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Subject: Supernova for Trance

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Original Message                 Date: 03-Aug-99  @  06:16 PM   -   Supernova for Trance



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Is the Supernova a good choice for making epic trance (like Lange, Matt Darey, Future Breeze...). Today I have a Yamaha EX5R and would like to complete with something new.

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Message 41/47             29-Aug-99  @  04:04 PM   -   RE: Supernova for Trance



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Thank you realtrance.

Never been to Berkeley but I hear ya.
This is a great site. People really respond. I hope I can live up to the spirit here.

Yea. Badal is a great guy. Lots of fun and we go back together quite a few years. He's been gigging and recording a lot over the last several years with Ornette Coleman, as well as playing with a pair of guitar players who I believe are from South America. I haven't been in touch with Badal for 2 or 3 years. He is a lot of fun and we have spent most of our times together raggin' on eachother (between sets), always in good fun. It was always a good experience for me.

So I'm gonna check out your recommendations and see what I can dig up. Thanks so much. We'll await the referees for the final decision and then see if the fight was fixed. I really appreciate you and K getting back to me on this. Can't tell you how excited I am about the creative things everyone is doing. And I'm right there in the mix, no pun intended.


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Message 42/47             31-Aug-99  @  01:41 AM   -   RE: Supernova for Trance



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just on the original post... i quickly knocked upa sorta hard-house beat based trance thing as i was testing and setting up my studio and just running thru things.... i played it on the phone to a mate, and he said: .... "that is the sorta music i was listeing to when i lived in Goa for 3 months..".... so yeah, it'll do classic goa ok..

that Surrender to the Vibe' album is absoluteluy superb.. Phantasm are a great label... aint got the number right now, but they are down at Queenstown raod in battersea (sw11??).... that surrender to the vibe album incidently is one of the best mixed/mastered albums ive heard... cos it's al ambient stuff, the editing has to be really good to merge the material... and.. check it... it was mixed on a Korg soundlink system by... Phill !! - (Novation)... when he was with korg i beleive... absolutely SUPERB sound on that album... and on Fill Your Head With Phantasm... it aint cutting edge trance now, but great stuff... there is some superb trance music out there... some really great work has gone into the better tracks.... some of the synth detail is excellent..

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Message 43/47             31-Aug-99  @  04:15 AM   -   RE: Supernova for Trance



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Thanks for the tip k. I'll check out the compilation you mentioned.

BTW "On the Corner" by Miles Davis is worth checking out as well..that guy was waaaaay ahead of his time.

Anyone interested in the origins of trance really should check out "CAN" especially their debut album "Monster Movie" I think its called.


PS: Im not the slightest bit jealous that sitarsong has played with Badal Roy.

PPS: the above statement is a big fat lie!!!!

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Message 44/47             31-Aug-99  @  04:12 PM   -   RE: Supernova for Trance


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Great to see people are interested in
Trance music.

It got a bit hard for a while but the
latest compilations finally recognise
the art.

I personally like the more commercial
side of melodic trance. Its actually
I think harder to come up with great
lines in the Trace genre than to
construct a classic song. ( I know
many would disagree but there you

I have mastered 6 trance albums for
Phantasam and & listened to a lot of
different stuff.

Medicine Drum and Union Jack and many
others come to mind as great pioneers
and continue to deliver great stiff.

I think a great line is better (
almost ) than a great sound. But a
great sound does help.

We at Novation strive to create
products that create the sounds you
want. ( I am trying to do it all the
time ) and I would like to hear what
you think a great trance sound is!!

I personally think the Supernova/Nova
is an ideal vehicle for this type of
sound as you have all the effects to
play with live as well as the synth

Hey any ideas about what sounds you
guys want...let me know

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Message 45/47             31-Aug-99  @  04:59 PM   -   RE: Supernova for Trance


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Well, basically I thought I'd died and gone to heaven (and I don't even believe such a thing exists! sorry... ) when I got my Supernova. Thank you for this splendiferous instrument.

I agree with you about a great line vs. a great sound -- I was listening to "Talking Timbuktu" today (Ali Farka Toure with Ry Cooder, Clarence "Gatemouth" Brown, Jim Keltner and John Patitucci, Rykodisc/World Circuit) and Toure's lines are _amazing_ on this album. You could certainly do worse than spend some time listening to this music and thinking about how to respond to it with a Supernova.  

Personally, I'd love to see more in the way of electronic plucked solo string sounds (Karplus & Strong here we come!), a la African and Indian folk music both -- not _emulations_ mind you of a tabla or kora, but something that would, say, play along well in a mix as a comp, or counterpoint, for someone soloing on same (comp and cp wd. of course be _very_ different sounds). Does this make any sense?


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Message 46/47             31-Aug-99  @  09:58 PM   -   RE: Supernova for Trance



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On the Corner. Great album. No need to be jealous Morbius. We all have our moments. Hopefully greater moments ahead for the whole lot of us. I'm getting an education about Trance from this thread.

Here's a MIDI echo of what Realtrance said above Phil. Thank you for this splendiferous instrument.

Later everyone. have a great day, whatever time zone your in.

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Message 47/47             07-Sep-99  @  12:57 PM   -   RE: Supernova for Trance



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!! K ! !

About your long post (18-august)...

while reading it, I suddenly started to jizz into my pants. Really I can't agree more than that. The natural frequency of your post must be in symetric mode with my brainwaves, I was rezonating !   What can I say, It really shows that you're part of the old jedi masters...
uh well you know what I mean !

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