aaa Guys, is it worth trading Virus a for Vir b ? - Synths & synthesis forums
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Subject: Guys, is it worth trading Virus a for Vir b ?

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Original Message 1/7             22-Mar-00  @  01:51 PM   -   Guys, is it worth trading Virus a for Vir b ?



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Should I keep my Virus a or should I trade it for a Virus b ?

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Message 2/7             22-Mar-00  @  01:59 PM   -   RE: Guys, is it worth trading Virus a for Vir b ?



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That's a nobrainer. Trade it quick if you can.

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Message 3/7             24-Mar-00  @  05:44 PM   -   RE: Guys, is it worth trading Virus a for Vir b ?



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And if you dont.. I will! whats this guys email address? : )

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Message 4/7             28-Mar-00  @  03:39 AM   -   RE: Guys, is it worth trading Virus a for Vir b ?


Posts: 7627

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I dont think he meant straight across.

the b has more voices, more features, more fx..more more more...

but do you need more? the A version is still a fucking monster. flawless and huge sounding...

and the knobs on the A are better 

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Message 5/7             14-Apr-00  @  04:20 AM   -   RE: Guys, is it worth trading Virus a for Vir b ?



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Hi Influx,

thx for your reply !

(I won't sale the Virus) :-)

By the way, do you know if it is possible to save my own patches into the ROM memory ?


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Message 6/7             14-Apr-00  @  08:47 AM   -   RE: Guys, is it worth trading Virus a for Vir b ?



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It's true the A is already like an giant octopus with 1 mile long tentacles. If the Virus features list stopped at 2.5x, it would still be a great synth.

But the OS 3 is not just more and more quantitatively. Qualitatively, you have wider sonic possibilities too.

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Message 7/7             16-Apr-00  @  10:29 AM   -   RE: Guys, is it worth trading Virus a for Vir b ?



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dont forget os 4.0 is coming out soon, if you gonna trade do it before it gets public so you dont have to pay so much maybe

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