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Subject: Novation are crap aren't they!

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Original Message 1/41             25-Oct-00  @  11:23 PM   -   Novation are crap aren't they!



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Why release "new" products that are so similar to old ones, especially when the old ones still don't have complete final OS's, and the new ones have so many bugs. Maybe you will get it right with Super\Nova 3. Hmmmm, Novation, there a connection? Comebacks? "Stay down Rock"

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Message 2/41             26-Oct-00  @  06:28 AM   -   RE: Novation are crap aren't they!



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Yeah, same old same old bitching.

It amazes me how many people are so cynical and bored that they don't appriciate what they have. I have more than one piece of gear that has a buggy OS that hasn't been updated in years. My Supernova is extremely stable and functional compared to these synths. And I'm not losing any sleep over that fact that my "special" buttons don't do anything yet (unlike a lot of people on this board).

Call me an old fart, but we should appreciate the fact that the technology we have works as well as it does.



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Message 3/41             26-Oct-00  @  12:20 PM   -   RE: Novation are crap aren't they!



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Well said Andy!

I'm with you totally!

But people need 'open' forums like this. Cos if they didn't have something to bitch about all the time then their lives wouldn't be worth living ......  



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Message 4/41             26-Oct-00  @  05:07 PM   -   RE: Novation are crap aren't they!



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You're an old fart... No offence, but would you be happy if a waiter spat in your soup? Would you be happy if a car salesman sold you a ferrari and you received a mini? Would you be over the moon if your off licence sold you a bottle of wine only to get home and find its anti-freeze? Well would you? I thought not, well why are you happy to be walked over by Novation? You paid good money for your Supernova and you never received what was promised to you at the start... You should be angry!! Come on where is your backbone?

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Message 5/41             26-Oct-00  @  05:29 PM   -   RE: Novation are crap aren't they!



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What exactly did they promise from the start?

Perhaps you could let me know what exactly is going to be implemented in the special buttons!

Novation have never specified in any publication exacty what will be implemented with these buttons, so I find your agument somewhat strange that you purchased the unit on buttons that were not specified and put there as an avenue for improvement.

Should we actually use forums like this to slagg people like Phill off endlessly? He has been helpful often and endlessly going on and on about this issue when they have said they will release a new OS will in the end stop participation on this forum.

Is this really what you want?

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Message 6/41             26-Oct-00  @  06:31 PM   -   RE: Novation are crap aren't they!



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Hey A, no matter to be upset. There are a handful of whiners who use this forum to complain.
Those who make music with their gear have left the forum long ago.

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Message 7/41             26-Oct-00  @  06:50 PM   -   RE: Novation are crap aren't they!



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Only a complete idiot would purchase equiment on the promise of new upgraded features. As for the ferrari\mini analogy
Its nothing like that at all is it. You buy a supernova, you get a supernova, its a simple as that. If, at some later stage, novation decided to add extra features via new OS`s etc then i think you should be grateful.
Buy equiment for what it IS and NOT what i could be.
Dear oh dear, there are some seriously misguided people around lol


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Message 8/41             26-Oct-00  @  07:26 PM   -   RE: Novation are crap aren't they!



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we gripe about our OS prob's in hardware but check this what i saw on the TV tonight... the new trains bought by UK rail companies costing 3 million each have had to be withdrawn cos the OS that runs the train's system is in it's 9th upgrade version and still has bugs causing doors to open or close at the wrong times, breakdowns etc..... so it seems to be a hardware thing accross the board eh!.. not just synths !! -

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Message 9/41             26-Oct-00  @  09:27 PM   -   RE: Novation are crap aren't they!



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Please, no more moaning, I've been using the SN for nearly two years and have never had a crash. Just ask a Q user how many crashes they've had. When analogues first came out they cost as much as a car and were superceded almost every year, so why does anyone expect things to be any different now?

Yes I'd love the extra filters and a better Phaser, but the instrument is great as it is and if you can't get decent sounds out of it I'd suggest you give up!

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Message 10/41             26-Oct-00  @  09:34 PM   -   RE: Novation are crap aren't they!



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i complain about the os all the time, but i still use my SN all the time for stuff... i just come on this board while im at work because i have nothing better to do... >:>

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Message 11/41             26-Oct-00  @  11:30 PM   -   RE: Novation are crap aren't they!



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an update on the os's status would do nicely

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Message 12/41             27-Oct-00  @  12:12 AM   -   RE: Novation are crap aren't they!



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i'm a q owner since sept 99, and my Q has never crashed. it's been on for about 3 months straight now too.. and it sounds fantastic. but, this is offtopic.

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Message 13/41             28-Oct-00  @  01:21 AM   -   RE: Novation are crap aren't they!



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By the way just to make it clear that I'm not slating the Q I think it is now a great synth, but they released it too soon as Gordon Reids excellent reviews in SOS demonstrated. The early OS pre 1.19 crashed every few hours. Version 1.19 onwards were stable. Now it is complete it is an exceptionally powerful synth.

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Message 14/41             28-Oct-00  @  07:24 AM   -   RE: Novation are crap aren't they!



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Uhh...the Supernova does what it said it could do. A Mini couldn't do what a Ferrari could, so your analogies are a bit off.
As A said, I didn't buy my Supernova merely because I was told it would eventually do more than it did when I bought it...did you?

It works well, it's stable, and it makes cool noises. It does just what it say on the tin. Anything else is a bonus, as far as I'm concerned.

...and you're a big stupid-head.

Jesus does not love me.


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Message 15/41             30-Oct-00  @  02:11 PM   -   RE: Novation are crap aren't they!



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I bought SN because I've heard in shop all sounds. Two days later I've discovered extra buttons. I've bought a sound I liked and I still do.
Hint. Try to make some tunes sameold.
Maybe you will get somewhere one day huh!?

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Message 16/41             30-Oct-00  @  08:52 PM   -   RE: Novation are crap aren't they!

same old shit


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what the hell do you think we do? stare at the SN trying to sum up enough telekinetic energy to make the special button light up??? I use my SN all the time, i still think its shit that we've been promised an update for over a year and still dont have it. I want an update because i think my SN is great, but i think it could be even better with some added functions.

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Message 17/41             30-Oct-00  @  11:34 PM   -   RE: Novation are crap aren't they!

see, i can use a false name too ya know...


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"i think my SN is great, but i think it could be even better with some added functions. "

totally unlike EVERYOTHER piece of equipment ever made then. Wheres my polyphonic minimoog, huh?

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Message 18/41             31-Oct-00  @  12:16 AM   -   RE: Novation are crap aren't they!



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there's those that bitch, and then they'res those that bitch about the bitchers. to me its all the same.

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Message 19/41             31-Oct-00  @  03:18 PM   -   RE: Novation are crap aren't they!



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Stupid head eh?? Well, I've been called worse. Where have I said that I didn't love my blue box of sonic delight??? Go on, where?? Where have I said that I never make great music with my Supernova? Go on, where??? Just because I have a spine and am willing to stand up for my consumer rights. I suggest you have a look back at all the reviews and spiel from Novation at the time it was first produced and then come back and tell me about 'special buttons'.. Why the F**k did they put the darn buttons on in the first place if they are not going to be implemented in any way. The upgradeability was always a selling point.. This subject has been done to death so to draw a big fat line under it, please read the next paragraph slowly...


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Message 20/41             31-Oct-00  @  06:07 PM   -   RE: Novation are crap aren't they!

Proud Novation owner


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For god sake Stevoe,

how many times must you be told.

There is gonna be a new OS for original Supernova. SIMPLE! You will have one!

And, it will have as many new features from the new Supernova II as possible.

So really, your machine will be even better for no extra cost. The delay in release for the new OS is not stopping to make your music, can you honestly say you have explored everything the Supernova can do already?

Novation are not crap, they make top quality gear. You did not think they were rubbish when you originally purchased your SN did you or you would not be here on this forum today. Yes, everyone is agreeing that we have had to wait too long for the new OS. I totally agree with you and stand with you on the customer rights thing. But all good things come to those who wait and now V1.5 is out for SNII, it will not be long now will it.

Take a chill pill man, you seem to spend too much time whinging on here instead of doing what we love best - making music. Yes the good thing about the internet is freedom of speech but then anyone can hide their identity. U could just be a competitor stirring the couldron just cos you have not made such a fine synth first. Who knows. No disrespect meant, if you can say what you want then I am quite within my rights to voice my own opinion.

Novation - hurry up with this OS! I know its gonna be fantastic for us Supernova owners.

Keepin it real on the leftside.

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Message 21/41             31-Oct-00  @  08:43 PM   -   RE: Novation are crap aren't they!



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would you buy a car if some of the controls didnt work but the dealer promised to make them work some time when you bring it in for a tune-up?

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Message 22/41             31-Oct-00  @  11:25 PM   -   RE: Novation are crap aren't they!



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You're all spoiled rotten.

What other product is there that keeps improving (for free!) after you bought it ?

Quit complaining, and use what you've got - it doesn't get much better until you're willing to pay for something better...

Maybe Novation ought to start having their customers pay for new OS, like Kurzweil and other brands, rather than giving it away to ungrateful little brats ?

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Message 23/41             31-Oct-00  @  11:27 PM   -   RE: Novation are crap aren't they!



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Hee..hee... "gulp" just taken my chill pill... So you say they will upgrade the software to what was promised. If that is the case then I am well and truly chilled. Unfortunately I have become so sceptical about Novation I believe it when I see it with them..

If I had the capability to design and build a synth that is half as good as the Supernova, even in its incomplete 'Beta' stage I wouldn't be here now whinging, I would be on a tropical island sipping on a Gin & tonic surrounded by scantilly clad women..

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Message 24/41             01-Nov-00  @  01:14 AM   -   RE: Novation are crap aren't they!



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gb, one word: Access. They have consistently updated their OS with new features (not just improved stuff) regularly for several years. Granted, the updates dont come that often, but when they do they're worth it. Its now been over a year since the last SN/Nova update, and during that time we've been consistenly treated to the "soon" "in a few weeks" "after blahblah show" and even then, we still dont even know what we're gonna get. woo-hoo, new reverb models. who gives a shit, they're going to sound like crap anyway so why not deep six that and give us some new OSC and filter models!!!

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Message 25/41             01-Nov-00  @  10:19 AM   -   RE: Novation are crap aren't they!



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I suggest you sell up and buy an Access synth then bees seeing as you think the sun shines out of their OSC-hole!


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Message 26/41             01-Nov-00  @  10:35 AM   -   RE: Novation are crap aren't they!

Proud Novation Owner


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Bees - NO of course I would not buy a car with controls that didn't work - but its hardly the same thing is it?

So, why did you bother buying the SN in the first place - I mean it's an expensive piece of kit you cannot honestly say you based your decision to get this rather than anything else purely on the fact that the machine may "ONE DAY" have a new OS that will make use of the special button even though they don't work now!

You must have been overall happy with the machine without the special button. Unless you have more money than brains. Why bother harp on and on, do you want Novation to just rush out a new crap would that be. We want a new OS fully beta tested with loads of goodies. Not some mish mash which is put together in a hurry. Think about it. This aint stopping you continuing in what you do and it aint gonna cost us any more money to upgrade our older synths to nearly a SNII! You can't buy a new car then a year later when the model is upgraded & improved just get your dealer to change your older model! and for free! the dealer would look at you as if you were some kind of idiot!

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Message 27/41             01-Nov-00  @  01:48 PM   -   RE: Novation are crap aren't they!



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Now I am bored...

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Message 28/41             01-Nov-00  @  02:28 PM   -   RE: Novation are crap aren't they!

sham onu


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bees - you got it wrong there. i bought a car recently and it had near the fog light button another button. it doesn't do anything but it's there just in case.

i then find that alot of cars have this spare button. it would be a sad day if all these owners went back to their dealer asking for a purpose for it.

i tell you - sell your nova and release your tension.......then what??

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Message 29/41             01-Nov-00  @  07:32 PM   -   RE: Novation are crap aren't they!



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yeah man - i'm selling my Polo cos the cigarette lighter button is just a fucking blanking plate !!! - rip off bastards !!!!! :P

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Message 30/41             01-Nov-00  @  07:52 PM   -   RE: Novation are crap aren't they!



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Some of you are starting to scare me...I was going to buy a Nova w/confidence of getting a good piece of gear...Now I'm hearing about all of these bugs...How often do they happen?...what are they?...Can they easily be fixed???

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Message 31/41             01-Nov-00  @  08:56 PM   -   RE: Novation are crap aren't they!



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yes, i have been very happy with my SN, and I like it a lot. It was very expensive but I justified it as worth it because A. it has features which kick the other synths asses B. with the supposed expansion of the OS to include more filters and OSC, it made it an even more tantalizing buy. BUT that has never happenned. And Ive had my SN long enough to know that this "OSC's in the Next OS release" has been going on since 2.0!!

You people missed my point about the car... what i meant was would you buy a car if it had buttons that didnt work but the DEALER SAID they'd make them work later... Sure, my car has buttons that dont work too.

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Message 32/41             01-Nov-00  @  09:00 PM   -   RE: Novation are crap aren't they!



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by the way Sue, I do own a virus, and its very nice. you should try one out because it complements the SN nicely.
I do like my SN and I do use it all the time. You people seem to miss the point of it. I use my SN, its a powerful synth, but the point, at least for me, is that we have been told FOR OVER A YEAR NOW that we would get a new os "in a couple weeks" or whatever... the reason Im pissed is that we've been promised this for over a year, and still no delivery. I just want what I was told I was going to get in September of 1999.

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Message 33/41             02-Nov-00  @  11:25 AM   -   RE: Novation are crap aren't they!



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Who told you bees?

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Message 34/41             02-Nov-00  @  09:16 PM   -   RE: Novation are crap aren't they!


Posts: 80

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'Special people' need 'special buttons'.

Bugs, where?


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Message 35/41             02-Nov-00  @  09:47 PM   -   RE: Novation are crap aren't they!



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who told me what?

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Message 36/41             03-Nov-00  @  09:29 AM   -   RE: Novation are crap aren't they!



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bees - "I just want what I was told I was going to get in September of 1999."

Remember saying that? .... Yes? ... OK.



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Message 37/41             03-Nov-00  @  11:34 PM   -   RE: Novation are crap aren't they!



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What, that it was going to be out in september of 99?

that would have been on this very messageboard, posted by phill himself.

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Message 38/41             04-Nov-00  @  12:02 PM   -   RE: Novation are crap aren't they!



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So bees - you were told "september '99" AFTER you bought your SN?


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Message 39/41             05-Nov-00  @  03:58 AM   -   RE: Novation are crap aren't they!



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Message 40/41             06-Nov-00  @  07:20 PM   -   RE: Novation are crap aren't they!

You're bitching because...


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They left room for improvements and put spare buttons on a machine so that when a OS upgrade comes along you will have buttons to push instead of having to press a shift key or worse go find your upgraded features buried where they aren't easy to access from the front panel.

Do you take medication?I think you're a retard.You compared a Ferrari to a MINI.this demonstrates your level of of reality based comprehension.ZERO.Maybe a Nova isn't a bad idea after all.I liked the way the super sounded and when the sales guy said this button doesn't do anything I said wow they left spare buttons on.Have patience.If some dude told you they would have an upgrade and you didn't get it as quick as you liked I suggest you try writing the upgrade yourself.Sell it or put some tape over those buttons they're driving you mad.

Does the nova have extra buttons on it?

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Message 41/41             06-Nov-00  @  08:43 PM   -   RE: Novation are crap aren't they!



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no, i bought my SN in april of 99. Ive been coming to this messageboard since even before I got my SN, to check out the user community.

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