aaa new os's! plus a VB 4.07 os! - Synths & synthesis forums
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Subject: new os's! plus a VB 4.07 os!

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Original Message 1/7             12-Aug-01  @  06:11 AM   -   new os's! plus a VB 4.07 os!


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bug fixes? , midi soft thru, modmatrix destinations sorted alphabetically.

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Message 2/7             13-Aug-01  @  05:23 PM   -   RE: new os's! plus a VB 4.07 os!


Posts: 101

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if I upgrade to a new os, will I lose all the patches I've created? I'm still on something like 2.52 on a virus b.--noah

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Message 3/7             13-Aug-01  @  06:48 PM   -   RE: new os's! plus a VB 4.07 os!


Posts: 2707

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Do a backup first for sure. If you only load the OS file and not the new sound banks you should be OK. BUT BACK UP!!!

I back my Virus up every couple of weeks and keep the dumps. Think how screwed you'd be if you lost all yer patches!


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Message 4/7             15-Aug-01  @  11:24 PM   -   RE: new os's! plus a VB 4.07 os!


Posts: 7627

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sysex dump is SO simple. why not just do it anyway?

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Message 5/7             16-Aug-01  @  02:13 PM   -   RE: new os's! plus a VB 4.07 os!


Posts: 2707

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Right? It takes me under 10 minutes to back up my 01V, Virus, Nord, and CS1X. Do it  


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Message 6/7             17-Aug-01  @  11:59 PM   -   RE: new os's! plus a VB 4.07 os!

Johan Wuyts


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A few weeks ago i turned on my virus and smoke came out of the power suply. I went to the local store where i bought it. They gave me a different power suply to try. It couldn't harm they said. This time when i turned the power on smoke came out of my virus. Result: i lost my virus four weeks and was VERY afraid i had to pay the repairing and to have lost all my patches. Lucky for me the Access guys repaired it for free and restored it all (great support).

From now on i never listen to to people who dont know shit and every 2 weeks a make a dump of everything i own.

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Message 7/7             20-Aug-01  @  01:35 AM   -   RE: new os's! plus a VB 4.07 os!


Posts: 7627

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usually on power supplies you just need the a)proper voltage and amperage, and b)the PROPER POLARITY! improper polarity can fry things. improper power will just make it run funny.

good thing access were nice to you! you should hail them for being so cool!

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