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Subject: Future Music "Best Synth 1999" Award

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Original Message 1/32             27-Nov-99  @  02:15 PM   -   Future Music



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I would just like to thank all those who may have voted in the Future Music Readers award for BEST SYNTH 1999.

The Novation Nova won the award.



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Message 2/32             27-Nov-99  @  03:40 PM   -   RE: Future Music


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Message 3/32             27-Nov-99  @  07:27 PM   -   RE: Future Music



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File?:  No file`re so lucky Casio decided against bringing out a nu Casiotone.....

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Message 4/32             28-Nov-99  @  05:48 AM   -   RE: Future Music



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Quite... Novation would beaten even more products then !

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Message 5/32             28-Nov-99  @  07:06 AM   -   RE: Future Music



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C`mon, behave will yer. Everyone knows that casiotones kick shit out of every other synth........I swapped my old minimoog for one...hehehehe, the bloke certainly didn`t see me coming...

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Message 6/32             28-Nov-99  @  12:56 PM   -   RE: Future Music



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- R-Tek, lol

- Phill, your support has been absolutely superb; a more factor in my decision to buy a SN. If FM had a catagory for company support, you'd surely take all awards. Blow off the slags, and keep up the great work for those who really are serious about Novation products.


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Message 7/32             28-Nov-99  @  04:15 PM   -   RE: Future Music



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Your'e totally right itīs Casio, but the Novaīs real threat would actually be if Casio released a version of thier sampler SK-1 that could store the sample even when the power is off.. Thheres nothing worse than the power going off when you recorded the ultimate ape-fart sample...

Face it, the Nova just canīt make those ultrarealistic 4-bit quality ape-fart samples(OS4 maybe?, "the ultimate apefart patch"), but I'm gonna buy one anyway, my target date is the 20th December this year, I know what Iīll be doing all x-mas, and it does not involved apefarts because the synthsized version is called monkeypoof =)

Im not sure if the guys at FM are so much into apefarts as im pretending to be ;)

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Message 8/32             28-Nov-99  @  04:42 PM   -   RE: Future Music


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I've said it before in a couple of places...I agree with V (whom I seem to be following around on various threads today) the support has been 2nd to none - and by a long shot at that. The only downside to the great support is that after the 1st couple of weeks (and sorry, I'm a Supernova owner-but they ARE sisters) I haven't needed any support so I haven't been able to take advantage.   I'll have to try harder to find something I can't figure out how to do on the SN. I turn it on and it just sings. I like R-Teks' Casiotone postulate though.

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Message 9/32             28-Nov-99  @  04:48 PM   -   RE: Future Music



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I did really love my BassStation when I had it as about a more powerfull analogue mono now, Phil? Analogue Poly?........u really need 2 start kicking booty again in that arena.....

how about a "Home Keyboard" with "accompaniment" ryhtyms like "Samba" and "Bossa Nova" which all sound the same?...................No, that would b stupid, better take my silly hat off........and have a lie down.....

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Message 10/32             29-Nov-99  @  03:50 AM   -   RE: Future Music



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Hey juno-sith,

Casio actually did release a sampling keyboard - the SK5 which DID remember your ape-fart samples after you turned the power off (provided you had batteries inside).

Not only that, it can actually store FOUR different ape-fart samples at once and play them using four dedicated touch pads - ultra Kool or what ?

Perhaps Novation had better start worrying after all....

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Message 11/32             29-Nov-99  @  02:37 PM   -   RE: Future Music



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heh heh - Congrats Phil... maybe one day it'll say in FM... !!!The new ULTRANOVA WINS DANCETECH BEST SYNTH AWARD!!!.. (heh heh) - now that'd be strange

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Message 12/32             29-Nov-99  @  11:45 PM   -   RE: Future Music



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lol, does kilo know something we all don't know? 'Ultranova' ?...better save me dosh  


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Message 13/32             30-Nov-99  @  08:22 AM   -   RE: Future Music



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At first I had my doubts about the s/n, but now that I am armed with a bit more knoledge about sysnthesis, I am very pleased and proud to have a s/n in my arsenal of sonic tools....Very wicked indeed.....Good on ya, Novation....

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Message 14/32             30-Nov-99  @  11:25 AM   -   RE: Future Music



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God you guys talk a load of shit!!
The only reason the supernova won the award is because the award was rigged.

Wake up boys.
Listen to the toys and make your own minds up and dont let Phil make it up for u.

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Message 15/32             30-Nov-99  @  11:41 AM   -   RE: Future Music



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Looky here.
Now isnt it strange how Mr Phil from Novation was the person to start this chat forum.
OOooo now that Ive won my rigged award I think Ill go on the net and brag about my self!!! And what do I see here, O yes its Mr R-tek to the rescue on the exact same day that Phil posted his messages.
You guys suck.
Why dont you just let you machine do the talking for it self. Its hard enough for young musicians to choose the right piece of equipment as it is without you guys filling there minds with utter crap!!
Grow up MEN!!!

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Message 16/32             30-Nov-99  @  12:32 PM   -   RE: Future Music



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You seem to waste a lot of time and energy putting other people down in this forum. Perhaps it's you that should grow up. For a guy who can't stand the Nova, you sure do spend a lot of time here. Why are you so interested if you think it is such sh*t? Perhaps it's insecurity?

Go make music and be happy.


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Message 17/32             30-Nov-99  @  01:26 PM   -   RE: Future Music



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Hey! "Mr Pseudonym"! Yes you, ZZzzzzz/Crap! HOw about not being such a coward and using your normal handle b4 slating someone?..........

And 4 your information, I don`t own any Novation products - I sold my B/S cos the Pulse was better and when I was looking at V/A`s, I decided I liked the Virus more.

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Message 18/32             30-Nov-99  @  05:31 PM   -   RE: Future Music



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Hey I didnt vote for it, the Future readers did...


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Message 19/32             30-Nov-99  @  08:07 PM   -   RE: Future Music



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These guys in here making these comments about the Nova not being any good and the Future Music poll being fixed have no basis for these comments. They hold no water. I've been making electronic music for good deal of time now and in recent years I've been composing Techno (actually Progessive Trance) music. Some of the more recent instruments I own or have owned are Roland JP8000, Roland JP8080, Yamaha AN1x, Access Virus, and Novation Nova.
Now none of these instruments are perfect but the Nova is absolutley the most beautiful, easy to use, cheapest piece of gear you can get for your money for this type of music. I'll tell you I voted for the Nova (3) times I like it so much. I never voted for my JP8000 (I've since sold it). I never felt compelled to vote for my JP8080 last year (I've since sold it too); and I never felt strong enough to vote for the AN1x or Virus either (I still own the AN1x). Nova owners and fans really appreciate this piece of hardware and they chose to vote for it in FM. This doesn't mean this other instruments suck; but rather Novation is doing a great job.. people are making spectacular music with the Nova.

Brian Castro (aka Alpha Project)

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Message 20/32             30-Nov-99  @  09:31 PM   -   RE: Future Music



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Seems to me these people slagging off the Nova are jealous morons.I bet they are pissed off because the Nova blows away their "super synth" which probably cos half as much again as a Nova.
The Nova is great so come to terms with it BOYS!

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Message 21/32             01-Dec-99  @  07:27 AM   -   RE: Future Music



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Personal preference really. I like the nova A LOT but 4 what I want 2 do, I felt the Virus was more 4 me........dont flame me, I`m just trying 2 give a bit of balance 2 all of this, if a synth tries 2 b everything 2 everybody; it`ll end up meaning nothing 2 anyone.

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Message 22/32             01-Dec-99  @  05:01 PM   -   RE: Future Music



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I agree with R-Tek. People tend to forget, that it is often different sounding synths which makes a piece sound more "pro".

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Message 23/32             02-Dec-99  @  01:33 PM   -   RE: Future Music



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R-tek, sorry for flaming u earlier.
I recently read over your postings and you dont suck as much as I thought you did.Actually you probably dont suck at all.
Probably I have shown a bit to much emotion in the past but my only point is that I have owned both synths so my judgment is personal but by no means biased. Ive been in the biz for a decade and a half and to me the nova was cool but by no means lived up to what most people on these pages were saying.
So my only conclusion was maybe the people making these claims were the people making the instruments and not the users.
Sorry if I suck. I cant help myself.

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Message 24/32             02-Dec-99  @  02:14 PM   -   RE: Future Music



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No problem. Like I said: "Personal Preference"......really all depends on what sort of music you`re into and what sort of sounds u desire.

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Message 25/32             02-Dec-99  @  06:13 PM   -   RE: Future Music



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Congrats to Novation on making some superb instruments! is all I can say. And I had to post this just because it'll show up below R-Tek. Compare our prose style, you'll see we're radically different personalities. He's clear and to the point, whereas I'm garrulous and obtuse.

Me, I play an SN, an MWXT, JP-8000/XP-80 and FS1R and Audity 2K... and I love 'em _all_. All my children. May they all live long and prosper. The SN's sound is gorgeous, though, it stands out for that right out of the box.

So, to Novation: Well Deserved!


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Message 26/32             02-Dec-99  @  07:24 PM   -   RE: Future Music



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....and I dont even know what "garrulous" means. I`m a man of few words, I just happen 2 say them a lot.

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Message 27/32             03-Dec-99  @  08:55 PM   -   RE: Future Music



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Garrulous means "talks a lot" (my Indian name). There's loup garoux... and then there's just, "talks a lot" -- garrulous. Born at the beginning of ancient Mediterranean history, around the time of Romulous and Remus.


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Message 28/32             07-Dec-99  @  09:28 PM   -   RE: Future Music



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Good Job on winning the award Novation. To bad I dont have a Nova or Super. One day when I ever go to Sacremento and look around I'll see Which Synth I want to bring home. Nice Job on winning the award fro your Supernova and now your new Nova. It now makes me really wonder whats behind that blue box with knobs and buttons on it.

PS. If your a gamer check out the Internet Site I put in. Its an online Multiplayer gaming site and you can play for free. You must own the game that the site supports though. There are many games to choose from so you may have somthing.


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Message 29/32             12-Dec-99  @  09:17 AM   -   RE: Future Music

Purple Haze


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Hey Phil, what about a Novation midi sequencer ? Something suited for live/production work with a bunch of midi ports and a hands-on approach. No need for internal sounds or sampler like the rm1x or mpc's, it would only make things more expensive.

And what about making the software open-source ? There are enough electronic musicians out there who are also serious tech-heads and who wouldn't mind a bit of low-level code-digging to customize/enhance their sequencers.

Just an idea...

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Message 30/32             12-Dec-99  @  02:46 PM   -   RE: Future Music



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I agree with purple's midi sequencer suggestion, and I wanted to have something like this for quite some time. Think of a patternbased-style sequencer like the MC-303 or RM1x but without sounds, but with more sequncing capabilities and focusing on being fun to program.

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Message 31/32             12-Dec-99  @  04:26 PM   -   RE: Future Music



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Nah, no built in sounds; A SAMPLER. Not a half arsed one like the MPC, but a proper rackmount style jobbie with analogue filters and whatnot...........mmmmmm....

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Message 32/32             15-Sep-00  @  04:14 PM   -   RE: Future Music



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I would love to see the company that has put out the best synth I've owned to date, go and produce a stand-alone midi sequencer similar to the Roland (blech!) mc-80 but with all the character that is novation and without
the homogenized feel that is built into every circuit board that comes from Rolands manufacuring campuses.

Mike aka anomol-E

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