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Subject: Roland sucks

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Original Message                 Date: 30-Oct-99  @  03:27 PM   -   Roland sucks


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not saying i believe this totally, but maybe it will bring some attention to this forum..but maybe roland does truly suck ass compared to

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Message 31/42             05-Jan-00  @  05:18 PM   -   RE: Roland sucks



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The JP8000 ain't all that. Owned one for over a year and ditched it. If that is the best thing Roland can offer when their competitors are Waldorf, Access, and Novation then that's pretty sad. Not to mention it was $1300 when it first came out. You can easily get one on the Web for $700 because everyone wants to spend another couple hundred and get a virus. Fuck Roland. Even the 8080 is a big plastic piece of crap. The pads are nice, but it has only one part timbral. For that kind of cash you are wasting your time. No single sound out of the 8080 or 8000 is worth $1200 so you'd be a fool to buy it you are playing anything live.

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Message 32/42             06-Jan-00  @  11:23 AM   -   RE: Roland sucks



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The JP-8080 is actually 2 part, and is most definitely worth the money. It sounds amazing, has a bunch of nice effects, an excellent vocoder, tons of memory (and expandability) for patches. Oh and it's actually made of sturdy metal.

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Message 33/42             07-Jan-00  @  12:23 PM   -   RE: Roland sucks

Sneaky Skillz


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WOWWWW!!!!!It's 2 parts, that's amazing. Who gives a crap, that's suppose to impress me. The second part is just so you can make a performance patch or a split.

As for the plastic part.. sorry I got carried away. The 8080 is metal unlike it's plastic buddy the 8000. I owned one for a year and sold it. Got the $1300 receipt to prove my stupidity. Why would you pay the money for an 8080 when you could buy a Virus (this is the access chat room isn't it??). Do you even own any access or waldorf gear or are you just here to feel better about the money you wasted. You don't need both because the Virus can do everything the 8080 can do on one channel. Then you still have 15 more to go.

Sorry, you're not convincing me, and neither is that big ass rack mount that loses the one thing the 8000 has going for it - a ribbon controller. Don't get me wrong, as I said above it doesn't sound half bad. Just not nearly worth the cash and doesn't come close to its competition.

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Message 34/42             07-Jan-00  @  01:04 PM   -   RE: Roland sucks



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The business person in me has this thought.

I am president of Roland. I make products that people buy in droves and people like the sound of. I have been making these produtcts for 20 years, and have stood the test of time. My company is making money, I am getting return customers and new customers every day. Yet there is a section of the population that doesn't like my product. They say it relies too heavily on the success of the past and is not "innovative" enough. They say my corporate strategy sucks and my marketing is cheesy and I have no ethics.

Now, I can do two things. 1. I can continue as I have been doing for 20 years or 2. I can change my direction to satisfy the vocal malcontents (no offense). Option 1 seems very logical. Option 2 seems very logical but you run the risk of losing your existing customer base - which is the worst business decision someone can make (think about it. Roland stops making the gear that has been successful for them for 20 years, so their users throw their hands up and say "they aren't going to support me anymore!" Word spreads, noones buying roland gear, the company flounders.)

If you don't like their gear, fine. But there are alot of people who like what they make and are willing to pay for it. A lot of people like Akai samplers, and a lot of people don't like Akai samplers. What's the difference?

I read that piece about the guy getting shafted by Roland and that sucks. Have we verified the truth of that story? I am not calling the guy a liar because for all I know, he could be telling the truth. But do we know he is not telling the truth? Are we sure that we got the whole story? I am not. Something like that is he said she said and I am not a fan of that.

Now why don't put this argument to rest?

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Message 35/42             07-Jan-00  @  02:18 PM   -   RE: Roland sucks



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No one is saying that Roland is going to change, that's the point. Hopefully newcomers to the world of synths can read chats like these and think twice about getting sucked in to buying a product that is made not to be innovative or quality, but to bring in the big sales. That is why Access is doing so well. That is why Future Retro has had a 7 week waiting list since it hit the market and why Jomox is taking thousands of orders for the Sun Syn which no one has even touched. These companies are the "high end" of a market that has many levels of quality. Roland sucks because they charge high end prices for mid grade gear. Plain and simple. No one can argue that the construction of Roland goods;ie. plastic, is better than that of wood, metal, and rubber knobs. If Roland put out a real analogue beast, people would buy it up. hell, I would buy it! But they don't because they suck. Sorry

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Message 36/42             07-Jan-00  @  02:18 PM   -   RE: Roland sucks



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No one is saying that Roland is going to change, that's the point. Hopefully newcomers to the world of synths can read chats like these and think twice about getting sucked in to buying a product that is made not to be innovative or quality, but to bring in the big sales. That is why Access is doing so well. That is why Future Retro has had a 7 week waiting list since it hit the market and why Jomox is taking thousands of orders for the Sun Syn which no one has even touched. These companies are the "high end" of a market that has many levels of quality. Roland sucks because they charge high end prices for mid grade gear. Plain and simple. No one can argue that the construction of Roland goods;ie. plastic, is better than that of wood, metal, and rubber knobs. If Roland put out a real analogue beast, people would buy it up. hell, I would buy it! But they don't because they suck. Sorry

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Message 37/42             07-Jan-00  @  02:48 PM   -   RE: Roland sucks



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I just don`t like the way they make these toys (and I`m not including JPs in that sweeping statement), charge a LOT of money 4 them, and try and market them as "serious" music making tools.

Yam and Korg have looked at the money Roland r making out of it and followed suit, but the difference is they make sure its a quality, useable piece.

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Message 38/42             07-Jan-00  @  03:38 PM   -   RE: Roland sucks


Posts: 81

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they make a lot of products too..maybe if they could just focus a little more on one thing. like those overpriced hard dick recorders. or those horrible pitchbend/modwheel-in-one thingys...bla bla bla bla bla  (

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Message 39/42             07-Jan-00  @  11:29 PM   -   RE: Roland sucks



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Yamaha makes motor cycles and they make damn good samplers (from what I hear - never used one myself). My Korg has a modwheel/pitchbend thingy. I'm sorry, but I just don't see the "cheapness" to their products. I have to qualify that with the fact that I don't own any of their products, but from the complaints out there about build quality, I can't say they sound any different. People critized the RM1X for having crappy knobs, but I don't see it. Mine feels fine to me. I couldn't pick the unit up by a knob, but I wouldn't try that either. The modwheel/pitchbend is kind of anying at times, but I can't complain. Respectfully, I don't see Roland doing anything different than other companies. If that's the complaint, well, I guess I should start a thread that says "Korg sucks!" and "Yamaha sucks". I'm not trying to dis anyones opinion here, honestly, I just disagree. Access, Waldorf, Jamox et. al. are great products, but they won't always appeal to everyone. Some companies are agressive, others conservative, others in the middle. Roland appears to be on the conservative side, but I can't hold that against them. I have to say I don't care for their products, but if they come out with something new, I'm gonna give it a chance and not just say "hey - another shit 'groove' box from Roland." I paid around the same money for my Korg as I could have on a Roland synth, but I liked the sounds of the Korg more. (funny, I am thinking of ditching the Korg for a Microwave XT :-)
Is it really "Roland sucks!" or "I really hate the sound of Rolands gear and the knobs on the front!"?

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Message 40/42             08-Jan-00  @  10:55 AM   -   RE: Roland sucks



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No, its: "I hate the corporate attitude of Roland". People deserve more 4 their money.

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