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Subject: How does a sequencer work?

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Original Message 1/37             11-Oct-00  @  03:29 AM   -   How does a sequencer work?

Silver Droid

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By sequencer, I mean a dedicated MIDI sequencer box like the Yamaha Rm1x or those Roland's.....

I'm talking about orchestrating multiple synths and drum machines and how the fuck is all that done when there's no display like there is in Cubase and Cakewalk?

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Message 2/37             11-Oct-00  @  03:33 AM   -   RE: How does a sequencer work?



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It's all on a tiny LCD.Everything else works the same.Is this a serious question or some sort of set up?I'll be glad to explain but it'll take quite a bit of hunt and peck typing.

H stands for Hardware

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Message 3/37             11-Oct-00  @  11:18 AM   -   RE: How does a sequencer work?


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Go to, for example, the Akai site and download the PDF manual for the MPC. You'll see some illustrations of the screen and get a darn good idea what the differences are regarding computer-based applications.One thing is definate : the timing is tight and crash-risk is down to zero.The visability issue is something you get used to pretty fast so don't let that be the reason to withhold you from any decision.


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Message 4/37             11-Oct-00  @  02:33 PM   -   RE: How does a sequencer work?

Silver Droid

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That's what I've always been wondering...the MPC is a perfect example. Everyone raves about how amazing that thing is for sequencing. I'm really gonna check that shite out tonight. Thanks.

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Message 5/37             11-Oct-00  @  03:27 PM   -   RE: How does a sequencer work?


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Trust me on this, bought it like,two months ago and it realy is my centerpiece now.Lots of very cool features at the hit of a button or shift-hit a button... but always fast accessable.Read through the manual a bit for the possibilities.


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Message 6/37             11-Oct-00  @  06:12 PM   -   RE: How does a sequencer work?



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I'm still kicking myself for selling my mt32 for a stupid, stupid amount of money...

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Message 7/37             11-Oct-00  @  07:06 PM   -   RE: How does a sequencer work?

Local Boy

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Trev, the mt32 is a LA module, and a pretty pantsie one at that! If you got 40squids for it u r laughing.

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Message 8/37             11-Oct-00  @  07:12 PM   -   RE: How does a sequencer work?



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Droid, a H/W sequencer is def worth checking, I started off on a trusty mmt8 when they first came out and I did some real cool shite with it. Not being able to see the data on a big screen with graphics and shit can be an advantage, you tend to concentrate more on how the music sounds rather than how it looks. True you can't draw in cc's and shit, but you can produce decent music without all these mod cons. Try out a decent H/W unit like a mmt8, RM1x, MPC or similar for a week or so and you will prolly love it given your unnatural (me too) love for droidz.

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Message 9/37             11-Oct-00  @  09:35 PM   -   RE: How does a sequencer work?



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dammit, I meant mmt8...

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Message 10/37             12-Oct-00  @  03:22 AM   -   RE: How does a sequencer work?

Silver Droid

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I was checking out the Roland MC-80 and Akai MPC2000. Too fucking expensive. I'm considering a Roland MC-500 or MC-303.

The MC-303 looks the best for me right now. It's got 8 channel (good enough for me right now) and only $325.00 USD.

Comments? (I will not even bother plugging in the MC-303 to my mixer, I only wanna use it for MIDI sequencing and to maybe use the 16 step sequencer with my synths, so let's not open that can of worms!) ;p

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Message 11/37             12-Oct-00  @  03:51 AM   -   RE: How does a sequencer work?

ReZo 2k


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Fucking liar!




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Message 12/37             12-Oct-00  @  07:27 AM   -   RE: How does a sequencer work?



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The MC303 isn't technically an sequencer.You should look for a used VFXsd don't get the VFX(no seq.)It has an easy to use pattern based sequencer and can make some pretty grainy digital sounds and there are lot's Sound disks that were available for it.It is the best budget machine in my opinion and you can get alot done w/ it.It has all the goodies loop based realtime quantizing pattern architecture and they have polyphonic aftertouch to boot.Stay away from the roland MC50 it does not loop.A nice feature of the VFXsd is that it allows you to assign 6 sequences/patterns on the screen w/ a button for each so you can try different arrangements before you write your song playlist mode.I think this is a classy machine even if it's a sleeper.The disk drive can be easily replaced and it uses that flourescent display for great visibility on stage.Skinny puppy used these machines for sequencing back in the day but I see them in really good condition for cheap all over the place 

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Message 13/37             12-Oct-00  @  11:39 AM   -   RE: How does a sequencer work?

909 Inc.


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He He! Rezo is right!
you want those tight patterns that
come with the mc 303. "dj 'nuff
respect" from Turkey and DJ
"MeBuyE'kosI'msofat" from Iceland.



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Message 14/37             12-Oct-00  @  02:20 PM   -   RE: How does a sequencer work?


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Yeah, or SuperGreg...


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Message 15/37             12-Oct-00  @  02:58 PM   -   RE: How does a sequencer work?



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Yes sequencer shit is´nt easy. Perhaps i have an good solution for low money!
Buy an MAM SQ-16 Sequencer. Its an 16 Step (Tb-303 like sequencer) for 3 Synthesizer lines (Virus, Kawai...) an 8 Drum lines for different Drum Sounds (HiHAt, Bass Kick, Cymbal). I´ve gonna check it out next time.


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Message 16/37             12-Oct-00  @  06:12 PM   -   RE: How does a sequencer work?



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Hardware sequencers rule! I just can't stand computer sequencers like cubase or cackwalk.I just prefer to use as many hardware sequencers as i can by syncing them all together because that way you can get so many variations and when you are doing a live set you are actually doing something rather than looking like a spare prick at a wedding.
I use a notron and mc303 mainly and it's vastly increased my output.The notron has got to be the best hardware sequencer ever invented check out the website

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Message 17/37             12-Oct-00  @  10:05 PM   -   RE: How does a sequencer work?

Silver Droid

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Remember, I'm not looking for a 16 step sequencer. I need a real full-fledged sequencer. I wanna layer down my Prophecy and both parts of my JP-8000 in MIDI, then export MIDI clock to the ER-1 / Drum Station and TB-303.

I'm sick of using the onboard arpeggiators and sequencers and want something more professional. Get what I'm saying?

RM1x looks like the bomb, it's $699.00 USD, but that's still a lot. Roland MC-80 is probably the best thing in existence, but it's $1,550.00 CAD over here.

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Message 18/37             13-Oct-00  @  01:29 AM   -   RE: How does a sequencer work?

909 Inc.


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Why not just run Logic?

I have been using a mmt-8 for like
almost 2 years, and I'm not going
back. The midi clock is more solid on
the mmt8 though. If you sequence a
drumstation, its like ,
bam,bam,bam,bam, rock solid! I
don't feel that in software seq.


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Message 19/37             13-Oct-00  @  10:08 AM   -   RE: How does a sequencer work?



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Ill try it one more time VFXsd $400 tops full fledged midi sequencer/synth(sort of)the same exact sequencer as in the asr-10 and asrx and eps Ensoniq.Disk drive poly aftertouch controller 61 keys.Hello $400 tops.Same sequencer alex reece used to seq w/ hello $400 US in Many pawn shops across the usa.

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Message 20/37             14-Oct-00  @  11:39 PM   -   RE: How does a sequencer work?

Silver Droid

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Sounds interesting. My uses music store downtown has a mint MC-500 mkII for sale ($350.00 CAD). Looks interesting, I just want more info before I do anything. Right now I gotta focuss on this big trade coming up.

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Message 21/37             15-Oct-00  @  03:12 AM   -   RE: How does a sequencer work?



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No REALTIME LOOP RECORDING RUN FROM IT.If I'm wrong someone is welcome to correct me.VFXsd.My MC-50 didn't have it anyway.I took it right back and crank called the techs for months.

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Message 22/37             15-Oct-00  @  09:34 PM   -   RE: How does a sequencer work?

Silver Droid

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So if I had an MC-500 mkII, you're saying that when I record, and play on a synth, it won't record the notes in realtime??

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Message 23/37             16-Oct-00  @  08:29 AM   -   RE: How does a sequencer work?



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It will record the notes you'll just have to play all the notes in the pattern through once like a multi track.

last chance VFXsd you'll love me for it

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Message 24/37             16-Oct-00  @  11:15 PM   -   RE: How does a sequencer work?

Silver Droid

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I think I'm gonna stay away from hardware sequencing right now. I'm gonna get the Z1 sequenced (all 6 parts) in Cubase and learn more how to use Cubase....I know basic Cakewalk, so it shouldn't be too too bad.

Right now, I gotta sell my Prophecy and invest in the MS2000R.

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Message 25/37             20-Oct-00  @  02:25 AM   -   RE: How does a sequencer work?



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I've thought of getting a harware sequencer
for a while, because I really, really, don't like
cubase. I can't count how many cool little
mini songs I've lost because of cubase
crashing my computer(which only
crashes in cubase). I don't get how they
work though, hopefully someone can clarify:
do they let you send as many channels as
your setup has(like in cubase), or do they
only have sixteen channels that have to be
spread between your synths? And do they
have multiple outputs or do you still need a
patchbay/interface. Does anyone know of
an XoX style midi sequencer?

Oh, and about that VFXsd. I've had one(my
first) and it was the single worst synth i've
ever owned sound and editing wise(even
below the foot-long casio I got for Christmas
when I was five), but it's sequencer was
pretty cool.

Last Q: I have a K2000, which has quite a
neat seq in it. Would it be possible to use it
as a multi-synth sequncer?

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Message 26/37             20-Oct-00  @  02:30 AM   -   RE: How does a sequencer work?



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I've thought of getting a harware sequencer
for a while, because I really, really, don't like
cubase. I can't count how many cool little
mini songs I've lost because of cubase
crashing my computer(which only
crashes in cubase). I don't get how they
work though, hopefully someone can clarify:
do they let you send as many channels as
your setup has(like in cubase), or do they
only have sixteen channels that have to be
spread between your synths? And do they
have multiple outputs or do you still need a
patchbay/interface. Does anyone know of
an XoX style midi sequencer?

Oh, and about that VFXsd. I've had one(my
first) and it was the single worst synth i've
ever owned sound and editing wise(even
below the foot-long casio I got for Christmas
when I was five), but it's sequencer was
pretty cool.

Last Q: I have a K2000, which has quite a
neat seq in it. Would it be possible to use it
as a multi-synth sequncer?

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Message 27/37             20-Oct-00  @  07:54 AM   -   RE: How does a sequencer work?



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I wrote it allready on this topic:

The MAM-SQ16 is an XoX style Midi Sequencer. You have 8 channels for drum sounds. And 3 or 4 Channels for some other Synths. And you have the same Step Sequenzing optinons like the TB 303 have. Plus some more.

Ore you use the Future Retro Möbius.
Its also an TB like sequencer already used in the FR-777.
Check it out at:


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Message 28/37             20-Oct-00  @  01:22 PM   -   RE: How does a sequencer work?


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Or if you want to spend some more on it , check the MPC. 2xMIDIins + 2xMIDIouts = 32ch And ,I believe,16 tracks for samples. But it's been spoken of in this very thread.....


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Message 29/37             20-Oct-00  @  06:49 PM   -   RE: How does a sequencer work?



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Sorry I didn't specify. I don't really like
303 type sequencers. By XoX I
meant 808 or 909. Anything with a
button for every step(and maybe even
a nudge function to move notes to
32nd's between the steps??). Oh
well, guess I'll have to try to make it
someday. I guess the Mc 303 is my
only option there, but I don't think I
could bring myself to get one of
those. Or does that MAM thing have
step buttons also? I couldn't any
pics of it online, just info.

Oh, and if this double posts, sorry,
it's been happening to me a lot lately.

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Message 30/37             21-Oct-00  @  09:13 AM   -   RE: How does a sequencer work?

ReZo 2k


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Check out the Korg ER-1. The ER-1 is perfect for MIDI sequencing. 16 step 808/909 style sequencing. Shuffle, 32nd's, all you can ask for. get all the sounds from the ER-1 which are very fat and very useful. I'd never get rid of my ER-1 for sequencing reasons and cause the sounds are so raw. I use it to sequence my Drum Station and have no problems what so ever. I also have an EA-1 and the sequencer on it is also fucking wicked. I use it to sequence my Juno's, CZ-101, BassStation, TX81z, Microcon II, etc. PLUS...again, the internal sounds are fucking killer. And the price...unfucking beatable.

Just my 2 cents


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Message 31/37             21-Oct-00  @  04:29 PM   -   RE: How does a sequencer work?

Silver Droid

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I'm starting to work now in Cubase. So far, I have it exporting MIDI clock to my ER-1 and running two seperate timbres from my Z1. It's fucking wicked and looks like it's gonna work well.

Additionally, you can record WAVE within Cubase, so I don't have to use Cool Edit Pro (externally) which drains more processing power.

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Message 32/37             22-Oct-00  @  06:06 AM   -   RE: How does a sequencer work?



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Do you know if there's a way to use the EA
and ER in conjunction so that the
rythymic(linear) aspect of it could be done
with the er, and the pitches entered with the
ea? Kinda like one sending CV and one
sending gate? I mean I know theres
probably no function in them that does that,
but would it be possible somehow?

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Message 33/37             22-Oct-00  @  06:31 AM   -   RE: How does a sequencer work?



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I aint tryin to be a smartass but considering that the sequencers on both work basically the same why can't you just use those midi ports to sync them up and step program the ea-1 in the places on da grid then adjust the gate time and note on the Ea-1?

just wonderin?

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Message 34/37             22-Oct-00  @  06:05 PM   -   RE: How does a sequencer work?

ReZo 2k


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Trypt: On the ER-1 you can enter the note (pitch) and the step that you want to use. I don't think you can control the gate time though but you can do all the above on the EA-1. The ER-1 is perfect for sequencing drum machines and the EA-1 is perfect for sequencing synths and drum machines.

H: You can.


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Message 35/37             22-Oct-00  @  07:32 PM   -   RE: How does a sequencer work?



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Cool, thanks=) Hopefully soon, no more

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Message 36/37             22-Oct-00  @  09:38 PM   -   RE: How does a sequencer work?



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dancetech is for idiots. ravers can't count.


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Message 37/37             23-Oct-00  @  02:39 AM   -   RE: How does a sequencer work?



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it was a rhetorical question i got an Ea-1 myself.Thanks for answering though most peeps just say fuck you!

-;) I like gridz but MPC good stuff.ea-1 good for some tings dough ras MPC has only crashed 1 time and I got the first one that showed up at the store.Great live tool too.Just read the brochure.

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