/47             18-Aug-99  @  11:20 AM   -   RE: Supernova for Trance



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Strange how a forum can change.
If you read at the top youīll see what this forum was ment to be about. I didnīt want this to turn into something about philosophy, clubscenes or drugs. This is an argument that always will come up. It was the same thing five or ten years ago. The artist you today say are the "real" artists were then accused of making "crap" music. Mayby you should wake up and realise that things change. Five years from now you are going to sit and complain about how people donīt make as good music anymore as they did back in 1999.
I will end this and just say. If you donīt like the music, then donīt listen to it. And the idea that people are being tricked into buying a record by the big companies are just stupid. I donīt think that anyone would buy a record that they didnīt like the music on.

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Message 29/47             18-Aug-99  @  05:47 PM   -   RE: Supernova for Trance



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K's comments on the scene are spot on, but to answer your original question, assuming you mean "the thing that is trance that was once euro house", yes, the SN will do the job. I would guess that, along with the Virus, that is what most of the Gatecrasher stuff is made with. Don't let the presets put you off, you can make some excellent "parpy" sounds as Mixmag call them.

Just out of interest, I first heard of Lange when he got on the reader's demo's part of the Future Music cover CD about 4 years ago. According to the write-up, he just used an M1, a BassStation and an S950. The tune is not too different from what he's doing now. The moral of the story is, it ain't what you've got, it's what you do with it.

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Message 30/47             18-Aug-99  @  05:52 PM   -   RE: Supernova for Trance



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I think you've got it right, I saw that program on C4, Neil Tennant summed it up in the phrase "its become an institution", and that's very sad.

I was at the Lizard Eclipse festival last week, very good, no sponsorship unlike some of the others. Great music including some really good Goa Trance/Acid Techno stuff in one tent. The people were great too. Just a pity about the Weather! I think they run it every year (the festival not the Eclipse), worth a visit if this year was anything to go by.

For anyone who hasn't heard them, both the 'Man with No Name' albums are excellent, he really knows how to put tracks together. The slow tracks on Earth Moving the Sun are really great.

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