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Subject: Supernova 1.. Remember it?

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Original Message 1/35             06-Oct-00  @  11:38 PM   -   Supernova 1.. Remember me?



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Dear all, you may not remember who I am but I hope some of you do.. You see, my story is a tale of woe and sorrow but it all started so brightly for me back in the summer of 1998.. Born to an eager world, the son of Mother Novation, I looked up with respect to my uncle Basstation and Auntie Drumstation. It seemed I could do no wrong them days, everybody wanted me and shelled out a lot of money just to get their hands on my beautiful, nubile, blue body.. I was just a baby and I had some small teething problems, but with the love and nurturing given to me by my mother I matured quickly. That is until now...sob...sob..

My mother has abandoned me.. She has this new baby now, called Supernova2.. Yes, in some ways my younger brother is just like me, it has the same charm and good looks but has a lot more going for it than I ever did.. I even have a lot of cousins now who think they are a bit special to..

I admit I feel jealous of all the attention laden on my younger brother and all the lovely OS updates it gets.. All I ask is that mother Novation can still acknowledge I exist! And please do something about my bloody 'special' buttons.. I would love to have some extra waveforms and filters just like my mother promised me all those years ago before she abandoned me.. You see mother, if you feel upset by my plea then you shouldn't have made me with such an individual personality should you? Please remember I have a soul....

Your ever loving son,

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Message 2/35             07-Oct-00  @  02:44 AM   -   RE: Supernova 1.. Remember it?



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  SMILEY likes!!!

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Message 3/35             08-Oct-00  @  08:46 AM   -   RE: Supernova 1.. Remember it?



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yeah i bought you, baby supernova,but after two years i thought you would be walking and talking by now not still crawling around looking for that 'SPECIAL' something.

Great thread my friend


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Message 4/35             08-Oct-00  @  08:02 PM   -   RE: Supernova 1.. Remember it?



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Itīs not easy being a parent with children that remember what you have promised them...

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Message 5/35             09-Oct-00  @  12:12 AM   -   RE: Supernova 1.. Remember it?



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i'm sure a lot of us remember but too many are ashamed to put their comments across. They probably read the threads and see that, when someone slates novation for not updating the OS on the Supernova they end up getting slated themselves for not being imaginative enough with the existing OS, and not being imaginative in their sequences (ass lickers). Sod that, i'm gonna speak up. I'm very good at writing songs and very good at creating sounds on the Supernova, but i forked out a lot of money for my Supernova (the same price as the Supernova II now) convinced that they would be creating OS's more frequently.

Come on i'm british just like you Novation. This blue box definately holds it's own for sound design but it could do a lot more.

The manual says 8 filters and 8 oscillators, now if they don't use these buttons they might as well have made the Supernova smaller, the manual less pages i.e excluding the part about the special buttons, and charged the asking price of the Nova.

Now if anyone slaggs me off for writing this e-mail then i think your an unimaginative no balls muppet, and you make yourself look a fool by replying in a defensive way . See i think you've got to forget the analogue jargon and just speak the honest truth.

enough said from this thread


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Message 6/35             09-Oct-00  @  06:46 PM   -   RE: Supernova 1.. Remember it?



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we've been into this to the death. In the manual osc' section it says:
"...and the Special button selects new waveforms to be released with future s/w upgrades"

now conversely one might suggest, (using the exact same logic YOU use to slag Novation), that you are just to impatient and demanding of things NOW that have no promised supply date??

Not being funny, but you sound like a divorced wife bitching cos the PC the father promised the kid sometime this year didnt arrive yet... Now 'pops' never promised WHEN he'd get little Tommy's new PC, just that he'd get it sometime this year... but you know what ex-wives are like eh ?? :P ...
All i can 100% say is that having a divorced wife does wonders for improving ones patience & reasonableness.
the key point you've overlooked, (and which Novation in retrospect are perhaps regretting), is adding this 'Special' button in the first place - as explained to the max already, they added a button so that when they added an update in the future they could stack the menu on that dedicated button rather than just adding a special osc' or filter to one of the already existing menu's... Novation perhaps realise now that was a mistake cos a percentage of users would see the 'Special' button and conclude that cos there is an un-functioning button present it means therefore a part of the synth is 'missing'....

sure, we all agree the next OS update is taking along time, but hell we already got 4 extra notes of POLY in the first update !! (which no-one seems to think is worth a toss it seems) .... at some point soon another OS upgrade will come, but if you are stressed by this, it all depends on how you view the whole scenario... see it like you do, and sure you are frustrated...... see it more reasonably in perspective with the facts, and not. -

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Message 7/35             09-Oct-00  @  10:33 PM   -   RE: Supernova 1.. Remember it?



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this subject is so old... novation should just say whether or not they are going to do anything with the special buttons (it seems the osc gets the most attention... do we forget they'res a special button for a few other sections?) Novation should just say up front what they're going to give us in a future OS update (since it does seem that the next update will be the last) instead of stringing us along. i think that's the best way to end all these threads.

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Message 8/35             09-Oct-00  @  11:00 PM   -   RE: Supernova 1.. Remember it?

Rude Bwoy


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If it's that bad sell the damn thing. Life's too short.

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Message 9/35             09-Oct-00  @  11:52 PM   -   RE: Supernova 1.. Remember it?

the babysitter


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I am an owner of one of these bastard machines which can't seem to get any love these days.
Mat I agree with you about speaking out on this topic, but as you can see its practically useless to do so. Even other Novation owners don't seem to care.
And thats the problem, if there wasn't a large percentage of people who tolerated this ,maybe things would change. But they all seem to think its ok to wait for over a year!
Or maybe the problem is Novation didn't know what it what was getting into by releasing an 'upgradeable' machine. People expect upgrades, and often. Thanks to the computer and software industry were used to frequent upgrades, and sometimes we're glad to pay for them. Novation should have realized this and made it more clear in the marketing of this product that the upgrades would be years apart, rathern than months apart.
The Virus, which I'll be getting soon,
is on version 4 with 24 voices. Thats twice as much as Nova. And for the same price. Think about that, Novation.
k, As much as I hear you defending Novation, I just have to ask ,would it be because you have friends at Novation, or did you get your Snova for free?
You seem to think they can do no wrong?
well for someone who paid a lot of money for mine, I feel I have the right to speak up.
And if more of you grew a spine and complained about the'delay', maybe we'd see the end of these threads, and a new OS that kicks ass(or don't you want new features).
Uh oh gotta go change the diapers on my baby Nova , mothers too busy with the new baby!

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Message 10/35             10-Oct-00  @  01:08 PM   -   RE: Supernova 1.. Remember it?



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I think it's reasonable that a new OS for S/Nova1 should be realased after the new keyboards OS is stable and complete, because they told that they've to port some of the new features back to the previous models.
Anyway, I think that Nova1 can still compete with Virus b 4.0 and Waldorf Q-rack; compare sounds, arpeggiators, effects and vocoder capabilities, and beauty !

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Message 11/35             10-Oct-00  @  02:53 PM   -   RE: Supernova 1.. Remember it?



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Well dB and others that think itīs OK to wait. Phill at Novation promised an upgrade for the supernova in september LAST YEAR. 1999. Thatīs 13 months ago. Itīs nothing wrong with my current OS on the SNova but when you make a promise of any kind, especially if you are a manufacturer with customers, you better try to keep them.

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Message 12/35             10-Oct-00  @  08:32 PM   -   RE: Supernova 1.. Remember it?



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well put, dunno... the only reason this has become such a big issue is because novation said they were going to do something with the os such a long time ago. thats the only reason this has become such a big issue.
For me, Im very happy with the SN OS now... its stable as can be, it sounds great (although some of the FX are bollox, but its not an eventide) and I use it in everything I do. Its just that, for me, my SN could be so much cooler with say, i dunno, a different OSC waveform, or a cool filter (god damn i would shit myself for a bitrate/samplerate reduction filter) The SN is a superpowerful synth to begin with, but with some of those special buttons actually put to use, it could still be way above the rest of the pack...

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Message 13/35             11-Oct-00  @  10:59 AM   -   RE: Supernova 1.. Remember it?



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Hope this thread is making them people at novation work that bit harder to finding quicker ways of implementing the new features that we ARE getting in our DELAYED OS upgrade.

Honestly though Phill, when IS IT expected??? Or are you not sure.

Thanks in advance

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Message 14/35             11-Oct-00  @  02:35 PM   -   RE: Supernova 1.. Remember it?



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Honestly, I agree that it should be very appropriate that somebody at Novation would inform us customers about the new OS release date for S/Nova 1. I remember Phill told that he wouldn't have promised anything anymore because of the previous "mistake", but there must be some kind of planning about it at Novation, and we'd need some information at least.
Some feautures that are available on the new models (unison, knob relative modes (?), enhanced effect section) could be ported right now; but the special buttons are still not availabile on those new units(?). Hence, we can't expect to see new waveforms/filters on our older units until a new release for the S/Novae 2 will be available (some months to come?)
Some information to enlight us, please

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Message 15/35             11-Oct-00  @  10:39 PM   -   RE: Supernova 1.. Remember it?



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i think novation just decided they'd rather not let anyone down agin so they wont promise again, and can you blame them , i mean listen to it... and babysitter i did pay for my supernova but i'm still happy. man ..i cant beleive you're such a total tit that you are prepared to go to lengths of suggesting bribary on my part just cos you are pissed about an os... you are a total saddo in my opinion .. talk about a drama... :P

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Message 16/35             11-Oct-00  @  10:56 PM   -   RE: Supernova 1.. Remember it?



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K must be bought by Novation.

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Message 17/35             12-Oct-00  @  12:17 PM   -   RE: Supernova 1.. Remember it?



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It could be possible that Novation are waiting to get enough sales of No II until they release the OS for No I. I've just read in Future Music that the've stopped producing No I.

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Message 18/35             12-Oct-00  @  08:42 PM   -   RE: Supernova 1.. Remember it?

Rude Bwoy


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They're a small company. They're not Roland or Yamaha. To keep things going, they have to get their priorities right. Being in the business of selling hardware, that means getting people to buy Supernova IIs. If they don't sell enough Supernova IIs, they might end up going bust, meaning no updates for anything. Is that what you want?

K hasn't been 'bought' by Novation, he's just got his head screwed on and knows what the main objective is with owning this sort of kit. It's for making music. The 'special button' won't make an atom of difference to your ability to make music with it. It's like complaining about the empty drive bays in your computer box.

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Message 19/35             13-Oct-00  @  12:02 AM   -   RE: Supernova 1.. Remember it?



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We will just have to wait n see won't we, all the people that ain't bitchin stop replyin to these threads, carry on writing your music, and when the OS does come out, don't bother to download it!!

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Message 20/35             13-Oct-00  @  11:47 AM   -   RE: Supernova 1.. Remember it?



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To all the people who think that it is bitching and whingeing to get fulfillments to promises, I suggest you get real and stop being a bunch of spineless gits.. Are you the sort of people who moan under your breath about a pubic hair in your soup in a restaurant and then when asked by the waiter if "everything is alright sir", you reply "yes its lovely thanks".. Consumer rights is what it is about and it has nothing to do with making music. I love my Supernova1, even if it has been abandoned by Novation.. All I want, and I think my contemporaries as well is to have our special filters and waveforms to make even better music than we are already.. When that happens then Novation can play with their Supernova II's III's and superdoopernova platinum edition's for all I care..

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Message 21/35             13-Oct-00  @  11:56 AM   -   RE: Supernova 1.. Remember it?



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Well Rude Bwoy. Your comment just showes how off you are. This isnīt about buttons. Itīs about making a promise and keeping it. If you bought a car and they promised you that next month they would (for free) add an extra 50hp to your engine. Wouldnīt you after 13 months be pretty pissed off???
Remember... This was just an example. Donīt go off demanding things like this from your local car dealer.

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Message 22/35             13-Oct-00  @  02:34 PM   -   RE: Supernova 1.. Remember it?



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well we can turn it into whatever you like - the facts are simply this : YOU are pissed off, some of us are not.. now what!?...

Now YOU listen dunno.... shut up about shit you know nothing about or put up.

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Message 23/35             13-Oct-00  @  09:28 PM   -   RE: Supernova 1.. Remember it?



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K why do you need to insult people personally?
I personally applaud everyone who has sussed out Novation for what they are. A two bob company. I dont care what difference the new OS makes it is the fact that Novation have treated old customers like shit!
Even Novations web page is a disgrace.
Just try going to the TELL US WHAT YOU THINK section and you will be presented with an under construction sign (is the penny dropping yet?).
The sound tutorials are brilliant but STILL incomplete.
I conclude that Novation will never do a Nova/Sn update.
They wont even give a due date (make any excuses you want but a proper professional company should commit to a date and get it sorted.)
FACT there are still bugs with the Nova.

If this thread is becoming boring DONT reply and go away being happy with Novation.
I have a mind of my own and applaud like minded music makers!

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Message 24/35             14-Oct-00  @  12:15 AM   -   RE: Supernova 1.. Remember it?



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IMHO.... hmmm...

I'll better to make some cool music...



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Message 25/35             14-Oct-00  @  06:16 AM   -   RE: Supernova 1.. Remember it?



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if i tell dunno to f-off & get personal with him that is cos he started posting lies that i am on a backhander or some sorta scam or working for or with Novation ??... so i'm telling him to get stuffed for that....

i just own a supernova, it wasnt free and i dont work for novation, and i realise the button doesnt work, but thats not why i bought it, i bought it cos at the time it was the only decent affordable multi modeller with massive poly (remember at the time, nord 4 part, the prophecy 1 part, JP 2 part, etc etc)... and after a few years almost it still holds it's own with ease against the competition.... sure, we supported Novation as much as possible in their early days & still do just like ALL the others, from quasimidi to waldorf cos they were a small handfull of companies trying to get synths we wanted into our hands.... if they all dissapear and are driven under we are bnack in the sole clutches of the big 3 and that is that...quasimidi have gone bust already or whatever, so what can i say... we want to see some choice and small companies are the only ones who are going to want to listen to you... which is why they came out with this stuff in the first place, the big comapnies just followed....

i can see you are pissed off, and it is true 13 months is a looooong time... but i cant seem to feel that way about it you do.

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Message 26/35             15-Oct-00  @  03:04 PM   -   RE: Supernova 1.. Remember it?



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Some of the things K is saying about it being good that smaller companies like Novation are around is very true.. What K just can't seem to grasp or understand is that the very people who Novation are pissing off with their distant attitude are the very people who pay their wages and enable them to make new synths. Personally I bought the bassstation, then a drumstation and then I bought a Supernova all because they were and still are great synths. Funds allowing I would probably be a great future target customer for Novation as well, but I would seriously think more than twice before parting with my cash for another Novation product. When I bought the Novation, the impression given by the sales people and reviews were that not only was this machine a gem in itself but it was virtually future proof because of its updateability and flash memory.. Thats all there is to it..

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Message 27/35             15-Oct-00  @  05:21 PM   -   RE: Supernova 1.. Remember it?



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yes well that is sales people taking the piss & trying to lay on the icing to get more sales.... Synths are a fixed thing, this idea that they are transient and as upgradeable as s/w synths to my mind is ludicrous, all my older or non dig synths are not upgradeable...

i do understand what you say about the target audience/consumers, but at the same time i still think we need the choices cos in all area's where competition dissolves in theis capitalist world instant atrophy occurs and choices go right down the pan and the majors resort back to lowest common denominator products. all i'm saying is what synth would you buy instead to replace the nova and would it really be worth it just over this missing button ? - would the new item be any 'better' ??

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Message 28/35             15-Oct-00  @  11:26 PM   -   RE: Supernova 1.. Remember it?



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It would be a product that I loved from a company who cared about its customers..

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Message 29/35             16-Oct-00  @  01:52 AM   -   RE: Supernova 1.. Remember it?



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well sure.... thats very noble and we all want to think that we feel the same i guess, me too i'd like that... but what product exactly would replace it?... cos really there are other 'different' synths on the market, but conversely none that do the same things as the nova's, don't you really think you'd be better off introducing some other form of synth into your arsenal to get tonal variety, i could never use the nova by itself... i could, but i'd prefer not to, i like the characteristics of the different synths i use for different things.

anyways... is there some of your music up on the www anywhere?.. i'd be interested to hear what you are doing.

also i just realised one thing - Phil/Novation WAS always at the forum and NOT distant till this all blew up... they apologised but it wasn't enuff i guess... ah... remember those days when we used to chat with him about stuff & ask him to put this and that into the new machines etc... then they made a machine with all the new things you asked and they got flamed cos they decided to leave the button for a while.... c'est la vie

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Message 30/35             16-Oct-00  @  10:25 AM   -   RE: Supernova 1.. Remember it?



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Exactly he used us, and spat us out,,, ;0)

As for my music, I have just started work on my Homepage and will have some up shortly.. Going to send some stuff to I can email a track if you like. If you have any back copies of the Mix magazine I have had a couple of tracks on their CD as well. Old stuff that was though, pre supernova. I'd like to hear some of your stuff K as well?

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Message 31/35             16-Oct-00  @  06:55 PM   -   RE: Supernova 1.. Remember it?



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well i'm opening a peoplesound type setup here soon for DT... so hang about you can take a slot.

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Message 32/35             30-Oct-00  @  05:13 AM   -   RE: Supernova 1.. Remember it?



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Well, I was thinking about the Virus....but also tempted by the Novation's warmth......but all this bitching about customer service kind of makes up my mind for me.

Virus it is.

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Message 33/35             30-Oct-00  @  06:57 AM   -   RE: Supernova 1.. Remember it?



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It never ceases to amaze me, how people will moan just for the sake of it. Like someone already said , the new features in the next os upgrade aint gonna magically transform you into Paul Oakenfold so why the big deal? You already own one of the best synths on the market so quit ur moaning. All you are likely to do with this kinda of attitude is alienate the help and support we get from guys like Phil. If this kinda crap carries on, he may well get up one day and think `F*ck it, why should i bother`.
Have any of you whingers ever thought that the delays are because they are trying to squeeze as much as possible out of the machine, so when you do finally get an update, it will have been well worth the wait!?
One last thing, i just gotta say how much it amuses me every time i see a personal attack or a damming attack on Novation, the person almost always ommit their real email address. And you guys call us spineless

Keep up the good work Novation , ignore these `children` for they know not what they say  


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Message 34/35             30-Oct-00  @  08:41 PM   -   RE: Supernova 1.. Remember it?

spineless and proud


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you forget that we were told there would be an update over a year ago.

chertzy has a point, from the standpoint of one who doesnt actually have a nova or supernova, how would it look to you? I mean, if you didnt have one and read how long we've been waiting for an update that was said to be released over a year ago, what kind of impression would that give you of the company? What makes you think the SN2 won't suffer the same fate?

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Message 35/35             31-Oct-00  @  03:29 PM   -   RE: Supernova 1.. Remember it?



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What is it with the Faschist attitude toward people who have an opinion on whether they are receiving good service from Novation.. If you are happy with the service then fine, if not then feel free to moan your arse off. The Internet is all about freedom of expression, not about being worried whether we piss off a Novation employee!!! The argument is whether you are happy seeing Special buttons that do nothing.. Are you happy with the word 'Beta' flasing up every time you switch the Supernova on? To me this is unbelievably shoddy from Novation and deserves an answer one way or another.. That, my friends, is all...

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