aaa Anyone know the Mks7 - Synths & synthesis forums
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Subject: Anyone know the Mks7

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Original Message 1/5             28-Mar-00  @  04:31 AM   -   Anyone know the Mks7



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I just recently bought an Mks7 for cheap
and I'm interested in anyone who has one or can figure out sysex etc....

By the way, for those who don't know, it's like a juno 106 but it's a rack module. And is multitmbral.

If you have interesting info , mail me.

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Message 2/5             03-Apr-00  @  01:51 AM   -   RE: Anyone know the Mks7



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MKS-7 is killer. Easily one of the best companions to a Juno 106 because the 106 sliders can send controller messages to the corresponding parameters in the MKS-7!!! These can be applied in all 3 Juno 106 brains in the MKS-7, and if used sparingly, all three midi channels can play with different recorded filter sweeps and envelope changes (not a problem for the MKS-7, but your computer may lag if overloaded with midi messages.). Patch storage can be sort of applied via Sysex also, and saved on your HD. If you buy a manual from Roland, check out the midi info. in the back few pages. Every Sysex string is detailed for every parameter, and I found it to be freindly since it's pretty basic.. Would love to give you the info right away but I had to sell mine a while back, and I gave away all my documentation with the sale. I hope your using programmer mode at least to edit from the front slider. Check out more info about that at music machines archives for details. Cheers.

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Message 3/5             04-Apr-00  @  06:13 AM   -   RE: Anyone know the Mks7



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I'm not using programmer mode but I am using a mixermap that I made for cubase. (some parameters are a bit different to the 106 one). But yeah it's pretty bloody good. I can't figure out how to create the switches for the mixer maps though. I think cubase doesn't let you specify more than one funcion for one bit.
If anyone knows a way around this, you know where to get me. I might actually post a message in the cubase forum for that too.

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Message 4/5             04-Apr-00  @  01:18 PM   -   RE: Anyone know the Mks7



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I remember a freind was using slider objects to change MKS-7 parameters via sysex with cubase. He was able to change one at a time only and so he added a new parameter sweep in different passes of overdub recording. This limitation is likely to be remedied with a Kenton control freak or something similar (he was using the mouse!) Little else I can offer in regards to Cubase, and even the Kenton suggestion is iffy because I'm unsure, never having tried it. I only had cubase as my sequencer for a short time and decided to go back to a dedicated hardware sequencer. Lately I'm considering firing up the PC and working with both soft/hard seq. together and taking advantage of the benefits from each machine, quik button pressing cpontenous composing to graphic editing, etc... Rambling, he he. Bye.

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Message 5/5             06-Apr-00  @  02:03 AM   -   RE: Anyone know the Mks7



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Yes the Kenton Control Freak, I'd thought of that and I rekon it sounds pretty good. I prefer hands on too, I wonder how difficult it would be to program though? I doubt there'd be any ready made patches for the MKS7 for it.

As for using a hardware sequencer, what are the advantages, I've only ever used software one's.

One gripe I've got with sysex, is that you may have certains slider settings on say the control freak but they may not be the settings in whatever it is your controlling. until you actually move them. I hope kenton thought of this and included a refresh button or something. Or even better still, Automate the sliders so that you can have them respond to the devices settings. Yeah!
I don't think the mks7 sends midi though.
Ah well.

Back to hardware sequencers, Is there any thing that lets you treat your midi tracks as parts. Like a drum Machine.
So you can switch between parts?

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