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Subject: Supernova for Trance

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Original Message                 Date: 03-Aug-99  @  06:16 PM   -   Supernova for Trance



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Is the Supernova a good choice for making epic trance (like Lange, Matt Darey, Future Breeze...). Today I have a Yamaha EX5R and would like to complete with something new.

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Message 31/47             18-Aug-99  @  09:03 PM   -   RE: Supernova for Trance



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actually, reading back afterwards i think im out of order to criticise so much, sorry about that, i suppose it may be relevent in part to those trying to define trance for the sake of the original question, but i cant criticise the actual musics peoples business... the artists do their toons, and they get classified as whatever..... sorry, about that if it come over slaggy/bitchy.... been a hard week, bit uptite...

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Message 32/47             19-Aug-99  @  03:43 AM   -   RE: Supernova for Trance


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Even still,I agrea with you.Am I bitchy then ? no,just hounest.

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Message 33/47             19-Aug-99  @  11:24 AM   -   RE: Supernova for Trance



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I agree with your comments K, I think the danger in all of this is the categorising of music, like you said theres nothing wrong with the actual music its just the category its defined as, this will always be a contentious issue and as long as the marketing people insist on neatly pigeon-holeing everything to make things easier to sell I'm afraid that will always be the case.

PS: Maarten, I know Baby Doc is still going, I meant that his early nineties hard trance stuff might be difficult to get hold off, sorry for any confusion.

PPS: Id also like to know if Union Jack are doing anything under a different name these days.

PPPS: I love my Supernova and will happily testify to its ability to create old school Trance music as well as the music currently going under that title.

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Message 34/47             28-Aug-99  @  09:01 AM   -   RE: Supernova for Trance



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Hello K,

And everyone else. Just got a Supernova. Awesome thing it is. Love reading the chat here too.

I'm new to all of this stuff. What is some great Trance music I can listen to?

Also I live in New York City. Am slowly building up a studio and writing music. Don't know what genre it all fits into. It's just music for now. Went to see Orbital in NYC. Love their music. Anyway if anyone is looking for someone to work with in putting some serious fun stuff together that people can dance as well as listen to - in NYC - let me know. I'll soon be ready to work with someone. Thanks to all for your insights, fun, and helpfulness. A British friend in NYC got me involved in all of this computer/synth stuff. Figures doesn't it. I'm havin' a blast.


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Message 35/47             28-Aug-99  @  03:09 PM   -   RE: Supernova for Trance



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For trance try Miles Davis, Live/Evil. Everything since then that calls itself trance is basically second-rate disco without a good beat.  

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Message 36/47             28-Aug-99  @  05:09 PM   -   RE: Supernova for Trance



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That was quick. Couldn't have asked for a better answer. I have that recording and many others of Miles. "Big Fun" is great. I've performed with the tabla player from that recording, i.e. Badal Roy many times (check my e-mail name for a hint as to what I played).

I guess what I'm looking for is what many people call Trance Music today without going through a collection of single-dimensional (more or less) dance music which claims to be Trance as K had mentioned. It could just be that Miles is the only answer that satisfies.

fude 4 thot :-0

Thanks again,
sitarsong (oops)

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Message 37/47             29-Aug-99  @  08:11 AM   -   RE: Supernova for Trance



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Hello K

responding to Aug 18. I don't think your nuts at all.

I'm in New York City and have often heard about the drugs and designer drinks that go around clubs. Not a good thing for anyone much less young people. I've been a pro musician in several genres for most of my life and am new to Synth/Dance music of any kind. I love this stuff. Sitting at the computer making music gets both sides of my brain going, (which at this point means both brain cells). I went to see Orbital in New York. They were the featured group. The Crystal Method and Lo Fidelity All Stars also performed. What I experienced in the packed crowd was wonderful. A lotta young people being really great to eachother. Taking turns massaging one-anothers' shoulders. Hugging. Stuff like that.

I guess what I want to say is that we musicians can really have a positive effect on people. I feel it is part of our responsibility. I don't know Trance and hope a couple more people here can point me in the right direction for this genre. I think that your concerns are all too real. At the same time as humhum said, things will always change. I think we all have this incredibly powerful tool called the Supernova at our disposals which will help us to create music more immediately and powerfully than ever before. It's great to have a conscience and philosophy to go along with the total control over effects for each part in a multitimbral setup. My hat is off to this conversation. I think I like Supernova people.

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Message 38/47             29-Aug-99  @  11:35 AM   -   RE: Supernova for Trance



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yeah, I've got a good Union-Jack track on an ambient trance album, it's that one where it uses the 'water-slapping' riddims of some s'american amazon tribe (or somewhere) and the track is built around that... mate of mines got the original from where the audio 'water-slapping' was lifted, interesting 'ethnic' album..... that track is on Phantasm's - 'Surrender to the Vibe' album ...

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Message 39/47             29-Aug-99  @  02:24 PM   -   RE: Supernova for Trance



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Thanks K. I'll see if I can find it.


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Message 40/47             29-Aug-99  @  02:58 PM   -   RE: Supernova for Trance



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if you've played with Badal Roy my hat is truly off to you -- I sit here awestruck, and wishing I could give you a more up-to-date answer.

I think I was in shock when I went to, checked out the dance/electronica section, checked out what people thought was "hot trance" and was amazed at the banal gloop I ended up with (sigh). I am sincerely hoping 'tis not representative of the genre.

I come from ye good olde days, obviously, where radio shows like "Music from the Heart of Space" in Berkeley, CA (KPFA? if I remember?) defined "trance" for me (along with jazz, of course). I was expecting some sort of evolution/revolution of same in the current scene but haven't found it yet. Closest would be The Orb but they're old , maybe Autechre or Aphex Twin would count, also check out Boards of Canada (kind of "world music meets electronica on a dark and rainy night...?") for a start. And the main point of this reference list is so twenty referees can now prove me wrong and give you the _real_ scoop.  



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