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Subject: We are.........

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Original Message 1/48             08-Jul-00  @  09:58 AM   -   We are.........


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We are..............

.......watching you!

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom....boom chish boom chish boom chish......boom crash, break, boom crash, ricka-ricka-ricka boom chish crash snare...




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Message 2/48             08-Jul-00  @  10:04 AM   -   RE: We are.........


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Let's jet out, we'll cruise at hyperspeed, I've got the beat, I got the beat, and that's all we need, check dat ye'all!!

Sun is shinning, weather is sweet ya.....

Are you afraid of the boogie monster? Are you afraid of the cookie monster?

Come with me, in those open arms is where I wanna free....I lone to be....I lone to be...your love

Charly says always tell your mommy...

Everybody....boom, boom, boom bing.....needs a.....

One too many, too fuckin' many...

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Message 3/48             08-Jul-00  @  01:26 PM   -   RE: We are.........



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WTF?!? You guys need to get out more. Quit tweaking your 303 and get some girls...

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Message 4/48             08-Jul-00  @  08:46 PM   -   RE: We are.........

ReZo 2k


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My 303 is a girl. ; )

With nice knobs and a great input jack.


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Message 5/48             08-Jul-00  @  11:00 PM   -   RE: We are.........



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May be someone can start up a synthesizer/drum machine fetish site so people can leave all their crap sexual innuendo's on it rather than putting them on here. Just how many times do we have to hear the words "knob","tweak" etc.(by the way, i'm only joking about the fetish site,although some sad fuck must have already thought of it or actually made one.)Oh fuck it,never mind my moaning,listen to some decent techno instead.

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Message 6/48             09-Jul-00  @  05:20 PM   -   RE: We are.........


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Was getting some girls on Friday..  

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Message 7/48             10-Jul-00  @  01:53 AM   -   RE: We are.........


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Hey pedicelli (it's James, right)?

an even more repeatable line:

HI! My name is (what?), my name is (who?), my name is -- FUNK SOUL BROTHER

Hell yeah, go Fatboy!


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Message 8/48             10-Jul-00  @  02:10 PM   -   RE: We are.........


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Nah, it's not James. James is komputercontrolled...this is Silver Droid.

Check this:

I'm chim-chimmy, yes I'm the real chimmy, all you other slim chimmy's are just immatatin, so won't the real slim chimmy..please stand up, please stand up..

(just wanna let you guys know that I'm not that faggot chimmy...just had that in my head, that's all)

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Message 9/48             10-Jul-00  @  03:50 PM   -   RE: We are.........



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Nope peniscelli canīt be Chim
There can only be one CHIMpione.

Me is pretty jealous of peniscelliīs teeddybear.Chim fwants to be in bed fwith peniscelli to.

..but only a one night stand cause me thinks peniscelli is the ugliest person Chim has ever seen.


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Message 10/48             10-Jul-00  @  04:19 PM   -   RE: We are.........


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Sorry pedicelli. I knew komputer's name was James, I just didn't know yours. I guess your parents had to be hippies to name you Silver Droid (j/k, I know it's a nickname).



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Message 11/48             10-Jul-00  @  07:05 PM   -   RE: We are.........



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dude, lay off the drinks bro...


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Message 12/48             10-Jul-00  @  09:15 PM   -   RE: We are.........


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Hey, there could be two guys named James, it's not unreasonable!!  

It's a lot more likely than two guys being in the same town...  


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Message 13/48             10-Jul-00  @  09:25 PM   -   RE: We are.........



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naw, actually dude I am the only James on the planet.

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Message 14/48             11-Jul-00  @  12:48 AM   -   RE: We are.........


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Nice...that must be convenient. You could be in a crowd of...well...6 billion, and if someone yells "JAMES!" you're the only one who turns around.


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Message 15/48             11-Jul-00  @  04:30 PM   -   RE: We are.........



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you bet.

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Message 16/48             11-Jul-00  @  08:57 PM   -   RE: We are.........


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Actually, I made up the nickname with a little inspiration from James. He started to refer to his classic analogue gear as droids, and since 95% of my equipment is silver, I took up the name Silver Droid. It used to be "The Cutoff Frequency", and before that was "DJ Smek".

James...about the drinks. I'm sorry man! It was because I mixed beer with hard alcohol. My friends said that it would fuck me up real good, but I didn't know I would be that fucked up and throwing up and shit....never got really drunk before!  

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Message 17/48             12-Jul-00  @  10:17 PM   -   RE: We are.........



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You never been drunk before???

what? what were you brought up with a bunch of nuns?

You sinner Pedicelli !

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Message 18/48             14-Jul-00  @  09:47 AM   -   RE: We are.........


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Well, never really liked the taste of alcohol that much, and since my father was an alcoholic and was somewhat responsible for my parents' divorce, I try to stay away from the shit...

Now I'm buying beer all the time...I'm gettiing hooked Molson Dry now....

Why is it that you Americans consider Canadian beer to be motor oil? Never understood that....

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Message 19/48             14-Jul-00  @  10:03 AM   -   RE: We are.........



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Mexican beer is the way to go but I'll take a 211 anyday!!!


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Message 20/48             14-Jul-00  @  01:21 PM   -   RE: We are.........

fucking grow up pedicelli


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hi, i'm 16. i like hot chicks, let's go get trashed and beat up fags!

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Message 21/48             14-Jul-00  @  01:38 PM   -   RE: We are.........


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Mexican beer....I dunno...I'm not a big beer drinker or anything (Christ, I still prefer coke over all that poison...hehehe), but it tastes even more like piss. You need to have an acquired taste for that shit.

To the previous poster.....go suck a dick, man...Forza d'Italia!!!!

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Message 22/48             14-Jul-00  @  01:44 PM   -   RE: We are.........



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hi, yes, it's me...

why the fuck do you insist on being a dark-ages, throw-back homophibic european? it's the 21st century man, get educated, grow the fuck up -- it's no longer cool to wear gold, drink brio and beat your wife. i know greek guys with more enlightened attitudes...

learn some respect for women, other races, beliefs and sexual orientations. and we can have a flame war once you've graduated from high school.


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Message 23/48             14-Jul-00  @  04:10 PM   -   RE: We are.........



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Swan Of Never Ending Wuss,

HEY! what the hell???

I have been kicked of this site once for insulting ittle girls like you. And I am not gonna start flaming you to oblivian. BUT, I would appreciate it if you would stop insulting people here. Your deluding yourself if you think that any of your posts hold any clout on this page. I think your really wanting to get in a verbal match with someone here. I hope you just cool your boots. ...

But if your really wanting someone to flame, go ahead and email me and flame away. But I promise you, I will absolutely DWARF you and you'll be yipping all the way home to mummy.

Please just be cool, and leave this kids alone. (qoute form Kilo)

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Message 24/48             14-Jul-00  @  04:37 PM   -   RE: We are.........



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Me thinks Komputerass sounds sexy fwhen heīs mad.

Chim also thinks swanofever is right about peniscelli, he needs to grow up before he can meet some hot guys like us.


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Message 25/48             14-Jul-00  @  06:44 PM   -   RE: We are.........


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Maybe Chim IS swanofnever? They both like to try and cause trouble, have nothing constructive to say, and generally add nothing to any discussion they are in. Close enough for me!


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Message 26/48             14-Jul-00  @  09:32 PM   -   RE: We are.........



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Only Kilo knows.

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Message 27/48             15-Jul-00  @  01:04 AM   -   RE: We are.........


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Is kilo the one who posts as "k" or is it someone else? I think it'd be a good idea to drop this guy...


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Message 28/48             15-Jul-00  @  01:05 AM   -   RE: We are.........


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swanofnever: I meant that we should drop chim. If you're not him, I apologize.


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Message 29/48             15-Jul-00  @  11:32 AM   -   RE: We are.........


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First of all, do you know what a homophobic is? It's a person who's afraid of something that he doesn't know what it is, not just afraid of something.

Secondly, I'm not European...I have European origins, but I'm Canadian.

Thirdly, I'm probably 20 million more times educated than you. I'm in Pure & Applied Science and will be going on into Computer Engineering / Science, so piss off.

4th, stop typicaling Italians. I wear a gold chain because it has my baptismal ring, zodiac sign, and horn charm. Lots of people wear such simple chains, no big fucking deal.

5th, I probably have more respect for women than you do. Being with my girlfriend for almost 3 years prooves this.

Lastly, I'm way out of high school. So in essance, piss off and save your petty comments for someone else. I don't come here to chat with dicks like you. If you have a problem with me, go and suck a a fuckin' dick.

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Message 30/48             15-Jul-00  @  03:44 PM   -   RE: We are.........



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Fwhy do always you kiddies think Iīm someone else than Chim.

Me was born as Chim and donīt want to be nobody else but Chim, but if could be someone else for a day I fwould like to be Nicky Nick.

Chim thinks peniscelli has negro-relatives,not italian and "proves" is the right spelling of that word.

Chim has changed his mind, now me fwants to be "swan of never ending wuss"
so Chim can suck peniscellis dick.


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Message 31/48             15-Jul-00  @  04:56 PM   -   RE: We are.........


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Lord, please put this fucko out of his misery...

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Message 32/48             17-Jul-00  @  02:18 PM   -   RE: We are.........



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hey, sorry, first of all i don't really like starting shit (i actually try to answer any questions i can, in the other, non-retarded forums), and i am NOT chim or whoever...

now, pedicelli: you know, i have a feeling we'd probably get along well enough if we met, but since you insist on pushing a weak point:

"It's a person who's afraid of something that he doesn't know what it is"... yes, i know a lot of guys in engineering (mostly computer eng.), and they've all got your wonderful command of the english language (p.s it's someone who hates homosexuals, period)... i'm in comp. sci. myself, which means unlike sheltered engineers i'm forced to get an ACTUAL EDUCATION... sorry but if you think going to univ. for engineering's getting educated you're wrong, it's called getting trained (engineers have THE worst reading/writing (thinking?) skills in any field of study in canada, _including_vis._art!_), take some phil., poly sci, etc. etc. and THINK for a bit (just taking the courses doen't really help... you could also read some books, that tends to work well enough), then maybe you can come up with a decent (i.e articulate) rebuttal of the following points:

-sorry but the fact that you're christian really doesn't lend any weight to your "educated" argument... and yes, i have a problem with christians (they're a large part of why western society has such a disgusting, blatently patriarchal slant), you can try to spin this around so _i_ look like an ignorant pleeb but sorry, in my books it's like hating nazis (only you guys have killed at least 10X more people), totally justifiable.

-i don't really see the argument behind point #5... you've proven NOTHING. there are lots of men who beat their wives/girlfriends, and it usually takes SEVERAL years for the women to get away (if they ever do...), yet those men obviously have no respect, despite their long-term relationship... so what exactly was the point you were trying to make? i think maybe you need a bit more experience with proofs which don't involve mathmatical induction...

-if you were "way out of high school" you might realize that "suck a fuckin' dick" is not only embarassingly stupid, it's also homophobic and/or misogynistic... why undermine the (feeble) points you've made?

the thing is that 39 hours a week of math and physics don't educate you (trust me, i've done it), because education is about learning how to think, not how to calculate X; if you were educated you'd realize that (for example) calling someone a pussy or nigger is misogynistic/racist... unfortunately a lot of this sort of hatred gets dismissed as a "joke", etc. when really it shows a fundamental lack of understanding fo the whole concept of enlightenment...

so please stop and look at who/what you are.

p.s - i probably could've guessed you were an engineer without you telling me: "essence", "lastly" isn't a fucking word (finally?), etc. etc. (nice writing there, do you read the toronto sun?) people like you really make me sick/depressed, cause you think you're smart, but aren't. GROW UP!

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Message 33/48             17-Jul-00  @  02:24 PM   -   RE: We are.........



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p.p.s - sorry, just read this:"you gotta find yourself a new snatch.  "
thanks for proving my point pedicelli, you certainly are one hell of an educated man...


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Message 34/48             17-Jul-00  @  02:59 PM   -   RE: We are.........



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OMG, Chim

BAHAHA! Pedecilli has negro relatives?!!!!!

Holy crap, I think I about spit my drink all over my monitor!


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Message 35/48             17-Jul-00  @  06:31 PM   -   RE: We are.........

Local Boy

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Fucking hell, is this the TB303 room or the "stand up for gay rights" room?

Swanofnever, get off the soapbox man, so we've established that you don't share the same views as pedicelli, big deal. Does it really matter what he thinks of gays\women\ethnic minorities?

If you are more interested in being politically correct than you are in synthesizers then do us all a favour and go to a forum that deals with those issues.


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Message 36/48             17-Jul-00  @  06:51 PM   -   RE: We are.........


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"stand up for gay rights" room. That's the funniest shit I've heard in a while.

"Ya, that's right, yell the bitch out!" - Eddie Murphy, Delirous (1983)

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Message 37/48             18-Jul-00  @  01:46 AM   -   RE: We are.........


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This is getting stupid. swanofnever, are you some kind of drama queen or something? Do you thrive on the latest crisis? Save it for the Golden Girls or COPS.


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Message 38/48             18-Jul-00  @  10:44 AM   -   RE: We are.........


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Anyways...back to the wonderful world of techno. Say "me" if
you want an Access Indigo...  

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Message 39/48             18-Jul-00  @  12:45 PM   -   RE: We are.........


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Hell yes! Well, I really want a Virus B, the Indigo doesn't look bad either. Is it even out yet?


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Message 40/48             18-Jul-00  @  05:49 PM   -   RE: We are.........



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Bite me Pedecilli, I am getting that shite first! Thats why I sold my Jupiter 6. That board is on bakcordered for 6 months.

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Message 41/48             18-Jul-00  @  07:26 PM   -   RE: We are.........


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Well, my first priority is to get a new computer. Then I'm getting the Novation DrumStation. Friggin' computer is gonna cost me $1,800.00 CAD, and the DrumStation will be $699.00 USD...

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Message 42/48             18-Jul-00  @  07:28 PM   -   RE: We are.........



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Bite me Pedecilli, I am getting that shite first! Thats why I sold my Jupiter 6. That board is on bakcordered for 6 months.

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Message 43/48             18-Jul-00  @  08:00 PM   -   RE: We are.........



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Hey PP, I recommend the Platinum Live for a general use soundcard. I thought you were getting a pink IMAC like Chim has... just kidding bro!

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Message 44/48             18-Jul-00  @  08:34 PM   -   RE: We are.........



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Hey PP, I recommend the Platinum Live for a general use soundcard. I thought you were getting a pink IMAC like Chim has... just kidding bro!

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Message 45/48             18-Jul-00  @  08:41 PM   -   RE: We are.........



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fricken refresh button!

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Message 46/48             18-Jul-00  @  10:28 PM   -   RE: We are.........


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Don't worry, dude...I'm definetely getting the SB Live! Platinum. Better than this piece of shit SB 32 AWE. It decides when it adds hiss to the LINE IN...

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Message 47/48             19-Jul-00  @  12:35 AM   -   RE: We are.........


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What are the differences between the Indogo and the Virus B? Besides the color and the fact that one has a keyboard.


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Message 48/48             19-Jul-00  @  04:27 PM   -   RE: We are.........



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You can check this baby out here.

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